krainaksiazek you can conquer your goliath 20089889

- znaleziono 71 produktów w 16 sklepach

Break Free from OCD - 2878779807

82,39 zł

Break Free from OCD Ebury Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Are you plagued by obsessive thoughts, rituals or routines? Would you like to regain control over your behaviour and cast your fears aside? Whether you are compelled to wash your hands more and more thoroughly or feel the need to keep checking that you've turned off appliances, obsessive worries can be a drain on daily life. However, you don't need to suffer any more. This practical guide, written by three leading cognitive behavioural therapy experts, enables you to make sense of your symptoms, and gives a simple plan to help you conquer OCD. This title includes: detailed information on the many different manifestations of OCD; the differences between normal and obsessive worries; clear information on treating your individual problem; real-life case studies and examples; and, advice and support for friends and family of OCD sufferers. Whether your condition is mild or severe, this definitive resource will help you reclaim your life and keep OCD away for good.


Candida Free Cookbook - 2878295893

60,19 zł

Candida Free Cookbook Callisto Media Inc.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Get rid of candida permanently with The Candida Free Cookbook. Candida is a dangerous yeast that can take an incredible toll on your system, leading to fatigue, pain, and weight gain. Recent studies have proven that candida infections can be cured permanently through diet changes alone. The Candida Free Cookbook will help you get rid of candida forever and take your health back. The Candida Free Cookbook includes useful information on the symptoms and risks associated with candida, a step-by-step guide to a healthy candida cleanse, and over 125 simple, delicious recipes that will help you remove yeast from your diet, so that you finally live candida-free. The Candida Free Cookbook offers everything you need for long-term relief, with: 14-day full-body cleanse to beat candida Over 125 easy and healthy recipes to detox your body of yeast 10 quick diet tips for relieving the symptoms of candida A handy candida-free shopping guide Useful explanation of the causes and symptoms of candida infections The Candida Free Cookbook will help you conquer your infection with healthy changes so that you can get rid of candida once and for all."


C++ All-in-One For Dummies - 2826731469

115,08 zł

C++ All-in-One For Dummies John Wiley & Sons

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Get ahead of the C++ curve to stay in the game C++ is the workhorse of programming languages and remains one of the most widely used programming languages today. It's cross-platform, multi-functional, and updates are typically open-source. The language itself is object-oriented, offering you the utmost control over data usage, interface, and resource allocation. If your job involves data, C++ proficiency makes you indispensable. C++ All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition is your number-one handbook to C++ mastery. Author John Paul Mueller is a recognized authority in the computer industry, and your ultimate guide to C++. Mueller takes you through all things C++, including information relevant to the 2014 update. Learn how to work with objects and classes Conquer advanced programming and troubleshooting Discover how lambda expressions can make your code more concise and readable See Standard Library features, such as dynamic arrays, in action Online resources include source code from examples in the book as well as a C++ GNU compiler. If you need to learn C++, this is the fastest, most effective way to do it. C++ All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition will get you up and running quickly, so you can get to work producing code faster and better than ever.


LOTR LCG: Conflict at the Carrock Nightmare Deck - 2827859333

31,95 zł

LOTR LCG: Conflict at the Carrock Nightmare Deck Fantasy Flight Games

Gry LCG > Lord of the Rings LCG > Print on Demand

Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow you to revisit your favorite scenarios cast in the shadows of the game's challenging Nightmare Mode. Featuring deadlier enemies, darker locations, and more terrifying surprises, each Nightmare Deck introduces new, alternate encounter cards and instructions for using them to reshape a scenario's encounter deck. The result? A nightmarish journey through territory you thought you knew, but with twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat!


Opus Dei - 2212825700

79,10 zł

Opus Dei Penguin

Literatura faktu

Opus Dei is the most controversial - and unknown - force in the Catholic Church.  Here, John L. Allen uncovers its real nature.  Accused of promoting a right-wing political agenda, of cult-like practices, and immortalized forever in the pages of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, Opus Dei is the most notorious, most talked about - but least known - religious organization of our time.  Granted unlimited access to those within its ranks, and with an investigative eye intent on uncovering closely guarded secrets, John L. Allen finally separates the myths from the facts:  the actual use of the cilice; the reason men and women remain separate; the true extent of Opus Dei's funds.  Built around a wealth of interviews with the heads of Opus Dei in the Vatican and in centres around the world, comparing the attitudes of current members with those of highly critical members and outsiders, Opus Dei is a portrait of a remarkably powerful organization, both inside and outside the Church. One of the most mysterious and controversial religious forces today, and immortalized in Dan Brown


Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game - 2827860372

144,95 zł

Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game Fantasy Flight Games

Gry planszowe > Gry karciane

You no sooner set foot inside the ancient ruins than the tunnel behind you collapses. Foul laughter screeches all around you. You cannot hope to dig your way out; all you can do is search for an exit


The Chess Toolbox: Practical Techniques Everyone Should Know - 2877024257

129,80 zł

The Chess Toolbox: Practical Techniques Everyone Should Know

Szachy > Książki New In Chess

In chess, as in repair or construction jobs, you will not get very far without the right equipment. If you want to win more games you simply need the right tools. Unfortunately, most amateur chess players have no toolbox to speak of. What#8217;s more, they don#8217;t even know which tools they actually need. Or what tools are available. If a chess hardware store would exist, most amateur chess players would be clueless what to ask for. International Master and experienced chess trainer Thomas Willemze is the handyman you are looking for. He tells you which are the most urgent problems that need fixing. In his no-nonsense guide, Willemze presents essential techniques on how to mobilize your pieces in order to gain the upper hand.  The Chess Toolbox  teaches you how to: conquer an open file eliminate an important defender lift a blockade get rid of an inferior piece exploit the 7th rank simplify your position (why and how) fight for entrance squares and much more. In order to make you feel comfortable and let you get used to these essential techniques, the author gives lots of fascinating examples and  hundreds of instructive exercises . He even teaches you how to think outside your toolbox! Thomas Willemze  is an International Master from Holland. He is an experienced trainer of amateur players and has been the National Youth Coach of the Dutch Chess Federation.  Award-winning author IM John Watson: #8220;I can#8217;t think of another book that would be more helpful to the avarage player who is intent upon improving his chess.#8221;


Learning Designer's Visual Design Book - 2870499594

269,11 zł

Learning Designer's Visual Design Book John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Enhance learners' interest and understanding with visual design for instructional and information products No matter what medium you use to deliver content, if the visual design fails, the experience falls flat. Meaningful graphics and a compelling visual design supercharge instruction, training, and presentations, but this isn't easy to accomplish. Now you can conquer your design fears and knowledge gaps with Visual Design Solutions : a resource for learning professionals seeking to raise the bar on their graphics and visual design skills. This informal and friendly book guides you through the process and principles used by professional graphic designers. It also presents creative solutions and examples that you can start using right away. Anyone who envisions, designs, or creates instructional or informational graphics will benefit from the design strategies laid out in this comprehensive resource. Written by Connie Malamed, an art educator and instructional designer, this book will help you tap into your creativity, design with intention, and produce polished work.Whereas most graphic design books focus on logos, packaging, and brochures, Visual Design Solutions focuses on eLearning, presentations, and performance support. Visual Design Solutions includes practical guidelines for making smart design choices, ways to create professional-looking products, and principles for successful graphics that facilitate learning. Ideal for instructional designers, trainers, presenters, and professors who want to advance from haphazard to intentional design, this book will help them realize their design potential. Gain the knowledge and confidence to design impressive, effective visuals for learning Increase learner comprehension and retention with visual strategies offered by an expert author Serves as a reference and a resource, with a wealth of examples for inspiration and ideas Addresses an intimidating topic in an informal, friendly style In four parts, the book provides a thorough overview of the design process and design concepts; explores space, image, and typography; and presents workable solutions for your most persistent and puzzling design problems. Get started and begin creating captivating graphics for your learners.


Ryzyko (Risk) 2210 A.D. - 1730956923

149,00 zł

Ryzyko (Risk) 2210 A.D. Wizards of the Coast


ANGIELSKA WERSJA Risk jest grą zdumiewającą? Nikt bowiem nie potrafi jasno określić na czym polega fenomen sprzedażowy tej gry. Klasyczny Risk sprzedaje się od przeszło  40 lat i to na niezmiennie dobrym poziomie. Z jednej strony ślicznie wykonana plansza gry oraz figurki (w dzisiejszych czasach to już standard, a te Riskowe przy konkurencji nie mogą powalić nas na kolana ? ot średnia światowa!), z drugiej prostota rozgrywki z mechaniką i zasadami, które każde dziecko pojmie w 5 minut! A jednak! Risk doczekuje się kolejnych odsłon w nowych wariacjach. Risk 2210 A.D. to zgodnym zdaniem przytłaczającej większości graczy najlepsza gra z serii Risków. A tak naprawdę to dwie gry w jednej! Kupując bowiem Riska 2210 A.D. otrzymujemy również wszystko to co jest potrzebne do rozegrania partii w Klasyczne Ryzyko. Tyle tylko, że po pierwszej rozgrywce w Riska 2210 A.D. do starego poczciwego Ryzyka nie bardzo jest już po co wracać! No chyba, że gramy z dziećmi, albo z dziadkami przy rodzinnym stole! Jak to wygląda? Plansza do gry przedstawia Ziemię podzieloną na 6 kontynentów. Każdy kontynent zaznaczony jest innym kolorem i zawiera od 4 do 12 terytoriów. Na planszy (i tu pierwsza nowość) jest także 13 terytoriów wodnych podzielonych na 5 kolonii. Ponieważ Księżyc (druga zmiana w stosunku do oryginału) jest teraz również kolonizowany, dołączono planszę Księżyca przedstawiającą 3 księżycowe kolonie. Każda z nich ma inny kolor i zawiera 4 lub 6 terytoriów. Świat jest w stanie wojny, a ty przewodzisz jednej z walczących frakcji. Tyle tylko, że mamy rok 2210 i wojna zmieniła swoje oblicze. Do boju nie prowadzimy już dzielnych żołnierzy, a bojowe mechy, przypominające te z Gwiezdnych Wojen! Na początku gry wybieramy (na zmianę z rywalami) terytoria, które znajdą się pod naszą kontrolą na starcie rozgrywki. Aby nie było za łatwo pewne, losowo wybrane terytoria są na początku gry niedostępne (skażenie radioaktywne na skutek wcześniej toczonych walk). Swój wybór manifestujemy przez postawienie figurki mecha na interesującym nas terytorium (na początku wolno zajmować tylko terytoria lądowe). Gdy wszystkie terytoria są rozdzielone, dokładamy według uznania resztę przysługujących nam mechów na terytoria, które posiadamy. Walka jest rozgrywana w oparciu o zasady klasycznego Ryzyka, czyli rzucamy maksymalnie 3 kostkami w ataku i maksymalnie 2 w obronie. Przez porównanie par kostek z największymi wynikami ustalamy wynik starcia. I tu następna nowość! Wprowadzono figurki dowódców, którzy posiadają szczególne zdolności i w walce posługują się kostką ośmiościenną! Jest pięć rodzajów dowódców. Po jednym: Dyplomatycznym, Lądowym, Morskim, Jądrowym i Kosmicznym. Grę zaczynasz tylko z dwoma ? Lądowym i Dyplomatycznym. Aby móc wysłać wojska do kolonizacji stref wodnych potrzebna jest obecność w naszych szeregach dowódcy Morskiego. Możemy go sobie (następne novum!) dokupić w trakcie rozgrywki płacąc Energią, która w grze pełni rolę waluty. Otrzymujemy ją za kontrolowane terytoria. Jeżeli jednak zamierzamy udać się na Księżyc to niezbędne staje się posiadanie Stacji Kosmicznych! Stacje Kosmiczne (kolejny smaczek) można budować samemu lub przejmować je od wroga jako wynik wygranej bitwy. Prócz możliwości wyekspediowania naszych wojsk na Księżyc Stacje pełnią jeszcze role obronne, (gdy wróg atakuje nasze terytorium na którym posiadamy Stację Kosmiczną rzucamy K8), oraz na początku nowej tury dostajemy za każdą posiadaną Stację 1 mecha ekstra! Gra, co może zdziwić starych wyjadaczy Klasycznego Riska, trwa tylko 5 lat (tur) i bardzo rzadko ? a w praktyce, gdy do gry zasiadają doświadczeni gracze ? nigdy nie kończy się całkowitym podbojem! I jest to największy atut gry. Do samego końca trzeba zdrowo kombinować by osiągnąć upragnione zwycięstwo! Co decyduje o zwycięstwie? Najprościej rzecz ujmując liczba kontrolowanych terytoriów. Dodatkowe premie otrzymujemy za kontrole całych kontynentów i kolonii oraz zagrywając (kolejna nowość!) karty Rozkazów. Kart jest kilka rodzajów i przyporządkowane są konkretnym dowódcom. Można je kupować (tak jak Stacje Kosmiczne i dowódców) przez całą rozgrywkę, o ile posiadamy w grze odpowiedniego dowódcę. Wiele z nich daje nam specjalne przywileje i bonusy w walce (np. możliwość rozmieszczenia dodatkowych mechów, Stacji Kosmicznych, czy kradzież energii). Podsumowując, gra niewątpliwie jest najbardziej udaną i wciągającą pozycją z całej Riskowej serii. Gdy szukasz wciągającej gry strategicznej o prostych do poznania zasadach Risk 2210 A.D. jest wprost wymarzoną pozycją. Ponieważ początkowy rozkład terytoriów za każdym razem jest inny, gra długo dostarcza wielu emocji i sprawia, że nawet po wielu latach chętnie do niej sięgamy!  PUDEŁKO ZAWIERA: - 1 plansza Ziemi - 1 plansza Księżyca - 1 tablica wyników - 5 sześciennych kostek: 2 białe i 3 czarne - 5 ośmiościennych kostek: 3 czarne i 2 białe - 44 karty Ryzyka terytoriów lądowych - 13 kart Ryzyka terytoriów wodnych - 14 kart Ryzyka terytoriów księżycowych - 5 zestawów armii Mechów (każdy w innym kolorze) - 5 zestawów Dowódców (lądowy, morski, kosmiczny, jądrowy i dyplomatyczny ? każdy zestaw w innym kolorze) - 20 stacji kosmicznych (po 4 w 5 kolorach) - 20 kart rozkazów lądowych - 20 kart rozkazów morskich - 20 kart rozkazów księżycowych - 20 kart rozkazów jądrowych - 20 kart rozkazów dyplomatycznych - 9 pustych kart rozkazów - 4 znaczniki zniszczenia - 5 znaczników kolejności tury - 1 znacznik roku - 65 1-punktowych żetonów energii - 15 5-punktowych żetonów energii - instrukcja angielska Gra zawiera wszystko, by zagrać również w klasycznego RISKa.     As the leader of a warring faction, you control the destiny of your people. On the Earth, in the great underwater domed cities beneath the oceans, in orbit, and even on the Moon, you must marshal your forces, send forth your troops, and hire the right commanders to crush your enemies. Build alliances if you dare, but be wary of whom you trust. Energy is the currency of the 23rd century; spend wisely and you just might conquer the world -- and beyond.   RISK 2210 A.D.  also includes everything needed to play the classic game of Risk. You can also read this more detailed overview of  RISK 2210 .   Risk 2210 A.D.  contains:   Earth Game Board (20" x 30") Moon Game Board 5 Sets of Army Playing Pieces 5 Sets of Commanders (Diplomat, Land, Naval, Nuclear, Space) 20 Plastic Space Stations 71 Risk Cards (Land, Water, and Lunar) 109 Command Cards 4 Devastation Markers 1 Year Marker 80 Cardboard Energy Markers Score Chart 5 Turn Order Markers 10 Dice Instructions


Investing in Real Estate 7e - 2854280022

80,72 zł

Investing in Real Estate 7e John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This is the bestselling guide to real estate, newly revised for today's investors. More than ever, investing in property today will set you on track to conquer financial uncertainty and build your long-term net worth. "Investing in Real Estate, Seventh Edition" offers dozens of experience- proven methods to convert these challenging times into the best of times. Whether you want to fix and sell or buy, improve, and hold, market savvy real estate investor Gary W. Eldred shows you how to achieve your goals. He provides time-tested ways to grow a profitable portfolio and shows you how property investing can deliver twenty-two sources of financial return. You'll learn how to negotiate like a pro, read market trends, and choose from multiple possibilities to finance your properties.This timely new edition also includes: Historical context to emphasize how bargain prices and near record low interest rates now combine to offer unprecedented potential for short- and long-term profits; Successfully navigate and meet today's loan underwriting standards; How to obtain discounted property prices from banks, underwater owners, and government agencies; How to value properties accurately - and, when necessary, intelligently challenge poorly prepared lender appraisals; Effective techniques to acquire REOs and short sales on favorable terms within reasonable time frames; How to market and manage your properties to outperform other investors; and, much more! Join the pros who are profiting from today's market. All you need is the knowledge edge provided by "Investing in Real Estate, Seventh Edition" - the most favored and reliable guide to gaining the rewards that real estate offers. "This is the best how-to-invest-in-real-estate book available". (Robert Bruss). Invest Now for Large Future Gains. Invest Now for Increasing Cash Flows. Invest Now for Lifetime Security.


Straight Talk on Loneliness - 2870122950

106,47 zł

Straight Talk on Loneliness John Murray Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

You Are Not Alone!Are you experiencing a loss in your life? A loss that has left you feeling alone, crippled, or in despair? Maybe its the sudden death of a loved one, the breakup of a close relationship, or maybe the loneliness of feeling misunderstood. There are many reasons people feel lonely, but thank God we can overcome them through His Word!In this book, bestselling author Joyce Meyer will teach you how to conquer the feelings of loneliness and find renewed strength, hope, and joy through the Lord Jesus. She offers you practical and effective ways to triumph over loneliness and grief so you can live a happy, more fulfilled life.There may be times in life when you feel lonely, but just remember, youre never alone when God is standing by your side!


Currency Trading For Dummies - 2866221731

78,84 zł

Currency Trading For Dummies John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Trade currencies like a seasoned pro with this friendly, fact-filled guide to the forex marketOver $6 trillion changes hands in the foreign exchange market every day. You can jump straight into the action with expert guidance from the hands-on Currency Trading For Dummies. You'll learn how the foreign exchange market works, what factors influence currency values, and how to understand financial data. When you're ready to create your own game plan for trading currencies, you'll be able to build it around your investment objectives, experience level, and risk appetite. You'll also find details on the latest trends in currency trading, including currency ETFs, cryptocurrencies, and currency options.From essential newcomer knowledge to advanced positioning advice, Currency Trading For Dummies offers straightforward instruction that helps you:* Source data and market intelligence, employ technical analysis, and use the latest tech to find the most lucrative trading opportunities* Understand the most recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and regulations governing currency trading* Avoid common pitfalls and mistakes made by novice and experienced currency traders* Recognize profitable opportunities in the world of ETFs, currency options, and cryptocurrenciesSuccessful currency trading is within your grasp. This accessible roadmap to trading mastery provides the foundational knowledge you need to create a structured, winning strategy and conquer the forex market.


Nadiya Bakes - 2861869795

102,72 zł

Nadiya Bakes Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The book we've all been waiting for: Nadiya's return to her true love, baking!Discover all the delicious and mouth-watering recipes from the BBC2 TV series in Nadiya's Sunday Times bestselling cookbook, Nadiya Bakes'Delicious' TIMES'Showstoppers and classic baking for every occasion' SUNDAY TIMES___________Our beloved Bake-Off winner has created your ultimate baking cookbook to help you conquer cakes, biscuits, traybakes, tarts and pies, showstopping desserts, breads, savoury bakes, and even 'no-bake' bakes - all with her signature mouth-watering twists. Some of Nadiya's deliciously easy recipes you can achieve at home include:* Pink Peppercorn Pithivier* Peppercorn Pull Apart Bread* Teriyaki Chicken Baked Noodles * Tomato Galette * Money Can't Buy You Happiness Brownies* Mango and Coconut Cake. .. and much, much moreFrom classic baking staples to dazzling show-stoppers, you'll discover new favourite recipes for every day and every celebration - it's time to shake up your bakes!'Let Nadiya fill your kitchen with pure joy' Woman & Home


Maverick Strada TC Evo 1:10 RTR - 1556849595

473,99 zł

Maverick Strada TC Evo 1:10 RTR

Modele rc > Samochody

The Maverick Strada range has been updated to the all-new EVO standard! With an all-new and exclusive chassis design and brand new

Sklep: Sklep zabawki

Winning LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming - 2867139618

148,61 zł

Winning LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co....

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Winning LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming is your ticket to successfully programming for fun and competition with LEGO MINDSTORMS and the NXT-G programming language commonly used in FIRST LEGO League events. The book is a companion title to author James Trobaugh's acclaimed book on physical robot design, Winning Design! . This new book focuses squarely on the programming side of working with MINDSTORMS. Together the two books put you on a rock-solid foundation for creating with LEGO MINDSTORMS, whether for fun at home or in competition with a team.§§Winning LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming sets the stage by emphasizing the importance of up front planning, and thinking about the challenge to be met. Learn to evaluate possible solutions by sanity-testing their logic before you put the effort into actually writing the code. Then choose your best option and write the code applying the techniques in this book. Take advantage of language features such as MyBlocks to enhance reliability and create easy-to-debug code. Manage your code as you change and improve it so that you can trace what you've done and fall back if needed. Avoid common programming pitfalls. Work powerfully with teammates to conquer competition challenges of all types.§§Provides solid techniques similar to those used by professional programmers, and optimized for the LEGO MINDSTORMS platform. §Addresses key tasks important to competition such as line detection, line following, squaring of corners, motor stall detection, and more. §Compliments Winning Design! by tackling the programming side of competition.


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