krainaksiazek language and material culture 20051180

- znaleziono 194 produkty w 11 sklepach

The Routledge Handbook Of Language And Health Communication - 2849949228

299,99 zł

The Routledge Handbook Of Language And Health Communication

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Reference, information & interdisciplinary sub.>Interdisciplinary studies>Communication studiesKsiążki Obc...



Polski krok po kroku. (A1) Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców + CD MP3 - 2829797641

71,10 zł

Polski krok po kroku. (A1) Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców + CD MP3 Glossa

Polski dla obcokrajowców / A1 - Introduction to Polish (Breakthrough)

Polski krok po kroku to seria podręczników do nauki języka polskiego jako obcego. Polski, krok po kroku została opracowana z uwzględnieniem standardów wymagań egzaminacyjnych Państwowej komisji Poświadczania Znajomości Języka Polskiego jako obcego. Do podręcznika dołączona jest płyta z nagraniami MP3 obejmująca blisko 3 godziny nagrań dialogów, tekstów i ćwiczeń. Podręcznik Polski, krok po kroku obejmuje 26 rozdziałów i jest przeznaczony na około 120 jednostek lekcyjnych. Podręcznik Polski, krok po kroku jest w chwili obecnej bodaj najbardziej nowoczesną i uniwersalną publikacją na rynku. Pisany tylko po polsku, by od pierwszej lekcji zanurzyć studentów w nowym języku i zmobilizować do jego używania, doskonale sprawdza się tak w grupach międzynarodowych, jak i na zajęciach indywidualnych. Z powodzeniem może być wykorzystywany na kursach intensywnych jak również na kursach semestralnych prowadzonych na uczelniach.Jego atutem są przejrzyste tabele gramatyczne, intuicyjne wyjaśnianie zagadnień gramatycznych w dialogach, bogactwo leksyki, dobra jakość i naturalne brzmienie nagrań. Bardzo atrakcyjna szata graficzna, pomyślana została tak, by nie tyle zdobić, co stwarzać nowe okazje do mówienia. Komunikacja jest nadrzędnym, konsekwentnie realizowanym poprzez wszystkie sprawności celem książki.W kontekst komunikacyjny wplecione są zagadnienia gramatyczne, ćwiczenia automatyzujące mają często postać dialogów, a same dialogi i teksty brzmią bardzo naturalnie.Studenci docenią też z pewnością fabularną oprawę podręcznika. Przedstawia on przygody czwórki bohaterów, którzy przyjechali do Krakowa na kurs języka polskiego, a zarazem niepowtarzalne wakacje i tu poznają miasto, załatwiają różne sprawy, gotują, zakochują się...Jako pierwszy na rynku e-coursebook, podręcznik stwarza szerokie możliwości studentom, jak i nauczycielom. Studenci mają możliwość korzystania z niego jako z samouczka, gdyż online udostępnione są tłumaczenia poleceń, klucz do ćwiczeń, komentarze gramatyczne w kilku językach oraz multimedialny słownik ze specjalnym systemem zapamiętywania słówek.Dla nauczycieli online dostępne są dodatkowe materiały audio i bogatą bazę dodatkowych ćwiczeń i materiałów (2500) z wyszukiwarką, co bardzo ułatwia dostosowanie lekcji do indywidualnych potrzeb uczniów. Jest wreszcie podręcznik nauczyciela z uwagami metodycznymi i propozycjami gier aktywizujących oraz komentarze gramatyczne. Zobacz spis treści Polski krok po kroku to także: INTUICYJNE TABELE GRAMATYCZNE Ćwiczenia, dialogi, tabele gramatyczne są tak przygotowane, że student nie potrzebuje komentarza w swoim języku. Wiele reguł uczący się mogą odkrywać sami, również nowe słowa zwykle wyjaśniane są w kontekście. W podręczniku bardzo ważna jest kolorystyka, dzięki niej tabele gramatyczne i wszystkie zestawienia reguł są przejrzyste, mogą być intuicyjnie uzupełniane przez studentów, a kolory dodatkowo ułatwią zapamiętanie nowych końcówek. INSPIRACJE DO MÓWIENIA Atutem książki jest bogactwo słów i zwrotów, także tych z języka codziennego. Materiał gramatyczny jest zawsze wprowadzany w kontekście sytuacji komunikacyjnych. Często obok typowych ćwiczeń gramatycznych, studenci znajdą dialogi do uzupełniania, by w bardziej naturalny sposób opanowali nowe końcówki. BOGATY WYBÓR MATERIAŁÓW AUDIO Podręcznik obfituje w materiały do słuchania. Nagrane są nie tylko wszystkie dialogi, ale także spora część ćwiczeń, gdyż rozumienie ze słuchu jest podstawą dobrej komunikacji. MATERIAŁY UZUPEŁNIAJĄCE ONLINE Książka ta jest dopełnieniem platformy internetowej oferującej bogaty zasób gotowych materiałów do nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego, więc przed przystąpieniem do każdej lekcji warto sprawdzić w Internecie jakie są dodatkowe teksty i ćwiczenia do każdego z zagadnień. Przy każdym zadaniu w podręczniku podano numer, który pozwala odnaleźć dane ćwiczenie w zasobach internetowych i sprawdzić odpowiedzi do niego, posłuchać nagrań lub też zrobić ćwiczenia alternatywne, które pomogą utrwalić materiał czy wyjaśnić wątpliwości. Rozbudowany podręcznik nauczyciela dostępny jest w wersji online. MATERIAŁY DO POBRANIA Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z fragmentami podręcznika oraz nagrań (kliknij na nazwie fragmentu lub symbolu ćwiczenia).fragment lekcji 1fragment lekcji 5fragment lekcji 6fragment lekcji 9fragment lekcji 16 PRZYKŁADOWE NAGRANIA (MP3) 105A1, 105B4, 106A1, 106A2, 109A1, 109B3, 116A1, 116A5 AUTORKI PODRĘCZNIKA IWONA STEMPEK Kiedy ukończyłam Filologię Polską na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim planowałam nadal w zaciszu bibliotek zajmować się literaturą, jednak przypadkowo odkryłam w sobie zupełnie inne powołanie. Od 1995 roku zajmuję się uczeniem języka polskiego jako obcego. Uczyłam ludzi z ponad siedemdziesięciu krajów, ludzi w różnym wieku, z różnych kręgów kulturowych i na wszystkich poziomach zaawansowania. Bardzo szybko praca ta stała się moją nową pasją. Każdy kurs, to nowe doświadczenie, spotkanie z innym człowiekiem, innym światem problemów. Uczenie w pewnym sensie uzupełnia moją miłość do podróży po świecie i poznawania nowych kultur. Jako nauczycielka jestem wymagająca,

Sklep: Księ


248,42 zł


Podręczniki, artykuły szkolne > Podręczniki do szkół podst. i średnich

Team Together 6. Teacher's Book + Digital Resources  Team Together, Learn Together, Succeed Together - 7-level course - Focused on developing 21st century skills - CLIL and Culture - Communicative language competence - Preparation for exams Team Together develops language skills alongside 21st Century skills to help students thrive in today's world. Pupils are challenged to communicate creatively in authentic contexts, think critically and work together to get results. The series provides language learning through stories and activities alongside Assessment for Learning while GSE learning objectives provide a backbone for the syllabus. How Team Together helps your pupils progress Focus on developing 21st Century Skills Fun and exciting teaching material prepares pupils to succeed both in the classroom and today's world. Carefully designed activities challenge pupils to communicate in authentic contexts, to be creative, to think critically and to collaborate with their classmates. English Benchmark Alignment to English Benchmark provides an independent measure of learner proficiency and formative information to support planning and next steps. As students learn with Team Together, teachers can use the English Benchmark tests to measure their progress. After students have taken their test, teachers are given recommendations of which lessons to teach next to focus on the areas that need improvement. CLIL and Culture lessons Engaging content with links to Science and other school subjects empower students to produce language in wider contexts and handle relevant topics with growing confidence. The Culture lessons and Culture videos provide pupils with real-world knowledge and understanding. Grammar and vocabulary programme Grammar is presented in context with guided practice and revision through the units. Vocabulary sets are recycled both within and between units and are supported with eye-catching visuals and fun activities. Vocabulary Booster books offer further practice in a fun and motivating way. Reading and writing skills Learners are given ample opportunity to develop and practise their reading and writing skills. Age-appropriate stories and a variety of text genres motivate pupils to read. Writing sections in every unit are carefully scaffolded and introduce pupils to a variety of different text types. Communicative language competence Pupils are encouraged to use natural English and practise their learning in authentic contexts through the English in Action section. This provides opportunities to explore and personalise new language.


Perso-Arabic Loanwords in Hindustani. Part II. Linguistic study - 2829808526

28,99 zł

Perso-Arabic Loanwords in Hindustani. Part II. Linguistic study Księgarnia Akademicka Sp. z o.o.

Pozostałe kraje / arabski

Preface This book constitutes the second part of the two-volume monograph dedicated to the phenomenon of Perso-Arabic lexical borrowings in Hindustani (by some scholars also named Hindi-Urdu or Hirdu). It is a linguistic study of their adaptation, meant to demonstrate how the analyzed loanwords function in the contemporary system of the Hindustani language, through detailed examination of the adaptation processes, which occured on all the levels of this system: graphemic, phonetic and phonological, morphological, lexical and semantic. The first part, published in 2008, is a substantial dictionary of borrowings (Perso-Arabic Loanwords in Hindustani. Part I. Dictionary), encompassing over 5500 entries, which over the centuries (starting approximately from the 11th-12th c.), entered into the languages and dialects of North India* as a result of the contacts between local communities and Muslim incomers. The lexical material gathered in the Dictionary was taken as the corpus for this study. The analytical part of the book is preceded by a substantial theoretical introduction, in which, along with a brief explanation concerning the aim of the work and its methodical and formal assumptions, two issues, crucial for further considerations, are discussed in a synthetic but at the same time meticulous manner. The first - specifying the language of origin for the studied linguistic material, which was the basis for further analysis - is an attempt to display and scrutinize the ambiguous appellation “Hindustani” in its manifold meanings and scopes - especially in respect to two other terms, with which it is inseparably connected, namely Hindi and Urdu. Discussing the range of their meaning and demonstrating how they have been understood by particular users, researchers, and various official bodies in different periods, helped to outline the background for both constructing a definition of Hindustani and drawing its boundaries that are in force in the presented study: the linguistic continuum current in the common speech - a lingua franca, unofficially, but fully functioning as a link language on the Indian subcontinent. The second problem discussed in the Introduction is the situation of linguistic contact between the Persian and Indo-Arian languages. It is described in a broader context of intercultural encounters, which intensified after the 12th c., when the Muslims took over vast parts of the Indian subcontinent, establishing their domination not only in the sphere of politics and administration but also in that of culture. In the subsequent part of the study two areas were given special attention: an analysis of graphemic adaptation (Chapter 2) and phonetic and phonological changes (Chapter 3). The reason for this type of approach was the fact that both these areas of the Hindustani linguistic system are of a binary character, i.e. Hindustani employs two writing systems equally - the Nagari and the modified Perso-Arabic script (which was also used for original notation of the borrowed words). This dichotomy in the script can immensely influence the kind and degree of phonological changes and the phonetic realization of given lexemes. All this greatly complicates the process of studying lexical borrowings because, for example, the same lexemes can simultaneously undergo the processes of adaptation and adoption - depending on the language register. In Chapter 4, the analyzed loanwords are described in terms of their adaptation to the Hindustani morphological and syntactic system. This part of the book also includes information on the borrowed morphosyntactic phenomena, introduced into Hindustani during the process of immense lexical borrowing, and their influence on the native system. The last Chapter 5 is an attempt to categorize the discussed lexical material according to various criteria employed in both diachronic and synchronic linguistics. The analyses of Perso-Arabic loanwords in Hindustani presented in the book, although comprehensive, did not exhaust the whole extent of the issue - if only because of limiting the studied material to a definite set of lexemes and their sources. However, they provided a solid theoretical basis by showing and explaining the general mechanisms, which rule this phenomenon at all the levels of the language system. It is to be hoped that this work may be an inspiration for further - general or detailed - research, dedicated, for example, to such questions as the contextual functioning of the borrowings (depending on the kind of text/ethnolect/lan- guage register), intentional “macaronization” (here: Persianization or Arabicization) or the purification of language in the diachronic and synchronic approaches; internationalisms, doublets and caiques (which are only briefly mentioned in the book), etc. The work may also prove useful to researchers engaged in similar studies on other Indo-Aryan languages, as it can be assumed, with a high level of probability, that at least some of the phenomena and processes described in Hindustani are analogous to those occurring in other South Asian linguistic substrata. * Here and in most of the work, for practical reasons and in accordance with the usage found in most reference texts, India is used synonymously with South Asia, implying an older meaning of the word, not influenced by present-day circumstances and divisions. However, the name is occasionally used to denote the contemporary state (Republic of India), and in such cases the reader can infer it from the context. Contents Preface  Acknowledgements Remarks on Transliteration and Transcription Abbreviations 1. Introduction 1.1. Perso-Arabic Loanwords in Hindustani: Preliminary Observations 1.2. Hindustani, Hindi, Urdu: a Survey of Approaches and Definitions 1.3. Persian and Indo-Aryan: a General Exposition of the Language Contact Situation 2. Scripts and Orthography 2.1. Writing Systems in Persian and Hindustani  2.2. Adaptation of the Persian Writing System in Hindustani/Urdu  2.3. Notation of Borrowed Words in Nagari  2.4. Tables of Adequacy for the Nagari and Modified Persian Scripts  3. Phonology and Phonetics 3.1. Phonological Systems of Persian and Hindustani: Similarities and Differences 3.2. Phonological Adaptation of the Perso-Arabic Loanwords 3.3. Quantitative and Qualitative Change of Vowels in thenPerso-Arabic Loanwords  3.4. Changes in Distribution of Vowel Phonemes in the Borrowed Words  166 3.5. Quantitative and Qualitative Change of Consonants in the Perso-Arabic Loanwords 3.6. Changes in Distribution of Consonant Phonemes in the Borrowed Words 4. Morphosyntax 4.1. General Morphosyntactic Characteristics of Persian and Hindustani: Similarities and Differences 4.2. Morpho syntactic Classification of the Perso-Arabic Borrowings in Hindustani 4.3. Adaptation of Borrowings to the Hindustani Morphological System 4.4. Elements of Arabic and Persian Morphology in Hindustani 4.5. Persian and Arabic Morpho syntactic Constructions in Hindustani 5. Semantics and Lexicon 5.1. Observations on the Morpho semantic Taxonomy of Perso-Arabic Borrowings in Hindustani 5.2. Concluding Remarks: Typological Classifications of the Perso-Arabic Lexicon in Hindustani References Index

Sklep: Księ

Interactive 4 Student's Book with Web Zone Access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna - 2854108191

50,40 zł

Interactive 4 Student's Book with Web Zone Access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Level 4 Student's Book will get and keep your students talking, using real, contemporary English. 'Interaction' sections give learners the confidence to use English in real-life situations and a fold-out classroom language reference on the cover provides students with the phrases they need for speaking activities. 'Skills4Real' sections, 'Culture UK' noticeboards and 'Culture World' magazines practise skills using authentic reading material, and unscripted listenings, with activities and projects to put this language into practice. Also included is a graphic novel which makes reading fun, and an access code for online Student's Zone games and activities. Nazwa - Interactive 4 Student's Book with Web Zone Access Autor - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Cambridge University Press Kod ISBN - 9780521712248 Kod EAN - 9780521712248 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - angielski Format - 21.0x29.0cm Ilość stron - 128 Szkoła - Szkoła językowa Typ podręcznika - Podręcznik Przedmiot - Język angielski Podatek VAT - 5%


Interactive 1 Student's Book with Web Zone access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha - 2848482755

50,40 zł

Interactive 1 Student's Book with Web Zone access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Level 1 Student's Book will get and keep your students talking, using real, contemporary English. 'Interaction' sections give learners the confidence to use English in real-life situations and a fold-out classroom language reference on the cover provides students with the phrases they need for speaking activities. 'Skills4Real' sections, 'Culture UK' noticeboards and 'Culture World' magazines practise skills using authentic reading material, and unscripted listenings, with activities and projects to put this language into practice. Also included is a graphic novel which makes reading fun, and an access code for online Student's Zone games and activities. Nazwa - Interactive 1 Student's Book with Web Zone access Autor - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Cambridge University Press Kod ISBN - 9780521712088 Kod EAN - 9780521712088 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - angielski Format - 21.0x30.0cm Ilość stron - 128 Szkoła - Szkoła językowa Typ podręcznika - Podręcznik Przedmiot - Język angielski Podatek VAT - 5%


Interactive 2 Student's Book with Web Zone access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna - 2848482757

50,40 zł

Interactive 2 Student's Book with Web Zone access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Level 2 Student's Book will get and keep your students talking, using real, contemporary English. 'Interaction' sections give learners the confidence to use English in real-life situations and a fold-out classroom language reference on the cover provides students with the phrases they need for speaking activities. 'Skills4Real' sections, 'Culture UK' noticeboards and 'Culture World' magazines practise skills using authentic reading material, and unscripted listenings, with activities and projects to put this language into practice. Also included is a graphic novel which makes reading fun, and an access code for online Student's Zone games and activities. Nazwa - Interactive 2 Student's Book with Web Zone access Autor - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Cambridge University Press Kod ISBN - 9780521712125 Kod EAN - 9780521712125 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - angielski Format - 21.0x30.0cm Ilość stron - 128 Szkoła - Szkoła językowa Typ podręcznika - Podręcznik Przedmiot - Język angielski Podatek VAT - 5%


Interactive 3 Student's Book with Web Zone access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna - 2843435315

50,40 zł

Interactive 3 Student's Book with Web Zone access - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Level 3 Student's Book will get and keep your students talking, using real, contemporary English. 'Interaction' sections give learners the confidence to use English in real-life situations and a fold-out classroom language reference on the cover provides students with the phrases they need for speaking activities. 'Skills4Real' sections, 'Culture UK' noticeboards and 'Culture World' magazines practise skills using authentic reading material, and unscripted listenings, with activities and projects to put this language into practice. Also included is a graphic novel which makes reading fun, and an access code for online Student's Zone games and activities. Nazwa - Interactive 3 Student's Book with Web Zone access Autor - Hadkins Helen, Lewis Samantha, Budden Joanna Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Cambridge University Press Kod ISBN - 9780521712194 Kod EAN - 9780521712194 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - angielski Format - 21.0x30.0cm Ilość stron - 128 Szkoła - Szkoła językowa Typ podręcznika - Podręcznik Przedmiot - Język angielski Podatek VAT - 5%


Polski krok po kroku. (A2) Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców + CD MP3 - 2829800923

71,10 zł

Polski krok po kroku. (A2) Podręcznik do nauki języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców + CD MP3 Glossa

Polski dla obcokrajowców / A2 - Waystage

Podręcznik Polski krok po kroku (A2) obejmuje 23 rozdziały i jest przeznaczony na około 120 jednostek lekcyjnych. Do podręcznika dołączona jest płyta z nagraniami mp3 obejmująca blisko 3 godziny nagrań dialogów, tekstów i ćwiczeń. Druga część serii

Sklep: Księ

Choices Elementary Workbook & Audio CD Pack - 2876454673

59,38 zł

Choices Elementary Workbook & Audio CD Pack PEARSON Education Limited

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Choices meets the challenge of motivating older teenagers who need to achieve academic and educational goals in a modern world. Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online (MyEnglishLab) and print material, Choices gives teachers the power to adapt to their classrooms, while the authentic BBC and Channel 4 video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! - 12 thematic modules for Pre-Intermediate and 10 thematic modules for Elementary and Upper Intermediate, each divided into sections: - Topic Talk (opening page) - networks that provide guided choice by marrying functional language with lexical items - Grammar Skills - Writing Workshop - Speaking Workshop *Text Builder in units for process writing *Grammar Practice - Grammatical structures compared and contrasted. Students trained in choosing forms that best express given meanings and intentions *Language Review/Self Assessment every second module.Revision exercises where students check their answers and use a feedback guide to choose what they need to practise more *Listening with two levels of difficulty (slow speed and authentic speed) catering for different levels of students. Also gives the option of listening to the more difficult version after students have listened to the easier level *Culture Choice - 6 x lessons at back of Students' Book every two units which include cultural input, literature, songs and projects * At the back of the Students' Book: - Skills Builder - while doing listening, reading, writing and communicative activities, learners are given support with strategies and language - Culture Choice (optional lessons which present reading texts, poems and songs with projects related to the students' own culture) - Language Choice booklet (further practice of vocabulary and grammar with a reference section for each language point that is presented)


Choices Upper Intermediate Workbook & Audio CD Pack - 2862192941

103,80 zł

Choices Upper Intermediate Workbook & Audio CD Pack PEARSON Education Limited

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Choices meets the challenge of motivating older teenagers who need to achieve academic and educational goals in a modern world. Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online (MyEnglishLab) and print material, Choices gives teachers the power to adapt to their classrooms, while the authentic BBC and Channel 4 video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low! - 12 thematic modules for Pre-Intermediate and 10 thematic modules for Elementary and Upper Intermediate, each divided into sections: - Topic Talk (opening page) - networks that provide guided choice by marrying functional language with lexical items - Grammar Skills - Writing Workshop - Speaking Workshop *Text Builder in units for process writing *Grammar Practice - Grammatical structures compared and contrasted. Students trained in choosing forms that best express given meanings and intentions *Language Review/Self Assessment every second module.Revision exercises where students check their answers and use a feedback guide to choose what they need to practise more *Listening with two levels of difficulty (slow speed and authentic speed) catering for different levels of students. Also gives the option of listening to the more difficult version after students have listened to the easier level *Culture Choice - 6 x lessons at back of Students' Book every two units which include cultural input, literature, songs and projects * At the back of the Students' Book: - Skills Builder - while doing listening, reading, writing and communicative activities, learners are given support with strategies and language - Culture Choice (optional lessons which present reading texts, poems and songs with projects related to the students' own culture) - Language Choice booklet (further practice of vocabulary and grammar with a reference section for each language point that is presented)


Contatti 1 Italian Beginner's Course 3rd Edition - 2878879302

138,68 zł

Contatti 1 Italian Beginner's Course 3rd Edition John Murray Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

What is Contatti? Contatti, the best-selling Italian course for adult beginners, is aimed at those wishing to learn Italian from scratch in a classroom environment. Contatti 1 is the first part of this two-stage Italian course for adult learners who are either starting from scratch or have a basic knowledge of the language. Whether learning for work or pleasure, Contatti gives a thorough grounding in the language enabling learners to speak, read, write and understand contemporary Italian. Where does this Coursebook fit within the Contatti 1 range? Coursebook: The primary text for the Contatti 1 course. Includes 14 thematic lessons and covers the skills and structures required at GCSE level and equivalent. The coursebook does not include the CDs. Also available: Audio and Support book pack (ISBN 978-1444133172): Supplementary to the Coursebook. The Audio and Support book pack provides the listening element of the course, along with transcripts and answers. It contains: - 3 audio CDs (3 hours of recordings) - 2 Support Books containing a key to the exercises and recording transcripts. Course Pack (ISBN 9781444133134): Contatti 1 Coursebook + Contatti 1 Audio and Support Book Pack.The Course Pack contains: - 1 copy of the third edition of the Coursebook - 3 audio CDs (3 hours of recordings) - 2 Support Books containing a key to the exercises and recording transcripts. Activity Book (ISBN 9781444139365): Supplementary to the Coursebook or Course Pack. The activity book is a workbook providing stimulating practice material which complements the tasks presented in the Contatti 1 Coursebook. Activities include word searches, crosswords, cultural quizzes, extra reading and comprehension tasks, and gap-fill conjugation exercises. What will I learn? Key language structures Contatti 1, the first part of the course, introduces the key structures of the language, over 14 thematic lessons with the emphasis placed firmly on communication. Vocabulary and grammar From the outset, a realistic range of registers and vocabulary encourage development of the essential skill of comprehension. There are regular opportunities for revision and consolidation, and vocabulary and grammar support are given both at the end of each lesson and in full at the end of the book. GCSE level material It covers the skills and structures required at GCSE level and similar.Culture and skills for daily life This third edition has been brought completely up to date, with particular attention paid to improving and simplifying the explanations of grammar and language structure. New online content offers further opportunities for learners to practise their skills. How will I learn? Authentic reading and listening material Authentic reading and listening materials are used extensively for a wide range of lively activities based on everyday situations in Italy. Group work and independent study Contatti 1 is ideal for group work but can also be used for individual study. Audio support and additional material The Course pack includes a coursebook fully illustrated in colour, 2 audio CDs containing the listening element of the course and a support booklet with all the answers to the exercises together with recording transcripts. What is new in the third edition? Improvements and additions The new edition has improvements and additions based on ideas and feedback from tutors across the country. There is also now simple navigation between the book and CDs, with clearly marked references in the coursebook.Interactive quizzes and exercises Brush up and reinforce your learning at home, with fun, interactive online quizzes and exercises. Or use them in class with a group.


The Ambassador of the Middle Kingdom - Edward Kajdański - 2848484153

62,52 zł

The Ambassador of the Middle Kingdom - Edward Kajdański

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - The publication of Ambassador of the Middle Kingdom met with widespread interest in China and was described as the best monograph in the world about Michal Boym. It was recognized as containing the most extensive amount of material relating to Boym, and as justly evaluating his great services in spreading knowledge in Europe of the civilization of ancient China. The majority of Jesuit missionaries working in China in the seventeenth century aimed to familiarize the Chinese with the achievements of European science, in astronomy, geography, and mathematics. Boym"s interests lay in the opposite direction. He wanted to provide Europe with a knowledge of China, its nature, geography, philosophy, language, and above all traditional Chinese medicine. He was the only seventeenth-century European author who left behind such an extensive re-cord of Chinese medicine and pharmacology. Mr. Kajdański once pointed out that at that time, when the discovery of China and its culture was primarily the domain of maritime nations, the Portuguese, Dutch, and English, Michał Boym was the only Pole to contribute so signi"cantly to the deepening and spreading of knowl-edge about China in Europe. Since the publication of Selected Works by Michał Boym in China, we can see this clearly. This English-language edition of Michał Boym: Ambasador Państwa Środka came into being twelve years ago as a result of my research over many years (from the begin-ning of the 1980s) into the life and work of Michał Boym. In this connection, I would like to say a little more about the context in which this version came into being and to explain why it is only now appearing in print. Nazwa - The Ambassador of the Middle Kingdom Autor - Edward Kajdański Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego Kod ISBN - 9788378652304 Kod EAN - 9788378652304 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - angielski Format - 21.0x29.5 Ilość stron - 408 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2014-10-07


More! 3 Audio 3CD - 2848478484

118,94 zł

More! 3 Audio 3CD

Komputer > Programy i gry komputerowe

Opis - MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. Each level of MORE! contains 80-90 hours of class material. Key language for each unit is introduced in a photostory and put to use through the 'Language Focus'. There is thorough coverage of grammar via a dedicated secion in each unit. The 'Learn MORE through English' pages introduce cross-curricular learning (CLIL) while the 'Learn MORE about Culture' sections explore English speaking countries. Students learn to 'Read MORE for pleasure' with the extra reading pages and the CD-ROM enables students to practise vocabulary, grammar and skills. Nazwa - More! 3 Audio 3CD Autor - Puchta Herbert, Stranks Jeff Wydawca - Cambridge University Press Kod EAN - 9781107663541 Język - angielski Nośnik - Płyta CD Podatek VAT - 23%


Al-Kitaab fii Tacallum al-cArabiyya with DVD - 2871786755

324,69 zł

Al-Kitaab fii Tacallum al-cArabiyya with DVD Georgetown University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"Al-Kitaab: Part One" develops skills in standard Arabic while providing additional material in both colloquial and classical Arabic. With new video material and revised and updated text and exercises, the bound-in and revised DVDs supersede both the former CD audio set and video DVD previously available only as separate items - making this singular volume a comprehensive whole for those immersed in the early and intermediate stages of learning Arabic. Providing approximately 150 contact hours of college-level instruction, parts of this revised edition are updated with contemporary selections for reading comprehension. The organization of the chapters has been adapted to reflect the most current pedagogical developments. Audio tracks for vocabulary sections now allow students to hear a new word followed by a sentence using it in context with previously acquired vocabulary and grammatical structures, enabling students to build new vocabulary skills while reviewing old material. The basic texts have been refilmed with a new cast of actors.The DVDs also contain substantially more material that exposes the learner to Egyptian Arabic: students have the options of seeing and hearing the video of each lesson in both Modern standard Arabic and Egyptian colloquial Arabic. In addition, a short dialogue in Egyptian colloquial Arabic appears at the end of each lesson. New video materials also feature interviews with Egyptians (subtitled in English) about various aspects of Arab culture, such as gender issues, fasting in the Muslim and Christian traditions, social clubs and their significance, and more.This title develops all language-related skills including reading, listening, speaking, writing, and cultural knowledge; immediately incorporates extensive use of authentic materials for reading, listening, and grammatical practice, thus relating abstract grammatical concepts to practical skills; presents narrative-based content through audio and video media rather than written text to develop meaning-focused language processing skills, utilizing two main characters and their extended families; develops reading skills through the use of composed texts derived from the main narrative and authentic texts from newspapers and journals; and, introduces grammar using spiraling and inference, challenging students to discover the grammar of the language by means of analogy, problem solving, and educated guessing.It reinforces grammar and vocabulary through extensive classroom and homework exercises that provide constant review and expand to challenge students as their skills develop; introduces students to Egyptian colloquial through scenes based on the main narrative to promote the use of shared vocabulary and structure of the two registers to increase listening comprehension skills; and, contains Arabic-English and English-Arabic glossaries and reference charts as well as a new grammar index.


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