libristo suffering and the christian life 1298399

- znaleziono 18 produktów w 4 sklepach

Coping With Your Pain And Suffering - 2853956865

59,99 zł

Coping With Your Pain And Suffering

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>Religion & beliefs>Aspects of religion (non-Christian)>Religious life & practiceKsiążki Obco...



Maturing In Sonship Through Suffering - 2853964812

67,99 zł

Maturing In Sonship Through Suffering

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>Religion & beliefs>Aspects of religion (non-Christian)>Religious life & practiceKsiążki Obco...



Suffering In Silence, Overcoming Out Loud - 2853959100

39,99 zł

Suffering In Silence, Overcoming Out Loud

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>Religion & beliefs>Christianity>Christian life & practice>Personal Christian testimony & ...



Suffering - 2850526111

30,99 zł


Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>Religion & beliefs>Christianity>Christian life & practiceKsiążki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie&...



Songs For Suffering - 2848653625

57,99 zł

Songs For Suffering

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>Religion & beliefs>Christianity>Christian life & practice>Counselling



Walking With God Through Pain And Suffering - 2846039173

52,99 zł

Walking With God Through Pain And Suffering

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>Religion & beliefs>Christianity>Christian life & practice



Stay Alive All Your Life - 2866525793

97,07 zł

Stay Alive All Your Life Simon & Schuster

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"In Stay Alive All Your Life," Dr. Peale shows readers that fruitful and joyous living can be achieved when we have deep and honest belief in ourselves and in God. He teaches them how to use their powers of belief to overcome depression, learn from their mistakes, and live above pain and suffering. His programs includes ways to put positive thinking into action, attain self-confidence, and live with enthusiasm. For half a century, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was one of the most influential clergymen in the United States as Pastor of the Marble Collegiate Church in New York City from 1932 until 1984. By applying Christianity to everyday problems and using a keen understanding of human psychology, he was able to help millions in sharing his message. The author of 46 books, his most famous, "The Power of Positive Thinking," has sold 15 million copies worldwide and been translated into 40 languages. His weekly radio program, "The Art of Living," was broadcast on NBC for 54 years. His popular Guideposts magazine has a circulation of more than 3.2 million, the largest of any religious publication. In 1945, he and his wife, Ruth, began the Peale Center for Christian Living, where she continues his work to this day. Norman Vincent Peale died in December 1993 at the age of 95.


Palliative Care in Critical Care An Issue of Criti - 2868661243

520,00 zł

Palliative Care in Critical Care An Issue of Criti

Kultura i rozrywka > Książki i Komiksy > Książki obcojęzyczne > Po angielsku > Książki naukowe i popularnonaukowe

Oddziały intensywnej opieki medycznej (OIOM) zapewniają kompleksową, zaawansowaną opiekę pacjentom z poważnymi lub zagrażającymi życiu schorzeniami, a co za tym idzie znaczną część opieki pod koniec życia (EOLC). Rzeczywiście, około 20% zgonów w USA jest związanych z pobytem na oddziale intensywnej terapii, a prawie połowa pacjentów w USA, którzy umierają w szpitalach, przebywa na oddziale intensywnej terapii w ciągu ostatnich 3 dni życia. Pomimo powszechności doświadczeń na OIOM, pacjenci przebywający na OIOM-ie zazwyczaj cierpią z powodu szeregu niepokojących objawów, takich jak ból, zmęczenie, niepokój i duszność, co powoduje znaczny stres w ich imieniu. W związku z tym rośnie konieczność zapewnienia lepszej opieki paliatywnej (PC) na OIT, która może zapobiegać i łagodzić cierpienie pacjentów z chorobami zagrażającymi życiu. Skuteczna opieka paliatywna jest osiągana poprzez agresywne zarządzanie objawami, komunikacja na temat fizycznych, psychospołecznych i duchowych problemów pacjenta i rodziny oraz dostosowywanie leczenia do celów, wartości i preferencji każdego pacjenta. PC jest również skoncentrowany na pacjencie i wykorzystuje multidyscyplinarne, zespołowe podejście, które można zastosować w połączeniu z innymi metodami leczenia podtrzymującymi życie lub jako podstawowe podejście do leczenia. Brak dostosowania celów leczenia do indywidualnych i rodzinnych preferencji może powodować stres dla pacjentów, rodzin i świadczeniodawców. Odpowiednio wdrożona opieka paliatywna może znacznie obniżyć koszty opieki zdrowotnej związane z intensywną opieką szpitalną i pomóc pacjentom uniknąć powszechnego, nieskoncentrowanego na osobie leczenia, które jest nieekonomiczne, przykre i potencjalnie szkodliwe. Ze względu na sukces wielu programów komputerowych, administratorów, dostawców,Intensive care units (ICUs) provide comprehensive, advanced care to patients with serious or life-threatening conditions and consequently, a significant amount of end-of-life care (EOLC). Indeed, approximately 20% of deaths in the U.S. are associated with an ICU stay, and nearly half of U.S. patients who die in hospitals experience an ICU stay during the last 3 days of life. Despite the commonality of the ICU experience, ICU patients typically suffer from a range of distressing symptoms such as pain, fatigue, anxiety, and dyspnea, causing families significant distress on their behalf. Thus, there is a growing imperative for better provision of palliative care (PC) in the ICU, which may prevent and relieve suffering for patients with life threatening illnesses. Effective palliative care is accomplished through aggressive symptom management, communication about the patient and family


Corrie Ten Boom - 2871893356

28,93 zł

Corrie Ten Boom Christian Focus Publications Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The story of Corrie ten Boom has inspired millions of people all over the world. Jean Watson is a skillful author and presents Corrie's stirring life and challenging hope-filled message for young readers. The Watchmaker's Daughter traces the life of this outstanding Christian woman from her childhood in Haarlem, through her suffering in Nazi concentration camps, to her world-wide ministry to the handicapped and underprivileged.This exciting victorious book will allow you to meet this beloved woman and learn of God's wonderful provision and blessing through adversity.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Christianity & Culture - 2822222727

86,49 zł

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Christianity & Culture Haworth Press

Medycyna > English Division

Share the Biblical view of the value of human life! This fascinating first-person account offers an insider's view of what it means to suddenly move from being a healthy, productive member of society to being severely limited. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Christianity, and Culture: Between God and an Illness tells the story of the author and his wife, who were both struck down with CFIDS in the midst of their busy lives of service. Because Dr. Rotholz is also a trained anthropologist, he can bring a scholarly perspective to understanding the social, emotional, and cultural impact of this devastating illness. His devout Christianity gives a Biblical context to this discussion. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Christianity, and Culture: Between God and an Illness analyzes the secular cultural values that make disability seem like shame. Because our culture exalts worldly status and financial success, many CFIDS sufferers find themselves facing a deep sense of humiliation, worthlessness, and failure when their disease puts their lives on hold. Dr. Rotholz offers a Biblical perspective of human beings as the image-bearers of God. This alternative vision of values is exemplified in the culture of the Bushmen of the Kalahari in Africa, the Bruderhof Christian community in the USA, and the life of a Black woman from the American south. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Christianity, and Culture: Between God and an Illness presents a powerfully reasoned, deeply felt analysis of the tug of war between our culture and Biblical standards, including: achievement, status, power, and wealth as the elements of our culture of success the anxiety that lies behind the stress of economic productivity the economic factors that influence our cultural bias against the disabled the Biblical meaning of suffering faithfulness as the Biblical measure of success in life The power of this extraordinary book goes well beyond the CFIDS community and even the community of the disabled. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Christianity, and Culture: Between God and an Illness offers a new and meaningful vision of what makes life worth living for anyone, well or ill, young or old. Scholars and practitioners in anthropology, medical sociology, social work, the health professions, pastoral care, and theology will find it a powerful aid to understanding the world of the disabled and treating others with respect. The disabled and those who care for them will call it a blessing.


Wagner's Parsifal - 2871599845

52,25 zł

Wagner's Parsifal Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A superbly insightful and moving exploration of Wagner's last opera, by one of Britain's leading intellectuals Wagner's last music-drama tells the story of Parsifal, the 'pure fool, knowing through compassion', who has been called to rescue the Kingdom of the Grail from the sins that have polluted it. The Grail is a symbol of purity in a world of lust and power, but although Parsifal is the culmination of Wagner's life-long obsession with the religious frame of mind, the redemption sought by his characters is far from the Christian archetype. For Wagner, redemption occurs inthis life, when compassion prevails over enslavement, and purity replaces spiritual pollution. His music here ties together suffering and contrition, sin and forgiveness, downfall and redemption in an inextricable knot, healing the fractures and uniting the warring elements in human life in a way that is clear, convincing and uncanny. More than any other of his works, Parsifal expresses in music a depth of feeling for which we do not have words.This short but penetrating book, by a writer who was uniquely both a leading philosopher and musicologist, shows us how Wagner achieves this profound work, explaining the story, its musical ideas, and their coming together into a sublime whole which gives us the musical equivalent of forgiveness and closure. There are few writers who can so enhance our understanding of one of the greatest works in western music.


Journal et pensées de chaque jour - 2877874562

160,68 zł

Journal et pensées de chaque jour

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Née dans une famille de la bourgeoisie parisienne, Élisabeth Arrighi (1866-1914) a compris et pratiqué sa foi comme la


Medieval Sensibilities - A History of Emotions in the Middle Ages - 2872520475

152,54 zł

Medieval Sensibilities - A History of Emotions in the Middle Ages Wiley-Blackwell

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

What do we know of the emotional life of the Middle Ages? Though a long-neglected subject, a myriad of sources - spiritual and secular literature, iconography, chronicles, as well as theological and medical works - provides clues to the central role emotions played in medieval society.In this work, historians Damien Boquet and Piroska Nagy delve into a rich variety of texts and images to reveal the many and nuanced experiences of emotion during the Middle Ages. From the demonstrative shame of a saint to a nobleman's fear of embarrassment, from friendship among monks to suffering in imitation of Christ, from the enthusiasm of a crusading band to the fear of a town threatened by the approach of war or plague, the examples are countless. Boquet and Nagy show how these outbursts of joy and pain, while universal expressions, must be understood within the specific context of medieval society. During the Middle Ages, a Christian model of affectivity was formed in the 'laboratory' of the monasteries, one which gradually seeped into wider society, interacting with the sensibilities of courtly culture and other forms of expression.Bouqet and Nagy bring a thousand years of history to life, demonstrating how the study of emotions in medieval society can also enable us to understand better our own social outlooks and customs. Medieval Sensibilities will be of great interest to students and scholars of the Middle Ages, as well as to general readers interested in new perspectives on the past.


Wagner's Parsifal - 2861933591

97,75 zł

Wagner's Parsifal Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A superbly insightful and moving exploration of Wagner's last opera, by one of Britain's leading intellectuals Wagner's last music-drama tells the story of Parsifal, the 'pure fool, knowing through compassion', who has been called to rescue the Kingdom of the Grail from the sins that have polluted it. The Grail is a symbol of purity in a world of lust and power, but although Parsifal is the culmination of Wagner's life-long obsession with the religious frame of mind, the redemption sought by his characters is far from the Christian archetype. For Wagner, redemption occurs in this life, when compassion prevails over enslavement, and purity replaces spiritual pollution.His music here ties together suffering and contrition, sin and forgiveness, downfall and redemption in an inextricable knot, healing the fractures and uniting the warring elements in human life in a way that is clear, convincing and uncanny. More than any other of his works, Parsifal expresses in music a depth of feeling for which we do not have words. This short but penetrating book, by a writer who was uniquely both a leading philosopher and musicologist, shows us how Wagner achieves this profound work, explaining the story, its musical ideas, and their coming together into a sublime whole which gives us the musical equivalent of forgiveness and closure.There are few writers who can so enhance our understanding of one of the greatest works in western music.


Suburban Warriors - 2878440865

155,36 zł

Suburban Warriors Princeton University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In the early 1960s, American conservatives seemed to have fallen on hard times. McCarthyism was on the run, and movements on the political left were grabbing headlines. The media lampooned John Birchers's accusations that Dwight Eisenhower was a communist puppet. Mainstream America snickered at warnings by California Congressman James B. Utt that "barefooted Africans" were training in Georgia to help the United Nations take over the country. Yet, in Utt's home district of Orange County, thousands of middle-class suburbanites proceeded to organize a powerful conservative movement that would land Ronald Reagan in the White House and redefine the spectrum of acceptable politics into the next century. Suburban Warriors introduces us to these people: women hosting coffee klatches for Barry Goldwater in their tract houses; members of anticommunist reading groups organizing against sex education; pro-life Democrats gradually drawn into conservative circles; and new arrivals finding work in defense companies and a sense of community in Orange County's mushrooming evangelical churches. We learn what motivated them and how they interpreted their political activity.Lisa McGirr shows that their movement was not one of marginal people suffering from status anxiety, but rather one formed by successful entrepreneurial types with modern lifestyles and bright futures. She describes how these suburban pioneers created new political and social philosophies anchored in a fusion of Christian fundamentalism, xenophobic nationalism, and western libertarianism. While introducing these rank-and-file activists, McGirr chronicles Orange County's rise from "nut country" to political vanguard. Through this history, she traces the evolution of the New Right from a virulent anticommunist, anti-establishment fringe to a broad national movement nourished by evangelical Protestantism. Her original contribution to the social history of politics broadens--and often upsets--our understanding of the deep and tenacious roots of popular conservatism in America.


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