libristo sage handbook of hospitality management 4784348

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SAGE Handbook of Tourism Studies - 2853800200

184,30 zł

SAGE Handbook of Tourism Studies SAGE Publications Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

'This is the strongest overview I have encountered of the scope and the current state of research across all the fields involved in advancing our understanding of tourism. For its range of topics, depth of analyses, and distinction of its contributors, nothing is comparable' - Professor Dean MacCannell, University of California, Davis 'The breadth of vision and sweep of accounts is remarkable, and range of topics laudable...a rare combination of the authoritative, the challenging and stimulating' - Professor Mike Crang, Durham University Tourism Studies developed as a sub-branch of older disciplines in the social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology and economics, and newer applied fields of study in hospitality management, civil rights and transport studies. This Handbook is a sign of the maturity of the field. It provides an essential resource for teachers and students to determine the roots, key issues and agenda of tourism studies.Among the key features covered in the book are: - The evolution and position of tourism studies - The relationship of tourism to culture - Route maps to the ecology and economics of tourism - Special events, destination management and tourism - Methodologies of study - Tourism and transport - Tourism and heritage - Tourism and postcolonialism - Global tourist business operations Ranging from local to global issues, and from questions of management to the ethical dilemmas of tourism, this is a comprehensive, critically informed, constructively organized overview of the field. It draws together an inter-disciplinary group of contributors who are among the most celebrated names in the field. It will be quickly recognized as a landmark in the new and expanding field of tourism studies.


Sklepy zlokalizowane w miastach: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice

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