libristo ksiazki literatura obcojezyczna creative teaching press

- znaleziono 38 produktów w 1 sklepie

Teaching Playwriting - 2867133585

117,47 zł

Teaching Playwriting Beat by Beat Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Have you ever been fascinated by the idea of writing a play with your students, but never knew where to start? Do you ever feel stuck for new ideas on how to get more from your students when it comes to creative writing? How to get them to dig deeper to mo


Resisting Linguistic Imperialism in English Teaching - 2871794374

220,78 zł

Resisting Linguistic Imperialism in English Teaching Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book describes the creative strategies employed by teachers and students in periphery communities in order to use the English language in a manner that suits their needs while subtly resisting the linguistic imperialism that many scholars have identified as the consequence of the global ELT enterprise. After developing trends and ideas from those oppositional strategies, the book goes on to outline elements of a critical pedagogy suitable for ELT in formerly colonized communities. As the English language continues to spread globally, this book will be essential reading for English teachers and applied linguists wishing to understand the ideological challenges in the periphery. Curriculum planners and policy makers will also find it a necessary aid to exploring the pedagogical alternatives.


Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language - 2826840797

231,33 zł

Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language Cambridge University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This lively collection of more than 100 classroom activities provides teachers with engaging ways to incorporate extensive reading into their classrooms. The creative and fun speaking, listening, role-play, reading, writing, and vocabulary activities, all linking reading to the rest of the curriculum, are suitable for students of all ages and levels. Teachers will find this handbook a valuable resource not just for reading courses, but for all types of language courses.


Dirty Teaching - 2826776263

99,98 zł

Dirty Teaching Independent Thinking Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Juliet Robertson offers tips and tricks to help any teacher develop variety in their teaching. One of the keys to a happy and creative classroom is getting out of it and this book will give you the confidence to do it. It contains a wealth of ideas from cheat sheets to activities that allow teachers and parents to encourage outdoor learning and improve student participation. There is no need for expensive tools or complicated technologies; all you need is your coat and a passion for learning - oh, and you'd better bring the kids too!


Code as Creative Medium - 2878776353

174,85 zł

Code as Creative Medium MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

An essential guide for teaching and learning computational art and design: exercises, assignments, interviews, and more than 170 illustrations of creative work.This book is an essential resource for art educators and practitioners who want to explore code as a creative medium, and serves as a guide for computer scientists transitioning from STEM to STEAM in their syllabi or practice. It provides a collection of classic creative coding prompts and assignments, accompanied by annotated examples of both classic and contemporary projects, and more than 170 illustrations of creative work, and features a set of interviews with leading educators. Picking up where standard programming guides leave off, the authors highlight alternative programming pedagogies suitable for the art- and design-oriented classroom, including teaching approaches, resources, and community support structures.


Handbook of Creative Writing - 2876126371

207,01 zł

Handbook of Creative Writing Edinburgh University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This is the inspirational resource for tutors, students and other creative writing professionals, now in a new edition. 54 chapters cover the three central pillars of writing creatively: theories of creativity, the craft of writing and creative writing as a business. With contributions from over 50 experts - poets, novelists, dramatists, publishers, editors, tutors, critics and scholars - from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia, this is the essential guide to writing, and getting published, in the English-speaking world. New for this edition: chapters: on 'indie publishing', 'social media', 'flash fiction', 'song lyrics and poetry', 'creative critical hybrids', 'collaboration in the theatre', Inclusion of additional genres and activities; chapters updated to reflect changes in teaching, copyright & earning a living as a writer; and, updated Glossary of Terms.


300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions - 2875237060

215,05 zł

300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions Anthem Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This collection of exercises, compiled for talented high school students, encourages creativity and a deeper understanding of ideas when solving physics problems. Described as 'far beyond high-school level', this book grew out of the idea that teaching should not aim for the merely routine, but challenge pupils and stretch their ability through creativity and thorough comprehension of ideas.


Przepowiednie Saint Germaina - 2861950835

38,18 zł

Przepowiednie Saint Germaina Centrum

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Czego mozemy spodziewac sie do roku 2025? Czy jest swiatlo na koncu tunelu? Prorocy maluja przyszlosc w czarnych barwach - ale przepowiednie nie zostaly wykute w kamieniu. Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Maryja i Saint Germain twierdza, ze nadchodzi czas jedyny w swoim rodzaju, ktory stwarza nam zarowno mozliwosc duchowych i technologicznych osiagniec, jak i zagrozenie wojna, zametem, a nawet kataklizmem. Przepowiednie na nowe tysiaclecie ukazuja nam droge do stworzenia lepszej przyszlosci. Autorzy dokonuja przegladu najbardziej uznanych przepowiedni dotyczacych naszych czasow, a takze prezentuja nowa interpretacje najbardziej znanych czterowierszy Nostradamusa. Przedstawiaja nam rowniez podstawowe prawa energii duchowej o wysokiej czestotliwosci, ktora moze wprowadzic do naszego zycia rownowage, harmonie i pozytywne zmiany. Gleboki wglad i techniki duchowe, opisane w tej ksiazce, pomoga wam uksztaltowac przyszlosc, jakiej pragniecie. O autorach ELIZABETH CLARE PROPHET opracowala pionierskie techniki w dziedzinie duchowosci praktycznej, miedzy innymi w wykorzystywaniu kreatywnej mocy dzwieku w rozwoju osobistym i transformacji swiata. Jest autorka wielu bestsellerow z dziedziny duchowosci, jak np. Nieznane lata w zyciu Jezusa: Gdzie przebywal Jezus od 12 do 30 roku zycia i Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch. W latach 60. rozpoczela prowadzenie seminariow oraz warsztatow poswieconych sprawom karmy, reinkarnacji, przepowiedni, braterstwa dusz, mistycyzmu i aniolow. Wystepowala w programach telewizyjnych stacji NBC: Ancient Prophecies, Donahue, Larry King Live i Nightline. PATRICIA R. SPADARO jest wspolautorka ksiazki Kabalah: Key to Your Inner Power oraz Creative Abundance. Ukonczyla dziennikarstwo na Temple University. Od 23 lat pracuje jako dziennikarka i wydawca. Obecnie jest autorka i redaktorka w wydawnictwie Summit University Press. MURRAY STEINMAN jest zawodowym astrologiem z trzydziestoletnim doswiadczeniem. Specjalizuje sie w astrologii mundalnej i elekcyjnej. Jest dyrektorem do spraw public relations i komunikacji, a takze wspolautorem ksiazki Kabblah: Key to Your Inner Power. Od 21 lat pracuje dla wydawnictwa Summit University Presss jako autor i redaktor. Wystepowal w programach telewizyjnych Oprah i Donahue.


Kodaly in the Third Grade Classroom - 2873160598

338,97 zł

Kodaly in the Third Grade Classroom Oxford University Press Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Since the mid-twentieth century, Zoltan Kodaly's child-developmental philosophy for teaching music has had significant positive impact on music education around the world, and is now at the core of music teaching in the United States and other English speaking countries. The Kodaly Today handbook series is the first comprehensive system to update and apply the Kodaly concepts to teaching music in elementary school classrooms. Kodaly in the Third Grade Classroom provides teachers with a step-by-step road map for developing children's performance, creative movement, and literacy skills in an organic and thoughtful manner. Through six years of field-testing with music kindergarten teachers in the United States, Great Britain, and Hungary (the home country of Zoltan Kodaly), authors Micheal Houlahan and Philip Tacka have developed a methodology specifically for 21st century classrooms. Houlahan and Tacka use the latest research findings in cognition and perception to create a system not only appropriate for the developmental stages of third grade students but also one which integrates vertically between elementary music classes.The methods outlined in this volume encourage greater musical ability and creativity in children by teaching them to sing, move, play instruments, and develop music literacy skills. In addition, Kodaly in the Third Grade Classroom promotes critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration skills. Although the book uses the Kodaly philosophy, its methodology has also been tested by teachers certified in Orff and Dalcroze, and has proven an essential guide for teachers no matter what their personal philosophy and specific training might be. Numerous children's songs are incorporated into Kodaly in the Third Grade Classroom, as well as over 35 detailed lesson plans that demonstrate how music and literacy curriculum goals are transformed into tangible musical objectives. Scholarly yet practical and accessible, this volume is sure to be an essential guide for kindergarten and early childhood music teachers everywhere.


Learn Python Visually - 2878782204

201,08 zł

Learn Python Visually No Starch Press,US

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

An accessible, visual, and creative approach to teaching core coding concepts using Python's, an open-source graphical development environment.This beginners book introduces non-programmers to the fundamentals of computer coding within a visual, arts-focused context. Tristan Bunn s remarkably effective teaching approach is designed to help you visualize core programming concepts while you make cool pictures, animations, and simulations using Python Mode for the open-source Processing development environment. Right from the first chapter, you'll produce and manipulate colorful drawings, shapes and patterns as Bunn walks you through a series of easy-to-follow graphical coding projects that grow increasingly complex. You ll go from drawing with code to animating a bouncing DVD screensaver and practicing data-visualization techniques. Along the way, you ll encounter creative-yet-practical skill-building challenges that relate to everything from video games, cars, and coffee, to fine art, amoebas, and Pink Floyd. As you grow more fluent in both Python and programming in general, topics shift toward the mastery of algorithmic thinking, as you explore periodic motion, Lissajous curves, and using classes to create objects. You ll learn about:     Basic coding theories and concepts, like variables, data types, pixel coordinates, control flow and algorithms     Writing code that produces drawings, patterns, animations, data visualizations, user interfaces, and simulations     Using conditional statements, iteration, randomness, lists and dictionaries     Defining functions, reducing repetition, and making your code more modular     How to write classes, and create objects to structure code more efficiently In addition to giving you a good grounding in general programming, the skills and knowledge you ll gain in this book are your entry point to coding for an ever-expanding horizon of creative technologies.


Focus on Oral Interaction - 2862183616

120,08 zł

Focus on Oral Interaction Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Referencing classroom-based research, Focus on Oral Interaction looks at the contribution of teacher-student interaction and peer-peer interaction in classrooms, among school-age English language learners. Key areas covered include formulaic and creative language use, the different ways of scaffolding learning, the use of corrective feedback, the relationship between oral interaction and print literacy, as well as differences that learner aptitude and motivation make to language learning. Additional activities are provided to help teachers relate the content to their own teaching context. The book includes: Spotlight Studies, highlighting important research on oral interaction in classrooms. Classroom Snapshots, featuring descriptions of teachers and students engaged in different approaches to teacher-student interaction and peer-peer interaction in classrooms. Activities which encourage comparison and reflection, helping you to relate research and theory on oral interaction to your own teaching context. This book is part of the Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom series, focusing on key topics for teaching English as a second or foreign language. These research-led instructional guides link the theories of second language acquisition and pedagogy with classroom practice, helping you to reflect on what needs to happen in the language classroom.


Doing Oral History - 2826887390

231,53 zł

Doing Oral History Oxford University Press Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Doing Oral History: A Practical Guide is considered the premier guidebook to oral history, used by professional oral historians, public historians, archivists, and genealogists as a core text in college courses and throughout the public history community. Over the past decades, the development of digital audio and video recording technology has continued to alter the practice of oral history, making it even easier to produce quality recordings and to disseminate them on the Internet. This basic manual offers detailed advice on setting up an oral history project, conducting interviews, making video recordings, preserving oral history collections in archives and libraries, and teaching and presenting oral history. Using the existing Q&A format, the third edition asks new questions and augments previous answers with new material, particularly in these areas: 1. Technology: As before, the book avoids recommending specific equipment, but weighs the merits of the types of technology available for audio and video recording, transcription, preservation, and dissemination.Information about web sites is expanded, and more discussion is provided about how other oral history projects have posted their interviews online. 2. Teaching: The new edition addresses the use of oral history in online teaching. It also expands the discussion of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) with the latest information about compliance issues. 3. Presentation: Once interviews have been conducted, there are many opportunities for creative presentation. There is much new material available on innovative forms of presentation developed over the last decade, including interpretive dance and other public performances. 4. Legal considerations: The recent Boston College case, in which the courts have ruled that Irish police should have access to sealed oral history transcripts, has re-focused attention on the problems of protecting donor restrictions. The new edition offers case studies from the past decade. 5. Theory and Memory: As a beginner's manual, Doing Oral History has not dealt extensively with theoretical issues, on the grounds that these emerge best from practice.But the third edition includes the latest thinking about memory and provides a sample of some of the theoretical issues surrounding oral sources. It will include examples of increased studies into catastrophe and trauma, and the special considerations these have generated for interviewers. 6. Internationalism: Perhaps the biggest development in the past decade has been the spreading of oral history around the world, facilitated in part by the International Oral History Association. New oral history projects have developed in areas that have undergone social and political upheavals, where the traditional archives reflect the old regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The third edition includes many more references to non-U.S. projects that will still be relevant to an American audience. These changes make the third edition of Doing Oral History an even more useful tool for beginners, teachers, archivists, and all those oral history managers who have inherited older collections that must be converted to the latest technology.


Grammar for Young Learners - 2871312486

194,05 zł

Grammar for Young Learners Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This is one of the Primary Resource Books for Teachers series which address the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains 60 to 100 activities for primary children and 20 photocopiable worksheets along with guidance for the teacher and a description of the aim, level and age range of each activity.This title helps teachers of young learners introduce and practise grammar in a fun and motivating way.Steers a middle course between grammar-based and communicative approaches to teaching: meaning is the main focus of all language teaching and grammar is an intrinsic part of making meaning explicit.Key featuresReady-made, enjoyable grammar activities to supplement coursebooks.Strengthens grammatical accuracy in a fun and purposeful way.Activities focus on key grammatical points for young learners and align with the CEF.Contents organized by communicative goal (e.g. talking about the past), cross-referenced to grammar teaching point (e.g. past simple).Includes activities for different learning styles.Promotes critical and creative thinking skills and language awareness.Photocopiable worksheets for many of the activities.


Using Technology to Unlock Musical Creativity - 2866529408

301,88 zł

Using Technology to Unlock Musical Creativity Oxford University Press Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

It has never been easier or more fun for students to compose, improvise, arrange, and produce music and music-related projects than with today's technology. Written in a practical, accessible manner, Using Technology to Unlock Musical Creativity offers both a framework for and practical tips on the technology tools best suited for encouraging students' authentic musical creativity. Author Scott Watson makes a compelling case for creativity-based music learning through eight teacher-tested principles that access, nurture, and develop students' potential for musical expression. Example after example illustrates each principle in a variety of music teaching and technology scenarios. Watson also includes practical ideas for technology-based creative music activities, locating lesson plans and other resources, and assessing creative work. The book provides detailed plans for dozens of attractive projects, each linked to MENC National Standards, and also offers suggestions for making adaptations according to grade level and technology proficiency.Additionally, it includes a valuable section of resources with tips for setting up a computer music workstation, a plain-language description of how digital audio works, and a music education technology glossary. Most of the activities described can be carried out by novice users with free or low-cost music applications. The book also features a comprehensive companion website with dozens of audio and video examples as well as many downloadable worksheets, rubrics, and activity files. Visit the companion website at


Thinking in Education - 2867136212

248,82 zł

Thinking in Education Cambridge University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The first edition of Thinking in Education made a case for inserting thinking into all levels of education by infusing critical thinking into existing disciplines. Matthew Lipman, a leading education theorist, provided procedures to enable students at all levels of education to become more thoughtful, more reasonable, and more judicious. In the 12 years since the first edition was published, the author has broadened his approach to teaching thinking. While critical thinking is important and highly valuable, it is not sufficient; students must develop creative and caring thinking as well. This edition provides methods for integrating emotive experience, mental acts, thinking skills and informal fallacies into a concerted approach to the improvement of reasoning and judgment. It also shows how the community of inquiry can be utilized for the reduction of violence in the classroom and for the improvement of the education of children at risk.


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