krainaksiazek i am on my way to healing two strokes and a recovery 20168580

- znaleziono 8 produktów w 4 sklepach

Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad - 2854922647

11,15 zł

Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Pierwsze na świecie świadectwo ofiary zbrodni honorowej. Miała siedemnaście lat i zakochała się: zhańbiła rodzinę. Więc rodzina wydała na nią wyrok śmierci... Pokochała go pierwszą miłością. Myślała, że się z nią ożeni. Ale ukochany zniknął, a ona odkryła, że jest w ciąży. A w jej świecie to najcięższa zbrodnia... W zapomnianej przez Boga wiosce w Cisjordanii kobiety są warte mniej niż zwierzęta domowe. Tu mężczyzna jest panem życia i śmierci żony, córki, siostry. Brat może bezkarnie zabić siostrę, matka - córkę, kolejną bezużyteczną dziewczynkę, jaka się urodzi. Tu kobiecie odbiera się godność, a nawet życie zgodnie z odwiecznym obyczajem i uświęconą tradycją. A śmierć jest karą dla dziewczyny, która zhańbi rodzinę. Tak jak Souad. Wyrok wydaje jej ojciec. Szwagier dokonuje egzekucji. Oblewa Souad benzyną i podpala... SOUAD przeżyła - cudem, ale rodzina usiłowała zabić ją nawet w szpitalu. Na zawsze jednak pozostanie straszliwie okaleczona - na ciele i duszy. I wciąż musi się ukrywać; dopóki żyje, jej rodzinę okrywa hańba. Spalona żywcem, opublikowana pod pseudonimem szokująca opowieść o piekle, jakim było jej dzieciństwo i młodość, stała się międzynarodowym bestsellerem. Wydana w 37 w krajach książka przerywa tabu milczenia wobec istniejącej nadal w krajach muzułmańskich barbarzyńskiej tradycji. Nieludzkiego obyczaju, prawa mężczyzn, na mocy którego co najmniej pięć tysięcy kobiet pada co roku ofiarą zbrodni honorowej. Nazwa - Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe Autor - Souad Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Amber Kod ISBN - 9788324159406 Kod EAN - 9788324159406 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2016 Tłumacz - 31182,maria rostworowska; Format - 110 x 175 x 14 Ilość stron - 224 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-06-23


Between Two Kingdoms - 2867761708

50,70 zł

Between Two Kingdoms Random House Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A searing, deeply moving memoir of illness and recovery that traces one young woman s journey from diagnosis to remission to re-entry into normal life from the author of the Life, Interrupted column in The New York TimesONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The New York Times Book Review, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, The Rumpus, Library Journal, Booklist I was immersed for the whole ride and would follow Jaouad anywhere. . . . Her writing restores the moon, lights the way as we learn to endure the unknown. Chanel Miller, The New York Times Book Review   Beautifully crafted . . . affecting . . . a transformative read . . . Jaouad s insights about the self, connectedness, uncertainty and time speak to all of us. The Washington Post In the summer after graduating from college, Suleika Jaouad was preparing, as they say in commencement speeches, to enter the real world. She had fallen in love and moved to Paris to pursue her dream of becoming a war correspondent. The real world she found, however, would take her into a very different kind of conflict zone. It started with an itch first on her feet, then up her legs, like a thousand invisible mosquito bites. Next came the exhaustion, and the six-hour naps that only deepened her fatigue. Then a trip to the doctor and, a few weeks shy of her twenty-third birthday, a diagnosis: leukemia, with a 35 percent chance of survival. Just like that, the life she had imagined for herself had gone up in flames. By the time Jaouad flew home to New York, she had lost her job, her apartment, and her independence. She would spend much of the next four years in a hospital bed, fighting for her life and chronicling the saga in a column for The New York Times. When Jaouad finally walked out of the cancer ward after countless rounds of chemo, a clinical trial, and a bone marrow transplant she was, according to the doctors, cured. But as she would soon learn, a cure is not where the work of healing ends; it s where it begins. She had spent the past 1,500 days in desperate pursuit of one goal to survive. And now that she d done so, she realized that she had no idea how to live. How would she reenter the world and live again? How could she reclaim what had been lost? Jaouad embarked with her new best friend, Oscar, a scruffy terrier mutt on a 100-day, 15,000-mile road trip across the country. She set out to meet some of the strangers who had written to her during her years in the hospital: a teenage girl in Florida also recovering from cancer; a teacher in California grieving the death of her son; a death-row inmate in Texas who d spent his own years confined to a room. What she learned on this trip is that the divide between sick and well is porous, that the vast majority of us will travel back and forth between these realms throughout our lives. Between Two Kingdoms is a profound chronicle of survivorship and a fierce, tender, and inspiring exploration of what it means to begin again.


Under the Duvet - 2212824601

36,60 zł

Under the Duvet Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

'When people ask me what I do for a crust and I tell them that I'm a novelist, they immediately assume that my life is a non-stop carousel of limos, television appearances, hair-dos, devoted fans, stalkers and all the glitzy paraphernalia of being a public figure. It's time to set the record straight. I write alone, in a darkened bedroom, wearing my PJs, eating bananas, my laptop on a pillow in front of me ...' Her novels are adored by millions around the world


Premium Massana Megawhirl Nowośc - 2832980272

5550,00 zł

Premium Massana Megawhirl Nowośc Dystrybucja Extrahome


Okazało się jednak, że za stosunkowo przystępną cenę można posiadać aparat zmieniający własną łazienkę w prywatną klinikę balneologiczną, tlenoterapeutyczną, gabinet masażu i jaccuzi jednocześnie. Urządzenia do kąpieli perełkowej dają swym posiadaczom wszystkie rozkosze relaksu, jakiego zażywać można w wannach z hydromasażem, będąc jednocześnie od tych ostatnich co najmniej trzykrotnie tańszymi, mniej awaryjnymi, a ponadto nie wymagającymi przebudowy łazienki, ani podnoszenia ciśnienia wody. Do najczęstszych schorzeń przy których zalecane są kąpiele z hydromasażem to: bóle mięśni i kręgosłupa, artretyzm, bóle reumatyczne, stany pourazowe po złamaniach i zwichnięciach, problemy z oddychaniem, niedociśnienie i nadciśnienie tętnicze, dolegliwości ginekologiczne, bezsenność, napięcia nerwowe, stres, otyłość, problemy z cerą. Przedstawiane Państwu urządzenie do kąpieli perełkowej jest wysoce funkcjonalne. Zapewnia użytkownikom duży komfortużytkowania oraz z pewnością przyczyni się do poprawy Państwa zdrowia i samopoczucia. Mata massana jest w stanie wytwarzać 15 milionów pęcherzyków na sekundę. Tym samym powoduje sensacyjne i rewelacyjne oddziaływanie na organizm. Jest wynikiem najnowszych badań Biocomfortu oraz niezależnych partnerów. Jedyny swego rodzaju i całkiem nowo opatentowany jest filtr runowy (włóknisty) przy macie. Jest on tak elastyczny, że przy małym ciśnieniu powietrza dmuchawy powstają niezwykle gęste i delikatne perełki, a przy wysokim ciśnieniu powodują one silny masaż ciała. Runo (włókno) to filtruje w czasie pracy także cząstki zanieczyszczonego powietrza tak. że powietrze nad wodą w tym pomieszczeniu zawiera w istocie o wiele mniej cząstek kurzu niż w pozostałych pomieszczeniach. Płuca i oskrzela zyskują i korzystają tu jeszcze raz z rewelacyjnego oddziaływania maty.   Everything can be assembled effortlessly and fast, then cleared away again - in the smallest of spaces And that is unique. After all, everyone knows the space problems created by lots of individual parts. A few strokes of the hand and your private therapy spa is ready and whirling: after use it can be stored away in a minimum of space. That really is unique - but only with Massana The secret is the innovative Megawhirl mat! The new MegaWhirl aerated mat is the first of it's kind to be designed on the basis of the human body as the "measure of all things". Not only is the shape of the mat geared to the human body, but the layout of the massage jets is precisely matched to those points of the body which are frequently in pain. Areas massaged while you are lying down: Areas massaged while you are sitting: Cervical Spine: the effervescent massage durably relaxes tense muscles which are often the cause of headaches. Shoulder Area: an effective whirling massage that takes in the shoulder blades, joints and neck. The result is a targeted relaxation of tense muscular groups, reduction of strain on the tendon attachments on the back of the head. Lateral trunk muscles: these are the muscles that have to 'hold us up' day in and day out. So let's treat them to a beneficial massage in the evening, a gentle relaxation in warm water. Hips: strain occurs in this area due to frequent bending, sporting activities or even prolonged periods of sitting. The unique mixture of gentle and vigorous massage relaxes the strained muscles around the hip joint. Reflex Zones: when lying down, you can place the soles of your feet on the 4 jets at the end of the mat. The whirling massage stimulates the reflex zones, and simultaneously the function of internal organs. Cervical vertebrae: the whirling massage primarily targets the deeper tissue. The resultant relaxation improves the mobility of the hips and lower back. Sciatic nerve: a gentle massage of the lumbar region can soothe an inflamed nerve and loosen the cramp it has caused. Thigh: after prolonged periods spent on your feet or sitting with your legs tucked in, or strenuous bicycling and jogging, the muscle groups in the thigh region appreciate a refreshingly relaxing all round massage that also boosts the circulation. Knee: there are even 2 jets on either side of the mat for the overstrained and frequently painful knee joint. The aim is to loosen and flush out harmful waste products, as well as to improve the supply of blood to the joint. Calf: few people can claim they have never suffered from painful cramps in the calf. There are many reasons for such problems, but effective methods of treatment are few. Try the whirl massage, which envelops the entire peroneal muscles and kneads it through, almost like the hands of a professional masseur. Testimonials - Some Very Happy Clients I have had my Massana Megawhirl spa for nearly two years, and it is one of the best investments I have made in my health. Living with a chronic pain condition which affects my hands, arms, shoulders, neck and head, I find the spa of great help in alleviating the pain, stress and stiffness, I really noticed the difference when I was unable to use it for a few weeks. Pain and tension increased, and it was such a relief to get back to my magical spa sessions. I suffer from complex regional pain syndrome, and find that there are no drugs or quick fix treatments to help me, so the spa is a godsend. As a bonus, I have found that the texture and tone of my skin has improved, and annoying spots and pimples almost vanished. My skin is smoother, and creams and unguents are more effectively absorbed. My bathroom has become a temple of beauty and healing, and a sanctuary away from care and worry. In short, I cannot recommend the Massana Megawhirl highly enough. I would add though, that one needn't suffer from a pain condition in order to indulge and enjoy the benefits of this fabulous system! - H.Davies, Narrabundah ACT I purchased the Massana Biocomfort Spa System in Sept, 2003 and use it every 2-3 days. I am writing to let you know that I consider it to be one of the best investments I have ever made. The bath is easy to use, its many features are simple to operate and one has a feeling of total relaxation at the conclusion of the personally nominated bath time. I would have no hesitation in recommending your product to anyone seeking total bath enjoyment. May I also take this opportunity to congratulate your company and staff for the outstanding service and courtesy extended to me when ordering supplies." - M Klein, Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Victoria   Aches & Pains "As a retired Medical Reactionary, with over 40 years in active practice, it did all you claim in the matter of relieving aches and pains. It is indeed and excellent piece of apparatus and we are delighted with it." - R.M. Williams, Vic (B.Sch.M.B.B.Ch) "I no longer need Physiotherapy treatment and rarely, if ever, need to take pain killers. I was able to increase my daily walk to a regular half hour and sometimes longer. Being free of pain means I sleep better, and for a longer period of time, thus facilitating further healing." - A.S.Thompson, SA Arthritis "I was getting physio treatment for my arthritis. Since purchasing the "Massana" I have no need for physio nor do I have to take tablets." - Betty McKenzie, Vic. Back Pain "I have found relief for my back and other aching limbs. The other members of the family enjoy its soothing qualities. I thought I would be able to use the spa at any time but find I almost have to book the bathroom to use it." - David Keall, Vic. Bronchitis "My bronchitis has just about disappeared completely, and now instead of many visits to the physio for my back pain management , I find 10 minutes from the spa has provided equal relief, and I can do it in the comfort of my own home." - Michelle Dennis, Vic. General "The Massana is much better than our own spa bath into which the portable one has been placed. The built-in spa never worked properly, it often splashed all over the walls and floor of our bathroom but also, at time, its water contained black dirt which we had never been able to eradicate. No complaints with this Massana spa which receives full marks." - Mrs L Barlow, Vic. Muscular Dystrophy "Vince has muscular dystrophy and his muscle tone and power is severely affected. Vince has found the spa to be very therapeutic for relaxing his muscle tone and enabling him to move more freely and maintain the function that he has." - Sandra Dunstone, Norther Disability Linkages, Vic. Muscular Pain "Apart from feeling totally relaxed after a spa, I find that I am more alert, require less sleep, and have total relief from any muscular pain. My only regret is that I cannot stay in the Massana spa all day." - Steve O'Connor, NSW "I suffer from a very painful muscular disorder. With very little relief from prescription drugs, I started looking at the natural alternatives and found your products have brought tremendous relief to me for which I, my muscles, and (because I am easier to live with), my husband are very grateful." - Margaret Banyer, SA Poor Circulation "The massage therapy of the "Massana" is a great benefit to residents with circulatory problems, enhancing their skin conditions and promoting healing." - Director of Nursing, Mrs Blyton, Dromana Private Hospital, Vic. Rheumatism "I was suffering from muscular rheumatism for about 12 months and was on medication which helped for a period of time. After 2 to 3 weeks (of using the Massana) I was feeling very much better,my whole body free of pain and cramp." - John Sutton, Tas. Sciatica "As an 88 year old, I use it on a daily basis, and have not needed to revisit my physiotherapist over the past fourteen months. Without this sciatica problem, I am getting around like a champion." - Eric Whillans, Vic. Stress Relief "Many of our children are restless and unsettled. Putting them in the bath with the spa on relaxes and calms them. It has a very settling affect and they enjoy it immensely." - Sandra Yole, Very Special Kids, Vic.   Technical Data Massana Air Whirling Blower 800 W current input, 300W heating output, energy saving by automatic cutoff at operating temperature. Air flow rate 1250 l/min., impact pressure 140 mbar, air temperature at inlet of air whirling mat 55'C. Safety system protecting against back flowing water integrated in motor unit. Megawhirl Mat Maximum length 1390mm, maximum width 400mm, weight with injection valve and seat cushion 2.5kgs. UV treated soft PVC. Mat upper part: 42 air delivery jets. A megawhirl or cover plate can be placed on every air delivery jet instead of a fleece rosette. For technical reasons, however, no more than 5 cover plates may be used at any time. Mat bottom part: 40 suction cups to stop sliding.     Benefits And Usage Of The Massana Spa & 42 Jet Massage Softest, most comfortable and durable Spa Pad and fully adjustable jets Safest, Non-Slip Pad with extra large suctions Largest Inbuilt Heating System (300 watt heater) Approved and used in over 80 Government and Private Hospitals throughout Australia, for hospital patient treatment. Fits any size bath, fully portable stand up model. It is so portable, you can even take it on holidays with you. No installation, no tiling, building or plumbing costs. Economical to run, 8 cents per 1/2 hour on full speed. The Massana Spa produces OZONE which is instantly converted to OXYGEN in your bath. This has a sterilising influence, inhibits infection, deodorises and promotes healing and circulation. Water-saving - you only need to half fill your bath. An 8 minute shower will use 250 litres of water while a very full bath  will just top 120 litres. (Reference: Woman's Day 22/5/95). 10 speed variable control to adjust to your requirements. 5 speed variable Massage program plus drying cycle 2 year Australia wide guarantee. As powerful as a built in spa, the Massana provides 42 adjustable jets in a rotating swirling action to massage the whole body. When using the Massana spa your circulation improves and this supplies more nutrients to your body which improves skin tone, removes toxins from the body and gives you a feeling of well-being. Sleeping improves and joint swelling will be reduced. We have many happy customers that gain relief from Arthritis, Back Pain, Poor Circulation, Neck Tension, Stress, Asthma, Emphysema and Bronchitis 1. Finest micro-bubble massage Relaxes and reduces pressure Soothes and harmonizes Lifts your mood 2. The MegaWhirl bath Massages and purifies Boosts the flow of blood Stabilises the circulation 3. Optimum bathing comfort Exchangeable aerator jets The world's only cabinet appliance Clearly organised, simple and safe to use


Massana Megawhirl - 2832980286

5550,00 zł

Massana Megawhirl Dystrybucja Extrahome


Okazało się jednak, że za stosunkowo przystępną cenę można posiadać aparat zmieniający własną łazienkę w prywatną klinikę balneologiczną, tlenoterapeutyczną, gabinet masażu i jaccuzi jednocześnie. Urządzenia do kąpieli perełkowej dają swym posiadaczom wszystkie rozkosze relaksu, jakiego zażywać można w wannach z hydromasażem, będąc jednocześnie od tych ostatnich co najmniej trzykrotnie tańszymi, mniej awaryjnymi, a ponadto nie wymagającymi przebudowy łazienki, ani podnoszenia ciśnienia wody. Do najczęstszych schorzeń przy których zalecane są kąpiele z hydromasażem to: bóle mięśni i kręgosłupa, artretyzm, bóle reumatyczne, stany pourazowe po złamaniach i zwichnięciach, problemy z oddychaniem, niedociśnienie i nadciśnienie tętnicze, dolegliwości ginekologiczne, bezsenność, napięcia nerwowe, stres, otyłość, problemy z cerą. Przedstawiane Państwu urządzenie do kąpieli perełkowej jest wysoce funkcjonalne. Zapewnia użytkownikom duży komfortużytkowania oraz z pewnością przyczyni się do poprawy Państwa zdrowia i samopoczucia. Mata massana jest w stanie wytwarzać 15 milionów pęcherzyków na sekundę. Tym samym powoduje sensacyjne i rewelacyjne oddziaływanie na organizm. Jest wynikiem najnowszych badań Biocomfortu oraz niezależnych partnerów. Jedyny swego rodzaju i całkiem nowo opatentowany jest filtr runowy (włóknisty) przy macie. Jest on tak elastyczny, że przy małym ciśnieniu powietrza dmuchawy powstają niezwykle gęste i delikatne perełki, a przy wysokim ciśnieniu powodują one silny masaż ciała. Runo (włókno) to filtruje w czasie pracy także cząstki zanieczyszczonego powietrza tak. że powietrze nad wodą w tym pomieszczeniu zawiera w istocie o wiele mniej cząstek kurzu niż w pozostałych pomieszczeniach. Płuca i oskrzela zyskują i korzystają tu jeszcze raz z rewelacyjnego oddziaływania maty.   Everything can be assembled effortlessly and fast, then cleared away again - in the smallest of spaces And that is unique. After all, everyone knows the space problems created by lots of individual parts. A few strokes of the hand and your private therapy spa is ready and whirling: after use it can be stored away in a minimum of space. That really is unique - but only with Massana The secret is the innovative Megawhirl mat! The new MegaWhirl aerated mat is the first of it's kind to be designed on the basis of the human body as the "measure of all things". Not only is the shape of the mat geared to the human body, but the layout of the massage jets is precisely matched to those points of the body which are frequently in pain. Areas massaged while you are lying down: Areas massaged while you are sitting: Cervical Spine: the effervescent massage durably relaxes tense muscles which are often the cause of headaches. Shoulder Area: an effective whirling massage that takes in the shoulder blades, joints and neck. The result is a targeted relaxation of tense muscular groups, reduction of strain on the tendon attachments on the back of the head. Lateral trunk muscles: these are the muscles that have to 'hold us up' day in and day out. So let's treat them to a beneficial massage in the evening, a gentle relaxation in warm water. Hips: strain occurs in this area due to frequent bending, sporting activities or even prolonged periods of sitting. The unique mixture of gentle and vigorous massage relaxes the strained muscles around the hip joint. Reflex Zones: when lying down, you can place the soles of your feet on the 4 jets at the end of the mat. The whirling massage stimulates the reflex zones, and simultaneously the function of internal organs. Cervical vertebrae: the whirling massage primarily targets the deeper tissue. The resultant relaxation improves the mobility of the hips and lower back. Sciatic nerve: a gentle massage of the lumbar region can soothe an inflamed nerve and loosen the cramp it has caused. Thigh: after prolonged periods spent on your feet or sitting with your legs tucked in, or strenuous bicycling and jogging, the muscle groups in the thigh region appreciate a refreshingly relaxing all round massage that also boosts the circulation. Knee: there are even 2 jets on either side of the mat for the overstrained and frequently painful knee joint. The aim is to loosen and flush out harmful waste products, as well as to improve the supply of blood to the joint. Calf: few people can claim they have never suffered from painful cramps in the calf. There are many reasons for such problems, but effective methods of treatment are few. Try the whirl massage, which envelops the entire peroneal muscles and kneads it through, almost like the hands of a professional masseur. Testimonials - Some Very Happy Clients I have had my Massana Megawhirl spa for nearly two years, and it is one of the best investments I have made in my health. Living with a chronic pain condition which affects my hands, arms, shoulders, neck and head, I find the spa of great help in alleviating the pain, stress and stiffness, I really noticed the difference when I was unable to use it for a few weeks. Pain and tension increased, and it was such a relief to get back to my magical spa sessions. I suffer from complex regional pain syndrome, and find that there are no drugs or quick fix treatments to help me, so the spa is a godsend. As a bonus, I have found that the texture and tone of my skin has improved, and annoying spots and pimples almost vanished. My skin is smoother, and creams and unguents are more effectively absorbed. My bathroom has become a temple of beauty and healing, and a sanctuary away from care and worry. In short, I cannot recommend the Massana Megawhirl highly enough. I would add though, that one needn't suffer from a pain condition in order to indulge and enjoy the benefits of this fabulous system! - H.Davies, Narrabundah ACT I purchased the Massana Biocomfort Spa System in Sept, 2003 and use it every 2-3 days. I am writing to let you know that I consider it to be one of the best investments I have ever made. The bath is easy to use, its many features are simple to operate and one has a feeling of total relaxation at the conclusion of the personally nominated bath time. I would have no hesitation in recommending your product to anyone seeking total bath enjoyment. May I also take this opportunity to congratulate your company and staff for the outstanding service and courtesy extended to me when ordering supplies." - M Klein, Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Victoria   Aches & Pains "As a retired Medical Reactionary, with over 40 years in active practice, it did all you claim in the matter of relieving aches and pains. It is indeed and excellent piece of apparatus and we are delighted with it." - R.M. Williams, Vic (B.Sch.M.B.B.Ch) "I no longer need Physiotherapy treatment and rarely, if ever, need to take pain killers. I was able to increase my daily walk to a regular half hour and sometimes longer. Being free of pain means I sleep better, and for a longer period of time, thus facilitating further healing." - A.S.Thompson, SA Arthritis "I was getting physio treatment for my arthritis. Since purchasing the "Massana" I have no need for physio nor do I have to take tablets." - Betty McKenzie, Vic. Back Pain "I have found relief for my back and other aching limbs. The other members of the family enjoy its soothing qualities. I thought I would be able to use the spa at any time but find I almost have to book the bathroom to use it." - David Keall, Vic. Bronchitis "My bronchitis has just about disappeared completely, and now instead of many visits to the physio for my back pain management , I find 10 minutes from the spa has provided equal relief, and I can do it in the comfort of my own home." - Michelle Dennis, Vic. General "The Massana is much better than our own spa bath into which the portable one has been placed. The built-in spa never worked properly, it often splashed all over the walls and floor of our bathroom but also, at time, its water contained black dirt which we had never been able to eradicate. No complaints with this Massana spa which receives full marks." - Mrs L Barlow, Vic. Muscular Dystrophy "Vince has muscular dystrophy and his muscle tone and power is severely affected. Vince has found the spa to be very therapeutic for relaxing his muscle tone and enabling him to move more freely and maintain the function that he has." - Sandra Dunstone, Norther Disability Linkages, Vic. Muscular Pain "Apart from feeling totally relaxed after a spa, I find that I am more alert, require less sleep, and have total relief from any muscular pain. My only regret is that I cannot stay in the Massana spa all day." - Steve O'Connor, NSW "I suffer from a very painful muscular disorder. With very little relief from prescription drugs, I started looking at the natural alternatives and found your products have brought tremendous relief to me for which I, my muscles, and (because I am easier to live with), my husband are very grateful." - Margaret Banyer, SA Poor Circulation "The massage therapy of the "Massana" is a great benefit to residents with circulatory problems, enhancing their skin conditions and promoting healing." - Director of Nursing, Mrs Blyton, Dromana Private Hospital, Vic. Rheumatism "I was suffering from muscular rheumatism for about 12 months and was on medication which helped for a period of time. After 2 to 3 weeks (of using the Massana) I was feeling very much better,my whole body free of pain and cramp." - John Sutton, Tas. Sciatica "As an 88 year old, I use it on a daily basis, and have not needed to revisit my physiotherapist over the past fourteen months. Without this sciatica problem, I am getting around like a champion." - Eric Whillans, Vic. Stress Relief "Many of our children are restless and unsettled. Putting them in the bath with the spa on relaxes and calms them. It has a very settling affect and they enjoy it immensely." - Sandra Yole, Very Special Kids, Vic.   Technical Data Massana Air Whirling Blower 800 W current input, 300W heating output, energy saving by automatic cutoff at operating temperature. Air flow rate 1250 l/min., impact pressure 140 mbar, air temperature at inlet of air whirling mat 55'C. Safety system protecting against back flowing water integrated in motor unit. Megawhirl Mat Maximum length 1390mm, maximum width 400mm, weight with injection valve and seat cushion 2.5kgs. UV treated soft PVC. Mat upper part: 42 air delivery jets. A megawhirl or cover plate can be placed on every air delivery jet instead of a fleece rosette. For technical reasons, however, no more than 5 cover plates may be used at any time. Mat bottom part: 40 suction cups to stop sliding.     Benefits And Usage Of The Massana Spa & 42 Jet Massage Softest, most comfortable and durable Spa Pad and fully adjustable jets Safest, Non-Slip Pad with extra large suctions Largest Inbuilt Heating System (300 watt heater) Approved and used in over 80 Government and Private Hospitals throughout Australia, for hospital patient treatment. Fits any size bath, fully portable stand up model. It is so portable, you can even take it on holidays with you. No installation, no tiling, building or plumbing costs. Economical to run, 8 cents per 1/2 hour on full speed. The Massana Spa produces OZONE which is instantly converted to OXYGEN in your bath. This has a sterilising influence, inhibits infection, deodorises and promotes healing and circulation. Water-saving - you only need to half fill your bath. An 8 minute shower will use 250 litres of water while a very full bath  will just top 120 litres. (Reference: Woman's Day 22/5/95). 10 speed variable control to adjust to your requirements. 5 speed variable Massage program plus drying cycle 2 year Australia wide guarantee. As powerful as a built in spa, the Massana provides 42 adjustable jets in a rotating swirling action to massage the whole body. When using the Massana spa your circulation improves and this supplies more nutrients to your body which improves skin tone, removes toxins from the body and gives you a feeling of well-being. Sleeping improves and joint swelling will be reduced. We have many happy customers that gain relief from Arthritis, Back Pain, Poor Circulation, Neck Tension, Stress, Asthma, Emphysema and Bronchitis 1. Finest micro-bubble massage Relaxes and reduces pressure Soothes and harmonizes Lifts your mood 2. The MegaWhirl bath Massages and purifies Boosts the flow of blood Stabilises the circulation 3. Optimum bathing comfort Exchangeable aerator jets The world's only cabinet appliance Clearly organised, simple and safe to use


Premium Massana Megawhirl Nowośc - 2832980293

5550,00 zł

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Czysta Woda > Hydromasaż

Okazało się jednak, że za stosunkowo przystępną cenę można posiadać aparat zmieniający własną łazienkę w prywatną klinikę balneologiczną, tlenoterapeutyczną, gabinet masażu i jaccuzi jednocześnie. Urządzenia do kąpieli perełkowej dają swym posiadaczom wszystkie rozkosze relaksu, jakiego zażywać można w wannach z hydromasażem, będąc jednocześnie od tych ostatnich co najmniej trzykrotnie tańszymi, mniej awaryjnymi, a ponadto nie wymagającymi przebudowy łazienki, ani podnoszenia ciśnienia wody. Do najczęstszych schorzeń przy których zalecane są kąpiele z hydromasażem to: bóle mięśni i kręgosłupa, artretyzm, bóle reumatyczne, stany pourazowe po złamaniach i zwichnięciach, problemy z oddychaniem, niedociśnienie i nadciśnienie tętnicze, dolegliwości ginekologiczne, bezsenność, napięcia nerwowe, stres, otyłość, problemy z cerą. Przedstawiane Państwu urządzenie do kąpieli perełkowej jest wysoce funkcjonalne. Zapewnia użytkownikom duży komfortużytkowania oraz z pewnością przyczyni się do poprawy Państwa zdrowia i samopoczucia. Mata massana jest w stanie wytwarzać 15 milionów pęcherzyków na sekundę. Tym samym powoduje sensacyjne i rewelacyjne oddziaływanie na organizm. Jest wynikiem najnowszych badań Biocomfortu oraz niezależnych partnerów. Jedyny swego rodzaju i całkiem nowo opatentowany jest filtr runowy (włóknisty) przy macie. Jest on tak elastyczny, że przy małym ciśnieniu powietrza dmuchawy powstają niezwykle gęste i delikatne perełki, a przy wysokim ciśnieniu powodują one silny masaż ciała. Runo (włókno) to filtruje w czasie pracy także cząstki zanieczyszczonego powietrza tak. że powietrze nad wodą w tym pomieszczeniu zawiera w istocie o wiele mniej cząstek kurzu niż w pozostałych pomieszczeniach. Płuca i oskrzela zyskują i korzystają tu jeszcze raz z rewelacyjnego oddziaływania maty.   Everything can be assembled effortlessly and fast, then cleared away again - in the smallest of spaces And that is unique. After all, everyone knows the space problems created by lots of individual parts. A few strokes of the hand and your private therapy spa is ready and whirling: after use it can be stored away in a minimum of space. That really is unique - but only with Massana The secret is the innovative Megawhirl mat! The new MegaWhirl aerated mat is the first of it's kind to be designed on the basis of the human body as the "measure of all things". Not only is the shape of the mat geared to the human body, but the layout of the massage jets is precisely matched to those points of the body which are frequently in pain. Areas massaged while you are lying down: Areas massaged while you are sitting: Cervical Spine: the effervescent massage durably relaxes tense muscles which are often the cause of headaches. Shoulder Area: an effective whirling massage that takes in the shoulder blades, joints and neck. The result is a targeted relaxation of tense muscular groups, reduction of strain on the tendon attachments on the back of the head. Lateral trunk muscles: these are the muscles that have to 'hold us up' day in and day out. So let's treat them to a beneficial massage in the evening, a gentle relaxation in warm water. Hips: strain occurs in this area due to frequent bending, sporting activities or even prolonged periods of sitting. The unique mixture of gentle and vigorous massage relaxes the strained muscles around the hip joint. Reflex Zones: when lying down, you can place the soles of your feet on the 4 jets at the end of the mat. The whirling massage stimulates the reflex zones, and simultaneously the function of internal organs. Cervical vertebrae: the whirling massage primarily targets the deeper tissue. The resultant relaxation improves the mobility of the hips and lower back. Sciatic nerve: a gentle massage of the lumbar region can soothe an inflamed nerve and loosen the cramp it has caused. Thigh: after prolonged periods spent on your feet or sitting with your legs tucked in, or strenuous bicycling and jogging, the muscle groups in the thigh region appreciate a refreshingly relaxing all round massage that also boosts the circulation. Knee: there are even 2 jets on either side of the mat for the overstrained and frequently painful knee joint. The aim is to loosen and flush out harmful waste products, as well as to improve the supply of blood to the joint. Calf: few people can claim they have never suffered from painful cramps in the calf. There are many reasons for such problems, but effective methods of treatment are few. Try the whirl massage, which envelops the entire peroneal muscles and kneads it through, almost like the hands of a professional masseur. Testimonials - Some Very Happy Clients I have had my Massana Megawhirl spa for nearly two years, and it is one of the best investments I have made in my health. Living with a chronic pain condition which affects my hands, arms, shoulders, neck and head, I find the spa of great help in alleviating the pain, stress and stiffness, I really noticed the difference when I was unable to use it for a few weeks. Pain and tension increased, and it was such a relief to get back to my magical spa sessions. I suffer from complex regional pain syndrome, and find that there are no drugs or quick fix treatments to help me, so the spa is a godsend. As a bonus, I have found that the texture and tone of my skin has improved, and annoying spots and pimples almost vanished. My skin is smoother, and creams and unguents are more effectively absorbed. My bathroom has become a temple of beauty and healing, and a sanctuary away from care and worry. In short, I cannot recommend the Massana Megawhirl highly enough. I would add though, that one needn't suffer from a pain condition in order to indulge and enjoy the benefits of this fabulous system! - H.Davies, Narrabundah ACT I purchased the Massana Biocomfort Spa System in Sept, 2003 and use it every 2-3 days. I am writing to let you know that I consider it to be one of the best investments I have ever made. The bath is easy to use, its many features are simple to operate and one has a feeling of total relaxation at the conclusion of the personally nominated bath time. I would have no hesitation in recommending your product to anyone seeking total bath enjoyment. May I also take this opportunity to congratulate your company and staff for the outstanding service and courtesy extended to me when ordering supplies." - M Klein, Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Victoria   Aches & Pains "As a retired Medical Reactionary, with over 40 years in active practice, it did all you claim in the matter of relieving aches and pains. It is indeed and excellent piece of apparatus and we are delighted with it." - R.M. Williams, Vic (B.Sch.M.B.B.Ch) "I no longer need Physiotherapy treatment and rarely, if ever, need to take pain killers. I was able to increase my daily walk to a regular half hour and sometimes longer. Being free of pain means I sleep better, and for a longer period of time, thus facilitating further healing." - A.S.Thompson, SA Arthritis "I was getting physio treatment for my arthritis. Since purchasing the "Massana" I have no need for physio nor do I have to take tablets." - Betty McKenzie, Vic. Back Pain "I have found relief for my back and other aching limbs. The other members of the family enjoy its soothing qualities. I thought I would be able to use the spa at any time but find I almost have to book the bathroom to use it." - David Keall, Vic. Bronchitis "My bronchitis has just about disappeared completely, and now instead of many visits to the physio for my back pain management , I find 10 minutes from the spa has provided equal relief, and I can do it in the comfort of my own home." - Michelle Dennis, Vic. General "The Massana is much better than our own spa bath into which the portable one has been placed. The built-in spa never worked properly, it often splashed all over the walls and floor of our bathroom but also, at time, its water contained black dirt which we had never been able to eradicate. No complaints with this Massana spa which receives full marks." - Mrs L Barlow, Vic. Muscular Dystrophy "Vince has muscular dystrophy and his muscle tone and power is severely affected. Vince has found the spa to be very therapeutic for relaxing his muscle tone and enabling him to move more freely and maintain the function that he has." - Sandra Dunstone, Norther Disability Linkages, Vic. Muscular Pain "Apart from feeling totally relaxed after a spa, I find that I am more alert, require less sleep, and have total relief from any muscular pain. My only regret is that I cannot stay in the Massana spa all day." - Steve O'Connor, NSW "I suffer from a very painful muscular disorder. With very little relief from prescription drugs, I started looking at the natural alternatives and found your products have brought tremendous relief to me for which I, my muscles, and (because I am easier to live with), my husband are very grateful." - Margaret Banyer, SA Poor Circulation "The massage therapy of the "Massana" is a great benefit to residents with circulatory problems, enhancing their skin conditions and promoting healing." - Director of Nursing, Mrs Blyton, Dromana Private Hospital, Vic. Rheumatism "I was suffering from muscular rheumatism for about 12 months and was on medication which helped for a period of time. After 2 to 3 weeks (of using the Massana) I was feeling very much better,my whole body free of pain and cramp." - John Sutton, Tas. Sciatica "As an 88 year old, I use it on a daily basis, and have not needed to revisit my physiotherapist over the past fourteen months. Without this sciatica problem, I am getting around like a champion." - Eric Whillans, Vic. Stress Relief "Many of our children are restless and unsettled. Putting them in the bath with the spa on relaxes and calms them. It has a very settling affect and they enjoy it immensely." - Sandra Yole, Very Special Kids, Vic.   Technical Data Massana Air Whirling Blower 800 W current input, 300W heating output, energy saving by automatic cutoff at operating temperature. Air flow rate 1250 l/min., impact pressure 140 mbar, air temperature at inlet of air whirling mat 55'C. Safety system protecting against back flowing water integrated in motor unit. Megawhirl Mat Maximum length 1390mm, maximum width 400mm, weight with injection valve and seat cushion 2.5kgs. UV treated soft PVC. Mat upper part: 42 air delivery jets. A megawhirl or cover plate can be placed on every air delivery jet instead of a fleece rosette. For technical reasons, however, no more than 5 cover plates may be used at any time. Mat bottom part: 40 suction cups to stop sliding.     Benefits And Usage Of The Massana Spa & 42 Jet Massage Softest, most comfortable and durable Spa Pad and fully adjustable jets Safest, Non-Slip Pad with extra large suctions Largest Inbuilt Heating System (300 watt heater) Approved and used in over 80 Government and Private Hospitals throughout Australia, for hospital patient treatment. Fits any size bath, fully portable stand up model. It is so portable, you can even take it on holidays with you. No installation, no tiling, building or plumbing costs. Economical to run, 8 cents per 1/2 hour on full speed. The Massana Spa produces OZONE which is instantly converted to OXYGEN in your bath. This has a sterilising influence, inhibits infection, deodorises and promotes healing and circulation. Water-saving - you only need to half fill your bath. An 8 minute shower will use 250 litres of water while a very full bath  will just top 120 litres. (Reference: Woman's Day 22/5/95). 10 speed variable control to adjust to your requirements. 5 speed variable Massage program plus drying cycle 2 year Australia wide guarantee. As powerful as a built in spa, the Massana provides 42 adjustable jets in a rotating swirling action to massage the whole body. When using the Massana spa your circulation improves and this supplies more nutrients to your body which improves skin tone, removes toxins from the body and gives you a feeling of well-being. Sleeping improves and joint swelling will be reduced. We have many happy customers that gain relief from Arthritis, Back Pain, Poor Circulation, Neck Tension, Stress, Asthma, Emphysema and Bronchitis 1. Finest micro-bubble massage Relaxes and reduces pressure Soothes and harmonizes Lifts your mood 2. The MegaWhirl bath Massages and purifies Boosts the flow of blood Stabilises the circulation 3. Optimum bathing comfort Exchangeable aerator jets The world's only cabinet appliance Clearly organised, simple and safe to use


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*Newbery Honor Book**Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor* A candid and fierce middle grade novel about sisterhood and sexual abuse, by two-time Newbery Honor winner and #1 New York Times best seller Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, author of The War that Saved My LifeKirkus Prize FinalistBoston Globe Best Book of the YearHorn Book Fanfare Best Book of the YearSchool Library Journal Best Book of the YearBooklist Best Book of the YearKirkus Best Book of the YearBookPage Best Book of the YearNew York Public Library Best Book of the YearChicago Public Library Best Book of the YearGolden Kite Honor BookRise: Feminist Book Project SelectionALSC Notable BookCooperative Children s Book Center (CCBC) Choices SelectionJunior Library Guild Selection "Fighting Words is raw, it is real, it is necessary, a must-read for children and their adults--a total triumph in all ways." Holly Goldberg Sloan, New York Times bestselling author of Counting by 7sTen-year-old Della has always had her older sister, Suki: When their mom went to prison, Della had Suki. When their mom's boyfriend took them in, Della had Suki. When that same boyfriend did something so awful they had to run fast, Della had Suki. Suki is Della's own wolf--her protector. But who has been protecting Suki? Della might get told off for swearing at school, but she has always known how to keep quiet where it counts. Then Suki tries to kill herself, and Della's world turns so far upside down, it feels like it's shaking her by the ankles. Maybe she's been quiet about the wrong things. Maybe it's time to be loud.In this powerful novel that explodes the stigma around child sexual abuse and leavens an intense tale with compassion and humor, Kimberly Brubaker Bradley tells a story about two sisters, linked by love and trauma, who must find their own voices before they can find their way back to each other. "Della s matter-of-fact narration manages to be as funny and charming as it is devastatingly sad. . . . This is a novel about trauma and the scars it leaves on bodies, minds and hearts. But more than that, it s a book about resilience, strength and healing."  New York Times Book Review"One of the most important books ever written for kids." Colby Sharp of Nerdy Book Club"One for the history books....One of the best of the year." Betsy Bird for A Fuse #8 Production/SLJ"Gripping. Life-changing...I am awe-struck." Donna Gephart, author of Lily and Dunkin"Compassionate, truthful, and beautiful." Elana K. Arnold, author of Damsel"I am blown away. [This] may be Kimberly Brubaker Bradley's best work yet." Barbara Dee, author of Maybe He Just Likes You"A book that lets [kids] know they have never been alone. And never will be." Kat Yeh, author of The Truth About Twinkie Pie"Meets the criteria of great children's literature that [will] resonate with adults too." Bitch Media* "At once heartbreaking and hopeful." Kirkus (starred review)* "Honest [and] empowering...An important book for readers of all ages." SLJ (starred review)* "Sensitive[,] deft, and vivid." BCCB (starred review)* "Prepare to read furiously." Booklist (starred review) * "An essential, powerful mirror and window for any reader." PW (starred review)* "Enlightening, empowering and--yes--uplifting." BookPage (starred review)* "Unforgettable." The Horn Book (starred review)


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