elektro24 com fischer

- znaleziono 15 produktów w 4 sklepach

Bobby Fischer PAPERBACK - 2877023749

166,10 zł

Bobby Fischer PAPERBACK

Szachy > Książki New In Chess

CHESS Magazine: One of the Best Books of 2009  The Ultimate Fischer Collection! The years after the Second World War saw international chess dominated by the Soviets

Sklep: Imperiumzabawek.pl

A Construcao Da Linguagem Escrita De Estudantes Com Sindrome De Down - 2857208460

359,99 zł

A Construcao Da Linguagem Escrita De Estudantes Com Sindrome De Down

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Society & social sciences>Education>Groups & persons with special educational needs


Sklep: Gigant.pl

Teczka z gumką dwustronnie barwiona i foliowana czarna TG 20 10szt. - 2847512174

21,75 zł

Teczka z gumką dwustronnie barwiona i foliowana czarna TG 20 10szt.

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Nazwa - Teczka z gumką dwustronnie barwiona i foliowana czarna TG 20 10szt. Wydawca - KONFEX Kod ISBN - 5904720070266 Kod EAN - 5904720070266 Podatek VAT - 23%

Sklep: InBook.pl

Staruszek Anderson - H. Yves, Hermann - 2836930343

28,27 zł

Staruszek Anderson - H. Yves, Hermann

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Missisipi, lata 50. Życie starego Andersona nie należało do najbardziej udanych.  Kilka lat temu zamordowana została jego córka. Wszyscy wiedzą kim byli mordercy, ale sprawiedliwości nigdy nie stało się zadość. Teraz umiera żona Andersona. Dziś już nie ma nic do stracenia... Mocna opowieść o nienawiści i zemście. Świetne tempo i jak zawsze niezwykłe, malarskie ilustracje Hermanna czynią ze  Staruszka Andersona  jeden z najlepszych od lat komiksów belgijskiego mistrza . Staruszek Anderson to po Stacji 16 , Bez przeznaczenia i Krwawych godach czwarty "one-shot" Hermanna, który ukazał się nakładem Wydawnictwa Komiksowego. Wraz z seriami Wieże Bois-Maury i Jeremiah pokazują, że laureat tegorocznego Grand Prix w Angouleme należy do ulubieńców polskich czytelników.  Nazwa - Staruszek Anderson Autor - H. Yves, Hermann Oprawa - Gąbkowa Wydawca - Prószyński Media Kod ISBN - 9788380693326 Kod EAN - 9788380693326 Wydanie - 0 Rok wydania - 2016 Język - polski Tłumacz - 37080,jakub syty; Format - 24.7x32.7 Ilość stron - 54 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-05-19

Sklep: InBook.pl

Questions of Modern Chess Theory by Isaac Lipnitsky (miękka okładka) - 2877023243

125,40 zł

Questions of Modern Chess Theory by Isaac Lipnitsky (miękka okładka)

Szachy > Postęp szachowy

Wersja językowa książki - angielska.  Questions of Modern Chess Theory is the lost masterpiece of Soviet chess literature. It was written by a 2-time Ukrainian Champion, and published in the Soviet Union in 1956. Russian experts say it is one of the most influential chess books of the 20th century, yet it was never published in English. Isaac Lipnitsky  was a major player on the Soviet chess scene just after World War Two, strong enough to take the scalps of Keres, Smyslov and Petrosian. He would no doubt have been a household name had he not tragically passed away at a young age in 1959.The missing link between Nimzowitsch#8217;s My System and chess today, updated for the 21st century. Publication Date   9 September 2008 ISBN:  978-1-906552-03-9 - 232 pagesReviews "Quality Chess also published some of the Soviet classic chess books, recommended for tournament players... Isaac Lipnitsky's Questions of Modern Chess Theory was widely read by players of my generation, including Bobby Fischer. In the original version from 1956, the Ragozin variation of the Queen's Gambit found its way into Fischer's repertoire. It is not included, but the book gives many great examples of dynamic opening play." GM Lubomir Kavalek , Huffington Post "Highly Recommended." (full review) IM John Donaldson "If it was important enough for Botvinnik and Fischer to hold dear, this reviewer would suggest, without reservation, that this book still belongs in every serious player#8217;s library fifty years later." (full review) Steve Goldberg, ChessCafe "Questions of Modern Chess Theory is without doubt one of the best chess books of all time. ... The book is full of clear, easily understandable examples, written by someone who doesn't make a fuss of words and is able to explain chess in a crystal-clear style." (full review) ChessVibes.com "Even 50 years later this work is still a masterpiece!" John Elburg "This superb book had a high reputation in the Soviet Union, and with good reason... it is definitely book of the month, and very likely book of the year."  Bernard Cafferty, British Chess Magazine "The author doesn't need many pages of tiresome exposition to make his point. He explains complicated chess theory in no time with excellent game examples and clear and logical language."  Martin Rieger, Europa Rochade Discussion at  ChessPub.com : Questions of Modern Chess StrategyNominated for Book of the Year by the GuardianISBN: 9781906552039 - 232 pages - 9 September 2008

Sklep: Imperiumzabawek.pl

It happened one Summer - 2873785132

58,38 zł

It happened one Summer Rowohlt Taschenbuch

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Eine kleine Hafenstadt, zwei Schwestern aus L.A. und die große Liebe.Band 1 der Romantic-Comedy-Bestseller-Reihe. Die Tik-Tok-Sensation endlich auf Deutsch.Piper Bellinger ist ein Hollywood-It-Girl. Doch als sie wegen einer außer Kontrolle geratenen Party (und möglicherweise einem klitzekleinen Einbruch in einen Hotel-Pool) im Gefängnis landet, reißt ihrem Stiefvater der Geduldsfaden. Er dreht ihr den Geldhahn ab und schickt sie in den kleinen Küstenort Westport, wo ihr leiblicher Vater aufgewachsen ist - um sich dort um die heruntergekommene Bar der Familie zu kümmern.Piper ist noch keine fünf Minuten in Westport, als ihr der grummelige muskelbepackte Fischer Brendan in die Quere kommt. Er glaubt, dass sie keinen einzigen Tag durchhält. Aber Piper hat es satt, von allen für ein dummes Blondchen gehalten zu werden. Und nur weil sie bei ihrem ersten Versuch zu kochen beinahe die Bar niederbrennt, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass sie aufgibt. Sie wird es allen beweisen. Vor allem diesem ärgerlich attraktiven Fischer ...

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Zapłatą będzie śmierć. - Inge Lohnig - 2837023792

26,37 zł

Zapłatą będzie śmierć. - Inge Lohnig

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Wydanie 2012r. Oprawa broszurowa. Strony 352. Format 15,0x21,0cm. "Albowiem zapłatą za grzech jest śmierć..." - List do Rzymian 6, 23. Kobieta, która pragnie zapomnieć. Mężczyzna czujący powołanie. Dziecko, które ginie bez śladu. A to dopiero początek... Komisarz Konstantin Dühnfort tropi sadystycznego mordercę, który grasuje po bawarskiej prowincji i z mroku dziejów wydobywa na światło dzienne kary inkwizycji. Mieszkańców wioski paraliżuje strach, bo wiedzą, że zabójca jest jednym z nich. Czy Dühnfort znajdzie go, zanim ponownie zaatakuje? "Trzymająca w napięciu lektura obowiązkowa dla wszystkich miłośników powieści kryminalnych z charyzmatycznym śledczym w roli głównej. Według mnie - najlepszy debiut roku." - Sebastian Fitzek Nazwa - Zapłatą będzie śmierć. Oryginalny tytuł - Der sunde sold Autor - Inge Lohnig Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Initium Kod ISBN - 9788362577149 Kod EAN - 9788362577149 Rok wydania - 2012 Język - polski Tłumacz - Hofmann Agnieszka Seria wydawnicza - Seria kryminalna Format - 15.0x21.0cm Ilość stron - 352 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2012-05-22

Sklep: InBook.pl

Amigurumi Factory - 2873021145

68,13 zł

Amigurumi Factory Books on Demand

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Romy Fischer ist seit ihrer Kindheit fasziniert vom Stricken und Häkeln und hat seither das Gefühl, sie müsste jedes Jahr an ihren Kleiderschrank anbauen, da immer mehr Pullover, Mützen, Stulpen, Handschuhe etc. hinzukommen.§Seit einiger Zeit ist auch sie der bunten Amigurumi-Welt verfallen. Nachdem sie zunächst einige Modelle anderer Designer nachgearbeitet hatte, fing sie an, eigene Figuren zu entwickeln. Herausgekommen sind für Band 1 ihrer Amigurumi Factory Reihe 12 zuckersüße Tierchen, denen man kaum widerstehen kann. Ob Flamingo, Ente, Elefant, Teddy, Nashorn oder Frosch... Die Anleitungen sind leicht verständlich erklärt, und für Anfänger wartet auf ihrer Webseite ein YouTube Videokurs.§www.romyfischer.de§www.facebook.com/romyfischerarts

Sklep: Libristo.pl

MedAT Humanmedizin/Zahnmedizin - 2878287465

111,44 zł

MedAT Humanmedizin/Zahnmedizin Urban & Fischer/Elsevier

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Wer in Österreich Medizin oder Zahnmedizin studieren will, kommt um den MedAT nicht herum. Du willst unbedingt Medizin oder Zahnmedizin in Österreich studieren und bereitest Dich gerade auf den Basiskenntnistest für Medizinische Studien (BMS) des MedAT-H oder MedAT-Z vor? Du bist auf der Suche nach Unterstützung bei Deiner Vorbereitung? Dieses Prüfungstraining ist die perfekte Ergänzung, denn Prüfungssimulation gibt es wie Sand am Meer, aber dieser Trainer hilft Dir, den Stoff, den Du bereits gelernt hast, anzuwenden, zu festigen und zu vertiefen. Damit steht Deinem Studium nichts mehr im Weg! Lückentexte, Freitexte, Abbildungsdetails benennen, Grafiken, Strukturen oder Zeichnungen erstellen, Tabellen ausfüllen, Rechenaufgaben lösen, MC-Fragen beantworten ... mit diesem Buch kann sich der zukünftige Medizin- und Zahnmedizinstudierende ganz gezielt auf den BMS vorbereiten und Bio, Chemie, Physik und Mathe üben - die optimale Ergänzung zum MedAT, Band 1. Zusätzlich gibt es einen exklusiven Rabatt zum passenden Online-Videokurs des Autors Paul Yannick Windisch auf der Lernplattform udemy.com

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 - The Making of a Champion by Tibor Karolyi (miękka okładka) - 2877023228

130,90 zł

Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 - The Making of a Champion by Tibor Karolyi (miękka okładka)

Szachy > Postęp szachowy

Wersja językowa książki - angielska.  Anatoly Karpov is one of the greatest Chess World Champions with his prime strength the subtle maneuvering of positional play. Many of his opponents have been baffled by the profundity of his strategies, but here Karolyi explains Karpov#8217;s genius: Karpov's Strategic Wins features Karpov#8217;s most entertaining and instructive strategic wins from 1961-1985 when Karpov proved he was a worthy successor to Bobby Fischer#8217;s titleISBN: 978-1-906552-41-1 - 458 pages - Published 6 May 2011 Reviews"Karolyi dissects Karpov's wins thoroughly and the books examine Karpov's career in detail. It was a colossal undertaking and Karolyi spent several years studying his protagonist. He delivers a fascinating account of Karpov's skills." GM Lubomir Kavalek , full column at Huffington Post and ChessBase"Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 is a masterpiece! The explanations are written with clarity and precision, the depth of the analysis is incredible, the production is outstanding, and the game examples are as enlightening as they are entertaining. This deserves book of the year accolades. Do yourself a favor and buy it in hardcover, it's worth it! [6/6 stars]" Brian Almeida , ChessCafe (full review)"The ability to easily follow his life, games, and stats makes for compelling reading... WOW! It's easy to see that lots of thought, planning, love, passion, and hard work were put into this magnificent book... Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 gets my highest recommendation if you enjoy going over master games, are a fan of Karpov, or wish to study high-level positional concepts through the use of Karpov's games. This is, quite simply, one of the finest game collections I've ever seen." IM Jeremy Silman "I never seriously studied Karpov's earlier masterpieces. Whilst reading Karpov's Strategic Wins 1, written by Tibor Karolyi, I realized how much I had missed... Karpov himself has written several books on this period... and in my view Karolyi does a better job in presenting this material objectively (and with up-to-date analysis)... What Karolyi's book does show is that Karpov truly was one of the greatest of all time, and that his games will always serve as examples of superior strategical insight and technique. I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel." Arne Moll , ChessVibes (full review)"This is the Karpov some of us remember best of all. The 1.e4 player who made the lives of French Defence and Sicilian fans a misery... This is the Karpov who was the magnificent champion, dominating tournament chess like no other, with his customary White wins and Black draws, and losses so rare they caused a sensation across the chess world." Sean Marsh , Chess magazine"Not many managed to outplay their opponents in the cool and quiet way Karpov could; they tried, but Karpov was in a class of his own... Thus my joy at receiving in the mail #8216;The Making of a Champion', a book with Karpov's strategic wins from 1961-85. Such a book has been sorely missing. There are lots of great things in this book. That the author Tibor Karolyi praises Karpov to the heavens is something you just have to accept!" GM Simen Agdestein "The Hungarian International Master has succeeded in writing something special that should appeal to a wide range of players... Karpov's Strategic Wins Volume 1 is not only a tribute to Karpov's strategic brilliance, it is also a fine instructive work... Many of the notes that Karolyi offers will be of great benefit to amateur players as well as professionals... Wonderful prose like this makes the book special... Karpov's Strategic Wins Volume 1 belongs in every chess player's library. Highly Recommended." IM John Donaldson , jeremysilman.com (full review)

Sklep: Imperiumzabawek.pl

The Day Kasparov Quit: and other chess interviews - 2877023817

125,40 zł

The Day Kasparov Quit: and other chess interviews

Szachy > Książki New In Chess

What goes on in some of the sharpest minds on earth? Ten years after his bestselling "Finding Bobby Fischer",  Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam  has collected a new series of intimate portraits of the top grandmasters of chess.  Ten Geuzendam wins the confidence of Garry Kasparov, Miguel Najdorf, Vishy Anand, Judit Polgar, David Bronstein, Hikaru Nakamura and many others. He meets the living legends of chess in Buenos Aires and Istanbul, Moscow and New York. Vladimir Kramnik explains how the Czech ice hockey team inspired him to beat Kasparov, while Henrique Mecking reveals that Jesus helps him to find the correct move. Anyone attracted by the mystique of the royal game will love the behind-the-scenes stories about the masters#8217; struggle to win, their fear of losing, and the striking difference between the European and the American chess scene.  Centre stage is occupied by the great Garry Kasparov, who topped the world rankings for more than 20 years, a feat unparalleled in any sport.  Kasparov#8217;s dramatic retirement from professional chess marks the end of an epoch. An epoch which The Day Kasparov Quit evokes in fascinating detail. Lubosh Kavalek, The Washington Post: "A master interviewer." Luke McShane, The Sunday Express: "Quite simply, a gem of book." British Chess Magazine: "Ten Geuzendam somehow manages to get the confidence of his subjetcs despite asking them sharp and challenging questions." Australian Chess: "Where top chess players frequently have a loose tongue." Eric Schiller: "The world's best chess interviewer. Go out and buy a copy." Mark Weeks, About.com: "Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam probably knows more about the contemporary international chess scene than any other chess journalist in the world." John Watson, The Week in Chess: "Pure gold."

Sklep: Imperiumzabawek.pl

Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 - The Making of a Champion by Tibor Karolyi (twarda okładka) - 2877023269

171,60 zł

Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 - The Making of a Champion by Tibor Karolyi (twarda okładka)

Szachy > Postęp szachowy

Wersja językowa książki - angielska.   Hardcover  edition of Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 - The Making of a ChampionAnatoly Karpov is one of the greatest Chess World Champions with his prime strength the subtle maneuvering of positional play. Many of his opponents have been baffled by the profundity of his strategies, but here Karolyi explains Karpov#8217;s genius: Karpov's Strategic Wins features Karpov#8217;s most entertaining and instructive strategic wins from 1961-1985 when Karpov proved he was a worthy successor to Bobby Fischer#8217;s title.ISBN: 978-1-906552-49-7 - 458 pages - Published 6 May 2011 Reviews"Karolyi dissects Karpov's wins thoroughly and the books examine Karpov's career in detail. It was a colossal undertaking and Karolyi spent several years studying his protagonist. He delivers a fascinating account of Karpov's skills." GM Lubomir Kavalek , full column at Huffington Post and ChessBase"Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 is a masterpiece! The explanations are written with clarity and precision, the depth of the analysis is incredible, the production is outstanding, and the game examples are as enlightening as they are entertaining. This deserves book of the year accolades. Do yourself a favor and buy it in hardcover, it's worth it! [6/6 stars]" Brian Almeida , ChessCafe (full review)"The ability to easily follow his life, games, and stats makes for compelling reading... WOW! It's easy to see that lots of thought, planning, love, passion, and hard work were put into this magnificent book... Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 gets my highest recommendation if you enjoy going over master games, are a fan of Karpov, or wish to study high-level positional concepts through the use of Karpov's games. This is, quite simply, one of the finest game collections I've ever seen." IM Jeremy Silman "I never seriously studied Karpov's earlier masterpieces. Whilst reading Karpov's Strategic Wins 1, written by Tibor Karolyi, I realized how much I had missed... Karpov himself has written several books on this period... and in my view Karolyi does a better job in presenting this material objectively (and with up-to-date analysis)... What Karolyi's book does show is that Karpov truly was one of the greatest of all time, and that his games will always serve as examples of superior strategical insight and technique. I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel." Arne Moll , ChessVibes (full review)"This is the Karpov some of us remember best of all. The 1.e4 player who made the lives of French Defence and Sicilian fans a misery... This is the Karpov who was the magnificent champion, dominating tournament chess like no other, with his customary White wins and Black draws, and losses so rare they caused a sensation across the chess world." Sean Marsh , Chess magazine"Not many managed to outplay their opponents in the cool and quiet way Karpov could; they tried, but Karpov was in a class of his own... Thus my joy at receiving in the mail 'The Making of a Champion', a book with Karpov's strategic wins from 1961-85. Such a book has been sorely missing. There are lots of great things in this book. That the author Tibor Karolyi praises Karpov to the heavens is something you just have to accept!" GM Simen Agdestein "The Hungarian International Master has succeeded in writing something special that should appeal to a wide range of players... Karpov's Strategic Wins Volume 1 is not only a tribute to Karpov's strategic brilliance, it is also a fine instructive work... Many of the notes that Karolyi offers will be of great benefit to amateur players as well as professionals... Wonderful prose like this makes the book special... Karpov's Strategic Wins Volume 1 belongs in every chess player's library. Highly Recommended." IM John Donaldson , jeremysilman.com (full review)

Sklep: Imperiumzabawek.pl

Introduction to Stereochemistry - 2872530388

154,25 zł

Introduction to Stereochemistry Springer

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Conformal, diastereomers, rotamers, tautomers, anomers: The multitude of terms used in stereochemistry quickly makes this subfield of chemistry confusing. In addition, there are different nomenclatures and different forms of representation (Fischer projection, Haworth ring formula, Newman projection). This essential deals with basic static stereochemistry and gives an overview of the different isomeric forms and nomenclatures. It is thus both a help and a reference book.  This Springer essential is a translation of the original German 1st edition essentials, Einführung in die Stereochemie by Torsten Schmiermund, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Disney Tangled the Series: Hair Raising Adventure - 2862036700

65,76 zł

Disney Tangled the Series: Hair Raising Adventure STUDIO FUN INTL

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Learn how to tame your mane from an expert with Rapunzel's storybook with comb and hair-braiding instructions Since Rapunzel was freed from her tower, she's not only new to being a princess, she's new to understanding friendship, too. When Rapunzel le

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Konzentration - 30 Bildkarten für Kinder im Kindergarten- und Vorschulalter - 2878431129

46,42 zł

Konzentration - 30 Bildkarten für Kinder im Kindergarten- und Vorschulalter Edition Michael Fischer

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Karte ziehen und loslegen! Das Bildkarten-Set "Konzentration" bietet 30 einfache und schnell umsetzbare Ideen zur kreativen Beschäftigung von Kindern im Kindergartenalter - ohne großen Materialaufwand und mit Dingen, die jeder zu Hause hat. Spiele, kleine Kreativprojekte und spannende Experimente fördern spielerisch und ganz nebenbei die Konzentrationsfähigkeit von Kindergartenkindern in den folgenden Förderschwerpunkten: Visuelle KonzentrationsfähigkeitMotorische KonzentrationsfähigkeitAuditive KonzentrationsfähigkeitKörperübungen/Ganzheitliches TrainingDurch das praktische Farbleitsystem können die kleinen Projekte den vier Bereichen auf einen Blick zugeordnet werden. Sie eignen sich sowohl zur Beschäftigung eines einzelnen Kindes als auch zur Umsetzung in Kindergruppen. Die übersichtlich gestaltete Anleitung lädt zum sofort loslegen ein. So kommt garantiert nie wieder Langeweile auf!Entwickelt wurden die Karten von der Pädagogin Sandra Pichler vom erfolgreichen Blog waswirspielen.com. Die liebevollen und kindgerechten Illustrationen stammen von iNA Clement.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

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