krainaksiazek gray s anatomy for students international edition 20127846

- znaleziono 28 produktów w 7 sklepach

Gray's Anatomy for Students: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 3 edition - 2875656239

280,00 zł

Gray's Anatomy for Students: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 3 edition

/ Książki / Podręczniki


Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 3 edition - 2875656231

155,00 zł

Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 3 edition

/ Książki / Poradniki i Hobby


Gray's Anatomy for Students 5e and Paulsen: Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Package, 17th ed., English/Latin - Value Pack - 2878965126

1010,08 zł

Gray's Anatomy for Students 5e and Paulsen: Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Package, 17th ed., English/Latin - Value Pack

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Special value package containing the latest editions of the classic, best-selling student texts in anatomy


Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards - 2874790945

217,43 zł

Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Based on the acclaimed artwork found in Gray's Anatomy for Students and Gray


Gray's Anatomy for Students - 2873612833

321,57 zł

Gray's Anatomy for Students Elsevier - Health Sciences Division

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Concise, readable text and an outstanding art program make Gray's Anatomy for Students, 5th Edition, your go-to text for essential information in human anatomy. This fully revised volume focuses on the core information medical students need to know, in an easy-access format and with additional multimedia content to facilitate effective study and mastery of the material. A team of expert authors share a wealth of diverse teaching and clinical experience


Gray's Anatomy for Students - 2857700386

237,60 zł

Gray's Anatomy for Students Elsevier

Szkoły policealne. Szkoły wyższeAnatomia

Anatomy texts just don?t get any better than Gray's Anatomy for Students! Now in its 3rd edition, this completely revised medical textbook continues its focus on just the core information you need for your anatomy courses, presenting everything in an easy-to-read, visually appealing format that facilitates study. Key Features Obtain reliable, accessible coverage of everything you will learn in your contemporary anatomy classes with expert knowledge from a team of authors who share a wealth of diverse teaching and clinical experience. Easily locate and remember specific structures. More than 1,000 innovative, original illustrations by renowned illustrators Richard Tibbitts and Paul Richardson capture anatomical features with unrivalled clarity. Understand the practical applications of anatomical concepts through unique coverage of surface anatomy, correlative diagnostic images, and clinical case studies. Expedite the review of basic concepts from each chapter with Conceptual Overviews.


Gray's Anatomy for Students 3e - 2856251594

249,08 zł

Gray's Anatomy for Students 3e Elsevier

Nauka / Medycyna

Anatomy texts just don’t get any better than Gray's Anatomy for Students! Now in its 3rd edition, this completely revised medical textbook continues its focus on just the core information you need for your anatomy courses, presenting everything in an easy-to-read, visually appealing format that facilitates study. Key Features Obtain reliable, accessible coverage of everything you will learn in your contemporary anatomy classes with expert knowledge from a team of authors who share a wealth of diverse teaching and clinical experience. Easily locate and remember specific structures. More than 1,000 innovative, original illustrations by renowned illustrators Richard Tibbitts and Paul Richardson capture anatomical features with unrivalled clarity. Understand the practical applications of anatomical concepts through unique coverage of surface anatomy, correlative diagnostic images, and clinical case studies. Expedite the review of basic concepts from each chapter with Conceptual Overviews.


Gray's Surface Anatomy and Ultrasound - 2870874019

271,97 zł

Gray's Surface Anatomy and Ultrasound Elsevier Health Sciences

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A concise, superbly illustrated (print + electronic) textbook that brings together a reliable, clear and up to date guide to surface anatomy and its underlying gross anatomy, combined with a practical application of ultrasound and other imaging modalities. A thorough understanding of surface anatomy remains a critical part of clinical practice, but with improved imaging technology, portable ultrasound is also fast becoming integral to routine clinical examination and effective diagnosis. This unique new text combines these two essential approaches to effectively understanding clinical anatomy and reflects latest approaches within modern medical curricula. It is tailored specifically to the needs of medical students and doctors in training and will also prove invaluable to the wide range of allied health students and professionals who need a clear understanding of visible and palpable anatomy combined with anatomy as seen on ultrasound. Concise text and high quality illustrations, photographs, CT, MRI and ultrasound scans provide a clear, integrated understanding of the anatomical basis for modern clinical practice Highly accessible and at a level appropriate for medical students and a wide range of allied health students and professionals Reflects current curriculum trend of heavily utilizing living anatomy and ultrasound to learn anatomy Supplementary video content showing live ultrasound scans and guided areas of surface anatomy to bring content to life and reflect current teaching and clinical settings An international advisory panel appointed to add expertise and ensure relevance to the variety of medical and allied health markets Inclusion of latest ultrasound image modalities Designed to complement and enhance the highly successful Gray's family of texts/atlases although also effective as a stand-alone or alongside other established anatomy resources


Gray's Anatomy - 2870498428

180,23 zł

Gray's Anatomy Cosimo Classics

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Gray's Anatomy, published in the UK in 1858 under the original title Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical, is a detailed English textbook on human anatomy, focused on teaching medical students human anatomy for practical knowledge during surgery. This unique first edition includes more than 300 pages of illustrations by H.V. Carter, M.D. Each image is labeled with the corresponding bones, muscles, nerves, and organs. In addition, the book is separated into chapters based on the systems of the body for easy use. While Gray's Anatomy may no longer be a suitable study guide for modern physicians, it is considered a classic work on the subject and is a great reference for those interested in the origins of the study of human anatomy.HENRY GRAY (1827-1861) was a renowned British anatomist who studied at St George's Hospital Medical School in London. His focus was on the endocrine glands and spleen until he approached fellow colleague Henry Vandyke Carter to help him write a comprehensive and accessible anatomy textbook. The team worked for more than a year studying unclaimed cadavers to help write the text. It was published in England in 1858 and in America only one year later. Gray published the first two editions before it was acquired by Longman's in 1863, shortly after Gray's early death from smallpox.


Gray's Anatomy Review - 2872339124

199,08 zł

Gray's Anatomy Review Elsevier - Health Sciences Division

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

With the most extensive, comprehensive collection of anatomy multiple-choice questions in strict, current USMLE format, Gray


Gray's Anatomy - 2866530589

286,58 zł

Gray's Anatomy Cosimo Classics

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Gray's Anatomy, published in the UK in 1858 under the original title Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical, is a detailed English textbook on human anatomy, focused on teaching medical students human anatomy for practical knowledge during surgery. This unique first edition includes more than 300 pages of illustrations by H.V. Carter, M.D. Each image is labeled with the corresponding bones, muscles, nerves, and organs. In addition, the book is separated into chapters based on the systems of the body for easy use. While Gray's Anatomy may no longer be a suitable study guide for modern physicians, it is considered a classic work on the subject and is a great reference for those interested in the origins of the study of human anatomy. HENRY GRAY (1827-1861) was a renowned British anatomist who studied at St George's Hospital Medical School in London. His focus was on the endocrine glands and spleen until he approached fellow colleague Henry Vandyke Carter to help him write a comprehensive and accessible anatomy textbook. The team worked for more than a year studying unclaimed cadavers to help write the text. It was published in England in 1858 and in America only one year later. Gray published the first two editions before it was acquired by Longman's in 1863, shortly after Gray's early death from smallpox.


Gray's Anatomy - 2861948219

949,09 zł

Gray's Anatomy Elsevier Health Sciences

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Susan Standring, MBE, PhD, DSc, FKC, Hon FAS, Hon FRCS Trust Gray


Gray's Basic Anatomy - 2872581756

296,67 zł

Gray's Basic Anatomy Elsevier - Health Sciences Division

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Developed in response to student and faculty feedback worldwide, Gray


Atlas of Anatomy, Latin Nomenclature, Three Volume Set, Third Edition - 2878617252

817,54 zł

Atlas of Anatomy, Latin Nomenclature, Three Volume Set, Third Edition Thieme Medical Publishers Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Remarkable atlas provides exceptionally detailed, clinically relevant anatomic knowledge! THIEME Atlas of Anatomy, Three Volume Set, Third Edition by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editors Cristian Stefan, Nathan Johnson, and Wayne Cass expands on the award-winning prior editions with hundreds of new images and significant updates to the content of each volume.Key Features: - Labels and anatomic terminology are in Latin nomenclature- More than 5,000 images including extraordinarily realistic illustrations by Markus Voll and Karl Wesker, photographs, diagrams, radiographs, tables, and descriptive text make this the perfect study and teaching resource- The introduction of clinical applications, which provide knowledge that trainees can apply in practice - Online images with "labels-on and labels-off" capability are ideal for review and self-testingThis visually stunning set of atlases is an essential companion for medical students or residents interested in an in-depth study of anatomy and neuroanatomy for laboratory dissection and clinical reference. A must-have for allied health students, instructors, and practicing physical and massage therapists, it also serves as a wonderful anatomic reference for professional artists and illustrators.The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series includes three volumes, General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System, Internal Organs, and Head, Neck, and Neuroanatomy, PLUS a stable slip case and four nearly life-size THIEME Atlas of Anatomy Learning Posters of anatomy, bones, and muscles, PLUS complimentary access to a digital copy of each volume on volumes of the THIEME Atlas of Anatomy series are available in softcover English/International Nomenclature and in hardcover with Latin nomenclature.


Atlas of Human Anatomy 6th Edition Netter - 2822232041

279,99 zł

Atlas of Human Anatomy 6th Edition Netter W.B. Saunders Company

Medycyna > Podstawowe nauki medyczne

Jubileuszowe 25 wydanie angielskie. Angielskojęzyczny atlas z nomenklaturą angielską ! Zawiera kartę zdrapkę umożliwiającą dostęp do dodatkowych materiałów w Internecie.   The gold standard of excellence for 25 years, Frank H. Netter, MD


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