krainaksiazek action research for nurses 20167728

- znaleziono 4 produkty w 2 sklepach

Action Research For Nurses - 2840256629

164,99 zł

Action Research For Nurses

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Medicine>Nursing & ancillary services>Nursing>Nursing research & theory



Action Research For Nurses - 2840256630

519,99 zł

Action Research For Nurses

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Medicine>Nursing & ancillary services>Nursing>Nursing research & theory



Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology - Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland, 3rd Edition - 2862013361

384,27 zł

Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology - Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland, 3rd Edition John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The revised guide to the diagnosis, management, and treatment of blood disorders and cancer in children Children with blood disorders and cancer are a unique population that require specialized diagnostic considerations and management. The Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology has been designed to provide clinicians of all levels with practical guidance through an up-to-date algorithmic approach to these conditions. Assembled by a team of experts from the world-class Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland, this updated third edition: * Presents up-to-date management and treatment guidelines for the most common pediatric blood disorders and malignancies * Provides an updated algorithmic approach for the diagnosis and management of the most common conditions and suggested readings * Utilizes rapid-referral tables containing visual representations of symptoms, lab findings, differentials, and treatment guidance * Incorporates case studies covering different hematologic and oncologic conditions, such as hemolytic anemia, sickle cell disease, hemophilia, neuroblastoma, and sarcomas of the soft tissue and bone * Includes a useful formulary that lists chemotherapy agents, dosing, mechanism of action, pregnancy category, indications, and side effects * Covers transfusion medicine, stem cell transplantation, management of central venous catheters, acute pain management, oncologic emergencies, and chemotherapy basics With its direct guidance and portable design, the Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland, Third Edition, will prove an invaluable resource to medical students, trainees and residents, pediatric hematology and oncology nurses, pediatricians, and early-career providers in pediatric hematology/oncology.


Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 5 - 2867358338

205,64 zł

Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 5 Chelsea Green Publishing Co

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The 5th and final volume in a masterwork for students of herbalism and practicing herbalists. Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals is a five-volume set that serves as a comprehensive, practical reference manual for herbalists, physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals. Dr. Jill Stansbury draws on her decades of clinical experience and her extensive research to provide an unparalleled range of herbal formulas. Organized by body system, each volume includes hundreds of formulas to treat common health conditions, as well as formulas that address specific energetic or symptomatic presentations. For each formula, Dr. Stansbury briefly explains how the selected herbs address the specific condition. Sidebars and user-friendly lists help readers quickly choose which herbs are best for specific presentations and detail traditional uses of both Western and traditional Asian formulas and herbs that are readily available in the United States. Volume 5 focuses on autoimmune and allergic conditions including allergic rhinitis (hay fever), asthma, hives, and food sensitivities. A chapter on ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and throat includes herbal therapies for eye infections, glaucoma, and other eye conditions; sinus infections, colds, and sore throats; and tooth decay and oral infections. A chapter on the musculoskeletal system covers common conditions such as sore muscles and bruising as well as chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Each chapter includes a materia medica section that describes individual herbs with tips on their properties, modes of action, and the specific symptoms each plant best addresses. These formularies are also a tutorial for budding herbalists on the sophisticated art of fine-tuning an herbal formula for the constitution and overall health condition of an individual patient, rather than prescribing a one-size-fits-all treatment for a basic diagnosis. The text aims to teach by example, helping clinicians develop their own intuition and ability to create effective herbal formulas. Previous volumes include Digestion and Elimination (Volume 1), Circulation and Respiration (Volume 2), Endocrinology (Volume 3), and Neurology, Psychiatry, and Pain Management (Volume 4).


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