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- znaleziono 204 produkty w 15 sklepach

Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation - 2862013764

42,30 zł

Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation offers accessible and coherent explanations across a broad range of topics, and is an excellent first port of call for any reader seeking clear, authoritative help with grammar and punctuation. Incorporating hundreds of examples of real usage taken from the Oxford English Corpus, this handy volume contains more than 300 alphabetically-arranged entries, including standard grammatical terms such as active voice, conjunction, pronoun, synonym, and transitive verb. It also discusses related questions of usage, including how to distinguish between 'may or might', 'that or which', and 'it's or its'. Over 30 feature entries on major headwords like adverb, clause, and spelling include diagrams listing related terms. The A-Z has been fully revised and updated, and the structure and approach has been revisited to improve its accessibility, including clearer typographical conventions, and the reintroduction of the easy-to-use two-colour format found in early editions. Major headwords have been made (where possible) shorter and easier to navigate, and all sample sentences have been revised, replacing those that are out of date and adding new ones where needed. Readers of all levels will find this volume to be an essential tool for writing at home, in the office, at school, and at college.


Healthy Parenting - 2866866044

68,03 zł

Healthy Parenting Simon & Schuster

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

If you grew up in a troubled or dysfunctional family and suffered through a parent's problems with chronic illness, addiction, emotional upheaval, or loss, you probably know what you don't want for your kids. But you may lack the tools and experiences to create the nurturing home you do want: a place where your children's physical and emotional needs are consistently met and where your children feel safe, valued, and loved.In Healthy Parenting, Janet Woititz, a leading therapist, contrasts what happens in a healthy family with what happens in an unhealthy family to show just how your own upbringing influences the way you raise your children, and what you can do to make their upbringing better for them. For example: -- In a healthy family the child is always loved even if the child's behavior is unacceptable. In an unhealthy family not only is the behavior criticized but the child is shamed as well.-- In a healthy family the parent is teacher and guide. In an unhealthy family the child brings himself up the best he can.-- In a healthy family there is structure, and reasonable limits are set. In an unhealthy family there is chaos or extreme rigidity.As both therapist and parent, Janet Woititz can give you the guidance you missed in your childhood and help you avoid the mistakes your parents made.


Angielski niezbędnik językowy. Dla opiekunów osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych - 2829810891

25,60 zł

Angielski niezbędnik językowy. Dla opiekunów osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych Wagros

Anglia / Rozmówki i samouczki

ANGIELSKI NIEZBĘDNIK JĘZYKOWY dla opiekunów osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych" autorstwa Grahama Crawforda oraz Ewy Marii Rostek to pozycja dla tych, którzy chcą pracować jako opiekun/ka w kraju angielskojęzycznym.Książka przeznaczona dla osób znających podstawy języka angielskiego (gramatyki i ortografii).Zebrane tu w różnych grupach tematycznych gotowe zdania - w całości przetłumaczone na język polski - są bardzo dużym ułatwieniem w czasie wykonywania obowiązków opiekuna/opiekunki.Dodatkowo książka zawiera zestawy niezbędnych słówek i zwrotów opracowanych tematycznie.NIEZBĘDNIK powstał w konsultacji z opiekunami osób starszych (pracującymi za granicą) i uwzględnia ich uwagi oraz sugestie dotyczące doboru tematów i słownictwa.Książka zawiera zdania dot. robienia zakupów, przygotowania posiłków, pielęgnacji ciała, różnorodnych form spędzania czasu z podopiecznym, itp. Poza tym podano tu też zdania, które są niezbędne, gdy trzeba zadzwonić po lekarza, czy zgłosić gospodarzowi domu niewielką awarię.Są tu też zwroty i wyrażenia potrzebne do szeroko rozumianej komunikacji, by pracując jako opiekun/ka dobrze czuć się w nowym otoczeniu. Dlatego znajdziecie tu też materiał potrzebny do rozmów o życiu i stanie emocjonalnym, zarówno podopiecznego, jak i opiekuna. To bardzo ważny aspekt pracy za granicą, pomijany w innych publikacjach tego typu, oferowanych na naszym rynku. Spis treści 1. FORMY GRZECZNOŚCIOWE 2. PRZYJAZD 2.1. Rozmowa telefoniczna o ... 2.2. Pierwsze spotkanie 2.3. Znajomość języków obcych 2.4. Trudności w porozumiewaniu się 3. PRZEDSTAWIAĆ SIĘ 3.1. Skąd pan/i pochodzi? 3.2. Zna pan/i Wielką Brytanię? 3.3. Mówić o rodzinie 4. PRACOWAĆ JAKO OPIEKUN/KA 4.1. Doświadczenie jako opiekun/ka seniorów 4.2. Wady tej pracy 4.3. O seniorach i ich problemach. (ogólnie) 4.4. Co należy do moich obowiązków? (ogólnie) 4.5. Pieniądze na jedzenie 5. PROBLEMY SENIORÓW 5.1. Problemy fizyczne 5.2. Problemy psychiczne 5.3. Starsi ludzie w łóżku. ... 6. PRZEBIEG DNIA 7. PIELĘGNACJA CIAŁA 8. JEDZENIE 8.1. Posiłki 8.2. Głód i pragnienie 8.3. Śniadanie 8.4. Kawa czy herbata? 8.5. Obiad 8.6. Czas na herbatę 8.7. Kolacja 8.8. Chwalić jedzenie 8.9. Skarżyć się na jedzenie 9. PRACA W KUCHNI 9.1. Wyposażenie kuchni 9.2. Przygotowywanie jedzenia 10. PRACE DOMOWE 10.1. Co mam robić? 10.2. Prace domowe 10.3. Utrzymuj porządek 10.4. Ochrona środowiska 11. MIESZKANIE 11.1. W mieszkaniu 11.2. W sypialni 11.3. Bezpieczeństwo w domu 11.4. Dom się pali 11.5. Nasz gospodarz domu 11.6. Naprawy 12. UBRANIE & CO 12.1. Odzież damska 12.2. Odzież męska 12.3. Buty 12.4. Pielęgnacja garderoby i obuwia 13. NA DWORZE 13.1. W ogrodzie i na balkonie 13.2. Pogoda 13.3. Pory roku 13.4. Przez cały rok - miesiące 14. ZWIERZĘTA DOMOWE 15. OBCHODZENIE ŚWIĄT 15.1. Boże Narodzenie w Niemczech 15.2. Choinka 15.3. Boże Narodzenie w Polsce 15.4. Wesołych Świąt! 15.5. Wielkanoc 15.6. Urodziny 15.7. Życzenia i gratulacje 15.8. Śmierć & Pogrzeb 16. KOŚCIÓŁ & WIARA 17. ZAKUPY 17.1. Sklepy 17.2. W sklepie 17.3. Przy kasie 17.4. Oferta specjalna 18. ZDROWIE I CHOROBA 18.1. Jak się pan/i dzisiaj czuje? 18.2. Jak się czuje pan/i Smith? 18.3. Telefonować do lekarza 18.4. Nagły przypadek 18.5. Części ciała 18.6. Palenie 19. POMOC, NADZIEJA I ROZCZAROWANIE 19.1. Pomoc 19.2. Wyrażać nadzieję 19.3. Wyrażać rozczarowanie 20. WOLNY CZAS 20.1. Przyzwyczajenia 20.2. Oglądanie telewizji 20.3. Czytanie 20.4. Sport 20.5. Komputery i telefony 20.6. Inne czynności w czasie wolnym 20.7. Polecenia i prośby 20.8. Zakazy, nakazy, ostrzeżenia 21. CZAS MIJA... 21.1. Kiedy i jak często? 21.2. Która godzina? 21.3. Liczby 21.4. Liczby porządkowe 22. W MIEŚCIE 22.1. Pytać o drogę 22.2. Miejsce 22.3. Budynki użyteczności publicznej & Co 22.4. Szyldy, które możesz zobaczyć 23. ZWROTY DO KONWERSACJI 24. NASTROJE I EMOCJE Table of Contents 1. FORMS OF POLITENESS 2. ARRIVAL 2.1. Phoning about your arriyal 2.2. First meeting 2.3. Knowledge offoreign languages 2.4. Communication problems 3. INTRODUCING YOURSELF 3.1. Where do you come from? 3.2. Do you know Great Britain? 3.3. Talking about the family 4. WORKING AS AN ENDERLY CAREGIVER 4.1. Experience as an elderly caregiver 4.2. Downsides of the job 4.3. About older people and their problems (in general) 4.4. What are my duties? (in general) 4.5. Money for the food 5. PROBLEMS OF SENIOR CITIZENS 5.1. Physical problems 5.2. Mental problems 5.3. Elderly people in bed. ... 6. THE DAILY ROUTINE 7. BODY CARE 8.FOOD 8.1. Meals 8.2. Hunger and thirst 8.3. Breakfast 8.4. Coffee or tea? 8.5. Lunch 8.6. Time for tea 8.7. Supper 8.8. Enjoying food 8.9. Complaining about a meal 9. WORKING IN THE KITCHEN 9.1. Kltchon oqulpment 9.2. Preparing food 10. HOUSEWORK 10.1. What shall I do? 10.2. Housework 10.3. Keep tidy 10.4. Environmental protection 11. ACCOMMODATION 11.1. Intheflat 11.2. In the bedroom 11.3. Home security 11.4. The house is on fire 11.5. Our caretaker 11.6. Repairs 12. DRESSING AND UNDRESSING 12.1. Womens clothing 12.2. Menswear 12.3. Shoes 12.4. Caring for clothing and shoes 13. OUTSIDE 13.1. In the garden and on the balcony 13.2. The weather 13.3. The seasons 13.4. Around the year - months 14. PETS 15. CELEBRATING 15.1. Christmas in the UK 15.2. Christmas tree 15.3. Christmas in Poland 15.4. Merry Christmas! 15.5. Easter 15.6. Birthday 15.7. Wishes and congratulations 15.8. Death & Burial 16. CHURCH & FAITH 17. SHOPPING 17.1. Shops 17.2. in the shop 17.3. At the till 17.4. Special offer 18. HEALTH & ILLNESS 18.1. How do you feel today? 18.2. How does Mr / Mrs Smith feel? 18.3. Phoning the doctor 18.4. Emergency 18.5. The parts of the body 18.6. Smoking 19. HELP, HOPE AND DISAPPOINTMENT 19.1. Help 19.2. Expressing hope 19.3. Expressing disappointment 20. FREETIME 20.1. Habits 20.2. Watching TV 20.3. Reading 20.4. Sport 20.5. Computers and phones 20.6. Other leisure activities 20.7. Instructions and requests 20.8. Prohibitions, orders, warnings 21. TIME PASSES... 21.1. Men and how often? 21.2. Mat time is it? 21.3. Numbers 21.4. Ordinals 22. IN THE CITY 22.1. Asking the way 22.2. Place 22.3. Public buildings 22.4. Signs you might see 23. IDIOMS FOR CONVERSATIONS 24. FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS

Sklep: Księ

Angielski niezbędnik językowy. Dla opiekunów osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych [Graham Crawford, Ewa Maria Rostek] - 2827556484

32,00 zł

Angielski niezbędnik językowy. Dla opiekunów osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych [Graham Crawford, Ewa Maria Rostek] WAGROS

Język angielski

ANGIELSKI NIEZBĘDNIK JĘZYKOWY dla opiekunów osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych" autorstwa Grahama Crawforda oraz Ewy Marii Rostek to pozycja dla tych, którzy chcą pracować jako opiekun/ka w kraju angielskojęzycznym. Książka przeznaczona dla osób znających podstawy języka angielskiego (gramatyki i ortografii). Zebrane tu w różnych grupach tematycznych gotowe zdania - w całości przetłumaczone na język polski - są bardzo dużym ułatwieniem w czasie wykonywania obowiązków opiekuna/opiekunki. Dodatkowo książka zawiera zestawy niezbędnych słówek i zwrotów opracowanych tematycznie. NIEZBĘDNIK powstał w konsultacji z opiekunami osób starszych (pracującymi za granicą) i uwzględnia ich uwagi oraz sugestie dotyczące doboru tematów i słownictwa. Książka zawiera zdania dot. robienia zakupów, przygotowania posiłków, pielęgnacji ciała, różnorodnych form spędzania czasu z podopiecznym, itp. Poza tym podano tu też zdania, które są niezbędne, gdy trzeba zadzwonić po lekarza, czy zgłosić gospodarzowi domu niewielką awarię. Są tu też zwroty i wyrażenia potrzebne do szeroko rozumianej komunikacji, by pracując jako opiekun/ka dobrze czuć się w nowym otoczeniu. Dlatego znajdziecie tu też materiał potrzebny do rozmów o życiu i stanie emocjonalnym, zarówno podopiecznego, jak i opiekuna. To bardzo ważny aspekt pracy za granicą, pomijany w innych publikacjach tego typu, oferowanych na naszym rynku. Spis treści 1. FORMY GRZECZNOŚCIOWE 2. PRZYJAZD 2.1. Rozmowa telefoniczna o ... 2.2. Pierwsze spotkanie 2.3. Znajomość języków obcych 2.4. Trudności w porozumiewaniu się 3. PRZEDSTAWIAĆ SIĘ 3.1. Skąd pan/i pochodzi? 3.2. Zna pan/i Wielką Brytanię? 3.3. Mówić o rodzinie 4. PRACOWAĆ JAKO OPIEKUN/KA 4.1. Doświadczenie jako opiekun/ka seniorów 4.2. Wady tej pracy 4.3. O seniorach i ich problemach. (ogólnie) 4.4. Co należy do moich obowiązków? (ogólnie) 4.5. Pieniądze na jedzenie 5. PROBLEMY SENIORÓW 5.1. Problemy fizyczne 5.2. Problemy psychiczne 5.3. Starsi ludzie w łóżku. ... 6. PRZEBIEG DNIA 7. PIELĘGNACJA CIAŁA 8. JEDZENIE 8.1. Posiłki 8.2. Głód i pragnienie 8.3. Śniadanie 8.4. Kawa czy herbata? 8.5. Obiad 8.6. Czas na herbatę 8.7. Kolacja 8.8. Chwalić jedzenie 8.9. Skarżyć się na jedzenie 9. PRACA W KUCHNI 9.1. Wyposażenie kuchni 9.2. Przygotowywanie jedzenia 10. PRACE DOMOWE 10.1. Co mam robić? 10.2. Prace domowe 10.3. Utrzymuj porządek 10.4. Ochrona środowiska 11. MIESZKANIE 11.1. W mieszkaniu 11.2. W sypialni 11.3. Bezpieczeństwo w domu 11.4. Dom się pali 11.5. Nasz gospodarz domu 11.6. Naprawy 12. UBRANIE & CO 12.1. Odzież damska 12.2. Odzież męska 12.3. Buty 12.4. Pielęgnacja garderoby i obuwia 13. NA DWORZE 13.1. W ogrodzie i na balkonie 13.2. Pogoda 13.3. Pory roku 13.4. Przez cały rok - miesiące 14. ZWIERZĘTA DOMOWE 15. OBCHODZENIE ŚWIĄT 15.1. Boże Narodzenie w Niemczech 15.2. Choinka 15.3. Boże Narodzenie w Polsce 15.4. Wesołych Świąt! 15.5. Wielkanoc 15.6. Urodziny 15.7. Życzenia i gratulacje 15.8. Śmierć & Pogrzeb 16. KOŚCIÓŁ & WIARA 17. ZAKUPY 17.1. Sklepy 17.2. W sklepie 17.3. Przy kasie 17.4. Oferta specjalna 18. ZDROWIE I CHOROBA 18.1. Jak się pan/i dzisiaj czuje? 18.2. Jak się czuje pan/i Smith? 18.3. Telefonować do lekarza  18.4. Nagły przypadek 18.5. Części ciała 18.6. Palenie 19. POMOC, NADZIEJA I ROZCZAROWANIE 19.1. Pomoc 19.2. Wyrażać nadzieję 19.3. Wyrażać rozczarowanie 20. WOLNY CZAS 20.1. Przyzwyczajenia 20.2. Oglądanie telewizji 20.3. Czytanie 20.4. Sport 20.5. Komputery i telefony 20.6. Inne czynności w czasie wolnym 20.7. Polecenia i prośby 20.8. Zakazy, nakazy, ostrzeżenia 21. CZAS MIJA... 21.1. Kiedy i jak często? 21.2. Która godzina?  21.3. Liczby 21.4. Liczby porządkowe 22. W MIEŚCIE 22.1. Pytać o drogę 22.2. Miejsce 22.3. Budynki użyteczności publicznej & Co 22.4. Szyldy, które możesz zobaczyć 23. ZWROTY DO KONWERSACJI 24. NASTROJE I EMOCJE Table of Contents 1. FORMS OF POLITENESS 2. ARRIVAL 2.1. Phoning about your arriyal 2.2. First meeting 2.3. Knowledge offoreign languages 2.4. Communication problems 3. INTRODUCING YOURSELF 3.1. Where do you come from? 3.2. Do you know Great Britain? 3.3. Talking about the family 4. WORKING AS AN ENDERLY CAREGIVER 4.1. Experience as an elderly caregiver 4.2. Downsides of the job 4.3. About older people and their problems (in general) 4.4. What are my duties? (in general) 4.5. Money for the food 5. PROBLEMS OF SENIOR CITIZENS 5.1. Physical problems 5.2. Mental problems 5.3. Elderly people in bed. ... 6. THE DAILY ROUTINE 7. BODY CARE 8.FOOD 8.1. Meals 8.2. Hunger and thirst 8.3. Breakfast 8.4. Coffee or tea? 8.5. Lunch 8.6. Time for tea 8.7. Supper 8.8. Enjoying food 8.9. Complaining about a meal 9. WORKING IN THE KITCHEN 9.1. Kltchon oqulpment 9.2. Preparing food 10. HOUSEWORK 10.1. What shall I do? 10.2. Housework 10.3. Keep tidy 10.4. Environmental protection 11. ACCOMMODATION 11.1. Intheflat 11.2. In the bedroom 11.3. Home security 11.4. The house is on fire 11.5. Our caretaker 11.6. Repairs 12. DRESSING AND UNDRESSING 12.1. Womens clothing 12.2. Menswear 12.3. Shoes 12.4. Caring for clothing and shoes 13. OUTSIDE 13.1. In the garden and on the balcony 13.2. The weather 13.3. The seasons 13.4. Around the year - months 14. PETS 15. CELEBRATING 15.1. Christmas in the UK 15.2. Christmas tree 15.3. Christmas in Poland 15.4. Merry Christmas! 15.5. Easter 15.6. Birthday 15.7. Wishes and congratulations 15.8. Death & Burial 16. CHURCH & FAITH 17. SHOPPING 17.1. Shops  17.2. in the shop 17.3. At the till 17.4. Special offer 18. HEALTH & ILLNESS 18.1. How do you feel today? 18.2. How does Mr / Mrs Smith feel? 18.3. Phoning the doctor 18.4. Emergency 18.5. The parts of the body 18.6. Smoking 19. HELP, HOPE AND DISAPPOINTMENT 19.1. Help 19.2. Expressing hope 19.3. Expressing disappointment 20. FREETIME 20.1. Habits 20.2. Watching TV 20.3. Reading 20.4. Sport 20.5. Computers and phones 20.6. Other leisure activities 20.7. Instructions and requests 20.8. Prohibitions, orders, warnings 21. TIME PASSES... 21.1. Men and how often? 21.2. Mat time is it? 21.3. Numbers 21.4. Ordinals 22. IN THE CITY 22.1. Asking the way 22.2. Place 22.3. Public buildings 22.4. Signs you might see 23. IDIOMS FOR CONVERSATIONS 24. FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS


The Nowhere Man - 2857833367

32,40 zł

The Nowhere Man Penguin Books

Powieść zagranicznaSensacja. Thiller. Kryminał

That rare thing, a sequel which is better than the original, The Nowhere Man is a thrilling, pulse-pounding ride for readers and the hero of Orphan X...An even more intense and harrowing thriller. The pace that never lets up Daily MailHe was once called Orphan X. As a boy, Evan Smoak was taken from a children home, raised and trained as part of a secret government initiative buried so deep that virtually no one knows it exists. But he broke with the programme, choosing instead to vanish off grid and use his formidable skill set to help those unable to protect themselves.One day, though, Evan luck ran out . . .Ambushed, drugged, and spirited away, Evan wakes up in a locked room with no idea where he is or who has captured him. As he tries to piece together what happened, testing his gilded prison and its highly trained guards for weaknesses, he receives a desperate call for help.With time running out, he will need to out-think, out-manoeuvre, and out-fight an opponent the likes of whom he never encountered to have any chance of escape. He got to save himself to protect those whose lives depend on him. Or die trying . . .No1 bestseller, The Nowhere Man, delivers another masterclass in hi-octane thriller writing.


The Nowhere Man - 2857812591

59,60 zł

The Nowhere Man Penguin Books

Powieść zagranicznaSensacja. Thiller. Kryminał

He was once called Orphan X.As a boy, Evan Smoak was taken from a children's home, raised and trained as part of a secret government initiative buried so deep that virtually no one knows it exists. But he broke with the programme, choosing instead to vanish off grid and use his formidable skill set to help those unable to protect themselves.One day, though, Evan's luck ran out . . .Ambushed, drugged, and spirited away, Evan wakes up in a locked room with no idea where he is or who has captured him. As he tries to piece together what's happened, testing his gilded prison and its highly trained guards for weaknesses, he receives a desperate call for help.With time running out, he will need to out-think, out-manoeuvre, and out-fight an opponent the likes of whom he's never encountered to have any chance of escape. He's got to save himself to protect those whose lives depend on him. Or die trying . . .The Nowhere Man delivers another masterclass in hi-octane thriller writing.


The Trainable Cat - 2857821095

41,60 zł

The Trainable Cat Penguin Books

Poradniki. Informatory. SpisyOsobowość. Samorealizacja. KarieraZwierzęta w domu

Amazing Guardian From the on-screen experts for BBC2?s Cat Watch, and based on their groundbreaking research - this is the ultimate guide to making your cat a happier, more sociable animal. The idea of a trained cat is a contradiction in terms, isn?t it? Naturally solitary, wary, easily threatened by newcomers, they are attached to place rather than people, and much of their ?antisocial? behaviour arises in situations where that attachment is threatened. But, as cat experts Sarah Ellis and John Bradshaw argue, such stress-induced behaviour can be prevented, reduced, even eliminated, by training. A comprehensive and engaging step-by-step guide, The Trainable Cat will help you to help your cat negotiate the complexities of everyday life: to enjoy living with humans - including new babies and lively toddlers - and other pets; to answer to their name; settle into a new home; and to overcome the anxiety of a visit to the vet. You can train your cat to do what is in its own best interests - even when its instincts tell it otherwise. ?I doubt you?ll find a more well-informed or scientific book on cats that better shows you how feline thinking works? The Times


IELTS 5 Practice Tests, Academic Set 1 - 2867099453

93,15 zł

IELTS 5 Practice Tests, Academic Set 1 Simone Braverman

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Academic Set 1 from 'High Scorer's Choice' series contains 5 full length IELTS practice tests and is a must-have study tool to achieve a high band score in IELTS. These tests feel as authentic as the real IELTS papers, and doing them at home is a great way to estimate your real IELTS score. Being a demanding test, IELTS requires a thorough preparation and these tests will help you master exam strategies, polish your techniques and raise your confidence.* 5 full-length Academic IELTS practice tests with answers* Listening recordings (downloadable mp3) with transcripts, locations of answers in sentences are underlined* Sample speaking test recordings (downloadable mp3) with examiner's report on every student's performance and an approximate Band score* Reading Answer Help chapter shows why correct answers are the right ones and where they are located in the passages* All writing tasks have model answers provided


Me, Myself, and Them - 2872211744

80,19 zł

Me, Myself, and Them Oxford University Press Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

During his second semester at college, Kurt Snyder became convinced that he was about to discover a fabulously important mathematical principle, spending hours lost in daydreams about numbers and symbols. In time, his thoughts took a darker turn, and he became preoccupied with the idea that cars were following him, or that strangers wanted to harm him. Kurt's mind had been hijacked by schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder that typically strikes during the late teen or young adult years. In Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt, now an adult, looks back from the vantage point of recovery and eloquently describes the debilitating changes in thoughts and perceptions that took hold of his life during his teens and twenties. As a memoir, this book is remarkable for its unvarnished look at the slow and difficult process of coming back from severe mental illness. Yet Kurt's memoir is only half the story. With the help of psychiatrist Raquel E. Gur, M.D., Ph.D., and veteran science writer Linda Wasmer Andrews, Kurt paints the big picture for others affected by adolescent schizophrenia.Drawing on the latest scientific and medical evidence, he explains how to recognize warning signs, where to find help, and what treatments have proved effective. Kurt also offers practical advice on topics of particular interest to young people, such as suggestions on managing the illness at home, school, and work, and in relationships with family and friends. Part of the Adolescent Mental Health Initiative series of books written specifically for teens and young adults, My, Myself, and Them offers hope to young people who are struggling with schizophrenia, helping them to understand and manage the challenges of this illness and go on to lead healthy lives.


Plant Coach - 2878177970

89,03 zł

Plant Coach Abrams

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Urban gardener, plantrepreneur, and Netflix star "Farmer Nick" Nick Cutsumpas combines sustainability, science, and philosophy to coach new plant owners on how to find the right houseplants for their space and help them thriveDespite the abundance of resources on caring for houseplants, many people continue to struggle with their plant care or don't even know where to begin on the journey to plant parenthood. An increasing number of young urbanites are filling their apartments with plants only to realize that they don't know what it takes to care for them long term. That's because knowledge isn't enough, and most people need a shift in plant perspective before they can start changing their behavior-houseplants are nature, not just furniture. This is why most people need a coach, someone to encourage them, give them the right game plan, and help them achieve their houseplant potential. Enter Nick Cutsumpas-plant coach, urban gardener, and Netflix personality-whose mission is to give people the knowledge and confidence they need to create their own green spaces. Plant Coach is his comprehensive guide for the everyday plant owner who wants to alleviate the stress of plant ownership while doing the best for their plants and the planet. Cutsumpas reframes what it means to be a plant parent by viewing the home as an ecosystem, introducing unconventional and sustainable plant tactics that go beyond the basic requirements of water and sunlight. Just as he does for his clients, Cutsumpas shares project ideas and coaches new plant owners on how to select and care for plants that are right for their space and lifestyle with deep insight and lighthearted fun. At the same time, he inspires readers to care for the planet, using houseplants as a stepping stone toward sustainability and environmental action.


WILL SMITH - Will - 2865792418

55,87 zł

WILL SMITH - Will Penguin LCC US

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The instant #1 New York Times bestseller! It's the best memoir I've ever read. Oprah Winfrey Will Smith isn't holding back in his bravely inspiring new memoir . . . An ultimately heartwarming read, Will provides a humane glimpse of the man behind the actor, producer and musician, as he bares all his insecurities and trauma. USA TodayOne of the most dynamic and globally recognized entertainment forces of our time opens up fully about his life, in a brave and inspiring book that traces his learning curve to a place where outer success, inner happiness, and human connection are aligned. Along the way, Will tells the story in full of one of the most amazing rides through the worlds of music and film that anyone has ever had.Will Smith s transformation from a West Philadelphia kid to one of the biggest rap stars of his era, and then one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood history, is an epic tale but it s only half the story. Will Smith thought, with good reason, that he had won at life: not only was his own success unparalleled, his whole family was at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. Only they didn't see it that way: they felt more like star performers in his circus, a seven-days-a-week job they hadn't signed up for. It turned out Will Smith's education wasn't nearly over.  This memoir is the product of a profound journey of self-knowledge, a reckoning with all that your will can get you and all that it can leave behind. Written with the help of Mark Manson, author of the multi-million-copy bestseller The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Will is the story of how one person mastered his own emotions, written in a way that can help everyone else do the same. Few of us will know the pressure of performing on the world's biggest stages for the highest of stakes, but we can all understand that the fuel that works for one stage of our journey might have to be changed if we want to make it all the way home. The combination of genuine wisdom of universal value and a life story that is preposterously entertaining, even astonishing, puts Will the book, like its author, in a category by itself.


Austin Like a Local - 2869755406

70,74 zł

Austin Like a Local DORL

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Explore the live music capital of the world with this insider s guide to Austin.They say everything is bigger in Texas, and the state capital is no exception! With an endless bucket list of things to do, it can be hard to pick and choose. This Austin city guide will help you plan an unforgettable trip to this eclectic metropolis.Beyond the well-trodden sights, there s a secret side of the city and who better to guide you to it than the locals? This Austin travel guide includes:     Two-color, bold, modern design with contemporary illustrations throughout      Authors are true locals and have been picked for having their fingers on the pulse and their diverse tastes. Their suggestions and advice sit alongside quotes from Austin creatives, volunteers and business leaders to give the book a local feel      A narrative style throughout, making the local, personal voice central to every entry      Structured by six themes Eat, Drink, Shop, Art and Culture, Nightlife and Outdoors       Each entry includes its unique address so readers can pinpoint precisely where they are heading      Each theme ends with a tour spread, dedicated to a specific interest or experience. For example, a street art tour of Austin There is no place like Austin! The city is vibrant, full of energy and embraces an alternative lifestyle. Between the 300 outdoor parks, local art, music festivals, quirky neighborhoods and an endless list of restaurants and bars, there is always somewhere to go, something to do and something to taste! This guidebook is designed to help you make the most of your trip to Austin, an evolving city that successfully upholds its mantra to Keep Austin Weird. Additional tidbits to expand your experience are peppered throughout this local guide to Austin. For example, local tips and recommendations from Austinites, hands-on experiences (cookery classes, craft sessions), and ideas for traveling solo, in a pair and in a crowd. It also includes tips on how to travel sensibly in a post-Covid world without compromising on experience.From New York and London to Paris and Tokyo, there are more places to discover with these niche local guides! Written by the people who call it home, the Like A Local series from DK takes you beyond the tourist track to experience the heart and soul of each city!


Badass Prepper's Handbook - 2877049490

62,50 zł

Badass Prepper's Handbook Skyhorse Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Disaster can strike at any time with no warning. Most people aren't forward-thinking enough to prepare for the worst, and others simply don't have the skills needed to successfully prepare. That's where "Badass Preppers Handbook" comes in. Covering a wide variety of disaster scenarios with detailed instructions for what you need to do in each one, this book will help you to be ready for anything in no time at all. Learn such things as: - How to fortify your home- How to preserve and store food and water for years- What should go in your "bug out" bag- How to cook off the grid- What firearms and ammo will best help you survive the apocalypse- And more!With this ultimate guide in disaster survival, you'll be ready to protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your pets, no matter what the disaster is.


Korea - Culture Smart! - 2867127198

48,93 zł

Korea - Culture Smart! Kuperard

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna



Feng Shui Modern - 2867582495

61,09 zł

Feng Shui Modern Bloomsbury Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In an increasingly cramped world, a modern guide to opening up your living space -and your life -using the ancient principles of feng shui. How do you place a bed in an awkward room? How can your space help you be more focused and more productive? How do you set up your room to make you ready for romantic love? Our homes have an outsized impact on our wellbeing, so answering these questions is more important than ever. Luckily, interior design expert and TikTok sensation Cliff Tan is here to help! Cliff has become an internet sensation with his videos demonstrating the principles of feng shui from chi (energy) to the command position - and he has put his wisdom into a book for the first time.In Feng Shui Modern, Cliff explains the concepts of feng shui and then uses expert tips and practical diagrams to show - room by room - how our own styles, colour palettes and furniture can be used to maximise any environment. More importantly, Cliff gives you the tools to apply feng shui yourself, whether you live in a dorm or a five-bedroom house. As long as you understand the logic, there is no room too challenging, no problem feng shui can't unravel.From choosing a home to redecorating old rooms, Feng Shui Modern helps us find harmony in the every facet of our lives - beginning with where we live them. So now you know!


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