krainaksiazek life in ancient egypt 20095492

- znaleziono 133 produkty w 6 sklepach

Story of Asar, Aset and Heru - 2872337000

73,25 zł

Story of Asar, Aset and Heru Sema Institute

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

24. THE STORY OF ASAR, ASET AND HERU: An Ancient Egyptian Legend (For Children) Now for the first time, the most ancient myth of Ancient Egypt comes alive for children. Inspired by the books The Asarian Resurrection: The Ancient Egyptian Bible and The Mystical Teachings of The Asarian Resurrection, The Story of Asar, Aset and Heru is an easy to understand and thrilling tale which inspired the children of Ancient Egypt to aspire to greatness and righteousness. If you and your child have enjoyed stories like The Lion King and Star Wars you will love The Story of Asar, Aset and Heru. Also, if you know the story of Jesus and Krishna you will discover than Ancient Egypt had a similar myth and that this myth carries important spiritual teachings for living a fruitful and fulfilling life. This book may be used along with The Parents Guide To The Asarian Resurrection Myth: How to Teach Yourself and Your Child the Principles of Universal Mystical Religion. The guide provides some background to the Asarian Resurrection myth and it also gives insight into the mystical teachings contained in it which you may introduce to your child. It is designed for parents who wish to grow spiritually with their children and it serves as an introduction for those who would like to study the Asarian Resurrection Myth in depth and to practice its teachings.


Jak żyć po chrześcijańsku - Jan Paweł II, Ks. Marek Chmielewski - 2836983170

22,52 zł

Jak żyć po chrześcijańsku - Jan Paweł II, Ks. Marek Chmielewski

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Jan Paweł II odpowiada na najważniejsze pytania! Jak odnaleźć sens życia? Jak rozeznać swoja drogę do Boga? Jak radzić sobie z problemami duchowymi? Jak się modlić? Jaki jest sens cierpienia? Książka, opracowana przez ks. Marka Chmielewskiego, profesora teologii duchowości na KUL, utrzymana w formie dialogu z Janem Pawłem II, jest wyborem licznych wypowiedzi Papieża na temat życia duchowego. Całość podzielona jest na kilka tematów: Podstawy życia duchowego, Liturgia i sakramenty, Sztuka modlitwy, Życie w Kościele, Życie w świecie, Zdrowa pobożność. W zbiorze znajdują się bezcenne myśli na temat chrześcijańskiego powołania do świętości, rozmyślania, modlitwy, medytacji, kontemplacji i mistyki, ascezy i umartwienia, kryzysów duchowych, sensu krzyża, choroby i cierpienia, a także zniewoleń duchowych i nawrócenia. Wypowiedzi, a raczej odpowiedzi Papieża na pytania stawiane przez autora, pochodzą z rożnych okresów jego nauczania. Są to odpowiednio dobrane cytaty z encyklik, adhortacji, listów apostolskich, a także katechez i homilii. Praktyczny przewodnik katolickiej duchowości. Nazwa - Jak żyć po chrześcijańsku Autor - Jan Paweł II, Ks. Marek Chmielewski Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - AA Kod ISBN - 9788378645443 Kod EAN - 9788378645443 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - polski Format - 14.5x20.5cm Ilość stron - 400 Podatek VAT - 5%


Egyptian Mythology - 2872201550

79,28 zł

Egyptian Mythology Thames & Hudson Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Join Egyptologist Garry J. Shaw on a tour up the Nile, through a beautiful and fascinating landscape populated with a rich mythology: the stories of Horus, Isis, Osiris, and their enemies and allies, tales of vengeance, tragedy, and fantastic metamorphoses. The myths of ancient Egypt have survived in fragments of ancient hymns and paintings on the walls of tombs and temples, spells inked across coffins and stories scrawled upon scrolls.Shaw not only retells these stories with his characteristic wit, but also reconnects them to the temples and monuments that still stand today, offering a fresh look at the most visited sites in Egypt. Shaw's evocative descriptions of the ancient ruins will transport you to another landscape - including the magnificent sites of Dendera, Tell el-Amarna, Edfu, and Thebes. At each site, discover which gods or goddesses were worshipped there, as well as the myths and stories that formed the backdrop to the rituals and customs of everyday life.Each chapter ends with a potted history of the site, as well as tips for visiting the ruins today. Illustrations throughout bring to life the creation of the world and the nebulous netherworld, the complicated relationships between fickle gods, powerful magicians and pharaohs, and eternal battles on a cosmic scale. This is the perfect companion to the myths of Egypt and the gods and goddesses that shaped its ancient landscape.With 58 illustrations


Egyptian Art - 2212825713

79,10 zł

Egyptian Art Phaidon Press Ltd


From the geometrical precision of the pyramids to the golden treasures found in Tutankhamun`s tomb, the art of ancient Egypt has an enduring capacity to attract and intrigue. These remarkable works of art are the concrete expression of the ancient Egyptian`s way of life and their attitudes to religion and the afterlife. In this clear and comprehensive introduction, Jaromir Malek deftly traces Egyptian art from its prehistoric origins through 3000 years of astonishing achievements in the era of the pharaohs to the conquest of Egypt by the Romans.The Art and Ideas series offers introductory books on all aspects of the history of art. Each book is written by an outstanding expert in the field, in an accessible and lively style. Completely up-to-date and comprehensive, these books are essential reading for students and rewarding for anyone curious about art. Books in the Art and Ideas series contain c.150-200 full colour and 50 black and white illustrations: more than any comparable series. They are enjoyable to read with fully integrated text and illustrations throughout, and are authoritatively and stimulatingly written by the leading experts in their fields. They include special features such as glossaries, biographies and comparative chronologies. The series is part of a comprehensive publishing programme to produce the definitive overview of world art at excellent value.By placing the material firmly in its social and cultural context, Malek is able to explain many of the subleties and complexities of the relationship between life and art in the pharaonic period. No other book on Egyptian art gives quite so strong a sense of the painting and statuary as almost inevitable products of the culture of ancient Egypt. (Ian Shaw, Department of Archaeology, Liverpool University)


Cleopatra - 2873983549

118,68 zł

Cleopatra National Geographic Society

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Who was Cleopatra? Her very name evokes images of romance and mystery. In 50 B.C.E., Alexandria was the Mediterranean's most magnificent city, a center of culture and learning - and the seat of power for Egypt's last pharaoh and most famous queen, Cleopatra VII, who partnered with both Julius Caesar and his successor, Marc Anthony. Her tragic story has been told over and over, by interpreters ranging from Shakespeare to Elizabeth Taylor. Now, Zahi Hawass and fellow archaeologists bring the queen and her city back into vivid view. Over the past 15 years, French archaeologist Franck Goddio, in conjunction with Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, has combed ancient submerged sites in the vicinity of Alexandria, revealing artifacts from tiny gold coins to colossal statues and stelae. This book combines his recent finds with the most important Cleopatra artifacts from museums in Cairo and Alexandria, resulting in a fascinating display of ancient Egypt in the fateful days before its final conquest by Rome.Statues of gods and sphinxes, likenesses of kings and queens, offerings and liturgical objects, items from daily life, the trappings of warriors, ceramics, jewelry, and coins - this dazzling collection of treasures, saved from the sea, brings back the humanity, culture, and beliefs of the people who created and used them. Readers will retrace the exciting expeditions of the marine archaeologists who pursued these objects with discipline and passion. Learn what history has to tell us about the life and character of the fabled queen and her patron goddess, Isis. Marvel at the restored Naos of the Decades, the world's first astrological calendar, long displayed in pieces on different continents...and now reconstructed for the first time since antiquity.


Mistress of the Two Lands - 2867122831

156,56 zł

Mistress of the Two Lands First Edition Design eBook Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Hatshepsut overcame all obstacles and ruled as a pharaoh for more than twenty-one years, ushering in Ancient Egypt's golden age. She had defied thousands of years of the tradition that only men could be kings. At the age of twelve, when she married her half-brother, Thutmose, she became queen. After his death, the Oracle in the great Temple of Amun in Karnak, proclaimed that she was Pharaoh Maatkare and Mistress of the Two Lands. This historical novel, tells the story of her life and her many accomplishments: the building of her glorious and beautiful mortuary temple, Djeser-djeseru, the twelve-hundred-mile trip to the fabled land of Punt, the erection of two magnificent golden one-hundred-foot tall obelisks, her secret and forbidden life-long love affair with a remarkable commoner, Senenmut, and her relationship with a multi-talented initiated priestess, a seer-prophet, whose life paralleled and eventually interwove with that of Hatshepsut. The reader will learn about the process of mummification, the history and construction of the Great Pyramid of Khufu and those of his descendents', the Sphinx, and the four solar boats at what is now Giza, past lives, astral projection or out-of-body travel, herbal medicine and much more in this story of murders, a rape, intrigues, an assassination attempt, a ruthless master hypnotist, who was a physician-priest, Princess Neferure, Hatshepsut's daughter,and many other fascinating characters. Non-top drama enthralls the reader from the very first page to the last one. Author Bio: Edith Fiore, Ph.D., is a retired clinical psychologist and hypnotherapist, having specialized in hypnoanalysis for more than twenty years. She wrote three books on her work; You Have Been Here Before: A Psychologist Looks at Past Lives, The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession and Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of Abductions by Extraterrestrials. She trained thousands of professionals and lectured nationally and internationally. Mistress of the Two Lands: A Novel of the Female Pharaoh is her first novel. She has started a second one, The Immigrants. She has three daughters, six grandchildren and one great-grandson. She lives in Sarasota, Florida. keywords: Pharaoh, Hatshepsut, Ancient Egypt, Seer, Hypnosis, Intrigue, Historical, Love story, Pyramids, Mummy, Reincarnation, Metaphysics, Forbidden Love, Murder, Obelisks, Land of Punt, Astral Projection


David Rankine - Heka - 2867177090

93,45 zł

David Rankine - Heka Avalonia

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The religious and magical practices of the ancient Egyptians have had a profound and lasting effect on the world. Egypt has been described as the "mother of magicians". To appreciate the Egyptian view of magic, we need to accept that to the Egyptians magic was not considered strange or eccentric, but was a part of daily life, to which everyone resorted. Magic blended seamlessly with religion and medicine, being seen as part of a holistic worldview. In this volume these magical and religious practices are explored, from both a historical and practical perspective. The practices are explored from an ancient Egyptian worldview, taking into consideration that the Egyptian culture spread over a period of more than 3000 years. The Egyptians saw the universe as being made of four worlds - the everyday world we live in, the underworld, the sky and the heavens. Subject covered in this book include: -What is Heka? -Ancient Egyptian Worldviews -The Gods and Goddesses of Magic -Symbolism - Colours & Sacred Numbers -The Tools Used -Sacred Words & Gestures -Statues & Masks -Crystals & Other Materials used in Heka -Incenses & Perfumes -Food & Wine used in Offerings & at Feasts -The Ancient Egyptian Magical Calendar -Purification, Sacred Space & Rituals David Rankine is based in London (UK) and is a respected authority on spiritual & magical practices. He is the author of many books, including Climbing the Tree of Life, Circle of Fire & The Guises of the Morrígan. This book, HEKA - The Practices of Ancient Egyptian Magic, is the result of careful research & practical work and is highly recommended to students wishing to pursue practical work within this system.


War of Heru and Set - 2872336979

93,15 zł

War of Heru and Set Sema Institute

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The War of Heru and Set: The Struggle of Good and Evil for Control of the World and The Human Soul This volume contains a novelized version of the Asarian Resurrection myth that is based on the actual scriptures presented in the Book Asarian Religion (old name -Resurrecting Osiris). This volume is prepared in the form of a screenplay and can be easily adapted to be used as a stage play. Spiritual seeking is a mythic journey that has many emotional highs and lows, ecstasies and depressions, victories and frustrations. This is the War of Life that is played out in the myth as the struggle of Heru and Set and those are mythic characters that represent the human Higher and Lower self. How to understand the war and emerge victorious in the journey o life? The ultimate victory and fulfillment can be experienced, which is not changeable or lost in time. The purpose of myth is to convey the wisdom of life through the story of divinities who show the way to overcome the challenges and foibles of life. In this volume the feelings and emotions of the characters of the myth have been highlighted to show the deeply rich texture of the Ancient Egyptian myth. This myth contains deep spiritual teachings and insights into the nature of self, of God and the mysteries of life and the means to discover the true meaning of life and thereby achieve the true purpose of life. To become victorious in the battle of life means to become the King (or Queen) of Egypt.Have you seen movies like The Lion King, Hamlet, The Odyssey, or The Little Buddha? These have been some of the most popular movies in modern times. The Sema Institute of Yoga is dedicated to researching and presenting the wisdom and culture of ancient Africa. The Script is designed to be produced as a motion picture but may be addapted for the theater as well.


Basketry from the Tomb of Tutankhamun - 2877641181

849,49 zł

Basketry from the Tomb of Tutankhamun Sidestone Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The tomb of Tutankhamun, discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor (Egypt) by Howard Carted, yielded over 5000 items. Among the vast number of richly embellished precious objects, such as the solid gold coffin and mask, were also more mundane objects, including the hitherto unpublished basketry objects. Baskets, the 'plastic bags' of the ancient world, were used for storage of all sorts of things, including food, clothing and jewellery, and many that were found in the tomb retained their original contents.The present work describes and illustrates the basketry and basketry boxes from the tomb in detail, giving attention to the technology, material, shape, decoration, as well as their contents. The analysis contextualises the basketry in a wider framework, comparing it with other examples and the visual record, with regard to the technology used to make them and their uses.The book will be of interest for those interested in basketry, ancient technology, daily life and burial customs in ancient Egypt and is written for a wide audience.ContentsPreface1. Introduction1.1. Tutankhamun's Tomb: Contextualising the Basketry1.2. The Post-Excavation Peregrinations of the Baskets and Numbering Issues2. A Basket's Life2.1 Baskets, Boxes, and Bottles: Shapes and Sizes2.2 The Uses and Roles of Baskets3. Tutankhamun's Baskets4. Uncoiled: How to Study Baskets5. Repairing the Wear and Tear: Conservation and Restoration6. What Makes a Basket: Basketry Technology6.1. Materials6.1.1. Introduction6.1.2. Identification of Materials (by Lucy Kubiak-Martens)6.2. Manufacturing Coiled Basketry6.2.1. Introduction6.2.2. Stitches6.2.3. Start and Finish of a Basket and Lid6.2.4. Decorating Basketry6.3. Manufacturing Basketry Boxes7. No Eggs in These Baskets: the Contents of the King's Baskets7.1. Introduction7.2 Nuts and Berries: A Healthy Diet8. Beyond Tutankhamun's Tomb: Comparative Basketry9. Discussion and ConclusionsAppendix II.1 Examined Material from the TombI.2 Carter's DescriptionsI.3 Tutankhamun's Basketry BoxesI.4 ComparandaAppendix IIII.1 TablesII. 2 ConcordanceGlossaryBibliography


Thutmose III - 2866523222

145,01 zł

Thutmose III Potomac Books Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In the course of his 32-year reign over ancient Egypt, Thutmose III fought an impressive seventeen military campaigns. He fought more battles over a longer period of time and experienced more victories than either Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar. Yes, despite his illustrious record, his name does not command the same recognition as other military leaders. This new biography brings to life the character and ability of ancient Egypt's warrior king. Considered the father of the Egyptian navy, he created the ancient world's first combat navy and built an enormous shipyard near Memphis. He reformed the army, creating a professional officer corps and equipping it with modern weapons.


Basketry from the Tomb of Tutankhamun - 2877635474

426,30 zł

Basketry from the Tomb of Tutankhamun Sidestone Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The tomb of Tutankhamun, discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor (Egypt) by Howard Carted, yielded over 5000 items. Among the vast number of richly embellished precious objects, such as the solid gold coffin and mask, were also more mundane objects, including the hitherto unpublished basketry objects. Baskets, the 'plastic bags' of the ancient world, were used for storage of all sorts of things, including food, clothing and jewellery, and many that were found in the tomb retained their original contents.The present work describes and illustrates the basketry and basketry boxes from the tomb in detail, giving attention to the technology, material, shape, decoration, as well as their contents. The analysis contextualises the basketry in a wider framework, comparing it with other examples and the visual record, with regard to the technology used to make them and their uses.The book will be of interest for those interested in basketry, ancient technology, daily life and burial customs in ancient Egypt and is written for a wide audience.ContentsPreface1. Introduction1.1. Tutankhamun's Tomb: Contextualising the Basketry1.2. The Post-Excavation Peregrinations of the Baskets and Numbering Issues2. A Basket's Life2.1 Baskets, Boxes, and Bottles: Shapes and Sizes2.2 The Uses and Roles of Baskets3. Tutankhamun's Baskets4. Uncoiled: How to Study Baskets5. Repairing the Wear and Tear: Conservation and Restoration6. What Makes a Basket: Basketry Technology6.1. Materials6.1.1. Introduction6.1.2. Identification of Materials (by Lucy Kubiak-Martens)6.2. Manufacturing Coiled Basketry6.2.1. Introduction6.2.2. Stitches6.2.3. Start and Finish of a Basket and Lid6.2.4. Decorating Basketry6.3. Manufacturing Basketry Boxes7. No Eggs in These Baskets: the Contents of the King's Baskets7.1. Introduction7.2 Nuts and Berries: A Healthy Diet8. Beyond Tutankhamun's Tomb: Comparative Basketry9. Discussion and ConclusionsAppendix II.1 Examined Material from the TombI.2 Carter's DescriptionsI.3 Tutankhamun's Basketry BoxesI.4 ComparandaAppendix IIII.1 TablesII. 2 ConcordanceGlossaryBibliography


Khai of Khem - 2877859347

74,46 zł

Khai of Khem Tor Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

From ancient Egypt to modern England, a man searches for the woman he loves and the man who betrayed them both! Khai begins life in ancient Egypt as the son of Pharaoh Khasathut's chief architect. Believing Pharaoh to be a god, Khai is stunned to learn that his leader's chief desires are to deflower young virgins and achieve eternal life through the powers of his black magicians. Khai dares to raise a hand to Pharaoh and is condemned to be a slave.Escaping, Khai flees to neighboring Kush where he earns the rank of general in the army of Queen Ashtarta . . . and a place in Ashtarta's bed. But Khai is betrayed by his best friend and Khasathut's evil magicians send his soul winging centuries into the future. In modern England, Khai searches for the reincarnated souls of his lover and his betrayer. Khai is amazed by the modern world--television, air conditioning, and especially guns, bombs, and other weapons. Returned to his own time, Khai uses the technologies he saw in the future to rewrite the past. But can he and Ashtarta prevent Khasathut from attaining immortality and using newly-gained alien powers to destroy all of Khem and Kush?Like the "Necroscope" novels, "Khai of Khem" is packed with fast-paced action, hair's-breadth escapes, all-consuming love, endless horror, and, in the person of Khai himself, quick wits and bravery in the teeth of danger.


Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners - 2874783133

60,99 zł

Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners Thames & Hudson Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

An entirely fresh and accessible approach to reading ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs by a proven expert, this step-by-step introduction assumes no previous knowledge of grammar or ancient languages, but guides readers through the inscriptions, from simple to more complex, supported by full explanations and translations. Readers will see their knowledge and skills grow as Bill Manley clearly explains the mysteries of hieroglyphs without jargon or technical terms, guiding the reader step by step through 27 real-life, unaltered texts from stelae, tombs and portable objects. Specially commissioned line drawings present engaging texts clearly and elegantly, while fact boxes bring to life images of monuments of high officials and kings, giving glimpses of ancient Egyptian society and beliefs. This guide is essential reading for anyone interested in Ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs or ancient languages and contains all the knowledge you need in order to start deciphering hieroglyphic texts for yourself.


Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity - 2871025035

99,68 zł

Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity Angelico Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The ancient philosophy, in its original Orphico-Pythagorean and Platonic form, is not simply a way of life in accordance with the divine or human intellect (nous), but also the way of alchemical transformation and mystical illumination achieved through initiatic 'death' and subsequent restoration at the level of divine light. To use another mythical image, philosophy restores the soul's wings and leads the purified lover of wisdom to Heaven. As a means of spiritual reintegration and unification, ancient philosophy is inseparable from the hieratic rites. Therefore those scholars who themselves follow the anagogic path of Platonic tradition are more or less firmly convinced that their philosophy ultimately derives from the Egyptian and Mesopotamian temple liturgies and rituals, reinterpreted and revived by the Neoplatonists under the name of 'theurgy' in late antiquity. The theurgic 'animation' of statues appears to be among the main keys for understanding how various royal and priestly practices, related to the daily ritual service and encounter with the divine presence in the temples, developed into the Neoplatonic mysticism of late antiquity. The traditional theory of symbolism still stands on the Neoplatonic foundation established by Iamblichus, Proclus, and Damascius. "This book clearly establishes three things: that traditional myth (as the Neoplatonists maintained) is the symbolic expression of metaphysics, as metaphysics is the exegesis of myth; that Greek philosophy was not an isolated 'miracle' but a reinterpretation of perennial themes common to the ancient Near Eastern, Mesopotamian, Indian, and especially Egyptian religions; and that Platonic philosophical discourse was but one-half of a whole which included an invocatory/contemplative practice known as 'theurgy'.  It was not merely the ancestor of western speculative philosophy, but an askesis, a yoga-a way of realization (though no longer a living tradition) worthy to be included among the great spiritual methods of all places and times." Charles Uupton, author of Knowings "In this most stimulating and wide-ranging work, Algis Uzdavinys, drawing on the resources of his enormous learning, leads Neoplatonic theurgy back to its roots in Ancient Egypt, thereby setting Platonic philosophy in a new and wider context. Students of Neoplatonism will find themselves much indebted to him for this, and all readers will find their outlook on life significantly changed.- Prof. John M. Dillon, Trinity College, Dublin, author of Middle Platonists


Swifter Than the Arrow - 2212827287

94,10 zł

Swifter Than the Arrow I.B. TAURIS

Inne 1

"Swifter than the Arrow" explores a little-known aspect of life in Ancient Egypt, celebrating the Egyptians as the first known civilisation to have formed the special bond with the dog that persists today as the most remarkable and enduring of human-animal relationships. Five thousand years ago the Egyptians selected and bred hounds for the chase and as the loved companions of both the 'Great Ones' - the ruling classes - and of less exalted folk. For more than twenty-five centuries they kept the breed true, a remarkable achievement to be counted alongside the development of stone architecture and the building of the pyramids, the invention of hieroglyphs, the creation of kingship and of the first nation-state in the world. The dogs on which the Egyptians lavished such loving care and skill were the elegant, slender, prick-eared golden hounds, familiar from a thousand tomb reliefs, that they called tjesm. They were given affectionate names and were the companions of kings, who honoured them with rich burials to ensure that they would be together for ever in the Afterlife. Numerous representations of dogs and their masters from predynastic rock-art through to elaborate tomb paintings and reliefs leave us in no doubt as to the sincerity of the affection that the Egyptians felt for their dog companions. The first named dog-lover in history was the earliest known queen, Herneith, who was buried with her hound at Saqqara. Dogs and other canines also played their roles in the rich pantheon of ancient Egyptian religion, figuring as semi-divine messengers between the worlds of the living and the dead. Perhaps the most familiar such deity is the sleek, black jackal-headed god Anubis, guardian of the Necropolis and attendant of the underworld. "Swifter than the Arrow" also examines the evidence that hounds living today - most notably modern breeds such as the so-called 'Pharaoh Hound' - are directly descended from the Egyptian hound. It reveals remarkable information about the ancestry of the hounds of the Mediterranean islands that unmistakably share the appearance and character of the dogs that once raced across the Egyptian deserts. This unique book throws fresh light on our understanding of ancient Egypt while providing a completely fresh insight into the development of mankind's remarkable bond with the domesticated dog.


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