krainaksiazek how to tutor workbook for multiplication division and fractions 20130817

- znaleziono 3 produkty w 1 sklepie

Progress with Oxford: Multiplication, Division and Fractions Age 5-6 - 2866873756

31,24 zł

Progress with Oxford: Multiplication, Division and Fractions Age 5-6 Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This Progress with Oxford: Fractions, Multiplication and Division Age 5-6 workbook will help your child to progress with number skills, such as multiplication, division and fractions, while having fun. They will quickly learn to recognise and find a half and a quarter of an object and an amount and to solve problems using multiplication and division skills. The Progress with Oxford series has been created to help every child develop essential skills at home, with minimal help and support. Picture clues are used to show very young children how to complete activities, whilst reminder boxes, tips and advice support older children to become self-sufficient learners. A lively character accompanies your child through all the colourful and engaging activities, and fun stickers are included to reward their work. A handy progress chart at the end of each book captures their achievements, so you both know what to do next. You can find even more practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on our award-winning website, Let's get them flying!


Basic Maths Practice Problems For Dummies - 2874079394

93,44 zł

Basic Maths Practice Problems For Dummies John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Fun, friendly coaching and all the practice you need to tackle maths problems with confidence and ease. In his popular "Basic Maths For Dummies", professional maths tutor Colin Beveridge proved that he could turn anyone - even the most maths-phobic person - into a natural-born number cruncher. In this book he supplies more of his unique brand of maths-made- easy coaching, plus 2,000 practice problems to help you master what you learn. Whether you're prepping for a numeracy test or an employability exam, thinking of returning to school, or you'd just like to be one of those know-it-alls who says, 'Oh, that's easy!' about any maths problem that comes your way, this book is for you. Master basic arithmetic, fast - in no time, solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems will seem as easy as tying your shoes. Face down fractions - you'll never again feel shy around fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios. Juggle weights and measures like a pro - whether it's a question of how much it weighs, how long (or far) it is, or how much it costs, you'll never be at a loss for an answer.Make shapes your playthings - circles, squares, triangles and rectangles - you'll measure them, draw them and manipulate them with ease. Open the book and find: 2,000 pencil-and-paper practice problems; the keys to mastering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; the lowdown on fractions, decimals and percentages; basic geometry made easy; how to handle weights, measures and money problems; and, how to read charts, tables and graphs at a glance. Learn to: master maths with more than 2,000 practice questions; add, subtract, multiply and divide with confidence; work with decimals, fractions and percentages; and, size up weights and measures.


Elements of Algebra - 2867149183

392,33 zł

Elements of Algebra Cambridge University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In 1770, one of the founders of pure mathematics, Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler (1707


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t1=0.019, t2=0, t3=0, t4=0, t=0.02

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