female mystic

- znaleziono 8 produktów w 2 sklepach

Female Mystic - 2870307453

165,41 zł

Female Mystic Bloomsbury Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The Middle Ages saw a flourishing of mysticism that was astonishing for its richness and distinctiveness. The medieval period was unlike any other period of Christianity in producing people who frequently claimed visions of Christ and Mary, uttered prophecies, gave voice to ecstatic experiences, recited poems and songs said to emanate directly from God and changed their ways of life as a result of these special revelations. Many recipients of these alleged divine gifts were women. Yet the female contribution to western Europe's intellectual and religious development is still not well understood. Popular or lay religion has been overshadowed by academic theology, which was predominantly the theology of men. This timely book rectifies the neglect by examining a number of women whose lives exemplify traditions which were central to medieval theology but whose contributions have tended to be dismissed as 'merely spiritual' by today's scholars.In their different ways, visionaries like Richeldis de Faverches (founder of the Holy House at Walsingham, or 'England's Nazareth'), the learned Hildegard of Bingen, Hadewijch of Brabant (exemplary voice of the Beguine tradition of love mysticism), charismatic traveller and pilgrim Margery Kempe and anchoress Julian of Norwich all challenged traditional male scholastic theology. Designed for the use of undergraduate student and general reader alike, this attractive survey provides an introduction to thirteen remarkable women and sets their ideas in context.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

The Female Mystic - 2852824968

89,99 zł

The Female Mystic

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>History>Earliest times to present day>Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500Książki Obcojęzyczn...


Sklep: Gigant.pl

Messianic Mysticism - 2873892093

237,59 zł

Messianic Mysticism The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Moses Hayim Luzzatto (1707-1746), rabbi, mystic, teacher, poet, playwright, and writer of ethical works, gathered around him in his 'house of study' in Padua an inner circle of devout Jews who shared his belief in the imminent arrival of the messianic age and who privately identified members of their circle as divinely ordained to usher in the Redemption. To the rabbis of Venice and Frankfurt, however, Luzzatto was a heretic, whose claims to have written works at the dictation of a messenger from heaven could not be genuine. Under pressure from them he was obliged to withdraw a number of such works, and the manuscripts were either lost or destroyed. Yet his known works came to earn him admiration: as a literary figure among the adherents of the Enlightenment, as a great kabbalist and profound mystic by hasidim and even by some of their leading opponents, and as a great ethical teacher by all religious streams. Isaiah Tishby spent many years in the study of Luzzatto and his group, and succeeded in tracing a number of the lost manuscripts.In the essays in this volume translated by Morris Hoffman, he described and annotated the manuscripts which he found, giving the full text of some of the prose works and of all the poems. From these manuscripts and Luzzatto's published works, he was able to correct and add detail to the incomplete picture of Luzzatto and his mystical world which had been current among scholars. He showed how far the views of earlier kabbalists and messianists had been accepted or modified by Luzzatto, and found evidence that he had influenced the early hasidic movement, so lending weight to Hayim Nahman Bialik's description of Luzzatto as 'the father and first begetter' of the three main streams of Judaism in modern times. Tishby also clarified the messianic role for which, as the Padua group believed, certain of their members were destined under the leadership of Luzzatto. One of the most illuminating documents discovered by Tishby and reproduced here is Luzzatto's version of his ketubah or marriage contract.The phrases of the traditional contract are interspersed with a mystical commentary in which Luzzatto identifies himself with the biblical Moses and interprets his earthly marriage as a marriage with the Shekhinah, the Divine Presence or female element of the Godhead. Thus she would be rescued from exile among the forces of evil and the way would be cleared for the final redemption. A second key document is the personal, mystical diary which Luzzatto's second-in-command, Rabbi Moses David Valle, wrote in the margins of his own voluminous commentary on the Bible. The commentary itself, written in impersonal terms, yields autobiographical information, but the diary entries, in short and often enigmatic notes, record the personal mystical visions and experiences, encouragements, and disappointments of the man who saw himself and was seen in Luzzatto's group as the Messiah ben David.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Immortal Sisters - 2877959858

62,19 zł

Immortal Sisters North Atlantic Books,U.S.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"Immortal Sisters" presents life stories and teachings of distinguished female Taoist adepts who lived from the third to twelfth centuries. Among them is the poet and mystic Sun Bu-er, who passed into folklore as one of the famous Seven Immortals and appears as a character in countless popular novels of China. These accomplished women, renowned in their own day and in history, represent a uniquely female heritage of spiritual mastery. Through poems, stories, teachings, and commentaries, "Immortal Sisters" sheds light on the spiritual methods taught and practiced by these women and illustrates the importance of the feminine in Taoism.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Secret of Secrets - 2872889707

156,34 zł

Secret of Secrets Watkins Media Limited

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In this unique series of discourses Osho unravels the ancient text, The Secret of the Golden Flowers, which he describes as a synthesis of all the great religions - the essence of Taoism. More than 2,500 years old, this remarkable text continues to be as relevant today as it was to its contemporaries. Osho interprets it as the core of all religions and spiritual paths - a stripped-back ideal where spiritual seekers around the world are placing themselves now. The Secret of the Golden Flower belongs to no one in particular - it belongs to us all. The Secrets of Secrets is a timeless collection of Osho's talks on The Secret of the Golden Flower. Osho demystifies all the important terms used by the Chinese mystic Lu Tsu, and shares his meditation exercises. He also outlines the qualities of animus and anima - our male and female energies - as delineated by Lu Tsu, and explains the importance of their relationships inside each of us. The book includes many valuable techniques and gives specific instructions on the Taoist Golden light meditation - to harmonize the male and female elements and transmute sexual energy.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Egyptian Tantra Yoga - 2870043348

97,57 zł

Egyptian Tantra Yoga Cruzian Mystic Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

SACRED SEXUALITY: EGYPTIAN TANTRA YOGA: The Art of Sex Sublimation and Universal Consciousness This Volume will expand on the male and female principles within the human body and in the universe and further detail the sublimation of sexual energy into spiritual energy. The student will study the deities Min and Hathor, Asar and Aset, Geb and Nut and discover the mystical implications for a practical spiritual discipline. This Volume will also focus on the Tantric aspects of Ancient Egyptian and Indian mysticism, the purpose of sex and the mystical teachings of sexual sublimation which lead to self-knowledge and Enlightenment.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Osho - Tao - 2861900203

73,48 zł

Osho - Tao Renaissance Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In his commentaries on five parables from the "Leih Tzu," Osho brings a fresh and contemporary interpretation to the ancient wisdom of Tao. Leih Tzu was a well-known Taoist master in the fourth century B.C., and his sly critiques of a Confucius provide abundant opportunities for the reader to explore the contrasts between the rational and irrational, the male and female, the structured and the spontaneous. "Who Is Really Happy" uses the discovery of a human skull on the roadside to probe into the question of immortality and how misery arises out of the existence of the ego. "A Man Who Knows How to Console Himself" looks beneath the apparent cheerfulness of a wandering monk and asks if there is really a happiness that endures through life's ups and downs. "No Regrets" is a parable about the difference between the knowledge that is gathered from the outside and the "knowing" that arises from within. "No Rest for the Living" uses a dialogue between a despondent seeker and his master to reveal the limits of philosophy and the crippling consequences of living for the sake of some future goal. "Best Be Still, Best Be Empty" discusses the difference between the path of the will, the "via affirmitiva" of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, versus the path of the mystic, the "via negativa "of Buddha and Lao Tzu. A Q&A section addresses how Taoist understanding applies to everyday life in concrete, practical terms.

Sklep: Libristo.pl

Land Of Love And Ruins - 2878799104

72,97 zł

Land Of Love And Ruins Regan Arts

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"Oddn Eir is an authentic author, philosopher and mystic. She weaves together diaries and fiction. She is the writer I feel can best express the female psyche of now and has bridged the gap between rural Iceland and Western philosophy. A true pioneer

Sklep: Libristo.pl

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