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Libristo.pl > Oferowane produkty > > Samadhi The Great Freedom

Kaivalya Publications



In his fifth book, Gregor Maehle shows how all yogic techniques and methods collaborate to bring about its pinnacle - the state of samadhi. The book culminates in a detailed description of the eight classical samadhis as listed in the Yoga Sutra, both from the practical view of content and experience and from the techniques to access them. The author also shows the importance that these states have for a new enchantment with our world, nature, and all beings. On the way to that climax, Maehle dissolves misconceptions about samadhi, shows the importance of both objectless and the much-neglected objective samadhi, what exactly stands in the way of their arising, how obstacles are removed and dissolved, the role of the teacher, and the role of grace and devotion. He also shows how many other yogic techniques contribute to samadhi. Also covered are: . The future possible spiritual evolution of humanityż. The difference between yoga/mysticism and religionż. The one underlying truth and essence in all sacred traditionsż. Integration of the mystical stateż. Samadhi, enlightenment, situationism, and developing the center . Why ecstasy is importantż. Whether it is possible to experience the world as it truly is?ż. Conditioning and its historical aspectż. The process of deconditioningż. Converting mind into intelligenceż. Types of karmaż. Asking, guidance, and consecrationż. The Divine in the Yoga Sutraż. Withdrawing the guru projectionż. A new way of looking at the teacherż. The two inner sheaths and their statesż. Wrong objectless samadhis: videha and prakrtilayaż. Samadhi and the breathless stateż. Samadhi and chakrasż. Samadhi and mudras

Dane techniczne

ProducentKaivalya Publications
Ilość stron262
Rok wydania2015
Wybrani autorzyGregor Maehle

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  • Płatność przy odbiorze
  • Przelew bankowy
  • Karta kredytowa

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  • Śledzenie stanu zamówienia
  • Poczta Polska
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Samadhi The Great Freedom

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