krainaksiazek britain s great future 20092832

- znaleziono 36 produktów w 5 sklepach

Empire of Liberty - 2877857844

111,11 zł

Empire of Liberty Oxford University Press Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The Oxford History of the United States is by far the most respected multi-volume history of the USA. The series includes three Pulitzer Prize winners, two New York Times bestsellers, and winners of the Bancroft and Parkman Prizes. Now, in the newest volume in the series, one of America's most esteemed historians, Gordon S. Wood, offers a brilliant account of the early American Republic, ranging from 1789 and the beginning of the national government to the end of the War of 1812. As Wood reveals, the period was marked by tumultuous change in all aspects of American life-in politics, society, economy, and culture. The men who founded the new government had high hopes for the future, but few of their hopes and dreams worked out quite as they expected. They hated political parties but parties nonetheless emerged. Some wanted the United States to become a great fiscal-military state like those of Britain and France; others wanted the country to remain a rural agricultural state very different from the European states. Instead, by 1815 the United States became something neither group anticipated.Many leaders expected American culture to flourish and surpass that of Europe; instead it became popularized and vulgarized. The leaders also hope to see the end of slavery; instead, despite the release of many slaves and the end of slavery in the North, slavery was stronger in 1815 than it had been in 1789. Many wanted to avoid entanglements with Europe, but instead the country became involved in Europe's wars and ended up waging another war with the former mother country. Still, with a new generation emerging by 1815, most Americans were confident and optimistic about the future of their country. Integrating all aspects of life, from politics and law to the economy and culture, Empire of Liberty offers a marvelous account of this pivotal era when America took its first unsteady steps as a new and rapidly expanding nation. A Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for History Winner of the New-York Historical Society American History Book Prize A New York Times Bestseller Selected as one of the Top 25 Books of 2009 by The Atlantic "On every page of this book, Wood's subtlety and erudition show.Grand in scope and a landmark achievement of scholarship, Empire of Liberty is a tour de force, the culmination of a lifetime of brilliant thinking and writing." -The New York Times Book Review "Empire of Liberty will rightly take its place among the authoritative volumes in this important and influential series." -The Washington Post


Leadership - 2877288031

112,00 zł

Leadership Penguin LCC US

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Henry Kissinger, consummate diplomat and statesman, examines the strategies of six great twentieth-century figures and brings to life a unifying theory of leadership and diplomacy Leaders, writes Henry Kissinger in this compelling book, think and act at the intersection of two axes: the first, between the past and the future; the second, between the abiding values and aspirations of those they lead. They must balance what they know, which is necessarily drawn from the past, with what they intuit about the future, which is inherently conjectural and uncertain. It is this intuitive grasp of direction that enables leaders to set objectives and lay down a strategy.  In Leadership, Kissinger analyses the lives of six extraordinary leaders through the distinctive strategies of statecraft, which he believes they embodied. After the Second World War, Konrad Adenauer brought defeated and morally bankrupt Germany back into the community of nations by what Kissinger calls the strategy of humility. Charles de Gaulle set France beside the victorious Allies and renewed its historic grandeur by the strategy of will. During the Cold War, Richard Nixon gave geostrategic advantage to the United States by the strategy of equilibrium. After twenty-five years of conflict, Anwar Sadat brought a vision of peace to the Middle East by a strategy of transcendence. Against the odds, Lee Kuan Yew created a powerhouse city-state, Singapore, by the strategy of excellence. And, though Britain was known as the sick man of Europe when Margaret Thatcher came to power, she renewed her country s morale and international position by the strategy of conviction.  To each of these studies, Kissinger brings historical perception, public experience and because he knew each of the subjects and participated in many of the events he describes personal knowledge. Leadership is enriched by insights and judgements that only Kissinger could make and concludes with his reflections on world order and the indispensability of leadership today.


Democracy Disrupted - 2867117002

89,11 zł

Democracy Disrupted University of Pennsylvania Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Since the financial meltdown of 2008, political protests have spread around the world like chain lightning, from the "Occupy" movements of the United States, Great Britain, and Spain to more destabilizing forms of unrest in Tunisia, Egypt, Russia, Thailand, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Ukraine. In Democracy Disrupted: The Politics of Global Protest, commentator and political scientist Ivan Krastev proposes a provocative interpretation of these popular uprisings-one with ominous implications for the future of democratic politics. Challenging theories that trace the protests to the rise of a global middle class, Krastev proposes that the insurrections express a pervasive distrust of democratic institutions. Protesters on the streets of Moscow, Sofia, Istanbul, and Sao Paulo are openly suspicious of both the market and the state. They reject established political parties, question the motives of the mainstream media, refuse to recognize the legitimacy of any specific leadership, and reject all formal organizations. They have made clear what they don't want-the status quo-but they have no positive vision of an alternative future.Welcome to the worldwide libertarian revolution, in which democracy is endlessly disrupted to no end beyond the disruption itself.


10 lat leczenia biologicznego chorób reumatycznych w Polsce - 2860970974

77,00 zł

10 lat leczenia biologicznego chorób reumatycznych w Polsce Termedia

Medycyna>Choroby wewnętrzne>Reumatologia

Inspiracją książki Dziesięć lat leczenia biologicznego chorób reumatycznych w Polsce pod red. Sławomira Jeki była konferencja pod tym samym tytułem, która odbyła się w listopadzie 2016 r. Jej współautorami są wybitni specjaliści w zakresie reumatologii z całego kraju. Książka została podzielona na dwie części. Pierwsza, przeznaczona dla reumatologów, poświęcona jest przyszłości leczenia reumatologicznego. Znalazły się tu także takie rozdziały, jak:: Nowe oblicza reumatologii, Socjoekonomia chorób reumatycznych, Nakłady finansowe na leczenie biologiczne chorób reumatycznych przez ostatnie 10 lat, Personalizacja w leczeniu chorób reumatycznych, Co nowego w młodzieńczym idiopatycznym zapaleniu stawów? Specjaliści z Danii, Hiszpanii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Czech i Szwecji opisali sytuację w krajach europejskich. Część druga książki składa się z rozdziałów napisach przez reumatologów, którzy współtworzyli sesje przygotowane dla lekarzy rodzinnych. Ich tematyka obejmuje podstawy leczenia biologicznego, diagnostykę wczesnego zapalenia stawów i spondyloartropatii zapalnych. Zaprezentowano także tak istotne i interdyscyplinarne schorzenia, jak zespół antyfosfolipidowy i twardzina układowa. Czytelnik znajdzie w książce również kompendium wiedzy na temat aspektów prawnych w praktyce reumatologa i lekarza rodzinnego, wytyczne do stosowania metotreksatu i wskazania do rehabilitacji oraz aktualne zalecenia dotyczące leczenia bólu w chorobach reumatycznych.Spis treści:CZĘŚĆ I. NOWE OBLICZA REUMATOLOGII 1. Apremilast


Triumph of the Dark - 2873015637

136,38 zł

Triumph of the Dark Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In this magisterial narrative, Zara Steiner traces the twisted road to war that began with Hitler's assumption of power in Germany. Covering a wide geographical canvas, from America to the Far East, Steiner provides an indispensable reassessment of the most disputed events of these tumultuous years. Steiner underlines the far-reaching consequences of the Great Depression, which shifted the initiative in international affairs from those who upheld the status quo to those who were intent on destroying it. In Europe, the l930s were Hitler's years. He moved the major chess pieces on the board, forcing the others to respond. From the start, Steiner argues, he intended war, and he repeatedly gambled on Germany's future to acquire the necessary resources to fulfil his continental ambitions. Only war could have stopped him-an unwelcome message for most of Europe. Misperception, miscomprehension, and misjudgment on the part of the other Great Powers leaders opened the way for Hitler's repeated diplomatic successes. It is ideology that distinguished the Hitler era from previous struggles for the mastery of Europe.Ideological presumptions created false images and raised barriers to understanding that even good intelligence could not penetrate. Only when the leaders of Britain and France realized the scale of Hitler's ambition, and the challenge Germany posed to their Great Power status, did they finally declare war.


Please Mr Panda - 2867581675

37,49 zł

Please Mr Panda Hachette Children's Book

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

With a Jon Klassen appeal, Steve Antony is the one to watch. Panda has a tray of doughnuts. Animal after animal tells him the one they want, but it's only when Lemur says 'please' politely that Panda will give any out! A witty and stylish lesson that manners will get you EVERYTHING. Even a trayload of doughnuts. From the creator of the bestselling The Queen's Hat: 'A great introduction to London, royalty, and all that makes Britain great.' The Sun 'A certain future classic.' Literary Loves


COVID-19 and the Global Predators - 2865503251

129,86 zł

COVID-19 and the Global Predators Lake Edge Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

COVID-19 and the Global Predators is much more than an analysis of the current exploitation of humanity under cover of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It discloses for the first time the actual blueprint and master plan that that was ten years in the making by global predators before the pandemic: a plan to reorganize the world in the name of public health. Billionaires, government agencies, giant funds, and major industries collaborated years ahead of time to lay the groundwork for what would become Operation Warp Speed and the Great Reset in 2020. All this is disclosed, individuals and groups are named, and their plans for the future are documented. The book concludes with chapters on what America and the world must do in the coming weeks and months to save humanity's freedoms. Many top medical and public health experts treating and examining COVID 19 agree this is the most comprehensive book about who and what is behind the draconian measures that are crushing individual freedoms and many of the societies and economies of the Western World including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. Three of these medical doctors have confirmed this in their introductions to the book: physicians Peter McCullough MD MPH, Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko MD and Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD. They are echoed by endorsements from Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Paul Alexander PhD. This book thoroughly documents solid answers to these tragic questions about the global predators who are reaping enormous benefits from COVID-19 suffering including wealth, power and the destruction of America as an opposition to globalism. Who are the "they"-these Global Predators? What are their motives and their plans for us? How can we defend against them?


Matematyka Wokół nas SP kl.5 ćwiczenia cz.1 - Lewicka Helena, Kowalczyk Marianna - 2837006848

3,60 zł

Matematyka Wokół nas SP kl.5 ćwiczenia cz.1 - Lewicka Helena, Kowalczyk Marianna

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Zeszyt jest uzupełnieniem części ćwiczeniowej podręcznika Matematyka wokół nas do klasy piątej. Pomaga w utrwalaniu umiejętności i uczy systematyczności. Zachęca do nauki matematyki poprzez: ciekawe zadania odnoszące się do codziennego życia; krzyżówki i rebusy matematyczne, rysunki do kolorowania; pomoce dla ucznia, np. zabawy i gry na oddzielnych wkładkach; odniesienia do CD-ROM-u z interaktywnymi grami i animacjami dołączonego do podręcznika. Odpowiednio oznaczone zadania z zeszytu znajdują się również na platformie edukacyjnej Elektroniczne treningi pomagają powtarzać oraz utrwalać wiadomości i umiejętności z każdego działu podręcznika. WSiPnet sprawdza ćwiczenia automatycznie. Po rozwiązaniu zestawu treningowego od razu widać wynik i wiadomo, co już nie sprawia trudności, a co jeszcze trzeba powtórzyć. to skuteczna nauka w atrakcyjnej formie. Nazwa - Matematyka Wokół nas SP kl.5 ćwiczenia cz.1 Autor - Lewicka Helena, Kowalczyk Marianna Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - WSiP Numer dopuszczenia - 275/2/2010 Kod ISBN - 9788302133558 Kod EAN - 9788302133558 Wydanie - 6 Rok wydania - 2013 Język - polski Format - 17.0x24.0cm Ilość stron - 112 Szkoła - Szkoła podstawowa Typ podręcznika - Podręcznik Przedmiot - Matematyka Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2013-03-21


Revolution Radio - Green Day (Płyta CD) - 2836912169

62,24 zł

Revolution Radio - Green Day (Płyta CD)

Książki & Multimedia > Muzyka

Opis - 12 studyjny album Green Day zatytułowany


Blood and Ruins - 2872348012

86,15 zł

Blood and Ruins Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

'A masterpiece. It puts all previous single-volume works of the conflict in the shade' Saul David, The Times 'This book is Richard Overy's magnum opus ... It would be difficult to overstate the brilliance with which argument and insight are interwoven in a fast-paced narrative' John Darwin, Times Literary Supplement A bold new approach to the Second World War from one of Britain's foremost military historians Richard Overy sets out in Blood and Ruins to recast the way in which we view the Second World War and its origins and aftermath. He argues that this was the 'great imperial war', a violent end to almost a century of global imperial expansion which reached its peak in the ambitions of Italy, Germany and Japan in the 1930s and early 1940s, before descending into the largest and costliest war in human history and the end, after 1945, of all territorial empires. How war on a huge scale was fought, supplied, paid for, supported by mass mobilization and morally justified forms the heart of this new account. Above all, Overy explains the bitter cost for those involved in fighting, and the exceptional level of crime and atrocity that marked these imperial projects, the war and its aftermath. This war was as deadly for civilians as it was for the military, a war to the death over the future of the global order. Blood and Ruins is a masterpiece from of one of the most renowned historians of the Second World War, which will compel us to view the war in novel and unfamiliar ways. Thought-provoking, original and challenging, Blood and Ruins sets out to understand the war anew.


Hero at the End of the World - 2866521464

68,08 zł

Hero at the End of the World Big Bang Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Sixteen year-old Ewan Mao knows one thing for certain: according to prophecy, it's his destiny to kill the evil tyrant whose dark reign has terrorized Britain for as long as he can remember. Although he's just a normal boy, deep down Ewan is confident that he has exactly what it takes to be a hero. But when Ewan's big moment comes and his best friend, the clever and talented Oliver Abrams, defeats the villain for him, Ewan's bright future crumbles before his eyes. Five years later, while Ewan is living at home and working a minimum wage job, Oliver has a job as an Unusual in the government's Serious Magical Crimes Agency, the life he and Ewan always dreamed of. A routine investigation leads him and his partner, Sophie Stuart, to uncover a dangerous and powerful cult... one that seems to have drawn his former best friend into a plot to end the world. A deftly plotted, hysterically funny journey through magical London and beyond, A Hero at the End of the World expertly walks the fine line between satire and sincerity. Its sensitive depiction of a broken friendship and wry takedown of unfairly great expectations will appeal to all readers of modern fantasy.


Kolbrin Bible - 2866522230

342,54 zł

Kolbrin Bible Your Own World Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future and their harbinger signs are now converging on 2012. These predictions are contained in The Kolbrin Bible, a secular wisdom text studied in the days of Jesus and lovingly preserved by generations of Celtic mystics in Great Britain. Nearly as big as the King James Bible, this 3600-year old text warns of an imminent, Armageddon-like conflict with radical Islam, but this is not the greatest threat. The authors of The Kolbrin Bible predict an end to life as we know it, by a celestial event. It will be the return of a massive space object, in a long elliptical orbit around our sun. Known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as the "Destroyer," the Celts later called it the "Frightener."


Nightmare Stacks - 2873896408

46,37 zł

Nightmare Stacks Little, Brown Book Group

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Alex Schwartz had a great job and a promising future - until he caught an unfortunate bout of vampirism, and agreed (on pain of death) to join the Laundry, Britain's only counter-occult secret intelligence agency.His first assignment is in Leeds - his old hometown. But the thought of telling his parents he's lost his job, let alone their discovering his 'condition', is causing Alex almost as much anxiety as his new lifestyle of supernatural espionage.His only saving grace is Cassie Brewer, a student from the local Goth Festival who flirts with him despite his fear of sunlight (and girls). But Cassie has secrets of her own - secrets that make Alex's night life seem positively normal . . .James Bond meets H. P. Lovecraft in the latest occult thriller from Hugo Award winner Charles Stross, in a series where British spies take on the supernatural.


Phytophagous beetles of Europe volume 3 - 2867605913

424,94 zł

Phytophagous beetles of Europe volume 3 NAP

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book deals with phytophagous beetles that belong to the families Bruchidae, Apionidae, Anthribidae, Rhynchitidae and Curculionidae Entiminae, which attack herbaceous plants, the foliage of trees and shrubs and their seeds. This guide will help you to recognise the most common species and the most characteristic of the different genera with the aid of the associated descriptions and plentiful illustrations, black and white drawings and colour plates.


Dangerous Visions And New Worlds - 2876340043

118,51 zł

Dangerous Visions And New Worlds PM Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Much has been written about the "long Sixties," the era of the late 1950s through the early 1970s. It was a period of major social change, most graphically illustrated by the emergence of liberatory and resistance movements focused on inequalities of class, race, gender, sexuality, and beyond, whose challenge represented a major shock to the political and social status quo. With its focus on speculation, alternate worlds and the future, science fiction became an ideal vessel for this upsurge of radical protest.Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1985 details, celebrates, and evaluates how science fiction novels and authors depicted, interacted with, and were inspired by these cultural and political movements in America and Great Britain. It starts with progressive authors who rose to prominence in the conservative 1950s, challenging the so-called Golden Age of science fiction and its linear narratives of technological breakthroughs and space-conquering male heroes. The book then moves through the 1960s, when writers, including those in what has been termed the New Wave, shattered existing writing conventions and incorporated contemporary themes such as modern mass media culture, corporate control, growing state surveillance, the Vietnam War, and rising currents of counterculture, ecological awareness, feminism, sexual liberation, and Black Power. The 1970s, when the genre reflected the end of various dreams of the long Sixties and the faltering of the postwar boom, is also explored along with the first half of the 1980s, which gave rise to new subgenres, such as cyberpunk.Dangerous Visions and New Worlds contains over twenty chapters written by contemporary authors and critics, and hundreds of full-color cover images, including thirteen thematically organised cover selections. New perspectives on key novels and authors, such as Octavia Butler, Ursula K. Le Guin, Philip K. Dick, Harlan Ellison, John Wyndham, Samuel Delany, J.G. Ballard, John Brunner, Judith Merril, Barry Malzberg, Joanna Russ, and many others are presented alongside excavations of topics, works, and writers who have been largely forgotten or undeservedly ignored.


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