krainaksiazek had it not been for the lord on her side 20122691

- znaleziono 57 produktów w 5 sklepach

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (Book Analysis) - 2877635535

44,40 zł

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (Book Analysis)

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Unlock the more straightforward side of The Lovely Bones with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, a thought-provoking novel about death and the ways we cope with grief. It is narrated by Susie Salmon, a 14-year-old girl who has been murdered and is watching over her family from the afterlife. As her friends and younger siblings grow up, experiencing aspects of life that she never had the chance to explore while she was alive, Susie tries to live on vicariously through them, even as her father becomes obsessed with finding her killer. The Lovely Bones is Alice Sebold's debut novel, and remains her best-known work. It was adapted for the screen by the director Peter Jackson in 2009.Find out everything you need to know about The Lovely Bones in a fraction of the time!This in-depth and informative reading guide brings you:


20 rubli, Żaglowce - Sailing Ships - USS Constitution, 2010 - 1373091810

280,00 zł

20 rubli, Żaglowce - Sailing Ships - USS Constitution, 2010 Mennica Polska: Numizmatyka

Kategorie > Srebrne i złote monety świata

Seria: "Żaglowce" "Coins of the Sailing Ships Series" Kraj: Republika Białoruś Emitent: Narodowy Bank Białorusi Producent: Mennica Polska S.A. Stan zachowania monety: I (menniczy) Nominał: 20 rubli Srebro: Ag 925 Techniki dodatkowe: hologram Stempel: BU Średnica: 38,61 mm Waga: 28,28 g Nakład: 7.000 szt. Data emisji: 10.12.2010 r. W zestawie: srebrna moneta w kapsule ochronnej, certyfikat autentyczności Mennicy Polskiej Srebrną kolekcję 7 urzekających monet "Żaglowce" wyeksponujesz w eleganckiej, drewnianej kasecie tematycznej - LINK DO ETUI. Morze, żywioły, magia żeglarstwa oraz szlachetny kruszec - USS Constitution - 4 moneta z serii "Żaglowce Świata". Morskie opowieści o pięknych żaglowcach stanowiących symbol podróży i marzeń o wielkim świecie. Srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska "USS Constitution" o urzekającej tematyce marynistycznej i imponującym projekcie. Moneta zajęła II miejsce w konkursie "Coin Constellation" w 2011 roku w Petersburgu w kategorii "Najlepsza koncepcja artystyczna". Podczas bicia monety wykorzystano najnowsze technologie - w tym bity, a nie naklejany HOLOGRAM z rysunkiem róży wiatrów. Jest to czwarta moneta z ciekawej serii "Żaglowce" ("Coins of the Sailing Ships Series"). Inspiracją do stworzenia nowej serii monet kolekcjonerskich były morza, oceany i pływające po nich najsłynniejsze żaglowce świata. Na monetach z tej cieszącej się popularnością serii zaprezentowane są najpiękniejsze i najbardziej znane żaglowce świata. Atrakcyjny temat, sztuka w najlepszym wydaniu oraz gratka dla miłośników tematyki marynistycznej, historycznej i podróżniczej! Odkryj morską przygodę dzięki niesamowitej serii srebrnych monet poświęconych znanym żaglowcom, takim jak: STS Sedov / STS Siedow (bandera - Rosja) SV Dar Pomorza (bandera - Polska) SV Amerigo Vespucci (bandera - Włochy) USS Constitution (bandera - USA) SV Cutty Sark (bandera - Wielka Brytania) STS Kruzenshtern (bandera - Rosja). Piękno tkwi w szczegółach, a ta srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska z serii "Żaglowce" ma ich wiele, zachwycając ciekawym projektem i niebanalnym tematem: czwarta moneta z nowej serii "Żaglowce", ciesząca się popularnością tematyka marynistyczna, kolejna moneta z serii - "Cutty Sark", srebro próby Ag 925, urzekający dodatek w postaci hologramu, wysokiej klasy wizerunek - projekt Dobrochny Surajewskiej, limitowana ilość dostępna na polskim rynku numizmatycznym. Planowana częstotliwość emisji monet z tej serii - to 2 tematy monet rocznie. Awers, który jest wspólny dla wszystkich monet z tej serii, przedstawia: herb Republiki Białoruś, nominał, hologram z rysunkiem róży wiatrów i znak menniczy Mennicy Polskiej. Stworzony nową technologią hologram na awersie, który jest bity, a nie naklejany, jest taki sam dla wszystkich monet z serii. Dodatkową atrakcją jest to, że nazwy statków na monetach będą w rodzimych językach, czyli bander statków. Dzięki ciekawej tematyce marynistycznej, oryginalnemu projektowi, nowoczesnej technologii i pięknemu kolekcjonerskiemu wykonaniu - moneta ta z pewnością będzie godną ozdobą każdej poważnej kolekcji. ***** USS Constitution - amerykańska trójmasztowa fregata o kadłubie wykonanym z drewna dębowego. Jest najstarszym pływającym i pozostającym w czynnej służbie okrętem świata. Okręt nosi imię upamiętniające Konstytucję Stanów Zjednoczonych i obecnie pełni czynną służbę w US Navy. Historia USS Constitution USS "Constitution" był jedną z sześciu fregat nazywanych Oryginalną Szóstką Fregat, które zostały zamówione decyzją kongresu w 1794. Stępkę pod okręt położono w lecie 1795 w bostońskiej stoczni Edmunda Hartsa. Kadłub, przy budowie którego użyto 2000 pni dębowych, wodowano 10 października 1797. Okręt wszedł do służby 21 października 1797, a uzbrajanie jednostki zakończono 22 lipca 1798, kiedy to udała się ona na patrol wzdłuż południowo wschodnich wybrzeży USA. W 1803 USS "Constitution" został okrętem flagowym Eskadry Morza Śródziemnego, której celem było zapewnienie bezpiecznej żeglugi amerykańskiej wobec gróźb jej ograniczenia ze strony Imperium Osmańskiego. W 1809 powrócił do Bostonu, gdzie poddano go remontowi. W 1809 wrócił do służby jako okręt flagowy szwadronu północnoatlantyckiego. 20 czerwca 1812 wybuchła wojna pomiędzy Wielką Brytanią a Stanami Zjednoczonymi. W dniu 12 lipca 1812 r., aby nie dopuścić do zablokowania okrętu w porcie, jego dowódca wyszedł w morze, a następnie, unikając brytyjskiego pościgu, udał się do bezpiecznego rejonu. 19 sierpnia brytyjskie okręty ponownie zlokalizowały pozycję USS "Constitution". Doszło do bitwy morskiej, w wyniku której "Constitution" ciężko uszkodził brytyjską fregatę HMS "Guerriere". Po tej bitwie, z uwagi na wyjątkową odporność kadłuba na brytyjski ostrzał, okrętowi nadano przydomek "Old Ironsides". Dane taktyczno-techniczne Położenie stępki: 1795 Wodowanie: 10 października 1797 Oddanie do służby: 21 października 1797 Status okrętu: w służbie Wyporność: 2200 t Długość: 53 m Szerokość: 13,3 m Zanurzenie: 4,4 m Napęd: żaglowy Prędkość: 13 węzłów Załoga: 450 Uzbrojenie: 30 dział 24 funtowych, 20 karonad 32 funtowych ***** USS Constitution, 20 Roubles, Series: Sailing Ships USS Constitution is the fourth coin issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus in the


Chez Panisse Cafe Cookbook - 2874913907

113,88 zł

Chez Panisse Cafe Cookbook HarperCollins Publishers Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

We hung the walls with old French movie posters advertising the films of Marcel Pagnol, films that had already provided us with both a name and an ideal: to create a community of friends, lovers, and relatives that span generations and is in tune with the seasons, the land, and human appetites. So writes Alice Waters of the opening of Berkeley's Chez Panisse Cafe on April Fool's Day, 1980. Located above the more formal Chez Panisse Restaurant, the Cafe is a bustling neighborhood bistro where guests needn't reserve far in advance and can choose from the ever-changing a la carte menu. It's the place where Alice Waters's inventive chefs cook in a more impromptu and earthy vein, drawing on the healthful, low-tech traditions of the cuisines of such Mediterranean regions as Catalonia, Campania, and Provence, while improvising and experimenting with the best products of Chez Panisse's own regional network of small farms and producers.In the Chez Panisse Cafe Cookbook, the follow-up to the award-winning Chez Panisse Vegetables, Alice Waters and her team of talented cooks offer more than 140 of the cafe's best-recipes--some that have been on the menu since the day cafe opened and others freshly reinvented with the honesty and ingenuity that have made Chez Panisse so famous. In addition to irresistible recipes, the Chez Panisse Cafe Cookbook is filled with chapter-opening essays on the relationships Alice has cultivated with the farmers, foragers and purveyors--most of them within an hour's drive of Berkeley--who make it possible for Chez Panisse to boast that nearly all food is locally grown, certifiably organic, and sustainably grown and harvested. Alice encourages her chefs and cookbook readers alike to decide what to cook only after visiting the farmer's market or produce stand. Then we can all fully appreciate the advantages of eating according to season--fresh spring lamb in late March, ripe tomato salads in late summer, Comice pear crisps in autumn.This book begins with a chapter of inspired vegetable recipes, from a vivid salad of avocados and beets to elegant Morel Mushroom Toasts to straightforward side dishes of Spicy Broccoli Raab and Garlicky Kale. The Chapter on eggs and cheese includes two of the cafe's most famous dishes, a garden lettuce salad with baked goat cheese and the Crostata di Perrella, the cafe's version of a calzone. Later chapters focus on fish and shellfish, beef, pork, lamb, and poultry, each offering its share of delightful dishes. You'll find recipes for curing your own pancetta, for simple grills and succulent braises, and for the definitive simple roast chicken--as well as sumptuous truffed chicken breasts. Finally the pastry cooks of Chez Panisse serve forth a chapter of uncomplicated sweets, including Apricot Bread Pudding, Chocolate Almond Cookies, and Wood Oven-baked Figs with Raspberries. Gorgeously designed and illustrated throughout with colored block prints by David Lance Goines, who has eaten at the cafe since the day it opened, Chez Panisse Cafe Cookbook is destined to become an indispensable classic.Fans of Alice Waters's restaurant and cafe will be thrilled to discover the recipes that keep them coming back for more. Loyal readers of her earlier cookbooks will delight in this latest collection of time-tested, deceptively simple recipes. And anyone who loves pure, vibrant, delicious fare made from the finest ingredients will be honored to add these new recipes to his or her repertoire.


Katalin Street - 2875794677

39,37 zł

Katalin Street Quercus Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

BY THE AUTHOR OF THE DOOR, ONE OF NYTBR'S TEN BEST BOOKS OF 2015 ** WINNER OF THE 2018 PEN TRANSLATION PRIZE ** ** SHORTLISTED FOR THE WARWICK WOMEN IN TRANSLATION PRIZE 2019 ** "Extraordinary" New York Times "Quite unforgettable" Daily Telegraph "Unusual, piercing . . . oddly percipient" Irish Times "A gorgeous elegy" Publishers Weekly "A brightly shining star in the Szabo universe" World Literature Today In prewar Budapest three families live side by side on gracious Katalin Street, their lives closely intertwined. A game is played by the four children in which Balint, the promising son of the Major, invariably chooses Iren Elekes, the headmaster's dutiful elder daughter, over her younger sister, the scatterbrained Blanka, and little Henriette Held, the daughter of the Jewish dentist. Their lives are torn apart in 1944 by the German occupation, which only the Elekes family survives intact. The postwar regime relocates them to a cramped Soviet-style apartment and they struggle to come to terms with social and political change, personal loss, and unstated feelings of guilt over the deportation of the Held parents and the death of little Henriette, who had been left in their protection. But the girl survives in a miasmal afterlife, and reappears at key moments as a mute witness to the inescapable power of past events. As in The Door and Iza's Ballad, Magda Szabo conducts a clear-eyed investigation into the ways in which we inflict suffering on those we love. Katalin Street, which won the 2007 Prix Cevennes for Best European novel, is a poignant, sombre, at times harrowing book, but beautifully conceived and truly unforgettable. Translated from the Hungarian by Len Rix


Writings Of Marcel Duchamp - 2866514647

106,47 zł

Writings Of Marcel Duchamp Hachette Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In the twenties, Surrealists proclaimed that words had stopped playing around and had begun to make love. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the writings of Marcel Duchamp, who fashioned some of the more joyous and ingenious couplings and uncouplings in modern art. This collection beings together two essential interviews and two statements about his art that underscore the serious side of Duchamp. But most of the book is made up of his experimental writings, which he called "Texticles," the long and extraordinary notes he wrote for The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Eben (also known as The Large Glass), and the outrageous puns and alter-ego he constructed for his female self, Rrose Selavy ("Eros, c'est la vie" or "arouser la vie"--"drink it up"; "celebrate life"). Wacky, perverse, deliberately frustrating, these entertaining notes are basic for understanding one of the twentieth century's most provocative artists, a figure whose influence on the contemporary scene has never been stronger.


To Hate Adam Connor - 2871788409

41,83 zł

To Hate Adam Connor Simon & Schuster

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

There's a sexy actor living next door... wouldn't you take a peek? Adam Connor is an award-winning actor and undeniable heartthrob. He's also recently divorced, a single dad and he happens to live right next door to Lucy. And it might be rude to stare but Lucy just can't help it. The ladder might have been a little much though... One night when she's indulging her stalker side, Lucy sees something terrible and has no choice but to intervene. She had the best of intentions but Adam can't see past it and has her arrested. After that night, they're sworn enemies. Even though Adam knows he actually owes Lucy a lot and she can't pretend she doesn't still find the hot dad act quite appealing...


Henry Moore's Sheep Sketchbook - 2877955526

59,89 zł

Henry Moore's Sheep Sketchbook Thames & Hudson Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In February 1972 Henry Moore's sculpture studios in the English countryside at Much Hadham were filled with the preparations for his retrospective exhibition at Florence. In search of peace and quiet, he went into a smaller room overlooking the fields where a local farmer grazed his sheep. The sheep came very close to the window, attracting his attention, and he began to draw them. Initially he saw them as nothing more than four-legged balls of wool, but his vision changed as he explored what they were really like - the way they moved, the shape of their bodies under the fleece. They also developed strong human and biblical associations, and the sight of a ewe with her lamb evoked the mother-and-child theme - a large form sheltering a small one - which has been important to Henry Moore in all his work. He drew the sheep again that summer after they were shorn, when he could see the shapes of the bodies which had been covered by wool. Solid in form, sudden and vigorous in movement, Henry Moore's sheep are created through a network of swirling and zigzagging lines in the rapid and (in Moore's hands) sensitive medium of ballpoint pen.The effect is both familiar and monumental; as Lord Clark comments, 'We expect Henry Moore to give a certain nobility to everything he draws; but more surprising is the way in which these drawings express a feeling of real affection for their subject.'


Last Stand of Dead Men - 2852636123

42,52 zł

Last Stand of Dead Men HarperCollins Publishers

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The eighth instalment in the biggest, funniest, most thrilling comedy-horror-adventure series in the universe - and the follow-up to the number-one bestseller, Kingdom of the Wicked...War has finally come. But it's not a war between good and evil, or light and dark - it's a war between Sanctuaries. For too long, the Irish Sanctuary has teetered on the brink of world-ending disaster, and the other Sanctuaries around the world have had enough. Allies turn to enemies, friends turn to foes, and Skulduggery and Valkyrie must team up with the rest of the Dead Men if they're going to have any chance at all of maintaining the balance of power and getting to the root of a vast conspiracy that has been years in the making. But while this war is only beginning, another war rages within Valkyrie herself. Her own dark side, the insanely powerful being known as Darquesse, is on the verge of rising to the surface. And if Valkyrie slips, even for a moment, then Darquesse will burn the world and everyone in it.


Agatha Raisin: Devil's Delight - 2873892981

46,37 zł

Agatha Raisin: Devil's Delight Little, Brown Book Group

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Beloved New York Times bestseller M. C. Beaton


Wildfire - 2877313995

68,80 zł

Wildfire Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The red stallion did not appear to be hurt. The twitching of his muscles must have been caused by the cactus spikes embedded in him. There were drops of blood all over one side. Lucy thought she dared to try to pull these thorns out. She had never in her l


Never Greener - 2862193882

42,78 zł

Never Greener Transworld

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

'Ruth Jones is excellent on human nature and why we make the mistakes we do. I felt for every character. Unputdownable.' Jojo Moyes ***** In her unmissable debut, actress and screenwriter Ruth Jones shows us the dangers of trying to recapture that which was once lost and failing to realise the beauty of what we already have. ***** 'We spend most of our lives wishing we were somewhere else or someone else, or looking forward or harping back. Always thinking the grass is greener on the other side. But it never is. It's still grass. Just a different patch of it, that's all.' ***** The past has a habit of tracking us down. And tripping us up. When Kate was twenty-two, she had an intense and passionate affair with a married man, Callum, which ended in heartbreak. Kate thought she'd never get over it. Seventeen years later, life has moved on - Kate, now a successful actress, is living in London, married to Matt and mother to little Tallulah. Meanwhile Callum and his wife Belinda are happy together, living in Edinburgh and watching their kids grow up. The past, it would seem, is well and truly behind them all. But then Kate meets Callum again. And they are faced with a choice: to walk away from each other . . . or to risk finding out what might have been. Second chances are a rare gift in life. But that doesn't mean they should always be taken . . . *****'I love books about gnarly, messy relationships and this one kept me gripped from the beginning. A great read.' Jane Fallon 'Heart-rending, provocative and astutely written, Never Greener is a love story about getting what you want and losing everything you need. Ruth's characters will stay with me for a long time.' Cathy Bramley


I Lost it at the Movies - 2877863320

75,98 zł

I Lost it at the Movies Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"I Lost it at the Movies" is vintage Kael on such classics of post-War cinema as "On the Waterfront, Smiles of a Summer Night, West Side Story, The Seven Samurai, Lolita, Jules et Jim" etc. Her comments are so fresh and direct, it's as if the movies had only been released last week.


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