krainaksiazek building a people of power 20168772
- znaleziono 71 produktów w 5 sklepach
Designing and Building Mini and Micro Hydro Power Schemes Practical Action Publishing
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Small hydro power installations have the potential to provide a renewable supply of energy to people in remote, hilly communities, far from the national grid. This book is based on the authors considerable experience of installing hydroelectric schemes that produce up to 500 kW for powering small communities. This book describes not only the electro-mechanical equipment and how it is installed, but also the correct siting of the installation and how to design and build the channels leading up to the turbine so as to optimize performance. These civil works can be carried out by local manpower, using materials that are usually available locally. Chapters cover the main components of small hydroelectric plants from the intake and the headrace channel, via the conveyance channel, to the forebay tank, penstock, turbine, and generator.
Building a Solidarity Society Springer International Publishing AG
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
BUILDING A SOLIDARITY SOCIETY Is it the impossible dream: a caring and sustainable society that fosters the flourishing of people and planet? Many are deeply skeptical about whether such a transformative change is a goal worth pursuing. But pursuit of this goal may be our only realistic choice; the misuse of power then is the obstacle to be overcome. This book leads the skeptical reader - whether college student or underpaid worker - on an exploration of the priorities of the powerful, the economic theories that justify their decisions, and the alternative world views that are firing the imagination and efforts of activists across the globe.Economist Marianne Hill speaks to those who worry that switching from a capitalist to a democratic economy would kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Drawing on cutting-edge scholarship, she explores why people accept a status quo in which the few have the right to control the labor of the many, and the right to distribute the wealth collectively created. Research findings, data and stories drawn from the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent crises are used to explain why plutocrats show little concern for the economic distress and insecurity suffered by so many.Steps can be taken to move us towards a more humane and sustainable way of living. Exciting possibilities are presented, based on recent manifestos, party platforms, books and documents. Advocates for a caring solidarity society are many and, once united, can be the force that redistributes power in firms, families and society. This book aims to foster the clarity, cohesion and courage that can ensure their success.
High Ten - An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture John Wiley & Sons Inc
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Harness the power of Martin Rooney's acclaimed "Culture Coach" philosophy to build the culture of your dreamsBuilding a great team culture doesn't happen overnight. Culture is hard to create, and even harder to change. Great culture is a key component for success at home, on the sports field, and at the workplace. In a time when people seem to be more divided than ever, leaders who can build strong and lasting cultures are essential. No one knows this better than internationally-renowned coach, in-demand speaker, and bestselling author Martin Rooney--dedicating his life to coach elite athletes, Fortune 500 executives, military leaders, and every kind of team imaginable to their highest level of performance.In High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture, Martin draws from his extensive experience developing top-level teams around the world to help leaders of all kinds foster and sustain winning cultures. This engaging, easy-to-read parable shows you that every business, sports team, and family has a culture. Whether you deliberately created it or not, it's always there and it didn't come with a manual. That's where High Ten comes in. This must-have book is your personal leadership manual. Stop spending your day unhappy or complaining about a dream that hasn't come true. High Ten will help you:* Create an environment where your people work towards common goals with friends they trust--have fun doing it* Develop clarity about the culture you want and put the processes in place to make it happen* Ensure your culture reflects core values and aligns with your organization's mission and vision* Transform your culture into the "immune system" for your team or business* Learn about the "3 Cornerstones of Culture" and eliminate the "5 Culture Killers"High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture is an invaluable resource for all coaches and leaders striving to achieve the highest level of culture--one where everyone feels like a valuable part of the team and consistently produces exceptional results.
Timeless Way of Building OUP USA
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
The theory of architecture implicit in our world today, Christopher Alexander believes, is bankrupt. More and more people are aware that something is deeply wrong. Yet the power of present-day ideas is so great that many feel uncomfortable, even afraid, to say openly that they dislike what is happening, because they are afraid to seem foolish, afraid perhaps that they will be laughed at. Now, at last, here is a coherent theory which describes in modern terms an architecture as ancient as human society itself.
Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad
Książki & Multimedia > Książki
Opis - Pierwsze na świecie świadectwo ofiary zbrodni honorowej. Miała siedemnaście lat i zakochała się: zhańbiła rodzinę. Więc rodzina wydała na nią wyrok śmierci... Pokochała go pierwszą miłością. Myślała, że się z nią ożeni. Ale ukochany zniknął, a ona odkryła, że jest w ciąży. A w jej świecie to najcięższa zbrodnia... W zapomnianej przez Boga wiosce w Cisjordanii kobiety są warte mniej niż zwierzęta domowe. Tu mężczyzna jest panem życia i śmierci żony, córki, siostry. Brat może bezkarnie zabić siostrę, matka - córkę, kolejną bezużyteczną dziewczynkę, jaka się urodzi. Tu kobiecie odbiera się godność, a nawet życie zgodnie z odwiecznym obyczajem i uświęconą tradycją. A śmierć jest karą dla dziewczyny, która zhańbi rodzinę. Tak jak Souad. Wyrok wydaje jej ojciec. Szwagier dokonuje egzekucji. Oblewa Souad benzyną i podpala... SOUAD przeżyła - cudem, ale rodzina usiłowała zabić ją nawet w szpitalu. Na zawsze jednak pozostanie straszliwie okaleczona - na ciele i duszy. I wciąż musi się ukrywać; dopóki żyje, jej rodzinę okrywa hańba. Spalona żywcem, opublikowana pod pseudonimem szokująca opowieść o piekle, jakim było jej dzieciństwo i młodość, stała się międzynarodowym bestsellerem. Wydana w 37 w krajach książka przerywa tabu milczenia wobec istniejącej nadal w krajach muzułmańskich barbarzyńskiej tradycji. Nieludzkiego obyczaju, prawa mężczyzn, na mocy którego co najmniej pięć tysięcy kobiet pada co roku ofiarą zbrodni honorowej. Nazwa - Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe Autor - Souad Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Amber Kod ISBN - 9788324159406 Kod EAN - 9788324159406 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2016 Tłumacz - 31182,maria rostworowska; Format - 110 x 175 x 14 Ilość stron - 224 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-06-23
Science of Intelligent Achievement - How smart people focus, create and grow their way to success John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Smart strategies for pragmatic, science-based growth and sustainable achievement.The Science of Intelligent Achievement teaches you the scientific process of finding success through your most valuable assets:Selective focus - how selective are you with who and what you let into your life?Creative ownership - how dependent are you on others for your happiness and success?Pragmatic growth - how consistently and practically are you growing daily?First, this book will show you how to develop your focus by being very selective with where you spend your mental energy. If you've failed to reach an important goal because you were distracted, misinformed, or overcommitted, then you know the role focus and selectivity play in achievement. Second, you will learn how to stop allowing your happiness and success to be dependent on other people and instead, start taking ownership over your life through creative work. Finally, you will learn the art of changing your life through pragmatic decisions and actions. Self-improvement is not the result of dramatic changes. Instead, science has shown that personal and professional change is initiated and sustained by consistent, practical changes. To grow, you must leverage the power of micro-decisions, personality responsibility, and mini-habits. Your own biology will not let you improve your life in any other way.What do you currently value? What are working to attain? Have you been taught to value your job title or your relationship with some other person above all else? Have you been convinced that the most valuable things in life are your paycheck, the number of people who say 'hello' to you at the office, and the number of people who say 'I need you' at home? Or, have you become so passive in what you value that you let anyone and anything into your life, as long as whatever you let in allows you to stay disconnected from the cold hard truth that when things really go wrong in your life, the only person who will be able to fix it and the only person will be responsible for it is you. If so...welcome to fake success. Passivity, dependence, and the sacrifice of practical thinking and personal responsibility to fuzzy, grandiose ideals and temporary feelings -- these are markers of fake success.Intelligent Achievement, on the other hand, is not a moving target. It's not empty either. Instead, it's sturdy, full, and immovable. It's not something that's just handed to you. It's not something you're nudged to chase or coerced into wanting. Intelligent Achievement comes from within you. It's a collection of values that are aligned with who you are--values you have to protect and nurture. These values do not increase your dependence on other people and things. Instead, they relieve you of dependence. This kind of achievement is something that you have a part in building from the ground up--you know what's in it--you chose it, someone else didn't choose it for you.Achieving real success means you must focus, create, and grow daily. The Science of Intelligent Achievement will show you how.
Road to Power John Wiley & Sons Inc
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Follow a pioneer's journey from factory floor to CEO"Road to Power" is the story of how Mary Barra drove herself to the pinnacle of a company that steers the nation's wealth. Beginning as a rare female electrical engineer and daughter of a General Motors die maker, Barra spent more than thirty years building her career before becoming the first woman to ever lead a global automaker. With $155 billion in sales and 200,000 employees, GM is widely considered to be a proxy for the U.S. economy, making Barra's position arguably the most important corporate role a woman has ever held. This book describes the personal character, choices, and leadership style that enabled her to break through the glass ceiling.When 52-year-old Mary Barra was named CEO of General Motors in 2013, only people outside of the company were surprised. She had done everything from working on the factory floor to overseeing manufacturing, from improving union relations to paring down bureaucracy, and from running human resources to helping drag the company back from its 2009 bankruptcy. This book details each step of her career, and the lessons she learned along the way.Learn how Mary Barra's willingness to take on diverse assignments helped steer her career trajectoryExamine the fine details of Barra's management style and her ability to relate to colleaguesDiscover the qualities and experiences Barra had that drove her to lead this male-dominated professionStudy the valuable lessons Barra learned at each stage in her professional life, and why they stuck with her throughout her journey to the topBarra is most certainly a pioneer for women in business, but she's also a living lesson as to how far the right outlook, skills, and drive can take you in your career. "Road to Power" explores the talent and the mindset that got her all the way to the top.
Chinese Air Power Crecy Publishing
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
By the turn of the century China had reaffirmed its position as one of the world
Power vs. Force Hay House UK Ltd
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Building on the accumulated wisdom of applied kinesiology (diagnostic muscle-testing to determine the causes of allergies and ailments) and behavioral kinesiology (muscle-testing to determine emotional responses to stimuli), David R. Hawkins MD, PhD has taken muscle-testing to the next level, in an effort to determine what makes people and systems strong, healthy, effective and spiritually sound.Power vs. Force has become a spiritual classic and massively influential across the world. Now, Dr Hawkins reflects on his teachings and provides the definitive update on this timeless text. The whole book has been rewritten with the insights of decades of experience since original publication.This book is a must have for anyone who hasn't discovered the power of Dr Hawkins' work or for those who want to deepen their sense of his unique vision for health, happiness and healing.
Shadow of the Sun Penguin
Literatura faktu
'Only with the greatest of simplifications, for the sake of convenience, can we say Africa. In reality, except as a geographical term, Africa doesn't exist'. Ryszard Kapuscinski has been writing about the people of Africa throughout his career. In a study that avoids the official routes, palaces and big politics, he sets out to create an account of post-colonial Africa seen at once as a whole and as a location that wholly defies generalised explanations. It is both a sustained meditation on the mosaic of peoples and practises we call 'Africa', and an impassioned attempt to come to terms with humanity itself as it struggles to escape from foreign domination, from the intoxications of freedom, from war and from politics as theft. The Beginning: Collision, Ghana 1958 More than anything, one is struck by the light. Light everywhere. Brightness everywhere. Everywhere, the sun. Just yesterday, an autumnal London was drenched in rain. The airplane drenched in rain. A cold, wind, darkness. But here, from the morning
Dynamics of Conflict - A Guide to Engagement and Intervention 2e John Wiley & Sons Inc
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Praise for the Second Edition of "The Dynamics of Conflict": "Mayer once again demonstrates his unique ability to weave theory and practice together with real-world examples - whether about warring nations or a family dispute - to help readers better understand both the fundamentals and nuances involved in working in the conflict arena. "The Dynamics of Conflict" is a very important read for anyone who works with people in conflict". (Peter Salem, executive director, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts). "In his latest book, Mayer explores the theoretical underpinnings of conflict as it relates to cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. Personal stories and examples provide practical skills in communication and negotiation, including how to deal with power, impasse, and cross-cultural issues. The book is a must-read for conflict resolution professionals and will also be easily understandable to the public at large - a great tool for businesses, parents, governmental agencies, mental health professionals, and educators!" (Nina Meierding, Negotiation and Mediation Training Services; former president, Academy of Family Mediators)."Mayer has always provided our field with a dose of common sense, vision, and clarity. With "The Dynamics of Conflict" we can add cohesion and extraordinary integration. Based on deep experience, these chapters enter our most difficult challenges in ways that offer understanding in the midst of complexity and concrete strategies for response and engagement - a masterful example of approaching conflict with skill and respect. Mayer has gifted us with a book that serves the novice practitioner with guideposts, yet opens ever new and exciting pathways for the seasoned conflict specialist". (John Paul Lederach, professor of international peacebuilding, Joan B. Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame; author, "The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace"). Praise for the First Edition: "A rare blend of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Insightful, useful, and thought provoking. I recommend it!" (William Ury, coauthor, "Getting to Yes", and author, "The Third Side").
Learn Engineering with LEGO Springer, Berlin
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
LEGO Mindstorms and SPIKE Prime are great products with vast capabilities, but are often so complex that many people don't know how to use them. LEGO provides a walk-through of a few projects to build, which are cool, but after building these many people get stuck on "now what?" This book answers that question by showing the underlying principles required to build their own ideas.This book is a hands-on tour of how machines work with LEGO-there's nothing like building a machine with your own to hands to understand how it works. It includes aspects of software engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. As parts and associated engineering concepts are presented, they will be shown in their practical use with graphical step-by-step assembly instructions. The concepts conveyed are mostly learned through building examples, with text explanation to reinforce the ideas being learned. Every engineering concept has a building example to go with it, in a quick build of less than 15 assembly steps. At the end of each chapter there's a project to tie the concepts of the chapter together of a little more complexity, involving 15 to 30 steps. These assembly steps are drawn with a computer aided design program that looks like the diagrams that LEGO produces for its products, so readers will be familiar with the look of the assembly directions. What You'll LearnLayout a Word Blocks or Python computer program from scratchSee how LEGO building elements are meant to be assembledManipulate the power source of a rotating shaft from an electric motorUse gears to alter the speed and torque of a power trainChange the motion from a rotating shaft to a desired action Basic mechanisms (turntable, differential, cam, ratchet, etc.) to Use sensors (motion, distance, light, color) to make interactive inventionsIntegrate mechanical, software, and electrical subsystems in a projectWho This Book Is ForThe knowledge presumed in this book is basic familiarity in building with LEGO, having past experience with building a set of moderate complexity of more than a 100 pieces. Basic familiarity with operating a personal computer is also assumed, such as to install an app. Likely interested readers are: LEGO fans looking for ways to build new and better inventions, middle-school and high-school age students who have an interest in science, math, and engineering, adults who like to learn how things work and tinker with inventions, and educators who use the SPIKE Prime set and are looking for new ideas for lesson plans.
Reflections on Leadership: How Robert K. Greenleaf Greenleaf's Theory of Servant-Leadership Influenced Today's Top Management Thinkers John Wiley & Sons Inc
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
"I believe that [Bob Greenleaf's] essay, 'The Servant as Leader' is the most singular and useful statement on leadership that I have read in the last 20 years. Despite a virtual tidal wave of books on leadership during the last few years, there is something different about Bob Greenleaf's essay, something both simpler and more profound...For many years, I simply told people not to waste their time reading all the other managerial leadership books. 'If you are really serious about the deeper territory of true leadership', I would say, 'read "Greenleaf"'". (from Chapter 20 by Peter M. Senge, Director of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT's Sloan School of Management and author of "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization"). "There is a building momentum for enlightened leadership in the for-profit world, the social sector, and many areas of government today...Good books that deal with the beliefs and convictions that nurture this movement are not easy to find. This is one. "Reflections on Leadership" is a worthy and worthwhile gift to all those who attach high value both to their responsibilities and to the people with whom they work".(from the Foreword, by Max DePree, Chairman and CEO of Herman Miller Inc. and author of "Leadership Is an Art" and "Leadership Jazz"). "I could give you three examples of major businesses who have used this business of servant-leadership training times of terrible crisis and have worked themselves out of the crisis. Practicing servant-leadership ...had absolutely enormous incredible benefits for them ...and then they threw it away. Because, as soon as the crisis passed, they said 'why exert ourselves?' The great problem is not how to ...teach servant-leadership in the first place, but to get organizations to continue to use it and embed it in part of their culture". (from Chapter 7 by M. Scott Peck, author of "The Road Less Traveled"). ""Reflections on Leadership" is fitting tribute to a man whose own sense of service has given all of us hope that at long last leaders will recognize that power of purpose is far stronger than power of position. After nearly 30 years, Robert K. Greenleaf's work has struck a resonant chord in the minds and hearts of scholars and practitioners alike. His message lives through others, the true legacy of a servant-leader".(Jim Kouzes, Chairman and CEO of TPG/Learning Systems and coauthor of "The Leadership Challenge and Credibility"). "We are each indebted to Greenleaf for bringing spirit and values into the workplace. His ideas will have enduring value for every generation of leaders". (Peter Block, Founding Partner, Designed Learning Inc. and author of "The Empowered Manager, Flawless Consulting, and Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest"). In the twenty-five years since Robert K. Greenleaf first articulated his vision of "servant-leadership", the world has seen a steady expansion in the influence of the man and his ideas. Hailed as the "grandfather" of the modern empowerment movement in business leadership, Greenleaf described true leaders as those who lead by serving others - empowering them to reach their full potential. He saw the ideal leader as one who transforms and integrates an organization; a steward with a commitment to the growth of people and the building of a community. "Reflections on Leadership" demonstrates the scope of Greenleaf's impact on contemporary management theory and offers key essays by Greenleaf and his leading business and intellectual disciples.They include such influential thinkers as M. Scott Peck, author of "The Road Less Traveled", and Peter Senge, author of "The Fifth Discipline". "Despite all the buzz about modern leadership techniques, no one knows better than Greenleaf what really matters". ("Working Woman" magazine). "Reflections on Leadership" opens with two remarkable essays by Greenleaf himself. One of them, "Reflections from Experience", published here for the first time, presents Greenleaf's prophetic observations on the use of executive power in an organization. In "Life's Choices and Markers", Greenleaf recounts five significant influences that led him to develop his revolutionary ideas on the nature of leadership. "Servant-leadership deals with the reality of power in everyday life - its legitimacy, the ethical restraints upon it and the beneficial results that can be attained through the appropriate use of power". ("The New York Times").In "Reflections on Leadership", a host of notable management thinkers explore the implications of the servant-leadership concept in such areas as: Business ethics; Team-building and servant-leadership; Corporate risk-taking; Spirit in the workplace; Becoming a servant-leader; and, The future of leadership. For those who have already benefited from Greenleaf's ideas and wish to deepen their understanding, this is an essential book. It is also the ideal introduction for those eager to draw on a source of wisdom that has inspired so many others.
Na poligonie - dla malucha
Książki & Multimedia > Książki
Nazwa - Na poligonie - dla malucha Wydawca - Pasja Kod ISBN - 9788364773921 Kod EAN - 9788364773921 Ilość stron - 16 Podatek VAT - 5%
Managing Up - How to Move up, Win at Work, and Succeed with Any Type of Boss John Wiley & Sons Inc
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Build vital connections to accelerate your career successManaging Up is your guide to the most valuable 'soft skill' your career has ever seen. It's not about sucking up or brown-nosing; it's about figuring out who you are, who your boss is, and finding where you meet. It's about building real relationships with people who have influence over your career. Managing up is good for you, good for your boss, and good for the organization as a whole. This book gives you strategies for developing these all-important connections and building more than rapport; you become able to quickly assess situations, and determine which actions will move you forward; you become your own talent manager, and your boss's top choice for that new opportunity. As a skill, managing up can do more for your career than simply 'networking' ever could--and this book shows you how.Real-world strategies give you a set of actionable steps, supplemented by expert advice from a top leadership consultant that helps you get on track to advancement. It's never too early or too late to start adjusting your alignment, and this book provides the help you need to start accelerating your trajectory.Develop robust relationships with influential peopleEnhance your self-awareness and become more adaptableGain new opportunities and accelerate your careerStop 'schmoozing' and develop true, lasting connectionsManaging up helps you build the sort of relationships that foster more communication, collaboration, cooperation, and understanding between people at different levels of power, with a variety of perspectives and skills. This type of bridge-building builds your reputation for effectiveness and fit, so you can start skipping rungs on the ladder as you build a strong, successful career. Managing Up is your personal manual for building this vital skill so you can begin building your best future.

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