libristo ksiazki literatura obcojezyczna d s press ltd

- znaleziono 73 produkty w 1 sklepie

Alex Atala - D.O.M. - 2826655397

273,64 zł

Alex Atala - D.O.M. Phaidon Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

I believe that cuisine is the most important link between nature and culture . Alex Atala


D-Day 1944 - 2868819536

128,42 zł

D-Day 1944 The History Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Re-assessing the D-Day landings and Normandy campaign through the eyes of those who fought there


Beatrice D'Este - 2874785094

88,03 zł

Beatrice D'Este University Press of the Pacific

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The present work is devoted to the history of Beatrice, the younger sister of Isabella d'Este and who, as the wife of Lodovico Sforza, reigned during six years over the most splendid court of Italy. The charm of her personality, the important part which she played in political life at a critical moment of Italian history, her love of music and poetry, and the fine taste which she inherited, in common with every princess of the house of Este, all help to make Beatrice singularly attractive, while the interest which she inspires is deepened by the pathos of her sudden and early death.


Laser Cutting and 3-D Printing for Railway Modellers - 2878430979

123,30 zł

Laser Cutting and 3-D Printing for Railway Modellers The Crowood Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Although most people have heard of laser-cut and 3-D printed model railway parts and kits, most modellers have little knowledge or experience of them. This illustrated book describes in non-technical language how these machines work and how railway modellers can use them to produce remarkable models for their layouts.


Testowanie oprogramowania w praktyce - 2877401124

72,25 zł

Testowanie oprogramowania w praktyce Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Niniejsza ksiazka jest wyjatkowa pozycja na rynku literaturyZwiazanej z testowaniem oprogramowania. Autorzy - praktycy testowania - przedstawiaja rzeczywiste problemy, z jakimi przyszlo sie im zmierzyc w pracy zawodowej oraz wjaki sposob starali sie je rozwiazac. Opisuja sukcesy, jednoczesnie nie ukrywajac swoich porazek. To wielka wartosc tej publikacji, poniewaz Czytelnik moze bezbolesnie uczyc sie na bledach autorow.Teksty wchodzace w sklad ksiazki dotycza bardzo zroznicowanych obszarowtestowania, takich jak:* automatyzacja,* testowanie urzadzen mobilnych,* testowanie uzytecznosci,* testowanie wydajnosciowe,* testy w firmie start-upowej,* zarzadzanie testowaniem,* aspekty miekkie pracy testera,* wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji w testowaniu.Adam Roman - pracownik naukowo-dydaktyczny na Wydziale Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, doktor habilitowany nauk technicznych w zakresie informatyki. Wieloletni wykladowca oraz trener szkolen zwiazanych z testowaniem i zapewnianiem jakosci oprogramowania. Jego zainteresowania naukowe w tym zakresie to przede wszystkim: techniki projektowania efektywnych testow, optymalizacja suit testowych, doskonalenie procesu testowego, testowanie mutacyjne, testowanie oparte na modelu, modele predykcji defektow.Wspolpracownik wielu firm w zakresie projektow R&D zwiazanych z zapewnianiem jakosci oprogramowania oraz analizy danych (Blackbird, Motorola, Rivet Group, Sabre, Yellow Lab). Autor szeregu artykulow z zakresu kontroli i zapewniania jakosci oprogramowania, a takze wydanej przez PWN w 2015 roku monografii "Testowanie i jakosc oprogramowania. Modele, techniki, narzedzia". Czlonek Polskiego Komitetu Normalizacyjnego(wspolpraca nad miedzynarodowymi normami ISO 25000 - System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation oraz ISO 29119 - Software Testing Standard) oraz Stowarzyszenia Jakosci Systemow Informatycznych. Certyfikowany tester (ISTQB Full Advanced) oraz inzynier jakosci oprogramowania (ASQ Certified Software Quality Engineer).Karolina Zmitrowicz - wykladowca w Wyzszej Szkole Bankowej (Gdansk), Kierownik studiow podyplomowych. Niezalezny konsultant i trener IT. Kierownik Projektu R&D w Comp Centrum Innowacji. Czlonek Komitetu Akceptacyjnego w Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - PIB Osrodek Pedagogiki Pracy Innowacyjnej Gospodarki. Trener wiodacy w Rozwiazan Menedzerskich CRM S.A. Autor w Software Development Journal Software Wydawnictwo, Warszawa. Analityk biznesowy/Projektant w Profi-Data, Szczecin, Warszawa. Test Lead w BLStream Ltd, Szczecin, Venice, Johannesburg, Vienna, Amsterdam.Tester w BLStream Ltd, Szczecin. ISTQB Foundation Level Certified Tester, ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager,REQB Foundation Level Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering, REQB Advanced Level Certified Requirements Manager, IBAQB Foundation Level Certified Business Analyst, IBUQ Foundation Level Certified Professional for Usability Engineering, Certified quality management systems manager and leading auditor (ISO 9001: 2008)


Kalendarz Spiralny - 2878173481

80,99 zł

Kalendarz Spiralny Wig-Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"Ksiazka Christophera Carolana jest obowiazkowa lektura dla kazdego, kto interesuje sie czasowymi zaleznosciami na rynku, Czesto stwierdzalem, ze relacje czasowe na gieldzie sa prawdopodobnie zwiazane z konfiguracjami astronomicznymi. Ksiazka Carolana przekonala mnie, ze tak jest naprawde"Peter Eliades, Stock Market Cycels"Kalendarz spiralny to ksiazka intrygujaca i prowokujaca do myslenia. Wprawdzie metody nie sa nowe, ale koncepcja bez watpienia tak, a co wiecej, jesli Carolan ma racje, to wynikaja stad daleko idace konsekwencje dla badan nad cyklami i rynkami.Richard Mogey, Foundation for the study of cycles"Christopher Carolan zasluguje na podziw za swoj niepowtarzalny wklad w analize czasu na rynku. Kalendarz spiralny pozwala rzucic nieco swiatla na czynnik czasu w analizie technicznej, ktory juz zbyt dlugo pozostaje bez wyjasnienia. Wysilek wlozony w przeczytanie tej glebokiej i dobrze napisanej ksiazki zostanie z pewnoscia wynagrodzony".Henry O. Pruden Ph.D., Senior Adjunct Professor, Golden Gate University


Game Wizards - 2865802478

105,11 zł

Game Wizards MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The story of the arcane table-top game that became a pop culture phenomenon and the long-running legal battle waged by its cocreators.When Dungeons & Dragons was first released to a small hobby community, it hardly seemed destined for mainstream success--and yet this arcane tabletop role-playing game became an unlikely pop culture phenomenon. In Game Wizards, Jon Peterson chronicles the rise of Dungeons & Dragons from hobbyist pastime to mass market sensation, from the initial collaboration to the later feud of its creators, Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. As the game's fiftieth anniversary approaches, Peterson--a noted authority on role-playing games--explains how D&D and its creators navigated their successes, setbacks, and controversies.Peterson describes Gygax and Arneson's first meeting and their work toward the 1974 release of the game; the founding of TSR and its growth as a company; and Arneson's acrimonious departure and subsequent challenges to TSR. He recounts the "Satanic Panic" accusations that D&D was sacrilegious and dangerous, and how they made the game famous. And he chronicles TSR's reckless expansion and near-fatal corporate infighting, which culminated with the company in debt and overextended and the end of Gygax's losing battle to retain control over TSR and D&D.With Game Wizards, Peterson restores historical particulars long obscured by competing narratives spun by the one-time partners. That record amply demonstrates how the turbulent experience of creating something as momentous as Dungeons & Dragons can make people remember things a bit differently from the way they actually happened.


Gerhard Richter - 2869950558

178,07 zł

Gerhard Richter MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The contemporary painter Gerhard Richter (born in 1932) has been heralded both as modernity's last painter and as painting's modern savior, seen to represent both the end of painting and its resurrection. Richter works in a dizzying variety of styles, from abstraction to a German cool pop that combines painterly technique and appropriation; his work includes photo paintings, large abstract canvases, and stained glass windows. This collection features writing by prominent critics, including Hal Foster, Gertrud Koch, and Thomas Crow; an essay by Rachel Haidu on Richter's family pictures that is published here for the first time; and an essay and two interviews with the artist by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Richter's "longtime sparring partner" (as the curator Robert Storr has called him). These writings examine Richter's work as a whole, from October 18, 1977, his dreamlike series of paintings depicting the dead Baader-Meinhof gang, to his abstract trio Abstract Paintings; from his unsettling portrait of "Uncle Rudi" in Nazi garb to his late series of portraits of his wife and young child.This addition to the October Files series will be an essential handbook to one of the most enigmatic figures in contemporary artContents Gerhard Richter and Benjamin H. D. Buchloh Interview (1986)Gertrud Koch The Richter-Scale of Blur (1992)Thomas Crow Hand-Made Photographs and Homeless Representation (1992)Birgit Pelzer The Tragic Desire (1993)Benjamin H. D. Buchloh Divided Memory and Post-Traditional Identity: Gerhard Richter's Work of Mourning (1996)Peter Osborne Abstract Images: Sign, Image, and Aesthetic in Gerhard Richter's Painting (1998)Hal Foster Semblance According to Gerhard Richter (2003)Johannes Meinhardt Illusionism in Painting and the Punctum of Photography (2005)Rachel Haidu Arrogant Texts: Gerhard Richter's Family Pictures (2007)Gerhard Richter and Benjamin H. D. Buchloh Interview (2004)


Data Science - 2864204431

73,25 zł

Data Science MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The goal of data science is to improve decision making through the analysis of data. Today data science determines the ads we see online, the books and movies that are recommended to us online, which emails are filtered into our spam folders, and even how much we pay for health insurance. This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series offers a concise introduction to the emerging field of data science, explaining its evolution, current uses, data infrastructure issues, and ethical challenges.


Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics - 2871608887

375,55 zł

Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The second edition of a comprehensive introduction to machine learning approaches used in predictive data analytics, covering both theory and practice. Machine learning is often used to build predictive models by extracting patterns from large d


CRISPR People - 2875905115

79,58 zł

CRISPR People MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

What does the birth of babies whose embryos had gone through genome editing mean--for science and for all of us?In November 2018, the world was shocked to learn that two babies had been born in China with DNA edited while they were embryos as dramatic a development in genetics as the 1996 cloning of Dolly the sheep. In this book, Hank Greely, a leading authority on law and genetics, tells the fascinating story of this human experiment and its consequences. Greely explains what Chinese scientist He Jiankui did, how he did it, and how the public and other scientists learned about and reacted to this unprecedented genetic intervention. The two babies, nonidentical twin girls, were the first CRISPR'd people ever born (CRISPR, Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, is a powerful gene-editing method). Greely not only describes He's experiment and its public rollout (aided by a public relations adviser) but also considers, in a balanced and thoughtful way, the lessons to be drawn both from these CRISPR'd babies and, more broadly, from this kind of human DNA editing germline editing that can be passed on from one generation to the next. Greely doesn't mince words, describing He's experiment as grossly reckless, irresponsible, immoral, and illegal. Although he sees no inherent or unmanageable barriers to human germline editing, he also sees very few good uses for it other, less risky, technologies can achieve the same benefits. We should consider the implications carefully before we proceed.


Czech Photographic Avant-Garde, 1918-1948 - 2869860090

126,01 zł

Czech Photographic Avant-Garde, 1918-1948 MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Not until the fall of the communist regime in 1989 and the end of Czechoslovakia's cultural isolation did the world begin to appreciate the Czech avant-garde photographers of the first half of the twentieth century. This first survey of Czech avant-garde photography introduces the important work of Frantisek Drtikol, Jaromir Funke, Jaroslav Rssler, Jindich Styrsk, Josef Sudek, and numerous others whose work made Czech photography synonymous with visions of modernity. The essays introduce the period and explore the background and connections among the photographers. Biographical profiles are also included. But the book's main attraction is its outstanding collection of duotone and color images, many published here for the first time. The Czech edition of this book received the "Best Photographic Publication of 1999-2000" award from Primavera Fotogrfica in Barcelona and from Month of Photography in Bratislava and was one of six finalists for the 2001 Kraszna-Krausz Photography Book Award.Not for sale in the Czech Republic


Mathematics of Marriage - 2878322358

198,87 zł

Mathematics of Marriage MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Divorce rates are at an all-time high. But without a theoretical understanding of the processes related to marital stability and dissolution, it is difficult to design and evaluate new marriage interventions. The Mathematics of Marriage provides the foundation for a scientific theory of marital relations. The book does not rely on metaphors, but develops and applies a mathematical model using difference equations. The work is the fulfillment of the goal to build a mathematical framework for the general system theory of families first suggested by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy in the 1960s.The book also presents a complete introduction to the mathematics involved in theory building and testing, and details the development of experiments and models. In one "marriage experiment," for example, the authors explored the effects of lowering or raising a couple?s heart rates. Armed with their mathematical model, they were able to do real experiments to determine which processes were affected by their interventions.Applying ideas such as phase space, null clines, influence functions, inertia, and uninfluenced and influenced stable steady states (attractors), the authors show how other researchers can use the methods to weigh their own data with positive and negative weights.While the focus is on modeling marriage, the techniques can be applied to other types of psychological phenomena as well.


Distracted Mind - 2876933688

79,58 zł

Distracted Mind MIT Press Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Most of us will freely admit that we are obsessed with our devices. We pride ourselves on our ability to multitask - read work email, reply to a text, check Facebook, watch a video clip. Talk on the phone, send a text, drive a car. Enjoy family dinner with a glowing smartphone next to our plates. We can do it all, 24/7! Never mind the errors in the email, the near-miss on the road, and the unheard conversation at the table. In The Distracted Mind, Adam Gazzaley and Larry Rosen - a neuroscientist and a psychologist - explain why our brains aren't built for multitasking, and suggest better ways to live in a high-tech world without giving up our modern technology. The authors explain that our brains are limited in their ability to pay attention. We don't really multitask but rather switch rapidly between tasks. Distractions and interruptions, often technology-related - referred to by the authors as "interference" - collide with our goal-setting abilities. We want to finish this paper/spreadsheet/sentence, but our phone signals an incoming message and we drop everything. Even without an alert, we decide that we "must" check in on social media immediately.


Animation Studio - 2877396348

71,24 zł

Animation Studio Walker Books Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This title presents everything you need to create stop-motion videos on your mobile phone or digital camera. You can learn how to make stop-motion videos like a professional. Using tips and tricks from the experts, discover 2-D and 3-D techniques with puppets, clay-modelling, morphing and pixilation. From storyboarding to the editing suite, you'll find everything you need to know inside this mini stage set box. It includes gadgets to make, double-sided fold-out stage set, press-out props and 32-page director's handbook. It is written in conjunction with consultant Helen Nabarro, head of Animation Direction at the National Film and Television School. It contains 30 props, press-out puppet, double-sided fold-out stage set, storyboard templates, zoetrope kit and make-your-own thaumatrope.


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