libristo diagnosis and management of chronic liver diseases an issue 2742161

- znaleziono 7 produktów w 3 sklepach

Viral Hepatitis: Chronic Hepatitis B - 2877632155

241,48 zł

Viral Hepatitis: Chronic Hepatitis B Springer International Publishing AG

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book presents up-to-date, practically oriented information on major topics in chronic hepatitis B. The coverage encompasses epidemiology; diagnosis, including molecular methods; treatment and challenges; and the management of co-infections. Readers will also find guidance on the invasive and non-invasive assessment of fibrosis in HBV infection and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HBV. Management of chronic hepatitis B in children is considered separately, and emerging drugs that hold promise for the treatment of chronic HBV infection are discussed. Chronic Hepatitis B will be of high value for general practitioners and specialists in gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and internal medicine. It will be international in scope in terms of both authorship and appeal.


Hepatitis C - 2878800595

257,86 zł

Hepatitis C Johns Hopkins University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The liver is the body's workhorse. It makes proteins and bile, processes fats, and detoxifies drugs and alcohol. The liver is a resilient organ, but it is susceptible to damage from a number of sources, including viral infections. Such infections cause inflammation of the liver, called hepatitis. This book is a comprehensive guide to hepatitis C, which affects about 3 percent of the world's population-3 to 4 million people in the United States alone. Some people with acute hepatitis C infection will be cured without any treatment, but when hepatitis C becomes chronic it may cause cirrhosis, liver cancer, and death. Hepatitis C is transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person by sharing drug-injecting equipment, snorting cocaine, having sex, or getting a blood transfusion or organ transplant. It can be spread by getting a tattoo with unsterile equipment. In rare cases, women with hepatitis C transmit the virus to their infants. World renowned gastroenterologist and liver specialist Dr Paul J Thuluvath provides detailed information about the disease and its diagnosis and management, including dramatically improved treatments that have recently emerged.Dr Thuluvath answers common and uncommon questions about hepatitis C and liver disease, including: How is hepatitis C spread? Who should be tested-and what tests diagnose hepatitis C and other liver diseases? What are the symptoms of acute liver disease? What the symptoms and complications of chronic liver disease? What are the complications of cirrhosis (scarring of the liver)? How does hepatitis C affect other organs in the body? What treatment options are available, and what side effects might they have? How is early liver cancer diagnosed and treated? When is liver transplantation needed, and how does it work? Dr Thuluvath provides the latest information on new interferon-free regimens, which have shown a cure rate of more than 90% in people with specific genotypes-and which avoid the distressing side effects of interferon therapy. He discusses hepatitis C in children as well as complementary and alternative medicine. Published while revolutionary changes are taking place in the treatment of hepatitis C, this authoritative guide will become the preferred reference for people with hepatitis C and their families.


Advances in ERCP An Issue of Gastrointestinal Endo - 2868661209

520,00 zł

Advances in ERCP An Issue of Gastrointestinal Endo

Kultura i rozrywka > Książki i Komiksy > Książki obcojęzyczne > Po angielsku > Książki naukowe i popularnonaukowe

Redaktorzy gości zebrali kluczowych liderów opinii, aby dostarczyć najnowsze artykuły na temat tej ważnej aktualizacji dotyczącej ERCP. Rozdział poświęcony technikom kaniulacji i sfinkterotomii przedstawi najnowszą literaturę na temat kaniulacji prowadzonej drutem, stosowania papilotomów, kiedy i czy należy wykonać wstępne nacięcie w celu wprowadzenia oraz wykorzystania inteligentnych obwodów do papilotomii. Rozdział poświęcony chirurgicznie zmienionej anatomii zwróci uwagę na coraz częstsze występowanie chorób dróg żółciowych w przypadku pomostowania żołądka przez s/p pacjenta z powodu otyłości, wraz z innymi zabiegami chirurgicznymi oraz stosowaniem enteroskopów balonowych, overtubes i procedur śródoperacyjnych. Rozdział o dostępie żółciowym i trzustkowym wspomaganym przez EUS rosnące doświadczenie z tymi technikami łączenia. Istnieje coraz więcej literatury na temat zapobiegania zapaleniu trzustki po ercp, która zmienia standard opieki, a Joe Elmunzer jest najlepszą osobą, która to podkreśla. Stu Sherman dokona przeglądu postępów w leczeniu kamieni dróg żółciowych i kiedy należy interweniować w kamicy trzustki. Peter Cotton właśnie opublikował przełomowe badanie dotyczące SOD, które zmieni standard opieki i dokona przeglądu stanu nauki na temat tej choroby w odniesieniu zarówno do dróg żółciowych, jak i choroby trzustki. Postępowanie w przypadku łagodnych zwężeń i przecieków dróg żółciowych ewoluuje wraz z wprowadzeniem pokrytych metalowych stentów, a Jacques Deviere jest na czele. Amrita Sethi omówi diagnostykę złośliwości dróg żółciowych, podkreślając zastosowanie FISH, markerów molekularnych i ulepszonego obrazowania, takiego jak pCLE. Michele Kahaleh dokona przeglądu ostatnich doświadczeń z ablacją guza dróg żółciowych przy użyciu sond RFA i PDT. Alan Barkun pomaga endoskopistom określić, kiedy używać stentów plastikowych, metalowych i zakrytych, a kiedy drenować jeden, dwa lub trzy segmenty wątroby u pacjentów ze złośliwą niedrożnością dróg żółciowych. George Papachristo i Dhiraj Yadav dokonają przeglądu najnowszych danych dotyczących leczenia endoskopowego ostrego nawracającego i tlącego ostrego zapalenia trzustki. Nagy Reddy przedstawi aktualne informacje na temat endoterapii bolesnego przewlekłego zapalenia trzustki. Na koniec, Raj Shah przedstawi najnowsze informacje o postępach w pankreatoskopii i cholangioskopii, w tym o zastosowaniu ultracienkich sond doustnych i nowych cyfrowych sondach dla matki i dziecka. dwa lub trzy segmenty wątroby u pacjentów ze złośliwą niedrożnością dróg żółciowych. George Papachristo i Dhiraj Yadav dokonają przeglądu najnowszych danych dotyczących leczenia endoskopowego ostrego nawracającego i tlącego ostrego zapalenia trzustki. Nagy Reddy przedstawi aktualne informacje na temat endoterapii bolesnego przewlekłego zapalenia trzustki. Na koniec, Raj Shah przedstawi najnowsze informacje o postępach w pankreatoskopii i cholangioskopii, w tym o zastosowaniu ultracienkich sond doustnych i nowych cyfrowych sondach dla matki i dziecka. dwa lub trzy segmenty wątroby u pacjentów ze złośliwą niedrożnością dróg żółciowych. George Papachristo i Dhiraj Yadav dokonają przeglądu najnowszych danych dotyczących leczenia endoskopowego ostrego nawracającego i tlącego ostrego zapalenia trzustki. Nagy Reddy przedstawi aktualne informacje na temat endoterapii bolesnego przewlekłego zapalenia trzustki. Na koniec, Raj Shah przedstawi najnowsze informacje o postępach w pankreatoskopii i cholangioskopii, w tym o zastosowaniu ultracienkich sond doustnych i nowych cyfrowych sondach dla matki i dziecka.The Guest Editors have assembled key opinion leaders to provide state of the art articles on this important update on ERCP. A chapter on cannulation techniques and sphincterotomy will highlight recent literature on wire-guided cannulation, use of papillotomes, when and if to precut for entry and the use of smart circuitry for papillotomy.  A chapter on surgically altered anatomy will highlight the increasing occurrence of biliary tract disease in patient


Imaging for Otolaryngologists - 2867619331

292,03 zł

Imaging for Otolaryngologists Thieme Publishing Group

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

[It] is a great value and easy purchase for any resident or practing ENT specialists who will no doubt have occasion to reference it again and again. --Medical Science Books May 2011 Imaging for Otolaryngologists distils the essentials of otolaryngologic imaging into a concise reference that concentrates on key topics that are of immediate interest to otolaryngologists practicing in a modern clinical environment. Prepared by a renowned otolaryngologist, and reviewed and supplemented by expert radiologists, the book provides a well-rounded perspective. The central focus is on image interpretation, including the disease-specific characteristics, the features necessary for successful diagnosis, and the implications for surgery. Each of the 465 high-quality images is clearly labeled, and where appropriate comparisons are made between CT scans and MR images to show complementary functions and limitations.Imaging for Otolaryngologists helps readers: * Evaluate the cross-sectional anatomy in rhinology, otology, and laryngology on plain films, CT scans, and MR images * Appreciate the contribution and limitations of plain films, CT, and MRI in the management of otolaryngologic diseases * Select the best imaging modality for chronic, acute, and emergency otolaryngologic conditions * Understand which radiological appearances to look for in the diagnosis of common and less common otolaryngologic diseases


Childhood Headache - 2822222707

223,62 zł

Childhood Headache Mac Keith Press

Medycyna > English Division

Over the past 10-15 years there has been a significant increase in the understanding of migraine and tension headache in children but there is currently no single source of current information for paediatric neurologists and paediatricians. In this book an international team of experts in the headache area addresses that gap and provides an extensive and detailed review of the recent findings in migraine and tension headache as well as headaches caused by underlying neurological disorders. They give an up-to-date assessment of the causes of childhood headache and better definitions and criteria for diagnosis, pointing the way to important future areas of research. This book, with its evidence-based plans of management and guidelines for investigations, will be essential reading for all clinicians treating headache in children. 'The chapter on chronic daily headache, a fairly new diagnosis and probably a variant of migraine, will be especially helpful to those who advise on this troublesome syndrome although no less useful are the chapters relating to migraine.' '... this book is an excellent review of a common subject with clear explanations and useful management ... the latest thoughts and theories on common diseases are always well worth keeping up to date with, and this book provides that ...'. Family Practice 'I was looking for a book which would not only be a guide for practitioners, but also a source of information on current research of this issue. And this book, analysing the spectrum and complexity of migraine, as well as other types of headache is a very good source of knowledge ... this 200 page book presents the problem of childhood headaches in a way going beyond clinical viewpoint and this is why I would enthusiastically recommend it to anyone professionally interested in this problem.' European Journal of Paediatric Neurology '... this crisply edited text, which provides a comprehensive overview of the pathophysiology, epidemiology, and clinical management of recurrent pediatric headache, is a valuable contribution to the literature.'


Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2011: 5 Books in 1, Expert Consult - Online and Print - 2822223014

334,94 zł

Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2011: 5 Books in 1, Expert Consult - Online and Print Mosby

Medycyna > English Division

With the 2011 edition of "Ferri's Clinical Advisor", you can access current diagnostic and therapeutic information on more than 700 common medical conditions faster and more effectively than ever before. Dr. Ferri's popular '5 books in 1' format provides quick guidance on fetal alcohol syndrome, gestational diabetes, anemia of chronic disease, chronic pain management, and much more. With expert consult online access, you can search the complete contents and download patient education guides in both English and Spanish. "This is for anyone looking for medical information, from practicing physicians to patients and family members. There is very little unnecessary text and the book is quite easy to use with a modicum of medical knowledge.The purchase of the book also allows access to an online version that is quite easily negotiated with minimal keystrokes. This is one of the better ones in electronic medical publishing." Doody's Book Review "The five "books" or sections are as follows: diseases and disorders (approximately 700 are described in detail); differential diagnosis (identification of signs and symptomssubstantially expanded for this edition); clinical algorithms to guide the patient's workup and therapy; normal lab values and interpretation of results of commonly ordered tests; and clinical practice recommendationsguidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force. Each entry follows a bulleted format to efficiently communicate the most important information. The appendix addresses complementary and alternative medicine and includes an extensive section on primary care procedures. This annually updated reference is designed for quick access, and it could be an excellent choice for the one medical book needed if stranded on a desert island (preferably near a hospital and an internet connection). Online access to the full text is included with purchase." - Book News, Inc.


Obstetrics and Gynecology The Essentials of Clinical Care - 2822223559

236,50 zł

Obstetrics and Gynecology The Essentials of Clinical Care Thieme Verlag

Medycyna > English Division

Written by an international team of practitioners, this book offers an overview of the most important and common clinical issues in obstetrics and gynecology, including reproductive endocrinology, gynecologic oncology, and sexuality. It provides readers with current information on evidence-based approaches to the management of normal pregnancy, labor and birth, as well as the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of high-risk pregnancy, infertility, and acute and chronic diseases in women of all ages. For each condition the authors give a clear definition, discuss its epidemiology, etiology and pathophysiology, and present the most recent protocols for its detection, screening, and clinical management. Features: * Clearly and consistently organized chapters for optimal comprehension of the material * A section dedicated to the legal and ethical issues related to reproductive health * More than 200 illustrations, many in full color, demonstrating critical data and concepts * A summary of key points at the end of most chapters and Best Evidence boxes that focus on significant clinical trials * Self-test questions and answers on an accompanying website A comprehensive introduction to the field, Obstetrics and Gynecology: The Essentials of Clinical Care is an excellent textbook and reference for medical students on clinical rotation in obstetrics/gynecology, and for residents in the specialty. Nurses, midwives, and physician assistants will also benefit from its wealth of information. [Provides]in-depth information on current best practices, research, and treatment recommendations...well organized...contains numerous full color diagrams, tables, figures, graphs, and images.--SciTech Book News


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