libristo language teacher education in a multilingual context 2009196

- znaleziono 15 produktów w 3 sklepach

Language Teacher Education in a Multilingual Context: Experiences from Hong Kong - 2858553511

200,24 zł

Language Teacher Education in a Multilingual Context: Experiences from Hong Kong



Business 2.0 Pre-Intermediate Level Teacher's Book Pack - 2875909272

223,80 zł

Business 2.0 Pre-Intermediate Level Teacher's Book Pack Macmillan Education

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment. Based on feedback from users, research into business English studies and the ever-evolving needs of employers The Business 2.0 has been improved in a number of ways. There is a strong focus on the 'intangible' business skills - emotional intelligence and interpersonal abilities. So not only is the student prepared with the business language and knowledge but also as a well-rounded and receptive approach to dealing professionally with others. The Business eWorkbook - an integral part of the course on a personal computer or laptop. This includes extra language practice, tests and word lists, and audio and video you can download to a tablet, phone or MP3 player for on-the-go learning. This replaces the DVD-ROM from the first edition and new videos for the Advanced and Upper Intermediate level offer good/bad models for the final speaking task, including commentaries by a communications expert.This content is also available for use on a Learner Management System such as Moodle or Blackboard. This is a compact course that makes the most of new media to ensure the package is relevant for both students and teachers. Key Features / What's New - Business fundamentals - an introduction to business with language and topics including: business organization, financial control, CVs and covering letters. - Transparent business links - each module is clearly linked to either: Personal development, Service, Supply chain, Management, Sales and marketing, Enterprise, Finance, International trade - Focus on interpersonal skills - the best professionals are those with great emotional intelligence. Special speaking tasks and the case studies focus on this delicate but vital '5th skill'. - Flexible approach - the modular structure allows you to dip in and out, covering the basics or focusing on speaking or writing. This is the course you can make your own. - The Business eWorkbook - a cutting-edge self-study program to support the course with videos, extra practice and downloadables.- Builds up strength in four key areas: Language Skills: New Technologies: Business Skills: People /interpersonal skills - More communicative grammar in context


Developing Advanced English Language Competence - 2874075797

816,02 zł

Developing Advanced English Language Competence Springer, Berlin

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This volume presents a systematic approach to developing advanced English language competence at tertiary level. It includes the reflections of experienced language teachers and teacher-researchers in the English Language Competence programme at the University of Vienna and provides examples of good practice, amalgamating teaching expertise and research with aspects of curriculum design and programme management. The book addresses a growing academic and professional interest in understanding advanced language learning and use. To date, research has tended to investigate advanced proficiency from a specific theoretical viewpoint, for example cognition, psycholinguistic processing strategies, or the assumption of a critical period or the age factor. In contrast, this work examines advanced proficiency from a curricular and instructional perspective by providing a profile of advanced-level language development in a specific institutional context. It brings together three areas of language education: curriculum design, pedagogical practice, and research. Within this triangle, advanced English language education is the focus or, conversely, advanced English language education provides the lens through which links between curriculum design, teaching, and research can be established.


Introduction to Sociolinguistics - 2877965119

263,89 zł

Introduction to Sociolinguistics John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

AN INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLINGUISTICSThe new eighth edition of An Introduction to Sociolinguistics brings this valuable, bestselling textbook up to date with the latest in sociolinguistic research and pedagogy, providing a broad overview of the study of language in social context with accessible coverage of major concepts, theories, methods, issues, and debates within the field. This leading text helps students develop a critical perspective on language in society as they explore the complex connections between societal norms and language use. The eighth edition contains new and updated coverage of such topics as the societal aspects of African American Vernacular English (AAVE), multilingual societies and discourse, gender and sexuality, ideologies and language attitudes, and the social meanings of linguistic forms.Organized in four sections, this text first covers traditional language issues such as the distinction between languages and dialects, identification of regional and social variation within languages, and the role of context in language use and interpretation. Subsequent chapters cover approaches to research in sociolinguistics--variationist sociolinguistics, ethnography, and discourse analytic research--and address both macro- and micro-sociolinguistic aspects of multilingualism in national, transnational, global, and digital contexts. The concluding section of the text looks at language in relation to gender and sexuality, education, and language planning and policy issues. Featuring examples from a variety of languages and cultures that illustrate topics such as social and regional dialects, multilingualism, and the linguistic construction of identity, this text provides perspectives on both new and foundational research in sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology.An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Eighth Edition, remains the ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate course in sociolinguistics, language and society, linguistic anthropology, applied and theoretical linguistics, and education. The new edition has also been updated to support classroom application with a range of effective pedagogical tools, including end-of-chapter written exercises and an instructor website, as well as materials to support further learning such as reading suggestions, research ideas, and an updated companion student website containing a searchable glossary, a review guide, additional exercises and examples, and links to online resources.


Motivate! 3 - 2861881609

62,70 zł

Motivate! 3 Macmillan Education

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Motivate! is a four-level course (A1-B1) which contains a wealth of material which is of genuine interest to young teenagers (10-14). Diversity is a key characteristic of today's increasingly international, multicultural and multilingual world, and classrooms these days are equally diverse. Motivate! reflects the wide range of different linguistic capabilities of students in the lower secondary stage in their school career, as well as their varied levels of experience and cultural awareness. Motivate! offers: graded language: Motivate! aims to teach students how to communicate effectively in English. So the presentation of language is always clear and practised thoroughly. Units are clearly structured and easy to follow. The introduction of new grammar and vocabulary is carefully graded, and all four skills are equally well covered recognition of mixed ability: Students begin their studies with different levels of language ability. Motivate! provides diagnostic tests to use before the course starts to help the teacher assess individual student needs. The Progress checks at the end of each unit help students to identify what they know or where they need to study more.The Vocabulary and Grammar guides provide a summary of work covered. In the Workbook the activities are clearly labelled for mixed ability, and in the Teacher's Book there is a wealth of suggestions for extra activities which cater for diversity. Assessment also takes mixed ability into consideration, with test and exams at three levels culture and CLIL: To encourage students to learn about the world around them, Motivate! includes texts and situations based on real contexts with specific cultural references. In addition, every unit contains a CLIL section which provides another way of motivating students and helping them to develop other areas of interest. CLIL also enables teachers to change the focus from learning English to learning about other subject areas through English basic competences: The course contents for Motivate! are designed to reflect the Council of Europe recommendations for the basic competences for lifelong learning. These are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes which young people in education are encouraged to acquire Motivate! digital: A page-faithful Digibook comes free with every print Student's Book and includes integrated audio


Z zagadnień dydaktyki języka polskiego jako obcego - 2829795386

32,30 zł

Z zagadnień dydaktyki języka polskiego jako obcego Universitas

Polski dla obcokrajowców / Materiały metodyczne

Z zagadnień dydaktyki języka polskiego jako obcego - to kontynuacja ABC metodyki nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego. Obie pozycje tworzą całość, wzajemnie się uzupełniając. W ABC znalazło się omówienie zagadnień metodycznych z zakresu nauczania podsysytemów języku, rozwijania sprawności oraz kontroli wyników. Niniejsza praca koncentruje się na szeroko rozumianym kontekście nauczania, uwzględniając uczącego się, nauczyciela, proces dydaktyczny, kontakty językowe itp. Część I Zagadnienia dydaktyki ogólnej języka polskiego jako obcego A: Uczący się i nauczyciel w procesie dydaktycznym Ewa Lipińska, Przyswajanie języka pierwszego a uczenie się języka obcego/drugiego Ewa Lipińska, Anna Seretny, Indywidualne cechy uczącego się a nauka języka obcego Ewa Lipińska, Czynniki wpływające na proces uczenia się Ewa Lipińska, Nauczyciel języka polskiego jako obcego Anna Seretny, Autonomia uczącego się - wprowadzenie do zagadnienia B: Organizacja procesu dydaktycznego Waldemar Martyniuk, Europejski system opisu kształcenia językowego a nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego Anna Seretny, Metody nauczania języków obcych a nauczanie języka polskiego - zarys Iwona Janowska, Przygotowanie kursu językowego programy nauczania Ewa Lipińska, Nauczanie integrowane autorski program tematyczny Danuta Pukas-Palimąka, Planowanie zajęć z języka polskiego jako obcego konspekt lekcji Część II Zagadnienia dydaktyki szczegółowej języka polskiego jako obcego Przemysław E. Gębal, Realia i kultura w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego Anna Seretny, Nauka o literaturze i teksty literackie w dydaktyce języka polskiego jako obcego/drugiego Część III Język polski w świecie Władysław T. Miodunka, Język polski poza Polską Anna Seretny, Certyfikacja znajomości języka polskiego jako obcego polskie testy biegłości Władysław T. Miodunka, Wartość języka polskiego na międzynarodowym rynku edukacyjnym i na rynku pracy. Uwagi po pierwszym roku certyfikacji języka polskiego jako obcego An Introduction to Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language. This book complements "ABC metodyki nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego", which is another book by the same authors, and both publications form a whole. "Podstawy dydaktyki" focus on the broadly understood context of teaching, and consider most of its elements, such as the learner, the teacher, the process of teaching, language contact, etc.The book consists of three parts. The first part, which includes two sections, presents papers on general didactics; the second part complements general didactic problems from the "ABC..." volume with papers on the role of culture and literature in the language education process; the third part demonstrates the Polish language against the background and in the context of other languages. Grundlagen der Didaktik der polnischen Sprache Eine Fortsetzung des Werkes "ABC metodyki nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego". Beide Bücher bilden eine Einheit und ergänzen sich gegenseitig. "Grundlagen der Didaktik" konzentriert sich auf den breit verstandenem Lehrkontext und berücksichtigt seine einzelnen Elemente (den Lerner, den Lehrer, den didaktischen Prozess, die Kontakte mit der Sprache usw.). Das Buch ist in drei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil, bestehend aus zwei Kapiteln, beinhaltet Texte aus dem Bereich der allgemeinen Didaktik, der zweite Teil ergänzt die im "ABC..." dargestellten Fragen der Detaildidaktik mit den Fragen zu der Rolle der Kultur und Literatur im Sprachentwicklungsprozess. Der dritte Teil zeigt die polnische Sprache im Kontext anderer Sprachen.

Sklep: Księ

Teaching Mindfulness - 2867165271

1018,12 zł

Teaching Mindfulness Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Teaching Mindfulness: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Educators§§Donald McCown, Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA§Diane C. Reibel, Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA§Marc S. Micozzi, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C.§The applications and use of mindfulness-based interventions in medicine, mental health care, and education have been expanding as rapidly as the empirical evidence base that is validating and recommending them. This growth has created a powerful demand for professionals who can effectively deliver these interventions, and for the training of new professionals who can enter the fold.§§Ironically, while the scientific literature on mindfulness has surged, little attention has been paid to the critical who and how of mindfulness pedagogy. Teaching Mindfulness is the first in-depth treatment of the person and skills of the mindfulness teacher. It is intended as a practical guide to the landscape of teaching, to help those with a new or growing interest in mindfulness-based interventions to develop both the personal authenticity and the practical know-how that can make teaching mindfulness a highly rewarding and effective way of working with others. The detail of theory and praxis it contains can also help seasoned mindfulness practitioners and teachers to articulate and understand more clearly their own pedagogical approaches. §§Engagingly written and enriched with vignettes from actual classes and individual sessions, this unique volume:§§§§Places the current mindfulness-based interventions in their cultural and historical context to help clarify language use, and the integration of Eastern and Western spiritual and secular traditions§§§Offers a highly relational understanding of mindfulness practice that supports moment-by-moment work with groups and individuals§§§Provides guidance and materials for a highly experiential exploration of the reader s personal practice, embodiment, and application of mindfulness §§§§Describes in detail the four essential skill sets of the mindfulness teacher §§§§Proposes a comprehensive, systematic model of the intentions of teaching mindfulness as they are revealed in the mindfulness-based interventions§§§Includes sample scripts for a wide range of mindfulness practices, and an extensive resource section for continued personal and career development §§§Essential for today s practitioners and teachers of mindfulness-based interventions§§§Teaching Mindfulness: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Educators brings this increasingly important discipline into clearer focus, opening dialogue for physicians, clinical and health psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, pastoral counselors, spiritual directors, life coaches, organizational development professionals, and teachers and professionals in higher education in short, everyone with an interest in helping others find their way into the benefits of the present moment.


The 21st Century CLIL Resource Pack - 2871311400

166,11 zł

The 21st Century CLIL Resource Pack Delta Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Engaging topic-based materials for the primary and lower secondary syllabus:100+ audios and many songsphoto bank with 400+ picturesactivity sheets for every lesson This comprehensive 21st Century CLIL Resource Pack is designed to introduce new topics in a CLIL context using a cross-curricular approach while integrating the language and revising vocabulary or structures at the given language level.All resources focus on talking about topics, with Speaking and Listening skills the focal point of the activities.The materials reference back to the Cambridge Young Learners examinationsStarters, Movers and Flyers.The topics covered in the 21st Century CLIL Resource Pack are intended to extend the vocabulary and communicative proficiency of primary and lower secondary learners.The topic sinclude geography, literature, history, music, science, art, mathematics, drama, citizenship and physical education.The language used in the topics is repeated in various ways and in different contexts throughout the units. Every lesson in each unit is graded according to the level of the Cambridge YLE syllabus. The teacher can select the topic according to the suitability of the language leveland topic for their class.


Primary English Teaching - 2876335816

430,22 zł

Primary English Teaching SAGE Publications Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Lecturers, why waste time waiting for the post to arrive? Click on the above icon and receive your e-inspection copy today! This comprehensive introduction to language, literacy and learning in the primary school explores the theoretical issues that underpin pedagogical practice in the primary English language classroom in a straightforward manner, enabling readers to understand the resulting practice and curriculum offerings in English primary schools today. The contributors explore new initiatives in primary language teaching, putting these into their theoretical context, and offer practical ideas, helping students to make the bridge from studying to be a teacher, through to the beginnings of their teaching career. Diversity and aspects of special educational needs are also considered in each section of the book. This book will be essential reading both for undergraduate students of education, as well as for PGCE students. Visit the UKLA's website: here.


Nan Domi - 2878797220

93,15 zł

Nan Domi City Lights Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"This new and valuable book delves into the 'interior' experience of voodoo, as opposed to the usual outsider focus on ritual and cosmology. In telling the story of her own initiation and painstaking education in voodoo, Beaubrun takes us into the mystical dimensions of this ancient religion."--The Guardian UK Like all the great religions Vodou has an external, public practice of rituals and ceremonies--and also an internal, mystical dimension. Before Nan Domi, works about Vodou have concentrated on the spectacular outward manifestations of Vodou observance--hypnotic drumming and chanting, frenetic dancing, fits of spirit possession. But practically all reports on Vodou are outsider accounts, which means that they are stopped at the threshold. Mimerose Beaubrun, educated as an anthropologist, set out to write another such work, but in the process she met the woman who would become her ultimate teacher and guide to the religion's internal mysteries: Tante Tansia, whose knowledge, wisdom and spiritual power govern the text of Nan Domi. Nan Domi is the only account of Vodou's private, mystical, interior practice that has been offered to the public so far.Its content stands in the same relation to ceremonial Vodou as Zen to conventional Buddhism, Sufism to conventional Islam, the practice of the desert saints to conventional Christianity. Mimerose Beaubrun has been a student of Vodou for half of her life, but she is also an adept, and in this uniquely valuable work, she divests herself of all scholarly apparatus to speak from Vodou's purest heart. This English edition includes a fascinating introduction by Madison Smartt Bell, placing the religion and Beaubrun's memoir in historical context. Praise for Nan Domi: "Mimerose Beaubrun's book Nan Domi: An Initiate's Journey into Haitian Vodou -- the first part of the title refers to a spiritual state -- is a welcome addition to the canon of vodou scholarship, a deeply felt inside account of a faith of often daunting complexity."--The Miami Herald "Nan Domi is a fascinating look inside the Haitian Vodou religion. Mimerose Beaubrun provides a valuable contribution taking us along into the world of Nan Domi, a dream state and stage in the initiate's journey to mastery ...In the process the reader is introduced into a world that is far more than a religious tradition.Haitian Vodou is also a way of speaking about Haiti, as Beaubrun explains, 'its language, culture, even its way of walking, of preparing food, of dressing, of making love, of communicating with unknown worlds.' The book casts its spell on the reader who persists in the journey under the tutelage of Beaubrun and her teachers. Madison Smartt Bell's excellent introduction places the religion and Beaubrun's memoir in historical context."--Julia Alvarez "Vodou is one of the most valuable--and misunderstood--of all New World cultural creations. Mimerose Beaubrun's remarkable work opens up for the first time the internal world of Vodou, and what emerges is a singular engagement with a system of belief that cannot fail to impress any reader with its sheer sophistication and complexity. Gradually, the author recounts the ways in which she came to know the timeless wisdom of Vodou. Absolutely essential reading for anyone interested in Haiti, or in religion and society more broadly." --Martin Munro, author and editor of Haiti Rising: Haitian History, Culture and the Earthquake of 2010


Gateway to the World B2 Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book - 2875667112

101,39 zł

Gateway to the World B2 Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book Macmillan Education

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A fully flexible component mix means the course can be adapted to any teaching scenario, whether delivering lessons face-to-face, online or using a blended approach. The Great Learners, Great Thinkers section, with its focus on Social and Emotional Learning, allows students to develop the emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills they will need for life. With the Virtual Classroom Exchange feature, students can connect with their peers in another country, so they can learn about culture and practise their English in an authentic and rewarding context. The Student's App includes gamified activities to make language practice easy and enjoyable, and enables teachers to set assignments for students to complete on their favourite devices. Teachers can monitor students' learning through the Progress Tracker in the Teacher's App.


Metacognitive Writing Strategies - 2877621604

256,56 zł

Metacognitive Writing Strategies Editorial Académica Espa

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

For decades, teachers and researchers in the areas of linguistics and education have wondered what makes skillful or successful learners different from less skillful or less successful ones. Even though a number of factors intervene in the teaching-learning process, it has been shown that what makes a difference in the students' performance is the effective use of learning strategies. In the area of writing in particular, the appropriate and conscious employment of metacognitive strategies has proved to be beneficial in enhancing self-directed and autonomous learning, and also, in some cases, in improving students' writing performance. This book offers teachers of language and of other areas and secondary and university students the theoretical underpinnings supporting the teaching and deployment of metacognitive writing strategies (MWS) and a model for the instruction of the MWS of planning, monitoring and evaluating, along with material and activities that have been used in the instruction of MWS in an English Teacher Training College in an Argentinian university, which could be adapted to any educational context and age group.


Gateway to the World B1 Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book - 2878069725

85,92 zł

Gateway to the World B1 Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book Macmillan Education

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A fully flexible component mix means the course can be adapted to any teaching scenario, whether delivering lessons face-to-face, online or using a blended approach. The Great Learners, Great Thinkers section, with its focus on Social and Emotional Learning, allows students to develop the emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills they will need for life. With the Virtual Classroom Exchange feature, students can connect with their peers in another country, so they can learn about culture and practise their English in an authentic and rewarding context. The Student's App includes gamified activities to make language practice easy and enjoyable, and enables teachers to set assignments for students to complete on their favourite devices. Teachers can monitor students' learning through the Progress Tracker in the Teacher's App.


Gateway to the World A1+ Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book - 2877607193

85,92 zł

Gateway to the World A1+ Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book Macmillan Education

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A fully flexible component mix means the course can be adapted to any teaching scenario, whether delivering lessons face-to-face, online or using a blended approach. The Great Learners, Great Thinkers section, with its focus on Social and Emotional Learning, allows students to develop the emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills they will need for life. With the Virtual Classroom Exchange feature, students can connect with their peers in another country, so they can learn about culture and practise their English in an authentic and rewarding context. The Student's App includes gamified activities to make language practice easy and enjoyable, and enables teachers to set assignments for students to complete on their favourite devices. Teachers can monitor students' learning through the Progress Tracker in the Teacher's App.


Gateway to the World A2 Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book - 2877604151

72,75 zł

Gateway to the World A2 Student's Book with Student's App and Digital Student's Book Macmillan Education

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A fully flexible component mix means the course can be adapted to any teaching scenario, whether delivering lessons face-to-face, online or using a blended approach. The Great Learners, Great Thinkers section, with its focus on Social and Emotional Learning, allows students to develop the emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills they will need for life. With the Virtual Classroom Exchange feature, students can connect with their peers in another country, so they can learn about culture and practise their English in an authentic and rewarding context. The Student's App includes gamified activities to make language practice easy and enjoyable, and enables teachers to set assignments for students to complete on their favourite devices. Teachers can monitor students' learning through the Progress Tracker in the Teacher's App.


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