krainaksiazek european banking union 20123949

- znaleziono 27 produktów w 9 sklepach

Stosunki Międzynarodowe 52 2/2016 - 2855349047

17,48 zł

Stosunki Międzynarodowe 52 2/2016 SCHOLAR

Czasopisma i periodyki / Czasopisma

W numerze [Contents] STUDIA [STUDIES] Irena Popiuk-Rysińska: Od orędzia Roosevelta do Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju 2030. Kwestia rozwoju na forum Narodów Zjednoczonych [From Roosevelt’s Address to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The Issue of Development in the United Nations], doi 10.7366/020909611201601, s. 9–36; Stanisław Bieleń: NATO – czas przewartościowań [NATO – A Time of Redefinitions], doi 10.7366/020909611201602, s. 37–50; Stanisław Parzymies: Francja w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Mocarstwo europejskie czy globalne? [France in International Relations. A European or Global Power?], doi 10.7366/020909611201603, s. 51–74; Grażyna Michałowska: Sytuacja dzieci w Chinach w świetle standardów międzynarodowych [The Situation of Children in China in Light of International Standards], doi 10.7366/020909611201604, s. 75–92; Natalia Kohtamäki: Europejska agencja nadzoru bankowego w systemie bezpieczeństwa finansowego Unii Europejskiej [The European Banking Authority in the EU Financial Security System], doi 10.7366/020909611201605, s. 93–108; Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse: Geopolityczne strategie państw mniejszych i peryferyjnych – przykład Polski w Unii Europejskiej [Geopolitical Strategies of Minor and Peripheral States: The Example of Poland in the European Union], doi 10.7366/020909611201606, s. 109–132; Agnieszka Szpak: Status „małych zielonych ludzików” w konflikcie zbrojnym na Ukrainie [The Status of ‘Little Green Men’ in the Armed Conflict in Ukraine], doi 10.7366/020909611201607, s. 133–152; Agata Kleczkowska: Palestyna – państwo nieuznawane [Palestine – An Unrecognised State], doi 10.7366/020909611201608, s. 153–176; Serge Sur: La Charte des Nations Unies interdit-elle le recours à la force armée? [Does the Charter of the United Nations Prohibit the Use of Armed Force?], doi 10.7366/020909611201609, s. 177–188; Katarzyna Czornik: Hard power a soft power w polityce zagranicznej Arabii Saudyjskiej w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku. Casus Bahrajnu i Jemenu [Hard and Soft Power in Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Policy in the Second Half of the 21st Century. The Case of Bahrain and Yemen], doi 10.7366/020909611201610, s. 189–210; Marek Rewizorski: BRICS in the G20? The Involvement of Rising Powers in the Premier Forum of Global Governance, doi 10.7366/020909611201611, s. 211–222; Bartosz Konrad Jankowski: Chińska Republika Ludowa jako wschodzący donator pomocy rozwojowej [The People’s Republic of China as an Emerging Donor of Development Assistance], doi 10.7366/020909611201612, s. 223–246; Karolina Zielińska: Relacje z krajami Afryki Subsaharyjskiej a sytuacja międzynarodowa Izraela w latach 1956–1973 [Sub-Saharan Africa in Israel’s Foreign Policy 1956–1973], doi 10.7366/020909611201613, s. 247–270; İpek Aynuksa: Ali Ufkî Bey (Wojciech Bobowski) – Well-Known Musician, Forgotten Political Figure. A Luminary in the 600 Years of Turkish–Polish Diplomatic Relations, doi 10.7366/020909611201614, s. 271–284; Hanna Schreiber: Metoda etnograficzna w badaniu stosunków międzynarodowych – uwagi wstępne [The Ethnographic Method as a Research Method in International Relations – Preliminary Remarks], doi 10.7366/020909611201615, s. 285–302; Oskar Pietrewicz: Korea Północna w dyskursie akademicko-eksperckim w Chinach [North Korea in the Academic and Expert Discourse in China], doi 10.7366/020909611201616, s. 303–321. SPRAWOZDANIA [REPORTS] Weronika Garbacz, Anna Pochylska, Anna Walkowiak: Sprawozdanie z Konferencji „70 lat Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych: Silna ONZ. Lepszy świat” – 3 listopada 2015 roku [Report on the Conference on 70 years of the United Nations „A Stronger UN. A Better World” – 3 November 2015], s. 323–348. RECENZJE [REVIEWS] Roman Kuźniar: Irena Popiuk-Rysińska, Ewolucja systemu zbiorowego bezpieczeństwa Narodów Zjednoczonych po zimnej wojnie [The Evolution of the UN’s Collective Security System after the Cold War], s. 349–354; Diana Stelowska-Morgulec: Grażyna Michałowska, Hanna Schreiber (red.), Kultura w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Tom 1: Zwrot kulturowy [[Culture in International Relations. Volume I: Cultural Turn], s. 355–358; Iwona Wyciechowska: Anna Potyrała, Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych wobec problemu uchodźstwa. Geneza, istota i praktyka aktywności [The United Nations and the Refugee Problem. Genesis, Essence and Practice], s. 359–364; Hanna Schreiber: Jacek Czaputowicz (red.), Studia europejskie. Wyzwania interdyscyplinarności [European Studies. The Challenges of Interdisciplinarity], s. 365–372; Jan Rowiński, Rafał Tuszyński: Ewa Trojnar (red.), The Taiwan Issues, s. 373–376; Karina Jędrzejowska: Bartosz Jankowski, Udział Polski w międzynarodowej współpracy na rzecz rozwoju [Poland’s Involvement in International Development Cooperation], s. 377–381; Wojciech Kostecki: Anna Wojciuk, Imperia wiedzy: edukacja i nauka jako czynniki siły państw na arenie międzynarodowej [Empires of Knowledge: Education and Science as Factors of State Power in the International Arena], s. 381–385.


Finding Legal Information a Guide to Print & Electronic Sour - 2212828465

193,20 zł

Finding Legal Information a Guide to Print & Electronic Sour Chandos Publishing Ltd

Nauki humanistyczne

This book is an accessible and easy-to-use directory of legal information sources for librarians, lawyers, students and anyone needing legal information. The book covers mainly British and European Union law and includes general material and the main subject areas, including online and Internet sources. It also lists reference material, such as legal dictionaries and directories. The book is essentially a directory of information sources, with publishing details (including ISBN), and short comments where useful. Electronic sources are mentioned where relevant, with details of scope and any limitations of coverage. Its key features include: it is comprehensive and up-to-date (covering electronic sources and important legal developments, including civil procedure and human rights), and covers the massive expansion of information on the web and online services. It is based on the author's considerable experience - thus, he has gained a detailed and wide ranging understanding and appreciation of users' needs and areas of interest. He works at the London Metropolitan University library. Practical and easy-to-use, the book is aimed at academic and law librarians. Lawyers and students will also find the book invaluable. Its contents include: Introduction, General and primary material, Main subject areas (includes established texts and substantial works only; reference to the most important and electronic legal sources) - banking/financial services; civil procedure/courts/legal system; constitutional/administrative/public law/human rights; criminal law; employment law; environmental law; equity and trusts; European Union law; family law; land law/property law; torts. Its reference material includes: dictionaries, directories, research guides, Main legal publishers Indexes - legal and author indexes.


Global Economics Past, Present & Future - 2857670640

66,80 zł

Global Economics Past, Present & Future DIFIN

Biznes, EkonomiaEkonomiaWydawnictwa naukowe i popularno-naukowe

The book provides an overview of the different concepts and scenarios of events resulting from the globalized world, technological revolutions, changes in management paradigms and ways of managing companies and organizations.Chapters of current book are connected with mentioned problems from the theoretical and practical point of view, and especially describe the following areas: Globalization and Challenges Civilizations Face in the Post-Global Approach; Global Powers: Theory, History and Prospects; the Relationship Between Financial Participation and Economic Results . the Mechanism; Integrated Model of Sustainable Enterprise . the Role of Organizational Trust; Sustainable Business Models in Contemporary Organization; Technological Banking Innovation; Institutional Analysis of Corporate Governance; European Integration in the Field of Industrial Relation. Discrepancy or Convergence; State Aid as an Instrument of Supporting Enterprises in the European Union; Role of the European Parliament in the EU Budget; the Dissimilarity of Fiscal Policy in the EU and Poland; the Importance of Employment Structure for the Competitiveness of the Polish Economy; Local Public Services´ Demand Side Factors´ Structure in Estonian Municipalities; the Economic Crisis in Estonia: Labour Costs and Productivity Aspect; Competencies of Innovative Polish Enterprises; Waste Management System - Lublin Case Study of Innovative Company; Waste Management as a Sustainable Business; and Learning Styles of Polish Managers in Multidimensional Context.You are invited to read all these articles witch are included in present publication. Authors, from many countries with different academic background, hope that it could be interesting for future research and discussion.



49,00 zł


Gospodarkaangielsko-polski, polsko-angielskiSłowniki językowe

DICTIONARY OF ECONOMIC TERMS BANKING. FINANCE. LAW covers approx. 20000 terms from: ? penal, adrninistrative and International law, ? economics, ? finance, ? banking and stock exchange, ? Insurance, ? seaborne and airborne transport. It also includes Iexical items and expressions strictly related to the European Union, names and abbreviations of its institutions, aid and structural programmes, word arrangements and phrases typical for the wordings used in EU acts and documents. Iwona Kienzler - translator, author of numerous books regarding business correspondence in foreign languages, dictionaries and lexicons. She is also engaged in education, translation and writing auxiliary books for learning foreign languages.


Dictionary of Economic Terms Polish-English. Polsko-angielski słownik terminologii gospodarczej. Tom II - 2829795786

67,62 zł

Dictionary of Economic Terms Polish-English. Polsko-angielski słownik terminologii gospodarczej. Tom II C.H. Beck

Książki ogólne / biznes i ekonomia

SŁOWNIK TERMINOLOGII GOSPODARCZEJ. BANKOWOŚĆ. FINANSE. PRAWO zawiera ok. 20 000 haseł z dziedziny: - prawa karnego, administracyjnego i międzynarodowego, - ekonomii, - finansów, - bankowości i obrotu giełdowego, - ubezpieczeń, - transportu morskiego i lotniczego. Znajdują się w nim także hasła i słownictwo ściśle związane z Unią Europejską, nazwy oraz skróty instytucji Wspólnoty, programów pomocowych i strukturalnych, zestawienia wyrazów i zwrotów frazeologicznych w brzmieniu występującym w ustawach lub innych dokumentach unijnych. DICTIONARY OF ECONOMIC TERMS BANKING. FINANCES. LAW covers approx. 20 000 terms from: penal, administrative and international law, economics, finances, banking and stock exchange, insurance, seaborne and airborne transport. It also includes lexical items and expressions strictly related to the European Union, names and abbreviations of its institutions, aid and structural programmes, word arrangements and phrases typical for the wordings used in EU acts and documents.

Sklep: Księ

Global Economics Past, Present & Future - 1897910610

63,84 zł

Global Economics Past, Present & Future difin

Książki naukowe>Ekonomia

The book provides an overview of the different concepts and scenarios of events resulting from the globalized world, technological revolutions, changes in management paradigms and ways of managing companies and organizations.Chapters of current book are connected with mentioned problems from the theoretical and practical point of view, and especially describe the following areas: Globalization and Challenges Civilizations Face in the Post-Global Approach; Global Powers: Theory, History and Prospects; the Relationship Between Financial Participation and Economic Results . the Mechanism; Integrated Model of Sustainable Enterprise . the Role of Organizational Trust; Sustainable Business Models in Contemporary Organization; Technological Banking Innovation; Institutional Analysis of Corporate Governance; European Integration in the Field of Industrial Relation. Discrepancy or Convergence; State Aid as an Instrument of Supporting Enterprises in the European Union; Role of the European Parliament in the EU Budget; the Dissimilarity of Fiscal Policy in the EU and Poland; the Importance of Employment Structure for the Competitiveness of the Polish Economy; Local Public Services´ Demand Side Factors´ Structure in Estonian Municipalities; the Economic Crisis in Estonia: Labour Costs and Productivity Aspect; Competencies of Innovative Polish Enterprises; Waste Management System - Lublin Case Study of Innovative Company; Waste Management as a Sustainable Business; and Learning Styles of Polish Managers in Multidimensional Context.You are invited to read all these articles witch are included in present publication. Authors, from many countries with different academic background, hope that it could be interesting for future research and discussion....


Neill Lochery - Lisbon - 2878287640

81,01 zł

Neill Lochery - Lisbon PublicAffairs,U.S.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Lisbon had a pivotal role in the history of World War II, though not a gun was fired there. The only European city in which both the Allies and the Axis power operated openly, it was temporary home to much of Europe's exiled royalty, over one million refugees seeking passage to the U.S., and a host of spies, secret police, captains of industry, bankers, prominent Jews, writers and artists, escaped POWs, and black marketeers. An operations officer writing in 1944 described the daily scene at Lisbon's airport as being like the movie "Casablanca," times twenty. In this riveting narrative, renowned historian Neill Lochery draws on his relationships with high-level Portuguese contacts, access to records recently uncovered from Portuguese secret police and banking archives, and other unpublished documents to offer a revelatory portrait of the War's back stage. And he tells the story of how Portugal, a relatively poor European country trying frantically to remain neutral amidst extraordinary pressures, survived the war not only physically intact but significantly wealthier.The country's emergence as a prosperous European Union nation would be financed in part, it turns out, by a cache of Nazi gold.


Introduction to Global Fianancial Markets - 2212824962

157,50 zł

Introduction to Global Fianancial Markets Palgrave Macmillan

Inne 1

An Introduction to Global Financial Markets provides an accessible introduction to the world's principal financial markets and institutions. This new edition has been extensively updated to include the latest developments in the field:* Latest European Union developments* Deregulation, and its affects, on the banking systems in USA, Japan etc.* Changes in Europe's Futures and Options exchanges* The aftermath of the collapse of the 'tiger economies'Providing comprehensive coverage of commercial and investment banking, foreign exchange, money and bond markets, trade finance, stock markets, and options, futures and other derivatives, this book is the ideal primer for those who require a basic understanding or are new to the world of finance. This book does not aim to provide coverage of the theory of the subject, but rather draws on the author's teaching and training experience in explaining these topics to those new to the field.


Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus - 2861895387

254,31 zł

Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus Springer International Publishing AG

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book tells the story of the euro crisis in Cyprus from the inside. Written by the former Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Panicos Demetriades, who was in office during this turbulent period, this book shows how the crisis unravelled through a series of key events that occurred during his tenure.Written in chronological order, and broadly based on the author's personal diary, starting from his first day in office, this volume brings together economics, banking, regulation, governance, history, politics and international relations.Presenting personal witness statements, including records of noteworthy telephone conversations, informal meetings and other milestones, it examines crucial questions like: How did Cyprus become so systemically important to the rest of the euro area? Why was Cyprus treated so differently in comparison to other peripheral countries in Europe? Why were bank depositors targeted? What role did Cyprus' links with Russia play in the design of the programme? What has been the toxic fallout from the bail-in? Are there any longer-term implications for the euro? What are the lessons for regulators around the world?The book will appeal to readers interested in financial crises, the euro's architecture, the evolution of the European Monetary Union, and those with an interest in how Europe and the IMF dealt with crises in peripheral European countries.


Equilibrium 2(5)2010 - 2857615259

28,80 zł

Equilibrium 2(5)2010 Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK

Biznes, EkonomiaEkonomiaCzasopisma

Introducti on / Wstęp Economy in CrisisAgata Osińska, Grzegorz Tchorek - Financial Crisis and Changes in the International Monetary System Implications for Euro Kristaps Lešinskis - Analysis of Economic Adjustments as a Result of a Deep Crisis: the Case of Latvia Alina Manta, Roxana Nanu - The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Management of Banking Risks Rafał Kasperowicz - Identification of Industrial Cycle Leading Indicators Using Causality Test Financial Markets of Central EuropeMarija Lindemane - Re-export of Financial Services Tomáš Meluzín, Michal Pavlíček - Analysis of the Current Situation in the Area of IPO on the Czech Capital MarketFrantišek Bartes, Jitka Studeníková - Payment System Competitiveness Magdalena Schweda - NewConnect as an Alternative Trading System Stanisław Kaszuba - Prospects for the Future Growth of the NewConnect Stock Market Economics of EnvironmentMichał Ptak - Directions of Changes in the Functioning of Economic Instruments for Environmental Policy in Poland Bartosz Bartniczak - The Role of the European Union Support in Implementing the of Provisions of the National Environmental Policy in the Years 2004-2006 Małgorzata Szymańska-Brałkowska - Environmental Management in Germany Ewa Malinowska - Using the Concept of the Weighted Ishikawa Diagram for Defining the Impact of Catering Enterprises on the Environment Varia


The Law of Crypto Assets - 2877613873

941,97 zł

The Law of Crypto Assets Beck C. H.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The bookWe are currently witnessing a revolution in the financial markets. While Bitcoin has been around for some time, new blockchain-based 'tokens' have recently emerged, offering new ways of fundraising for businesses of all sizes. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have become an alternative to the traditional investments for private and institutional investors. Market insiders and academics alike agree that these new 'crypto assets', commonly referred to as currency tokens, investment tokens and utility tokens, have the potential to change the shape of the financial market landscape significantly.Despite its innovative potential, the legal status of crypto assets is still uncertain. Are ICOs subject to prospectus disclosure requirements? How can anti-money laundering laws be applied to virtual currencies? Does selling tokens to private persons trigger the application of consumer protection laws? The private law of which country applies to international token transactions? Do token-related services require authorization by national regulators, and if so, the national regulators of which country?The advantages at a glance"The Law of Crypto Assets" provides an in-depth examination of all issues emerging from the use of crypto assets in the European includes, inter alia, an introduction to the technology and economics of crypto assets, as well as twelve chapters on the relevant EU laws, such as consumer protection, private international law, securities and banking regulation, taxation and data protection.the book also provides country reports for important crypto markets, for example the US, Singapore, Germany, France and Australia.The target groupFor in-house lawyers, tax advisors, academics and lawyers working in business law.


Capitalism With Comrades - 2212831395

87,20 zł

Capitalism With Comrades Central European University Press

Inne 1

Analyses the turbulent transitions that have taken place in the post-communist world since 1989 -- 91. Each chapter dissects institutional upheaval in transition central banking, the trade union movement, capital markets, or corporate governance.


szukaj w Kangoo krainaksiazek european banking union 20123949

Sklepy zlokalizowane w miastach: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice

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