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Libristo.pl > Oferowane produkty > > Rang & Dale's Pharmacology



Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology is internationally acknowledged as the core textbook for students of pharmacology, and has provided accessible, up-to-date information on drugs and their mechanism of action for more than 30 years. Now in its tenth edition, it has been updated to include important new drugs such as gene therapies, personalised medicines and the new wave of RNA drugs. However it has not lost any of the elements that have contributed to its popularity, such as color coding and illustrations, making it reader-friendly while comprehensively covering the depth of detail required. This essential book is recommended as the first-choice undergraduate text for science and medical students and junior doctors and will also be useful for students in other professional disciplines such as pharmacy, veterinary medicine and nursing.

Dane techniczne

Ilość stron808
Rok wydania2023
Wybrani autorzyJames M. Ritter,Emma Robinson,James Fullerton,Rod J. Flower,Graeme Henderson,Yoon Kong Loke,David MacEwan

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  • Płatność przy odbiorze
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  • Śledzenie stanu zamówienia
  • Poczta Polska
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Rang & Dale's Pharmacology

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