krainaksiazek how a car is made 20167909

- znaleziono 48 produktów w 6 sklepach

Letter from America - 2212824618

40,80 zł

Letter from America Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

When Alistair Cooke retired in March 2004 and then died a few weeks later, he was acclaimed by many as one of the greatest broadcasters of all time. His Letters from America, which began in 1946 and continued uninterrupted every week until early 2004, kept the world in touch with what was happening in Cooke's wry, liberal and humane style. This selection, made largely by Cooke himself and supplemented by his literary executor, gives us the very best of these legendary broadcasts. Over half have never appeared in print before. It is a remarkable portrait of a continent - and a man. Fred Astaire 26 June 1987 Movie stars don't make it. Nor statesmen. Not Prime Ministers, or dictators unless they die in office. Not even a world-famous rock star, unless he's assassinated. But last Monday, none of the three national television networks hesitated about the story that would lead the evening news. On millions of little screens in this country and I don't doubt in many other countries around the world, the first shots were of an imp, a graceful wraith, a firefly in impeccable white tie and tails. And for much longer than the lead story usually runs, for a full five minutes on NBC, we were given a loving retrospective of the dead man, ending with the firm declaration by Nureyev that 'He was not just the best ballroom dancer, or tap dancer, he was simply the greatest, most imaginative, dancer of our time.' And the newsmen were right to remind us of the immortal comment of the Hollywood mogul, who, with the no-nonsense directness of an expert, reported on Fred Astaire's first film test: 'Has enormous ears, can't act, can't sing, dances a little.' That Hollywood mogul, long gone, spent his life ducking round corners, to avoid being identified as the oaf who looked in the sky and never saw the brightest star. However, that expert opinion was, as the lawyers say, controlling at the time and in Astaire's first movies, there was no thought of allowing him to act or sing. But not for long. And thanks to the invention of television, and the need to fill vast stretches of the afternoon and night with old movies, it has been possible for my daughter, for instance, to claim Fred Astaire as her favourite film star from the evidence of all the movies he made fifteen, ten, five, three years before she was born. When I got the news on Monday evening here, and realized with immediate professional satisfaction that the BBC had smartly on hand a musical obituary tribute to him I put together eight years ago, I couldn't help recalling the casual, comic way this and similar radio obituaries came about. I was in London at the end of 1979, and Richard Rodgers - one of the two or three greatest of American songwriters - had just died, I believe on New Year's Eve or the night before. Britons, by then, were getting accustomed, without pain, to making what used to be a two-day Christmas holiday into a ten-day much-needed rest. For all laborious research purposes, the BBC was shut up. And there was no retrospective programme on the life and music of Richard Rodgers in the BBC's archives. Of course, in a gramophone library that looks like an annex to the Pentagon, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of recordings of his songs. The SOS went out to a writer, a producer, and - I presume - a man who had the key to the gramophone library. The silent place was unlocked, and the three of them laboured through the day to put together an hour's tribute to Richard Rodgers. It was done. It was competent enough, but rushed to an impossible deadline. This hasty improvisation happened just when my own music producer and I, who had enjoyed working together for six years or so on American popular music, were wondering what we could offer next. We'd done a sketch history of jazz, through individuals. We'd gone through all the popular music of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, and were stumped for a new series, at which point I asked if we mightn't go and talk to the head of the channel, network or whatever. We went in, and the genial boss asked me what we had in mind. 'A morgue,' I said. A what? 'Where', I asked, 'is your morgue?' He was not familiar with the word, a newspaper term. 'Well,' I said, 'all newspapers have them.' 'How d'you mean?' 'If, I explained, 'Mrs Thatcher died tonight and you woke up and read a two-sentence obituary, you'd be rightly outraged. But if you saw a two-page obituary, you'd take it for granted. When d'you suppose it was written?' 'That's right,' he said thoughtfully. What I was proposing was a morgue of the Americans eminent in popular music and jazz, so they'd not get caught short again. A splendid idea, the man said; pick your stars. We made a list and were commissioned to return to America and finish all of them. Naturally, we looked at a calendar, and birthdates of Hoagy Carmichael, Earl Hines, Harold Arlen, Ethel Merman, Stephane Grappelli, Ella Fitzgerald. But then, in a spasm of panic, we thought of two giants - if the word can be used about two comparative midgets: Irving Berlin and Fred Astaire. Berlin was then 91. And Fred Astaire was just crowding 80. The boss man, to whom the idea of a morgue had been, only a few minutes before, quaint if not morbid, wondered what we were waiting for. Better get busy, at once, on Berlin and then on Astaire. I remember doing the Astaire obit, then and there, while I was still in London. Meanwhile, we'd simply pray every night that the Lord would keep Irving Berlin breathing till I could get home and get busy. I remember being picked up in a car by a charming young girl to get to the BBC and record my Astaire narration - there wasn't a moment to lose. She asked me, in the car, what the script was that I was clutching. 'It's an obituary', I said, 'of Fred Astaire.' 'Fred Astaire,' she shrieked, 'dead?' and almost swerved into a bus. 'Of course, he's not dead,' I said, 'but he's going to be one day.' She, too, was new to the institution of a morgue. I recalled that when I was a correspondent for a British paper in the United States, and when for example. Dean Acheson was appointed Secretary of State, the first cable I had from my editor said, 'Welcome Acheson obituary soonest.' How ghoulish, she said. I imagine that to two generations at least, it's assumed that Fred Astaire, this slim, pop-eyed newcomer to Hollywood who couldn't act, couldn't sing, danced a little, only made a fool of the mogul through the movies he made, with Ginger Rogers, in the mid- and late 1930s. But long before then, from the mid-1920s on, he was already an incomparable star - as a dancer - to theatre audiences both in New York and in London. Perhaps more in London than anywhere, certainly in the 1920s, with the early Gershwin hits, Funny Face and Lady Be Good, and lastly, in 1933, in Cole Porter's Gay Divorce (which was the title of the theatre show; Hollywood would not then allow so shocking a title and called the movie version, The Gay Divorcee). Of all the thousands of words that have been written this week, and will be written, there is a passage I went back to on Tuesday night which, I think, as well as anything I know, sums up Astaire's overall appeal - the appeal that takes in but transcends one's admiration for his dancing and for his inimitably intimate singing style. This was written in November 1933, by a theatre critic who had so little feel for dancing that he marvelled why London should go on about 'Mr Astaire's doing well enough what the Tiller Girls at Blackpool do superbly'. The critic, the writer, was James Agate, the irascible, dogmatic, opinionated but brilliant journalist, and I believe the best critic of acting we have had this century. He is writing his review of Gay Divorce, after declaring yet again his contempt for musical comedy as an entertainment for idiots, deploring the play's plot and the acting and hoping 'Micawberishly, for something to turn up'. 'Presently,' he wrote, 'Mr Fred Astaire obliged, and there is really no more to be said.' Except


Unemployed Millionaire - Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss, and Live Life on YOUR Terms! - 2854200567

84,16 zł

Unemployed Millionaire - Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss, and Live Life on YOUR Terms! John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A self-made millionaire shows you how to make millions while living life on your own terms At just eighteen years old, Matt Morris founded his first marketing business. At twenty, he dropped out of college to pursue business full-time. At twenty-one, he was homeless and deeply in debt, living out of his car. It was then that he made a life-changing decision to re-invent himself and his career. By twenty-nine, Matt was a self-made millionaire. How did he do it? In The Unemployed Millionaire , Morris reveals how he turned his life around and shatters the myth that it takes money to make money. Thanks to the Internet explosion and the ease of global trade, it is possible for anyone to start a business and market their products worldwide to millions of customers. Here, Morris unlocks the secrets and provides you with the specific moneymaking formula he used to turn his ideas into a fortune.Equips you with a step-by-step formula for turning your great idea into a million-dollar business in as little as twelve months Proves you don't have to be smart, lucky, or rich to make millions Gives you the specific success principles all millionaires follow Author Matt Morris is an internationally recognized speaker who selectively mentors other entrepreneurs, traveling the world, working very little, and earning millions in the process With a foreword by Les Brown, motivational speaker, bestselling author, and television personality If you're serious about earning millions without working your fingers to the bone, The Unemployed Millionaire gives you the powerful strategies needed to turn your dreams into a reality.


Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Discovery Book - 2826623951

137,29 zł

Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Discovery Book No Starch Press,US

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

LEGO MINDSTORMS has changed the way we think about robotics by making it possible for anyone to build real, working robots. The latest MINDSTORMS set, EV3, is more powerful than ever, and The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book is the complete, beginner-friendly guide you need to get started. Begin with the basics as you build and program a simple robot to experiment with motors, sensors, and EV3 programming. Then you'll move on to a series of increasingly sophisticated robots that will show you how to work with advanced programming techniques like data wires, variables, and custom-made programming blocks. You'll also learn essential building techniques like how to use beams, gears, and connector blocks effectively in your own designs.Master the possibilities of the EV3 set as you build and program: The EXPLOR3R, a wheeled vehicle that uses sensors to navigate around a room and follow lines The FORMULA EV3 RACE CAR, a streamlined remote-controlled race car ANTY, a six-legged walking creature that adapts its behavior to its surroundings SK3TCHBOT, a robot that lets you play games on the EV3 screen The SNATCH3R, a robotic arm that can autonomously find, grab, lift, and move the infrared beacon LAVA R3X, a humanoid robot that walks and talks More than 150 building and programming challenges throughout encourage you to think creatively and apply what you've learned to invent your own robots. With The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book as your guide, you'll be building your own out-of-this-world creations in no time! Requirements: One LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 set (LEGO SET #31313)


Lexus - the Relentless Pursuit Revised Edition - 2826646131

101,91 zł

Lexus - the Relentless Pursuit Revised Edition John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A behind-the-scenes look at Lexus's surprising twenty-year success story--in a revised new edition In the 1980s, German brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz dominated the luxury car market and had little reason to fear competition from Japan. But in 1989, Toyota entered the market with the Lexus LS 400, a car that could compete with the Germans in every category but price--it was US$30,000 cheaper. Within two years, Lexus had overtaken Mercedes-Benz in the United States and made a stunning success of Toyota's brave foray into the global luxury market. Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit reveals why Toyota decided to take on the German automakers and how the new brand won praise and success for its unparalleled quality, unforgettable advertising, and unprecedented customer service. From the first boardroom planning session to Lexus's entry into the mega-luxury supercar market, this is the complete and compelling story of one of the world's most admired brands.Includes a new Foreword by legendary designer Erwin Lui, an Afterword with updates since the first edition, and a new Coda by leading Japanese automotive journalist Hisao Inoue Covers the racetrack triumph--and tragedy--behind the new US$375,000 Lexus LFA supercar Offers important business lessons for brand managers and executives For car enthusiasts, business leaders, and anyone interested in branding and marketing, Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit offers an amazing story of excellence and innovation in the automotive industry.


Ford Mustang - 2878427642

75,09 zł

Ford Mustang Amberley Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The First Generation. No one anticipated how overwhelmingly powerful the Ford Mustang would be in catching the imagination of the American public. The Mustang was marketed as the All-American classic and introduced, what became known as the Pony Car an affordable, compact, highly styled car with a sporty or performance-oriented image and a revolutionary profile of automotive designing in the United States. The company made over a billion dollars selling over 400,000 units in its debut year. It took only eighteen months for Ford to hit the million Mustang mark, making it Fords most successful launch since the Model A. Todays car sales dont


Zestaw naprawczy do zbiorników Novol, 250 g - 2824866072

34,50 zł

Zestaw naprawczy do zbiorników Novol, 250 g Home by Novol

Gospodarstwo, ogród i warsztat / Artykuły motoryzacyjne / Chemia i kosmetyki / Chemia warsztatowa

The repair kit consists of polyester resin, hardener and glass mat. It is used to repair large holes, gaps and rusted areas in car bodies made of sheet metal or other metal elements, boats, yachts and caravans plating. It can be used with laminates, steel, wood, aluminium and old paint coatings. The obtained coating has a very good adhesion to the substrate. The repair kit can be used both for patching holes in car bodies, as well as for objects made of plastic. Provides excellent aid in fixing defects in, among others, plastic housings of lawnmowers, elements of boats or in plastic barrels of agricultural sprayers. The set consists of 242 g of resin, 8 g of hardener and 0.25 m


Lewis Hamilton: My Story - 2876613634

52,01 zł

Lewis Hamilton: My Story HarperCollins Publishers

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Lewis Hamilton's explosive arrival on the Formula 1 scene has made front-page headlines. In My Story, for the first time Lewis opens up about his stunning debut season in grand prix racing, as well as his dad Anthony, his home life and his early years.The only book with the real story, as told by Lewis. In his first season in F1, Lewis Hamilton thrilled the world of motor racing by finishing on the podium in his first nine consecutive races - the first driver to do so in the sport's 57-year history - and drove to victories in Canada, America, Hungary and Japan. But bare statistics alone do scant justice to the amazing impact Lewis Hamilton has had on the sporting landscape.My Story gives the real account from Lewis himself, as he sets the record straight about his colourful life on and off the track. Given a grounded upbringing by his dedicated father in unremarkable Stevenage, Lewis tells about how he first tried out go-karting while on a cut-price family holiday in Ibiza. In his book he gives the real version of events at a motor sport dinner where, as a nine-year-old wearing a borrowed suit, he approached McLaren team boss Ron Dennis with the immortal words that were to change his life forever. He rose rapidly through the Junior and Formula ranks, dominating every series with his raw speed and canny race craft.Here Lewis candidly recalls those key moments that shaped his career and went some way towards compensating for the sacrifices made by his father Anthony in getting his son to the top. Lewis also charts how he got into the sport and was signed up by Ron Dennis, what motivates him, who are his closest friends, how he copes with the constant travelling, and the physical and mental challenges of driving a state-of-the-art Formula 1 car.He looks back in detail at the 2007 World Championship - the race wins, the frightening crash in Germany, his intense rivalry with team-mate Fernando Alonso, his special relationship with Ron Dennis, and the furore over the Ferrari allegations - right up to the dramatic last race of the season in Brazil.


Aaron M Bauer - Geckos - 2867756604

288,80 zł

Aaron M Bauer - Geckos Johns Hopkins University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Q. How do geckos walk across ceilings? A: Millions of hair-like setae on each foot. Q: Where do geckos come from? A: Throughout the world. Usually where it's warm. Q: How many species of geckos are there? A: Close to 1,500 and counting! Q: What do they eat? A: Insects mostly. You can discover the biology, natural history, and diversity of geckos - the acrobatic little lizards made famous by a car insurance ad campaign. Lizard biologist and gecko expert Aaron Bauer answers deceptively simple questions with surprising and little-known facts. Readers can explore color photographs that reveal the natural wonder and beauty of the gecko form and are further informed by images of how geckos live in their natural habitats. Although written for nonexperts, "Geckos" also provides a carefully selected bibliography and a new list of all known species that will be of interest to herpetologists. Anyone who owns a gecko, has seen them in the wild, or has wondered about them will appreciate this gem of a book.


Aaron M Bauer - Geckos - 2873996250

166,42 zł

Aaron M Bauer - Geckos Johns Hopkins University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Q: How do geckos walk across ceilings? A: Millions of hair-like setae on each foot. Q: Where do geckos come from? A: Throughout the world. Usually where it's warm. Q: How many species of geckos are there? A: Close to 1,500 and counting! Q: What do they eat? A: Insects mostly. Discover the biology, natural history, and diversity of geckos - the acrobatic little lizards made famous by a car insurance ad campaign. Lizard biologist and gecko expert Aaron Bauer answers deceptively simple questions with surprising and little-known facts. Readers can explore color photographs that reveal the natural wonder and beauty of the gecko form and are further informed by images of how geckos live in their natural habitats. Although written for nonexperts, "Geckos" also provides a carefully selected bibliography and a new list of all known species that will be of interest to herpetologists. Anyone who owns a gecko, has seen them in the wild, or has wondered about them will appreciate this gem of a book.


Into the Wild - 2826628248

64,71 zł

Into the Wild Random House Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In April 1992 a young man from a well-to-do family hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. His name was Christopher Johnson McCandless. He had given $25,000 in savings to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet, and invented a new life for himself. Four months later, his decomposed body was found by a moose hunter. How McCandless came to die is the unforgettable story of Into the Wild .§§Immediately after graduating from college in 1991, McCandless had roamed through the West and Southwest on a vision quest like those made by his heroes Jack London and John Muir. In the Mojave Desert he abandoned his car, stripped it of its license plates, and burned all of his cash. He would give himself a new name, Alexander Supertramp, and , unencumbered by money and belongings, he would be free to wallow in the raw, unfiltered experiences that nature presented. Craving a blank spot on the map, McCandless simply threw the maps away. Leaving behind his desperate parents and sister, he vanished into the wild.§§Jon Krakauer constructs a clarifying prism through which he reassembles the disquieting facts of McCandless's short life. Admitting an interst that borders on obsession, he searches for the clues to the dries and desires that propelled McCandless. Digging deeply, he takes an inherently compelling mystery and unravels the larger riddles it holds: the profound pull of the American wilderness on our imagination; the allure of high-risk activities to young men of a certain cast of mind; the complex, charged bond between fathers and sons.§§When McCandless's innocent mistakes turn out to be irreversible and fatal, he becomes the stuff of tabloid headlines and is dismissed for his naiveté, pretensions, and hubris. He is said to have had a death wish but wanting to die is a very different thing from being compelled to look over the edge. Krakauer brings McCandless's uncompromising pilgrimage out of the shadows, and the peril, adversity , and renunciation sought by this enigmatic young man are illuminated with a rare understanding--and not an ounce of sentimentality. Mesmerizing, heartbreaking, Into the Wild is a tour de force . The power and luminosity of Jon Krakauer's stoytelling blaze through every page.


Ambassadors from Earth - 2866657075

101,91 zł

Ambassadors from Earth University of Nebraska Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Rewind to the 1950s and ponder: was America's first satellite really built by a college student? How did a small band of underappreciated Russian engineers get pictures of the moon's far side - using stolen American film? As the 1960s progressed, consider: how the heck did people learn to steer a spacecraft using nothing but gravity? And just how were humans able to goose a spaceship through a thirty-year journey to the literal edge of our solar system?Ambassadors from Earth relates the story of the first unmanned space probes and planetary explorers - from the Sputnik and Explorer satellites launched in the late 1950s to the thrilling interstellar Voyager missions of the '70s - that yielded some of the most celebrated successes and spectacular failures of the space age. Keep in mind that our first mad scrambles to reach orbit, the moon, and the planets were littered with enough histrionics and cliffhanging turmoil to rival the most far-out sci-fi film.Utilising original interviews with key players, bolstered by never-before-seen photographs, journal excerpts and primary source documents, Jay Gallentine delivers a quirky and unforgettable look at the lives and legacy of the Americans and Soviets who conceived, built and guided those unmanned missions to the planets and beyond. Of special note is his in-depth interview with James Van Allen, the discoverer of the rings of planetary radiation that now bear his name.Ambassadors from Earth is an engaging bumper-car ride through a fog of head-banging uncertainty, bleeding-edge technology, personality clashes, organisational frustrations, brutal schedules and the occasional bright spot. Confessed one participant, "We were making it up as we went along."


We All Have Our Secrets - 2877033772

43,44 zł

We All Have Our Secrets Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The latest twisty, shocking, domestic thriller from bestselling author Jane Corry. For fans of Cara Hunter, Lisa Jewell and Clare Mackintosh.**PRE-ORDER NOW!**----------------------------A parent would do anything for their child. But how far would a child go for their parents?Emily made a mistake, a mistake midwifes can't afford to make. Escaping to her dad's home in Devon to regroup and check in on him - his dementia has been worsening, and her guilt along with it - she is surprised when a beautiful stranger answers the door. Francoise is her dad's new carer, but Emily's father seems to have deteriorated under her care.Emily doesn't trust Francoise - but she doesn't trust herself either. Each has a secret. And one of them will kill to keep it . . . ---------------------------- WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT JANE CORRY 'A fearsomely good thriller' Nicci French'Compulsive, edgy and fabulous twists!' B A Paris'Few writers can match Jane Corry' Cara Hunter 'Suspense, thrills and intelligent storytelling. I highly recommend it!' LJ Ross 'Fans of psychological thrillers will be hooked after the first page' Closer 'Psychological thriller writing at its very best' SD Sykes 'A powerful and addictive read' Kate Furnivall 'This twisty tale of love and revenge is a compulsive read' Kate Hamer 'Jane Corry's writing grabs you at the first page and doesn't let go' Sue Fortin


Woman Who Stole My Life - 2878781473

47,37 zł

Woman Who Stole My Life Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

International bestselling author Marian Keyes is back with another masterfully told story full of wit and charm. 'Name: Stella Sweeney. Height: average. Recent life events: dramatic.' One day, sitting in traffic, married Dublin mum Stella Sweeney attempts a good deed. The resulting car crash changes her life. For she meets a man who wants her telephone number (for the insurance, it turns out). That's okay. She doesn't really like him much anyway (his Range Rover totally banjaxed her car). But in this meeting is born the seed of something which will take Stella thousands of miles from her old life, turning an ordinary woman into a superstar, and, along the way, wrenching her whole family apart. Is this all because of one ill-advised act of goodwill? Was meeting Mr Range Rover destiny or karma? Should she be grateful or hopping mad? For the first time real, honest-to-goodness happiness is just within her reach. But is Stella Sweeney, Dublin housewife, ready to grasp it? Marian's stunning new novel The Woman Who Stole My Life is about losing the life you had and finding a better one.Praise for Marian Keyes: "When it comes to writing page-turners that put a smile on your face and make you think, Keyes is in a class of her own." (Daily Express). "Gloriously funny." (Sunday Times). "Chatty and warmhearted, Keyes' talent is to tell it how it is." (Independent). Marian Keyes' international bestselling novels include Rachel's Holiday, Last Chance Saloon, Sushi for Beginners, Angels, The Other Side of the Story, Anybody Out There, This Charming Man, The Brightest Star in the Sky and The Mystery of Mercy Close. Two collections of her journalism, Under the Duvet and Further Under the Duvet, are also available from Penguin. Marian lives in Dublin with her husband.


Archaeology: The Whole Story - 2878619080

94,14 zł

Archaeology: The Whole Story Thames & Hudson Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Global in perspective and covering over four million years of history, this accessible volume provides a chronological account of both the development of the human race and the order in which modern societies have made discoveries about their ancient past. Beginning deep in prehistory, it takes in all the great archaeological sites of the world as it advances to the present day. A masterful combination of succinct analysis and driving narrative, Archaeology: The Whole Storyalso addresses the questions that inevitably arise as we gradually learn more about the history of our species: what are we? Where did we come from? What inspired us to start building, writing and all the other activities that we traditionally regard as exclusively human? A concluding section explains how we know what we know: for example, how seventeen prehistoric shrines were discovered around Stonehenge using magnetometers, ground-penetrating radars, and 3D laser scanners; and how DNA analysis enabled us to identify some bones discovered beneath a car park in Leicester as the remains of a fifteenth-century king of England. Written by an international team of archaeological experts and richly illustrated throughout, Archaeology: The Whole Story offers an unparalleled insight into the origins of humankind.Table of ContentsIntroduction


James Bond Destinations - 2877949626

607,96 zł

James Bond Destinations Assouline

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In 1962, James Bond made his debut on the big screen in Dr. No, setting a cinematic standard as the globetrotting secret agent 007. From London to Jamaica and beyond, Bond's adventures have spanned the world, taking audiences to over a hundred real-life locations in the past six decades.In James Bond Destinations, explore the iconic places that have played a pivotal role in Bond's jet-setting journeys. Each chapter offers insider insights and unforgettable scenes, like Ursula Andress emerging from Jamaican waters, Daniel Craig's high-speed car chase in Rome, and Roger Moore's epic showdown on a Sugarloaf cable car in Rio.In the early to mid-1960s, when international travel was a rarity, Bond films captivated audiences, igniting dreams of glamorous vacations and solidifying the franchise as a trusted guide to adventure. Barbara Broccoli, daughter of the original Bond producer, recalls how her father aimed to transport people on magical adventures.As travel became more accessible, the Bond experience evolved to stay ahead. Producers like Michael G. Wilson found new, unseen locations or transformed well-known places into spectacular settings, ensuring each Bond film continued to deliver the thrill of exploration. For example, the streets of Rome in Spectre required meticulous blocking, and Venice's Grand Canal closed for the first time in centuries for Casino Royale, allowing Daniel Craig's Bond to sail unobstructed.


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