multistore24 wydawnictwa albumowe wydawnictwo edition reuss

- znaleziono 14 produktów w 2 sklepach

Walton Ford - Pancha Tantra [edycja limitowana]_Buford Bill, Ford Walton - 2822174916

5250,00 zł

Walton Ford - Pancha Tantra [edycja limitowana]_Buford Bill, Ford Walton TASCHEN


ISBN: 9783822843864 Autor: Buford Bill, Ford Walton     Pochodzący z limitowanej Edycji Kolekcjonerskiej (Collectors Edition), ręcznie wykonany tom, w którym znalazły się prace graficzne ukazujące bestiarium wymyślone przez amerykańskiego artystę, Waltona Forda. Swą nazwę wzięło ono od często cytowanego przez niego w pracach, jednego z tekstów, "The Pancha Tantra" - dawnej, indiańskiej księgi z baśniami o zwierzętach. Zbierane od III do V wieku p.n.e., uznano za prekursorki bajek Ezopa. Walton Ford, który dorósł w rodzinie uzdolnionych opowiadaczy bajek z Westchester County (stan Nowy Jork), jako dziecko był przyrodnikiem - amatorem. Kolekcjonując zwierzęta, polując i wędkując, większość swego wolnego czasu poświęcał na badania, rysowanie dioram i okazów z Amerykańskiego Muzeum Historii Naturalnej w Nowym Jorku. Ukazujące naturalnej wielkości zwierzęta, akwarele Forda można pomylić z XIX-wiecznymi ilustracjami do traktatów z dziedziny historii naturalnej lub też brytyjskim malarstwem z czasów kolonialnych. Ale to tylko złudzenie. Artysta najchętniej przedstawia dzikie zwierzęta w nienaturalnych sceneriach i sytuacjach, ale również cytuje źródła tekstowe, od listów Benjamina Franklina, po dzienniki Leonarda da Vinci. W każdej pracy Waltona Forda dzieje się coś dziwnego, a niekiedy - groźnego. Indyk zgniata swymi pazurami małą papugę. Grupa małp sieje spustoszenie na uroczystej zastawie stołowej przy kolacyjnym stole, a w sercu dziwnego, francuskiego ogrodu - bawół otoczony przez sforę białych, krwiożerczych wilków. Prace Forda, wykonane ze sprawnością typową dla artysty biegłego w historii naturalnej, poruszają niesamowitą intensywnością. Tajemnicze, wydają się dziwnie znajome. Te obrazy o spokojnej stylistyce, niepokoją swą treścią. Nadając im tytuły tj. "Au Revoir Zaire", "Dirty Dick Burtons Aide de Camp", czy "Space Monkey", Ford nie tylko zaciera granicę pomiędzy historią człowieka, a historią zwierząt, ale również otwiera drzwi do świata fantazji oraz koszmarów sennych nie z tego świata. Przekonamy się o tym, biorąc do ręki ten tom. Bajki o zwierzętach z indiańskiej księgi "The Pancha Tantra" znalazły się w specjalnym dodatku. Oryginalny esej wstępny, przybliżający twórczość Waltona Forda napisał Bill Buford - etatowy publicysta "New Yorkera". Ta książka zawiera 12 rozkładówek w poziomie i 4 w pionie. Dzięki wykorzystaniu do reprodukcji obrazów Forda najnowszej, dostępnej obecnie techniki Pan4C zachowano niezrównaną intensywność i bogactwo barw. Skala niezliczonych szczegółów pozwala poznać wyimaginowane przez artystę pejzaże i ich mieszkańców. Tę księgę, wydrukowaną na luksusowym, odkwaszonym papierze, wydano w 1500 ponumerowanych egzemplarzach. Każdy z nich został sygnowany przez samego Waltona Forda. Oprawę stanowi okładka ze skórzanym grzbietem oraz o narożach w złotych okuciach, jak również usztywnione pudełko. Ten tom - owoc niezwykle intensywnych prac nad twórczością Forda stanie się ozdobą biblioteki każdego, wyrafinowanego kolekcjonera.Walton Ford's watercolors of animals could be mistaken for 19th century natural science illustrations or British colonial paintings. Except they're not. Something strange and usually sinister is happening in each of Ford's works, whether it's a wild turkey stomping on a small bird or a rabid-looking swarm of passenger pigeons ravaging a tree limb. Though buffalo, lions, monkeys, snakes, and other such beasts populate his work, it's birds - in their reptilian primitiveness - that Ford is most attracted to. Painted with the deft technique of a technical artist, Ford's works vibrate with an intensity of uncanny familiarity; they are both reassuring in style and disturbing in content. With titles like "New Tricks for Ancient Wings," "Necropolis," and "Space Monkey", his paintings open the doors to a world of real-life fantasy, dreams, and nightmares - all with a stunning candor that almost belies the artist's intentions.This sumptuous book - replete with reproductions including 16 foldouts - provides an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre.Art Edition is an edition of 1000 copies, numbered and signed by the artist.


Alex Steinweiss. The Inventor of the Modern Album Cover [Edycja limitowana] - 2822174891

1500,00 zł

Alex Steinweiss. The Inventor of the Modern Album Cover [Edycja limitowana] TASCHEN


ISBN: 9783836501927 Autor: Steinweiss Alex     Rok wydania: 2009-10-25 Ilość stron: 422 Oprawa: twarda Format: 330 x 396 mm Music for the eyes The man who launched the Golden Age of album cover design No. 101-1,600, Collector's Edition: Limited to 1,500 numbered copies, each signed by the artist. Also available in an Art Edition (No. 1-100), including a serigraph print. "I love music so much and I had such ambition that I was willing to go way beyond what the hell they paid me for. I wanted people to look at the artwork and hear the music."


Arts & Archiitecture 1945-54. The Complete Reprint 10 Volumes - 2862373212

1882,00 zł

Arts & Archiitecture 1945-54. The Complete Reprint 10 Volumes TASCHEN

WYDAWNICTWA ALBUMOWE > Architektura > Ogólne

ISBN: 9783822826782 Autor: Praca zbiorowa     Ten years, ten boxes, 118 issues, 6,076 pages! The seminal architecture journal resurrected in facsimile The first part (1945-1954) of our facsimile edition of John Entenza's groundbreaking magazine, which launched the Case Study House Program; in ten boxes, each containing one year's worth of magazines "A&A was instrumental in putting American Architecture on the map." Julius Shulman From the end of World War II until the mid-1960s, exciting things were happening in American architectu   Ten years, ten boxes, 118 issues, 6,076 pages! The seminal architecture journal resurrected in facsimile The first part (1945-1954) of our facsimile edition of John Entenza's groundbreaking magazine, which launched the Case Study House Program; in ten boxes, each containing one year's worth of magazines "A&A was instrumental in putting American Architecture on the map." Julius Shulman From the end of World War II until the mid-1960s, exciting things were happening in American architecture: emerging talents were focusing on innovative projects that integrated low-cost materials and modern design. This trend was most notably embodied in the famous Case Study House Program, which was championed by the era


Art Now! Vol. 3 (PL-GB-FR)_Holzwarth Hans Werner - 2822175964

39,90 zł

Art Now! Vol. 3 (PL-GB-FR)_Holzwarth Hans Werner TASCHEN


Art Now! Vol. 3 (PL-GB-FR) SBN: 9788389192943 Autor: Holzwarth Hans Werner Rok wydania: 2012-09-30 Ilość stron: 320 Oprawa: twarda Format: 171 x 217 mm Gallery go-round A cutting-edge selection of the artists that matter the most "The definitive guide to modern art."


Albert Oehlen [edycja limitowana]_ Kertess Klaus, Ohrt Roberto - 2822174890

3350,00 zł

Albert Oehlen [edycja limitowana]_ Kertess Klaus, Ohrt Roberto TASCHEN


ISBN: 9783822849453 Autor: Kertess Klaus, Ohrt Roberto     Rok wydania: 2009-10-25 Ilość stron: 660 Oprawa: twarda w obwolucie Format: 330 x 440 mm "The most resourceful abstract painter alive"


The Beatles [edycja limitowana]_Benson Harry - 2822174910

2499,00 zł

The Beatles [edycja limitowana]_Benson Harry TASCHEN


ISBN: 9783836533157 Autor: Benson Harry     Rok wydania: 2012-06-15 Ilość stron: 272 Oprawa: twarda + pudełko Format: 312 x 440 mm The Fab Five Behind Beatlemania These photos convey a really happy period for them and for me. It all comes down to music, they were without a doubt the greatest band of the 20th century, and that


Michelangelo: Life and Work_Zöllner Frank, Thoenes Christof, Poepper Thomas - 2822175502

145,00 zł

Michelangelo: Life and Work_Zöllner Frank, Thoenes Christof, Poepper Thomas TASCHEN


Michelangelo: Life and Work ISBN: 9783836521178 Autor: Zöllner Frank, Thoenes Christof, Poepper Thomas Rok wydania: 2010-05-15 Ilość stron: 388 Oprawa: twarda Format:  245 x 372 mm Before reaching the tender age of thirty, Michelangelo Buonarroti David  and  Pi


Minimal Art_Marzona Daniel - 2822175092

47,00 zł

Minimal Art_Marzona Daniel TASCHEN


ISBN: 9783836514064 Autor: Marzona Daniel     Rok wydania: 2009-11-25 Ilość stron: 96 Oprawa: twarda Format:  240 x 300 mm TASCHEN 25


Manual of Typography_Bodoni Giambattista - 2822174813

105,00 zł

Manual of Typography_Bodoni Giambattista TASCHEN

WYDAWNICTWA ALBUMOWE > Grafika > Typografia

ISBN: 9783836505536 Autor: Bodoni Giambattista     Rok wydania: 2010-10-04 Ilość stron: 1232 Oprawa: twarda Format: 325 x 234 mm   The birth of the legendary typeface The complete reproduction of Bodoni's rare masterwork Celebrated printer and type designer Giambattista Bodoni set the standard for printing the alphabet with his Manuale tipografico (1818). The two-volume set


Audrey Hepburn: Photographs 1953-1966 [edycja limitowana]_Willoughby Bob - 2822174893

1490,00 zł

Audrey Hepburn: Photographs 1953-1966 [edycja limitowana]_Willoughby Bob TASCHEN


ISBN: 9783836518895 Autor: Willoughby Bob     Rok wydania: 2010-07-25  Ilość stron: 282 Oprawa: twarda Format: 388 x 310 mm "Our Fair Lady": The Tiffany princess in the little black dress. This is an unrivaled document of one of the 20th century's touchstone beauties, by one of Hollywood's greatest photographers. This Collector's Edition is limited to 1,000 copies, numbered and signed by Bob Willoughby. In his distinguished career as a Hollywood photographer, Bob Willoughby took iconic photos of Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and Jane Fonda, but remains unequivocal about his favorite subject: Audrey Kathleen Ruston, later Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston, best known as Audrey Hepburn. Willoughby was called in to shoot the new starlet one morning shortly after she arrived in Hollywood in 1953. It was a humdrum commission for the portraitist often credited with having perfected the photojournalistic movie still, but when he met the Belgian-born beauty, Willoughby was enraptured. 'She took my hand like...well a princess, and dazzled me with that smile that God designed to melt mortal men's hearts', he recalls. As Hepburn's career soared following her Oscar-winning US debut in Roman Holiday, Willoughby became a trusted friend, framing her working and home life. His historic, perfectionist, tender photographs seek out the many facets of Hepburn's beauty and elegance, as she progresses from her debut to her career high of "My Fair Lady" in 1963. Willoughby's studies, showing her on set, preparing for a scene, interacting with actors and directors, and returning to her private life, comprise one of photography's great platonic love affairs and an unrivalled record of one of the 20th century's touchstone beauties.


Africa: Leni Riefenstahl [edycja limitowana]_Riefenstahl Leni - 2822174889

12500,00 zł

Africa: Leni Riefenstahl [edycja limitowana]_Riefenstahl Leni TASCHEN


ISBN: 9783822816165 Autor: Riefenstahl Leni     Rok wydania: 2002-11-29 Ilość stron: 564 Oprawa: twarda Format: 615 x 485 mm As Leni Riefenstahl turns 100, TASCHEN celebrates with a tribute to her remarkable Africa oeuvre. When she was in her early sixties, Riefenstahl began voyaging frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribes people, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. This work is presented in XXL-Format: 34.5 X 50 cm (13.4 X 19.7 in.). There are limited edition of 2,500 copies worldwide, each numbered and signed by Leni Riefenstahl. It features an interview by Kevin Brownlow, and includes an extensive bibliography and a biography section. All color illustrations are color-separated and reproduced in Aniva, the finest reproduction technique available today, which provides unequalled intensity and color range. The duotone illustrations are made with Novatone, a special treatment for black and white images that produces exquisite tonal range and density.


D&AD 2011 - 2862373266

89,00 zł



This is the latest and greatest. This is the prestigious annual for creative professionals. Here comes the 2011 edition of the exclusive and highly-coveted annual from "D&AD" featuring the year's best creative work. The D&AD awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. This review of the winners serves as a one-stop-shop for everything that's hot in the field. Anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising cannot possibly be without the "D&AD Annual"! Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design. Rok wydania: 2011-10-28 Ilość stron: 592 Oprawa: twarda Format: 245 x 262 mm


The Human Face of Climate Change - 2822175436

159,90 zł

The Human Face of Climate Change Wydawnictwo: Hatje Cantz

WYDAWNICTWA ALBUMOWE > Fotografia > Tematyczna > Reportaż i dokument

The Human Face of Climate Change  ISBN: 9783775728072 Autor: Braschler Mathias, Fischer Monika     Rok wydania: 2011-09-01 Ilość stron: 144 Oprawa: twarda Format: 228 x 246 mm  Compelling portraits of victims of climate change Earth



109,19 zł


Muzyka > Płyty kompaktowe > Rock

Kiedy w 1994 roku Stone Temple Pilots wrócili do studia, by nagrać drugą płytę musieli stawić czoła sporym oczekiwaniom. Poprzeczka była powieszona wysoko za sprawą debiutu


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