krainaksiazek abraham lincoln was he a christian 20041264

- znaleziono 43 produkty w 4 sklepach

Torebki i morderstwo - Dorothy Howell - 2836982797

31,54 zł

Torebki i morderstwo - Dorothy Howell

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - NOWA SERIA WSPÓŁCZESNYCH POWIEŚCI OBYCZAJOWO-KRYMINALNYCH, KTÓRYCH AKCJA ROZGRYWA SIĘ W USA, A ICH WSPÓLNYM MOTYWEM SĄ DAMSKIE MARKOWE TOREBKI. Kryminał, jakiego jeszcze w Polsce nie było! Żywa, dowcipna, dynamiczna akcja, pełna nieoczekiwanych i zaskakujących zwrotów. Powieść barwniejsza niż hollywoodzki film - czyta się doskonale! Jeśli spodobała Ci się książka Diabeł ubiera się u Prady, musisz przeczytać serię o Haley Randolph. Torebki i morderstwo to dowcipna i inteligentna powieść dziejąca się w Los Angeles, Mieście Aniołów, z rozlicznymi centrami handlowymi, butikami i straganami gdzie sprzedaje się damskie torebki. Pasją życiową bohaterki, Haley Randolph, są właśnie torebki. Ale wyłącznie MARKOWE, zaprojektowane przez stylistów z najwyższej półki... I ta namiętność sprowadzi na bohaterkę mnóstwo kłopotów, wśród których najmniejszymi będą oskarżenia o morderstwo i defraudację... Aby mieć środki na życie - i na swoja życiową pasję - Haley musi pracować na dwóch posadach. Ta główna, prestiżowa, to praca w renomowanej firmie prawniczej Pike&Warner, której centrum decyzyjne mieści się na tajemniczym, i dla urzędniczego proletariatu firmy niedostępnym, Szesnastym Piętrze. Druga posada to praca ekspedientki-kasjerki-sprzątaczki-magazynierki (zależnie od kaprysu kierownictwa...) w wielkim domu towarowym Holt`s, w którym sprzedaje się "ohydne ciuchy", "koszmarne buty" i "beznadziejne torebki"... To właśnie tam, w magazynie damskiej bielizny, znajduje zwłoki Richarda, wyjątkowo niesympatycznego faceta, którego ktoś zatłukł drążkiem wyłamanym ze stojaka na ubrania... Niebawem ona sama staje się główną podejrzaną. Haley sama musi oczyścić się z zarzutów i podejmuje prywatne śledztwo. Kończy się ono nieoczekiwanym rezultatem... Nazwa - Torebki i morderstwo Autor - Dorothy Howell Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Bellona Kod ISBN - 9788311132061 Kod EAN - 9788311132061 Rok wydania - 2014 Format - 13x20 Ilość stron - 382 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2014-09-30


Sąd ostateczny - Anna Klejzerowicz - 2836982440

24,13 zł

Sąd ostateczny - Anna Klejzerowicz

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Charyzmatyczny, obdarzony nieprzeciętną intuicją dziennikarz w pojedynku z naśladowcą Hansa Memlinga. Emil Żądło, który zrezygnował z pracy w policji na rzecz dziennikarstwa, przeżywa kryzys. Kryzys wieloraki: związany z pracą, z brakiem natchnienia na nowy artykuł, z finansami, z uczuciami, z życiem w ogóle... Za ostatnie pieniądze kupuje alkohol i papierosy, nie ma siły wstać z łóżka i wziąć się w garść, a na dodatek jego była żona utrudnia mu kontakty z synem i męczy o zaległe alimenty. Wszystko się zmienia, gdy któregoś razu w nocnym pubie spotyka córkę swojej starej sąsiadki, Dorotę. Młoda kobieta i jej narzeczony tej samej nocy zostają brutalnie zamordowani w niejasnych okolicznościach. Zaintrygowany Emil postanawia pomóc policji w śledztwie. "Emil Żądło to świetnie skonstruowana postać, która od pierwszej chwili wzbudziła moją sympatię." Agnieszka Lingas-Łoniewska, autorka m. in. trylogii Zakręty losu, Szóstego, Łatwopalnych i Brudnego świata Nazwa - Sąd ostateczny Autor - Anna Klejzerowicz Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Replika Kod ISBN - 9788376742878 Kod EAN - 9788376742878 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - polski Format - 13.0x20.0cm Ilość stron - 316 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2014-05-06


Niezrównana elegancja - Maria Maccari - 2836937697

53,74 zł

Niezrównana elegancja - Maria Maccari

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - "Suknia balowa musi przypominać marzenie senne i przeobrażać kobietę w istotę z tego wymiaru" stwierdził kiedyś Christian Dior, dodając iż każda kobieta powinna mieć w szafie przynajmniej jedną suknię balową, gdyż to "znakomicie wpływa na jej morale". Nie ulega wątpliwości, iż posiadanie takiej kreacji potrafi zdziałać cuda dla zdrowia psychicznego również współczesnych kobiet, kilkadziesiąt lat po tym, jak francuski krawiec haute couture przelał te słowa na papier. Kiedy to pisał, suknie wieczorowe wciąż były dla kobiet z towarzystwa symbolem statusu, a przebranie się do kolacji normą de rigueur. Od tego czasu wiele się zmieniło. Jednak ten element garderoby zachował pewien stopień ekskluzywności - gdyż nadal ma w sobie coś z marzenia sennego - a jednocześnie przeszedł swoisty proces "demokratyzacji". "Niezrównana elegancja" to książka o wiecznym pragnieniu piękna i ekskluzywności. Nazwa - Niezrównana elegancja Autor - Maria Maccari Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Olesiejuk Kod ISBN - 9788327433954 Kod EAN - 9788327433954 Rok wydania - 2015 Język - polski Format - 25.5x30.0cm Ilość stron - 240 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2015-11-21


Sposób na Alcybiadesa / Oprawa twarda - Edmund Niziurski - 2836982154

23,31 zł

Sposób na Alcybiadesa / Oprawa twarda - Edmund Niziurski

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Nauczyciele są przekonani, że uczniowie chodzą do szkoły, by się uczyć. Uczniowie wiedzą, że aby przetrwać w szkole, trzeba znaleźć sposób, aby się nie uczyć, ale mimo to mieć dobre oceny. Klasa 8 A szczególnie pragnie się nie uczyć... Na każdego nauczyciela jest przecież jakaś metoda, która na to pozwala, ale starsi koledzy niekoniecznie chcą ją zdradzić. Cóż, czego się nie robi dla sprawy... Aby zdobyć sposób, warto nawet uciec się do porwania i tortur! Na szczęście wysiłki się opłacają, a sposób działa - ale czy aby na pewno tak, jak chłopcy zaplanowali? Przedstawiamy kolorowe wydanie jednej z najbardziej znanych powieści Edmunda Niziurskiego - znanego i kochanego od pokoleń pisarza młodzieżowego! Od 2014 roku Wydawnictwo GREG jest wyłącznym wydawcą książek Edmunda Niziurskiego przez okres pięciu lat. Nazwa - Sposób na Alcybiadesa / Oprawa twarda Autor - Edmund Niziurski Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Greg Kod ISBN - 9788375174793 Kod EAN - 9788375174793 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - polski Format - 17.5x25.0cm Ilość stron - 280 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2014-04-30


Reconquista: A Romance of Spain - 2875671806

80,72 zł

Reconquista: A Romance of Spain Apache Trail Publications

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In this story, John Cowart explores the complex social, political and religious forces that dominated Medieval Spain during the Reconquista. Jews were caught in the middle of this titanic struggle between Christian and Muslim. The Moors drive Hernan from his castle, and he flees to Leon. There, he meets Rachel, the daughter of Abraham Ben Kohen, the king's chancellor. Their love grows in spite of their religious differences. She is a Jew, and he a Christian. When Ben Kohen is killed, the king blames Hernan and promises Rachel to another in marriage. Forced into exile, Hernan has lost everything. He must overcome his prejudices and reconcile with his worst enemy to regain his fortune and win the hand of the one he loves.


Przewodnik po metafizyce - Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk (red.) - 2837041498

47,07 zł

Przewodnik po metafizyce - Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk (red.)

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Przewodniki po filozofii to pierwsza w Polsce seria książkowa, której celem jest zdanie sprawy z aktualnego stanu badań naukowych w zakresie wszystkich dyscyplin filozoficznych. Każda pozycja w serii jest zbiorem esejów autorstwa czołowych polskich znawców przedmiotu reprezentujących różne ośrodki akademickie. Adresatami serii są zarówno wykładowcy i studenci filozofii, jak i szersze grono miłośników filozofii, stąd obok dbałości o merytoryczną jakość tekstów, redaktorom serii przyświeca troska o ich jasność i przystępność. Oprócz uporządkowanej prezentacji najważniejszych wątków toczonych dziś filozoficznych debat Czytelnik otrzymuje obszerne wskazówki bibliograficzne, z uwzględnieniem najnowszych publikacji na dany temat.Redaktorzy serii: Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk & Janusz SalamonPrzewodnik po metafizyce to zbiór artykułów prezentujących najnowsze stany badań nad bogatą problematyką metafizyczną we współczesnej filozofii. Niewątpliwą zaletą Przewodnika jest to, że jego Autorzy przekonująco pokazują, iż wiele problemów tradycyjnej filozofii zostało w wieku XX i XXI podjętych i opracowanych na nowo, głównie dzięki temu, że filozofia analityczna potrafiła przezwyciężyć swoje antymetafizyczne nastawienie. Dodatkowo Autorzy umiejętnie łączą tradycję kontynentalną z analityczną, by w ten sposób zaznaczyć unikalną wartość metafizyki jako dyscypliny uniwersalnej.Redaktor tomu: Sebastian Tomasz KołodziejczykKsiążka, którą łaskawy Czytelnik obecnie otrzymuje, jest świadectwem zainteresowań metafizycznych młodszego pokolenia filozofów polskich. Ich inspiracje są różne, łączy ich jednak fascynacja problematyką metafizyczną i rzetelność w jej podejmowaniu. Dzięki różnorodności propozycji książka stanowi dobry przegląd tego, co dziś w filozofii, także polskiej, się dzieje. Przewodniczący Rady Naukowej Serii: Władysław Stróżewski Nazwa - Przewodnik po metafizyce Autor - Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk (red.) Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - WAM Kod ISBN - 9788375057485 Kod EAN - 9788375057485 Rok wydania - 2011 Język - polski Seria wydawnicza - Przewodniki po filozofii Format - 15.5x23.0cm Ilość stron - 636 Podatek VAT - 5%


Między niebem a piekłem - Grzegorz Polaczek - 2854925337

21,12 zł

Między niebem a piekłem - Grzegorz Polaczek

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - "Między niebem a piekłem" to porywająca opowieść o dwóch banitach zesłanych na Ziemię: diable Seth'ie i aniele Bartłomieju. Przypadkowe spotkanie powoduje, iż ze względu na obopólne korzyści, postanawiają zamieszkać razem. Książka opowiada o wspólnych wysiłkach, które mają doprowadzić ich z powrotem do domu, gdzie nie będą musieli mierzyć się z codziennymi problemami życia na Ziemi. Nazwa - Między niebem a piekłem Autor - Grzegorz Polaczek Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Novae Res Kod ISBN - 9788377222300 Kod EAN - 9788377222300 Rok wydania - 2011 Język - polski Format - 12.0x19.5cm Ilość stron - 236 Podatek VAT - 5%


And There Was Light - 2872120571

160,55 zł

And There Was Light RandomHouse USA

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Pulitzer Prize


Presidents' War - 2878798234

87,13 zł

Presidents' War Rowman & Littlefield

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

For the first time, readers will experience America's gravest crisis through the eyes of the five former presidents who lived it. Author and historian Chris DeRose chronicles history's most epic Presidential Royal Rumble, which culminated in a multi-front effort against Lincoln's reelection bid, but not before: * John Tyler engaged in shuttle diplomacy between President Buchanan and the new Confederate Government. He chaired the Peace Convention of 1861, the last great hope for a political resolution to the crisis. When it failed, Tyler joined the Virginia Secession Convention, voted to leave the Union, and won election to the Confederate Congress. * Van Buren, who had schemed to deny Lincoln the presidency, supported him in his efforts after Fort Sumter, and thwarted Franklin Pierce's attempt at a meeting of the ex-Presidents to undermine Lincoln. * Millard Fillmore hosted Lincoln and Mary Todd on their way to Washington, initially supported the war effort, offered critical advice to keep Britain at bay, but turned on Lincoln over emancipation.* Franklin Pierce, talked about as a Democratic candidate in 1860 and '64, was openly hostile to Lincoln and supportive of the South, an outspoken critic of Lincoln especially on civil liberties. After Vicksburg, when Jefferson Davis's home was raided, a secret correspondence between Pierce and the Confederate President was revealed. * James Buchanan, who had left office as seven states had broken away from the Union, engaged in a frantic attempt to vindicate his administration, in part by tying himself to Lincoln and supporting the war, arguing that his successor had simply followed his policies. How Abraham Lincoln battled against his predecessors to preserve the Union and later to put an end to slavery is a thrilling tale of war waged at the top level of power.


Quotable Jefferson Davis - 2867118669

56,64 zł

Quotable Jefferson Davis Sea Raven Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Who was America's most important Civil War president? For those of us who live in the South it wasn't Abraham Lincoln, it was Jefferson Davis. If you're not as familiar with Davis as you are with Lincoln, it's not surprising: when the Northern victors rewrote the history of the Civil War, they glorified liberal Lincoln while all but ignoring conservative Davis - a biased trend that continues to this day. In this one-of-a-kind Civil War Sesquicentennial Edition, "The Quotable Jefferson Davis," award-winning author, Southern historian, and Davis family relation, Lochlainn Seabrook, brings the Rebel leader's forgotten words and ideas back to life; traditional American beliefs that were once ardently embraced by over half of the United States. Included here, in some 300 footnoted entries, are examples of Davis' core views on government, the Constitution, the Union, states' rights, slavery, secession, his presidency, the War, the Confederacy, the Southern people, Lincoln, Yankees, Reconstruction, and more. Though brief, this is a significant work that should be required reading in every American home and school. For with the original intention of the Founding Fathers quickly disappearing (that, in Davis' words, "sovereignty is inherent in the people"), and with the central government continuing to enlarge on a daily basis, this book's powerful message and revolutionary contents are now more topical than at any time since President Davis took office in 1861. An attractive, unique, affordable, and popular tourist-friendly work that will appeal to both casual Civil War buffs and hardcore academicians alike, "The Quotable Jefferson Davis" is the perfect addition to any retail outlet, including Civil War sites, historic houses, museum gift stores, antique shops, and gun stores. Civil War scholar Lochlainn Seabrook, a descendant of the families of Alexander H. Stephens and John S. Mosby, is the most prolific and popular pro-South writer in the world today. A recipient of the prestigious Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal, he is known as the "new Shelby Foote" and is the author of over 45 books. A seventh-generation Kentuckian of Appalachian heritage, Mr. Seabrook has a forty-year background in American and Southern history, and is the author of the runaway bestseller "Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!" His other popular books include: "Everything You Were Taught About American Slavery is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!"; "The Great Yankee Coverup: What the North Doesn't Want You to Know About Lincoln's War!"; "Confederate Flag Facts: What Every American Should Know About Dixie's Southern Cross"; "Confederacy 101: Amazing Facts You Never Knew About America's Oldest Political Tradition"; "Give This Book to a Yankee! A Southern Guide to the Civil War For Northerners"; and "Honest Jeff and Dishonest Abe: A Southern Children's Guide to the Civil War."


Soul of America - 2861948922

123,05 zł

Soul of America Random House USA Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jon Meacham helps us understand the present moment in American politics and life by looking back at critical times in our history when hope overcame division and fear.Our current climate of partisan fury is not new, and in The Soul of America Meacham shows us how what Abraham Lincoln called the "better angels of our nature" have repeatedly won the day. Painting surprising portraits of Lincoln and other presidents, including Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and Lyndon B. Johnson, and illuminating the courage of such influential citizen activists as Martin Luther King, Jr., early suffragettes Alice Paul and Carrie Chapman Catt, civil rights pioneers Rosa Parks and John Lewis, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and Army-McCarthy hearings lawyer Joseph N. Welch, Meacham brings vividly to life turning points in American history. He writes about the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the birth of the Lost Cause; the backlash against immigrants in the First World War and the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s; the fight for women's rights; the demagoguery of Huey Long and Father Coughlin and the isolationist work of America First in the years before World War II; the anti-Communist witch-hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy; and Lyndon Johnson's crusade against Jim Crow. Each of these dramatic hours in our national life have been shaped by the contest to lead the country to look forward rather than back, to assert hope over fear-a struggle that continues even now.While the American story has not always-or even often-been heroic, we have been sustained by a belief in progress even in the gloomiest of times. In this inspiring book, Meacham reassures us, "The good news is that we have come through such darkness before"-as, time and again, Lincoln's better angels have found a way to prevail.Praise for The Soul of America"Appalled by the ascendancy of Donald J. Trump, and shaken by the deadly white nationalist rallies in Charlottesville in 2017, Meacham returns to other moments in our history when fear and division seemed rampant. He wants to remind us that the current political turmoil is not unprecedented, that as a nation we have survived times worse than this. . . . Meacham tries to summon the better angels by looking back at when America truly has been great. He is effective as ever at writing history for a broad readership."-The New York Times Book Review"This is a brilliant, fascinating, timely, and above all profoundly important book."-Walter Isaacson


Politically Incorrect Guide to American History - 2877489105

88,41 zł

Politically Incorrect Guide to American History Regnery Publishing Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Claiming that most textbooks and popular history books were written by biased left-wing writers and scholars, historian Thomas Woods offers this guide as an alternative to "the stale and predictable platitudes of mainstream texts." Covering the colonial era through the Clinton administration, Woods seeks to debunk some persistent myths about American history. For instance, he writes, the Puritans were not racists intent on stealing the Indians' lands, the Founding Fathers were not revolutionaries but conservatives in the true sense of the word, the American War Between the States (to even call it a civil war is inaccurate, Woods says) was not principally about slavery, Abraham Lincoln was no friend to the slaves, and FDR's New Deal policies actually made the Depression worse. He also covers a wide range of constitutional interpretations over the years, particularly regarding the First, Second, Ninth, and Tenth amendments, and continually makes the point that states' rights have been unlawfully trampled upon by the federal government since the early days of the republic.Though its title is more deliberately provocative than accurate, Woods' attack on what he sees as rampant liberal revisionism over the past 25 years proves to be an interesting platform for a book. He's as biased as those he rails against, of course, but he does provoke thought in an entertaining way even if he sometimes tries to pass off opinion as hard facts. This quick and enjoyable read is packed with unfamiliar quotes, informative sidebars, iconoclastic viewpoints, and a list of books "you're not supposed to read." It is not a comprehensive or detailed study, but that is not its aim; instead, it offers ideas for further research and a challenge to readers to dig deeper and analyze some basic assumptions about American history--a worthy goal that Woods manages to reach. -


Searching Her Own Mystery - 2876831727

137,36 zł

Searching Her Own Mystery Cascade Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Vatican II's Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate) transformed the Catholic view of the Jewish people and the Jewish religious tradition. Asserting that the Church discovers her link to the ""stock of Abraham"" when ""searching her own mystery,"" Nostra Aetate intimated that the mystery of Israel is inseparable from the mystery of the Church. As interlocking mysteries, each community requires the other in order to understand itself. In Searching Her Own Mystery, noted Messianic Jewish theologian Mark S. Kinzer argues that the Church has yet to explore adequately the implications of Nostra Aetate for Christian self-understanding. The new Catholic teaching concerning Israel should produce fresh perspectives on the entire range of Christian theology, including Christology, ecclesiology, and the theology of the sacraments. To this end, Kinzer proposes an Israel-ecclesiology rooted in Israel-Christology in which a restored ecclesia ex circumcisione--the ""church from the circumcision""--assumes a crucial role as a sacramental sign of the Church's bond with the Jewish people and genealogical-Israel's irrevocable election. ""The implications of Nostra Aetate lay dormant for a decade or so until the Pontificate of John Paul II. Since then, Catholic thinkers have begun to probe more deeply how the mystery of Israel is related to that of the Church. Mark Kinzer has thought long and hard about these issues and the reader will be the beneficiary of his learning on this important issue."" --Gary A. Anderson, Hesburgh Professor of Catholic Theology, University of Notre Dame, Indiana ""This is another beautifully written and powerful theological work from leading Messianic Jewish theologian Mark Kinzer. Kinzer, who is not a Catholic but whose life has been marked by rich dialogue with Catholics, urges the Catholic Church to open up explicitly Jewish ecclesial environments for Torah-observant Messianic Jews within the Catholic Church. While I differ from him in significant ways, I agree with him that Catholics must attend ever more deeply to the implications of God's covenantal election of the Jewish people and to the enduring spiritual value, in God's plan, of the Jewish people's observance of the Torah."" --Matthew Levering, Perry Family Foundation Professor of Theology, Mundelein Seminary, Mundelein, Illinois ""Mark Kinzer has written a deeply thought-provoking and significant book on furthering the communion between Messianic Jews and the Catholic Church. He presents clearly and creatively his scriptural and theological arguments, and the interweaving of his personal pilgrimage to faith in Jesus. His subsequent journey in that faith adds poignancy and eloquence to his theological project. The theological academy, and especially the Catholic scholars within it, ought seriously to engage this book, and Catholic bishops ought to read it with a sympathetic eye and a discerning spirit."" --Thomas G. Weinandy, Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC Mark S. Kinzer is Rabbi of Congregation Zera Avraham in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and President Emeritus of Messianic Jewish Theological Institute. He is the author of Postmissionary Messianic Judaism (2005) and Israel's Messiah and the People of God (2011).


To Make Men Free - 2868449597

142,30 zł

To Make Men Free Perseus Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

When Abraham Lincoln helped create the Republican Party on the eve of the Civil War, his goal was to promote economic opportunity for all Americans, not just the slaveholding Southern planters who steered national politics. Yet, despite the egalitarian dream at the heart of its founding, the Republican Party quickly became mired in a fundamental identity crisis. Would it be the party of democratic ideals? Or would it be the party of moneyed interests? In the century and a half since, Republicans have vacillated between these two poles, with dire economic, political, and moral repercussions for the entire nation. In To Make Men Free, celebrated historian Heather Cox Richardson traces the shifting ideology of the Grand Old Party from the antebellum era to the Great Recession, revealing the insidious cycle of boom and bust that has characterized the Party since its inception. While in office, progressive Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower revived Lincoln's vision of economic freedom and expanded the government, attacking the concentration of wealth and nurturing upward mobility.But they and others like them have been continually thwarted by powerful business interests in the Party. Their opponents appealed to Americans' latent racism and xenophobia to regain political power, linking taxation and regulation to redistribution and socialism. The results of the Party's wholesale embrace of big business are all too familiar: financial collapses like the Panic of 1893, the Great Depression in 1929, and the Great Recession in 2008. With each passing decade, with each missed opportunity and political misstep, the schism within the Republican Party has grown wider, pulling the GOP ever further from its founding principles. Expansive and authoritative, To Make Men Free is a sweeping history of the Party that was once America's greatest political hope--and, time and time again, has proved its greatest disappointment.


Garibaldi - 2878161458

291,91 zł

Garibaldi Princeton University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

What adventure novelist could have invented the life of Giuseppe Garibaldi? The revolutionary, soldier, politician, and greatest figure in the fight for Italian unification, Garibaldi (1807-1882) brought off almost as many dramatic exploits in the Americas as he did in Europe, becoming an international freedom fighter, earning the title of the "hero of two worlds," and making himself perhaps the most famous and beloved man of his century. Alfonso Scirocco's "Garibaldi" is the most up-to-date, authoritative, comprehensive, and convincing biography of Garibaldi yet written.In vivid narrative style and unprecedented detail, and drawing on many new sources that shed fresh light on important events, Scirocco tells the full story of Garibaldi's fascinating public and private life, separating its myth-like reality from the outright myths that have surrounded Garibaldi since his own day. Scirocco tells how Garibaldi devoted his energies to the liberation of Italians and other oppressed peoples.Sentenced to death for his role in an abortive Genoese insurrection in 1834, Garibaldi fled to South America, where he joined two successive fights for independence - Rio Grande do Sul's against Brazil and Uruguay's against Argentina.He returned to Italy in 1848 to again fight for Italian independence, leading seven more campaigns, including the spectacular capture of Sicily.During the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln even offered to make him a general in the Union army. Presenting Garibaldi as a complex and even contradictory figure, Scirocco shows us the pacifist who spent much of his life fighting; the nationalist who advocated European unification; the republican who served a king; and the man who, although compared by contemporaries to Aeneas and Odysseus, refused honors and wealth and spent his last years as a farmer.


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