krainaksiazek not if i see you first 20108095

- znaleziono 241 produktów w 28 sklepach

Kalisz - Tomasz Chlebba - 2837033777

28,89 zł

Kalisz - Tomasz Chlebba

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Jak powrócić do przeszłości? Album Kalisz na starych pocztówkach przeniesie Państwa do jednego z najstarszych miast w Polsce. W trakcie podróży dowiedzą się Państwo, co łączy noblistę Henryka Sienkiewicza z historią pocztówki i jak zmieniała się jej forma, a także którą z ulic nazywano ulicą kaliskich hoteli oraz gdzie znajdował się nieistniejący już dzisiaj Domek Szwajcarski czy Rosmark. Prezentowane widokówki pochodzą z okresu od końca XIX wieku do 1939 roku. Część z nich tworzy dokumentację zniszczeń dokonanych w Kaliszu przez pruskie wojska podczas I wojny światowej. Na najstarszych pocztówkach został utrwalony wygląd kaliskich ulic, placów, mostów oraz obiektów użyteczności publicznej. Dzięki tym wszystkim obrazom będą mogli Państwo dostrzec zmiany, które zaszły w Kaliszu na przestrzeni kilkudziesięciu lat. Może uda się nawet odtworzyć klimat nieistniejącej już dzisiaj dzielnicy żydowskiej? Zapraszamy w pasjonującą podróż po historycznym Kaliszu. Przeszłość została zatrzymana na małej prostokątnej karcie. How can we get back to the past? The album Kalisz in old postcards will take you to one of the oldest cities in Poland. During the trip you will learn what the Nobel Prize winner Henryk Sienkiewicz has in common with the history of postcards and how the postcards have changed over time, and which street in Kalisz was called the Kalisz Street of Hotels and where the Swiss Cottage or Rosmark were. The postcards in this book date from the period between late nineteenth century and 1939. Some of them are evidence of damage made by the Prussian army in Kalisz during the First World War. The oldest postcards recorded the appearance of Kalisz streets, squares, bridges, and public buildings. With all these images you will be able to see the changes that have occurred in Kalisz over several decades. The Jewish quarter has not survived but maybe you can feel its atmosphere? Enjoy a fascinating journey through the historic Kalisz. The past has stopped on a small, rectangular card. Nazwa - Kalisz Autor - Tomasz Chlebba Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Księży Młyn Kod ISBN - 9788377290651 Kod EAN - 9788377290651 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2011 Język - angielski, polski Tłumacz - Wejchert Tadeusz Seria wydawnicza - Na Starych Pocztówkach Format - 20.0x20.0cm Ilość stron - 144 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2011-09-10


Strategic Intuition - 2875539811

132,75 zł

Strategic Intuition Columbia University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

How "Aha!" really happens. When do you get your best ideas? You probably answer "At night," or "In the shower," or "Stuck in traffic." You get a flash of insight. Things come together in your mind. You connect the dots. You say to yourself, "Aha! I see what to do." Brain science now reveals how these flashes of insight happen. It's a special form of intuition. We call it strategic intuition, because it gives you an idea for action-a strategy. Brain science tells us there are three kinds of intuition: ordinary, expert, and strategic. Ordinary intuition is just a feeling, a gut instinct. Expert intuition is snap judgments, when you instantly recognize something familiar, the way a tennis pro knows where the ball will go from the arc and speed of the opponent's racket. (Malcolm Gladwell wrote about this kind of intuition in Blink.) The third kind, strategic intuition, is not a vague feeling, like ordinary intuition. Strategic intuition is a clear thought. And it's not fast, like expert intuition. It's slow. That flash of insight you had last night might solve a problem that's been on your mind for a month. And it doesn't happen in familiar situations, like a tennis match.Strategic intuition works in new situations. That's when you need it most. Everyone knows you need creative thinking, or entrepreneurial thinking, or innovative thinking, or strategic thinking to succeed in the modern world. All these kinds of thinking happen through flashes of insight--strategic intuition. And now that we know how it works, you can learn to do it better. That's what this book is about. Over the past ten years, William Duggan has conducted pioneering research on strategic intuition and for the past three years has taught a popular course at Columbia Business School on the subject. He now gives us this eye-opening book that shows how strategic intuition lies at the heart of great achievements throughout human history: the scientific and computer revolutions, women's suffrage, the civil rights movement, modern art, microfinance in poor countries, and more. Considering the achievements of people and organizations, from Bill Gates to Google, Copernicus to Martin Luther King, Picasso to Patton, you'll never think the same way about strategy again.Three kinds of strategic ideas apply to human achievement: * Strategic analysis, where you study the situation you face * Strategic intuition, where you get a creative idea for what to do * Strategic planning, where you work out the details of how to do it. There is no shortage of books about strategic analysis and strategic planning. This new book by William Duggan is the first full treatment of strategic intuition. It's the missing piece of the strategy puzzle that makes essential reading for anyone interested in achieving more in any field of human endeavor.



448,49 zł


Podręczniki, artykuły szkolne > Podręczniki do szkół podst. i średnich

Chemistry, Global Edition   Give students a robust conceptual foundation while building critical problem-solving skills Robinson/McMurry/Fay


Tulip Touch - 2212824592

36,60 zł

Tulip Touch Penguin

Inne 1

'She's mad. There has to be something wrong with her. She's insane.' Nobody wants Tulip in their gang. She skives off school, cheeks the teachers, and makes herself unpopular with her classmates by telling the most awful lies. None of this matters to Natalie. Natalie finds Tulip exciting, and at first she doesn't care that other people are so upset and unnerved by Tulip's bizarre games like Stinking Mackerel and Road of Bones. It's funny to watch their reactions, and there's always the delicious fear that the two girls might be caught. But as the games become increasingly sinister and dangerous, Natalie realizes that Tulip is going too far. Much too far. Natalie could try to change things. But deep inside she knows that, once crossed, Tulip won't rest until she's won the most dangerous game of all. In this compelling story Anne Fine explores the dark side of a friendship bordering on obsession, and sensitively depicts one girl's gradual decline into hostility and violence. The Tulip Touch is a powerful novel, gripping and mesmerizing. It is truly a story that touches the heart - I couldn't put it down, I had to know what happened next to Tulip and Natalie! A real read, recommended for all young readers from the age of about nine. Jade You shouldn


Sąd ostateczny - Anna Klejzerowicz - 2836982440

24,13 zł

Sąd ostateczny - Anna Klejzerowicz

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Charyzmatyczny, obdarzony nieprzeciętną intuicją dziennikarz w pojedynku z naśladowcą Hansa Memlinga. Emil Żądło, który zrezygnował z pracy w policji na rzecz dziennikarstwa, przeżywa kryzys. Kryzys wieloraki: związany z pracą, z brakiem natchnienia na nowy artykuł, z finansami, z uczuciami, z życiem w ogóle... Za ostatnie pieniądze kupuje alkohol i papierosy, nie ma siły wstać z łóżka i wziąć się w garść, a na dodatek jego była żona utrudnia mu kontakty z synem i męczy o zaległe alimenty. Wszystko się zmienia, gdy któregoś razu w nocnym pubie spotyka córkę swojej starej sąsiadki, Dorotę. Młoda kobieta i jej narzeczony tej samej nocy zostają brutalnie zamordowani w niejasnych okolicznościach. Zaintrygowany Emil postanawia pomóc policji w śledztwie. "Emil Żądło to świetnie skonstruowana postać, która od pierwszej chwili wzbudziła moją sympatię." Agnieszka Lingas-Łoniewska, autorka m. in. trylogii Zakręty losu, Szóstego, Łatwopalnych i Brudnego świata Nazwa - Sąd ostateczny Autor - Anna Klejzerowicz Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Replika Kod ISBN - 9788376742878 Kod EAN - 9788376742878 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - polski Format - 13.0x20.0cm Ilość stron - 316 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2014-05-06


Way of the Death Defier - 2875803180

127,62 zł

Way of the Death Defier Independently Published

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

All biological life must end...but that is not the end of us!We are small specks of light scattered throughout space and time.We are tiny flames extended, pushed, and moved away from a great brilliance that is our source. We are a probe, a dream, a great desire, that is given a chance to be all that it could possibly be in dimensions far away from that brilliance.But who are we really?What is that brilliance? What is God?What is life and death?What happens after we die?What is the nature of heaven and hell?What is reincarnation? Karma?Why do we age? Why is life so hard? Are we missing something?What are ghosts?Is true immortality possible?In this last book in a trilogy of course books that began with The Magnum Opus, all of these questions will be answered from the point of view of the inner alchemist.Here you will find answers to the nature of God, the gods, heaven, hell, reincarnation, karma, the machine of death, Barbelo, the spice, the oversoul collective, and the garden of the gods.In this book I show you how to cross the sixth and the seventh room of the projectionist and attain true immortality!Whether you are a practicing inner alchemist and adept, or a curious and holistic person who needs to see the whole picture in order to understand the challenge of the life and death cycle in your own individual ways, here you will find many of the answers that you seek, including how to begin to learn to 'see' and perceive these things directly yourself. Some have asked why each course is presented as a book. Why not make a video course or some other digital presentation that is more popular in this era? And the reason for this is quite simply: time.I have been around long enough, and my senses have become keen enough to see some of the intricacies of this world. Through such experience and perceptions, I have seen things peak and wane, and I have seen many things lost within the medium of time.Videos and digital formats require complex systems to work and be maintained, and such complex systems are usually the first to fall, or change when exposed to the brutal torrents and extreme pressures of time.But a print book, especially a Harcover book with the longest shelf-life, is something that you can keep in your personal library for a lifetime with only moderate care.


Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual - 2877023909

156,20 zł

Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual

Szachy > Książki New In Chess

2003 Book of the Year - 2003 Book of the Year - Seagaard Chess Reviews When you are serious about improving your endgame skills, it is time for  Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual . Perhaps the best known and most respected instructor of world class chess players, Mark Dvoretsky has produced a comprehensive work on the endgame that will reward players of all strengths. For those ready to immerse themselves in endgame theory, there may be no better manual available today.But, even if you do not play at master level, the book has been designed to help your endgame too. Basic theories and "must-know" concepts are highlighted in blue. You may skip the more complex analysis, focus on the text in blue, and still improve your endgame technique.When it appeared in 2003, the first edition of  Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual  was immediately recognized by novice and master alike as one of the best books ever published on the endgame. The enlarged and revised Fourth Edition is better than ever!  "I am sure that those who study this work carefully will not only play the endgame better, but overall, their play will improve. One of the secrets of the Russian chess school is now before you, dear reader!"  - From the Foreword to the First Edition by Grandmaster Artur Yusupov "Going through this book will certainly improve your endgame knowledge, but just as important, it will also greatly improve your ability to calculate variations... What really impresses me is the deep level of analysis in the book... All I can say is: This is a great book. I hope it will bring you as much pleasure as it has me."  - From the Preface to the First Edition by International Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard Here's what they had to say about the First Edition: "Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual ... may well be the chess book of the year... [It] comes close to an ultimate one-volume manual on the endgame."  - Lubomir Kavalek in his chess column of December 1, 2003 in the  Washington Post . "Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual is quite simply a masterpiece of research and insight. It is a tremendous contribution to endgame literature, certainly the most important one in many years, and destined to be a classic of the literature (if it isn't already one). The famous trainer Mark Dvoretsky has put together a vast number of examples that he has not only collected, but analysed and tested with some of the world's strongest players. This is a particularly important book from the standpoint of clarifying, correcting, and extending the theory of endings. Most of all, Dvoretsky's analysis is staggering in its depth and accuracy."  - John Watson, reviewing DEM at The Week In Chess Mark Dvoretsky  is considered by many to be the premier chess instructor of our era. His works on the middlegame and endgame have set the standard by which other chess books are measured. He lives with his family in Moscow, Russia. GM Artur Yusupov, in his foreword:"I am sure that those who study this work carefully will not only play the endgame better, but overall, their play will improve. One of the secrets of the Russian chess school is now before you, dear reader!"  Former British Champion GM Jacob Aagaard: "This book is Dvoretsky's most significant book. It gives the ambitious player a chance to do top level training, but also gives the amateur a chance to see what is really important. If any chess book can make you a better player, this is it. " IM John Donaldson: "The noted Russian trainer has produced a classic guide to learning the endgame... Highly recommended!" IM John Watson, The Week In Chess: "Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual is quite simply a masterpiece of research and insight. It is a tremendous contribution to endgame literature, certainly the most important one in many years, and destined to be a classic of the literature (if it isn't already one). The famous trainer Mark Dvoretsky has put together a vast number of examples that he has not only collected, but analysed and tested with some of the world's strongest players. This is a particularly important book from the standpoint of clarifying, correcting, and extending the theory of endings. Most of all, Dvoretsky's analysis is staggering in its depth and accuracy." - John Watson, reviewing DEM at The Week In Chess Mark Dvoretsky  is considered by many to be the premier chess instructor of our era. His works on the middlegame and endgame have set the standard by which other chess books are measured.


CHRISTMAS CORNUCOPIA - Annie Lennox (Płyta CD) - 2837047515

35,36 zł


Książki & Multimedia > Muzyka

Opis - "A Christmas Cornucopia" to wyjątkowy projekt świąteczny przygotowany przez Annie Lennox. Jej płytę wypełniły ulubione kolędy i piosenki świąteczne. Na "A Christmas Cornucopia" Lennox sięgnęła zarówno po bardziej znane kolędy ("God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "The Holly And The Ivy", "Silent Night") jak i te mniej ("Lullay Lullay", "Il Est Ne le Divin Enfant"). Całość uzupełnia nowa kompozycja jej autorstwa - "Universal Child". Wiele utworów zostało zaaranżowanych w nietypowy, niezwykły sposób. Tradycyjnej kolędzie "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" Annie nadała bliskowschodni klimat. W "See Amid The Winter Snow" pojawia się brzmienie akordeonu. "Il est ne Le Divin Enfant" to nawiązanie do muzyki francuskiej, "Silent Night' - niemieckiej, a "Angels From The Realms Of Glory" do tradycji łacińskiej. Annie przygotowała cały album wspólnie z producentem Mikem Stevensem. Wokalistce towarzyszy jedynie 30-osobowa orkiestra oraz afrykański chór dziecięcy. Annie Lennox zdobyła sławę i uznanie publiczności w duecie Eurythmics. Po dziesięciu latach spędzonych w duecie z Davem Stuartem w 1992 roku rozpoczęła równie udaną karierę solową. Singiel z jej drugiej płyty "Medusa" - przeróbka piosenki z repertuaru The Lover Speaks "No More 'I Love You's" przyniósł jej nagrodę Grammy. Łączna sprzedaż jej płyt, zarówno albumów solowych, jak i Eurythmics, przekroczyła liczbę 80 milionów egzemplarzy. Lennox jest również znana z działalności społecznej, przewodząc akcji SING Campaign, walczącej z epidemią AIDS w Afryce. Lista utworów - Płyta 1 1. Angels From A Realms Of Glory 2. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 3. See Amid The Winter's Snow 4. Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant 5. The First Noel 6. Lullay Lullay (Coventry Carol) 7. The Holly And The Ivy 8. In The Bleak Midwinter 9. As Joseph Was A Walking 10. Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem 11. Silent Night 12. Universal Child Nazwa - CHRISTMAS CORNUCOPIA Autor - Annie Lennox Wydawca - Universal Music Kod EAN - 0602527533094 Rok wydania - 2010 Nośnik - Płyta CD Ilość elementów - 1 Podatek VAT - 23% Premiera - 2010-11-08


Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual (5th edition) - Mark Dvoretsky - 2877024596

171,60 zł

Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual (5th edition) - Mark Dvoretsky


When it appeared in 2003, the first edition of  Dvoretsky#8217;s Endgame Manual  was immediately recognized by novice and master alike as one of the best books ever published on the endgame. The enlarged and revised fifth edition is better than ever!Here is what Vladimir Kramnik, the 14th World Champion, had to say in his foreword to the fifth edition:#8220;I consider  Dvoretsky#8217;s Endgame Manual  an absolute  must  for  every  chess  professional, and  no  less  important  even  for  a club  player


Disturbing Domestic Peace - The Ex (Płyta CD) - 2836956435

54,17 zł

Disturbing Domestic Peace - The Ex (Płyta CD)

Książki & Multimedia > Muzyka

Nazwa - Disturbing Domestic Peace Autor - The Ex Wydawca - Ex Records Kod EAN - 0718752003827 Rok wydania - 2015 Nośnik - Płyta CD Podatek VAT - 23%


Podobrazie malarskie 24x30 ASTRA - 2851945439

10,89 zł

Podobrazie malarskie 24x30 ASTRA

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Doskonałe do malarstwa olejnego i akrylowego, wykonane z bawełny o gramaturze 330g powleczonej gruntem uniwersalnym, lekkie ramy wykonane z drewna paulowni, zszywki umieszczone z tyłu ramy, komplet klinów rozporowych. Nazwa - Podobrazie malarskie 24x30 ASTRA Kod EAN - 5900263270019 Wydawca - ASTRA POLSKA Podatek VAT - 23%


Jost Nickel's Fill Book, m. 1 MP3-CD - 2878774040

96,37 zł

Jost Nickel's Fill Book, m. 1 MP3-CD Alfred Music Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book is for anybody who wants to discover the big, wide world of drum fills. You'll find plenty of fill concepts to inspire you and enable you to understand the essential theory behind them so you can create your own drum fills.Step by step, Jost introduces rhythmic concepts that can be used universally on different levels and in every musicalsituation. He presents orchestration ideas, phrasings, and exercises focusing on dynamics and accents. He shows the different subdivisions that are essential for drum-fill playing and fills for binary and ternary grooves such as shuffles.Ideas on switch & path orchestration, diddle kicks, and clockwise & counterclockwise playing will enrich your drumming, as will step-hit-hi-hat, hand & foot rolls, cymbal chokes, stick shots,and many more.The JOST NICKEL'S FILL BOOK comes with an MP3 CD so you can hear many of the recorded fills in different tempos. Additionally, for those fills where you need to see how to move, there are twenty videos online. A 12-page insert containing reading texts completes the concept of this book. Jost and Alfred Music wish you a lot of fun and success with theJOST NICKEL'S FILL BOOK.ANIKA NILLES, famous female drummer, says about Jost's fill book: "A great book for all of us ... I find Jost's fill book very inspiring for my own playing and I highly recommend it!"MATT HALPERN, voted as "The Best Metal Drummer" by Modern Drummer magazine: "One of the things I love most about Jost's playing is his approach to drum fills. His use of flams, cymbal accents, and melodic placements are just a few components that make his musical style so exciting to see and hear."MIKE JOHNSTON, Clinician/Educator of the Year 2016: "Jost is teaching you the deeper concepts that allow the fills to exist in the first place. Amazing book by a world class player!"CHRIS COLEMAN, drummer with Prince, Chaka Khan, and many more: "Not only is Jost one of my favorite humans, he's a methodical and practical BEAST of a Musician & Drummer. This book will show you ALL of that."


Bare Metal C - 2870313739

201,08 zł

Bare Metal C No Starch Press,US

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Bare Metal C teaches you to program embedded systems with the C programming language. You ll learn how embedded programs interact with bare hardware directly, go behind the scenes with the compiler and linker, and learn C features that are important for programming regular computers.Bare Metal C will teach you how to program embedded devices with the C programming language. For embedded system programmers who want precise and complete control over the system they are using, this book pulls back the curtain on what the compiler is doing for you so that you can see all the details of what's happening with your program. The first part of the book teaches C basics with the aid of a low-cost, widely available bare metal system (the Nucleo Arm evaluation system), which gives you all the tools needed to perform basic embedded programming. As you progress through the book you ll learn how to integrate serial input/output (I/O) and interrupts into your programs. You ll also learn what the C compiler and linker do behind the scenes, so that you ll be better able to write more efficient programs that maximize limited memory. Finally, you ll learn how to use more complex, memory hungry C features like dynamic memory, file I/O, and floating-point numbers. Topic coverage includes:     The basic program creation process     Simple GPIO programming (blink an LED)     Writing serial device drivers     The C linker and preprocessor     Decision and control statements     Numbers, arrays, pointers, strings, and complex data types     Local variables and procedures     Dynamic memory     File and raw I/O     Floating-point numbers     Modular programming



79,16 zł


Muzyka > Płyty kompaktowe

Lista utworów: 1. You're the First, The Last, My Everything 2. Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe 3. Let the Music Play 4. Don't Make Me Wait Too Long 5. I'll Do for You Anything You Want Me To 6. Sho' You Right 7. What Am I Gonna Do with You 8. Come On 9. I'm Gonna Love You Just a Little More Babe10. Never, Never Gonna Give You Up 11. Baby We Better Try and Get It Together 12. Just the Way You Are 13. Dark and Lovely (You Over There) Radio Edit 14. You See the Trouble with Me 15. It's Ecstasy When You Lay Down Next to Me 16. The Right Night 17. Love's Theme 18. Let the Music Play Funkstar's Club Deluxe Edit


Polska z nieba Sky Views of Poland - 2825669801

24,50 zł

Polska z nieba Sky Views of Poland Pascal


Polska z nieba to niezwykły album. Zamieszczone w nim fotografie dwóch uznanych fotografików pozwalają spojrzeć z dystansu na otoczenie, w którym żyjemy. Pokazują to, czego na co dzień nie mamy szans zauważyć, skłaniają do refleksji o dziełach natury i człowieka. Elementy krajobrazu ? naturalnego i tego przekształconego przez cywilizację ? układają się w intrygujące, czasem abstrakcyjne kompozycje malarskie, zdumiewają harmonią barw i kształtów, oddziałują na wyobraźnię i emocje, dostarczają estetycznych wzruszeń. Fotografowanie z nieba to jeden ze sposobów interpretacji rzeczywistości, która z tej niecodziennej perspektywy nabiera zupełnie nowych znaczeń. The sense of sight organizes information coming in from outside the body and arranges it into images. Decoding and interpreting them is done by the brain. Without realizing it, you analyse every image at several levels at the same time. First, your subconsciousness recognizes its harmony. At this level, you attempt to find a rule that organizes what you see ? which can be felt but not named. So you simply perceive things as harmonious or not, light or heavy, hot or cold, attractive or off-putting ? these impressions are caused by the composition of rhythms, colours, light, contrasts, symmetries. All this is a prelude to the next level of interpretation. Photographs without any formal content look like works of art. Can they really be regarded as such? Perhaps the very ability to find aesthetic value in images is itself a work of art? But this would mean that works of art are creations of the viewer?s mind and whenever you look at something you are an artist, as they are created in minds sensitive to a particular kind of aesthetic beauty and harmony, both sensual, appealing to you through images, sounds or tastes, and intellectual. At a higher level, conscious and rational, you recognize outlines and shapes, but also, more importantly, can name them ? initially in very broad categories, then using increasingly specific terms. More than that: you can even, to some degree, define the relations between them. The more patterns your memory stores, the more you notice and the richer will be your interpretation of the reality recorded in a photograph.


szukaj w Kangoo krainaksiazek not if i see you first 20108095

Sklepy zlokalizowane w miastach: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice

Szukaj w sklepach lub całym serwisie

1. Sklepy z krainaksiazek not if i see you first 20108095

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