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Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad
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Opis - Pierwsze na świecie świadectwo ofiary zbrodni honorowej. Miała siedemnaście lat i zakochała się: zhańbiła rodzinę. Więc rodzina wydała na nią wyrok śmierci... Pokochała go pierwszą miłością. Myślała, że się z nią ożeni. Ale ukochany zniknął, a ona odkryła, że jest w ciąży. A w jej świecie to najcięższa zbrodnia... W zapomnianej przez Boga wiosce w Cisjordanii kobiety są warte mniej niż zwierzęta domowe. Tu mężczyzna jest panem życia i śmierci żony, córki, siostry. Brat może bezkarnie zabić siostrę, matka - córkę, kolejną bezużyteczną dziewczynkę, jaka się urodzi. Tu kobiecie odbiera się godność, a nawet życie zgodnie z odwiecznym obyczajem i uświęconą tradycją. A śmierć jest karą dla dziewczyny, która zhańbi rodzinę. Tak jak Souad. Wyrok wydaje jej ojciec. Szwagier dokonuje egzekucji. Oblewa Souad benzyną i podpala... SOUAD przeżyła - cudem, ale rodzina usiłowała zabić ją nawet w szpitalu. Na zawsze jednak pozostanie straszliwie okaleczona - na ciele i duszy. I wciąż musi się ukrywać; dopóki żyje, jej rodzinę okrywa hańba. Spalona żywcem, opublikowana pod pseudonimem szokująca opowieść o piekle, jakim było jej dzieciństwo i młodość, stała się międzynarodowym bestsellerem. Wydana w 37 w krajach książka przerywa tabu milczenia wobec istniejącej nadal w krajach muzułmańskich barbarzyńskiej tradycji. Nieludzkiego obyczaju, prawa mężczyzn, na mocy którego co najmniej pięć tysięcy kobiet pada co roku ofiarą zbrodni honorowej. Nazwa - Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe Autor - Souad Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Amber Kod ISBN - 9788324159406 Kod EAN - 9788324159406 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2016 Tłumacz - 31182,maria rostworowska; Format - 110 x 175 x 14 Ilość stron - 224 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-06-23
Under the Duvet Penguin
Powieści i opowiadania
'When people ask me what I do for a crust and I tell them that I'm a novelist, they immediately assume that my life is a non-stop carousel of limos, television appearances, hair-dos, devoted fans, stalkers and all the glitzy paraphernalia of being a public figure. It's time to set the record straight. I write alone, in a darkened bedroom, wearing my PJs, eating bananas, my laptop on a pillow in front of me ...' Her novels are adored by millions around the world
I Am Not Starfire DC Comics
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
From New York Times bestselling author Mariko Tamaki (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and artist Yoshi Yoshitani (Zatanna and the House of Secrets) comes a story about Mandy, the daughter of super-famous superhero Starfire.Seventeen-year-old Mandy, daughter of Starfire, is NOT like her mother. Starfire is gorgeous, tall, sparkly, and a hero. Mandy is NOT a sparkly superhero. Mandy has no powers, is a kid who dyes her hair black and hates everyone but her best friend Lincoln. To Starfire, who is from another planet, Mandy seems like an alien, like some distant angry light years away moon.And it's possible Mandy is even more distant lately, ever since she walked out on her S.A.T.s. Which, yeah, her mom doesn't know.Everyone thinks Mandy needs to go to college and become whoever you become at college, but Mandy has other plans. Mandy's big plan is that she's going to move to France whatever people do in France. But then everything changes when she gets partnered with Claire for a school project. Mandy likes Claire (even if she denies it, heartily and intensely). A lot.How do you become the person you're supposed to be when you don't know what that is? How do you become the person you're supposed to be when the only thing you're sure of is what you're not?When someone from Starfire's past arrives, Mandy must make a choice: give up before the battle has even begun, or step into the unknown and risk everything to save her mom. I am Not Starfire is a story about teenagers and/as aliens; about knowing where you come from and where you are going; and about mothers.
Shadow of the Sun Penguin
Literatura faktu
'Only with the greatest of simplifications, for the sake of convenience, can we say Africa. In reality, except as a geographical term, Africa doesn't exist'. Ryszard Kapuscinski has been writing about the people of Africa throughout his career. In a study that avoids the official routes, palaces and big politics, he sets out to create an account of post-colonial Africa seen at once as a whole and as a location that wholly defies generalised explanations. It is both a sustained meditation on the mosaic of peoples and practises we call 'Africa', and an impassioned attempt to come to terms with humanity itself as it struggles to escape from foreign domination, from the intoxications of freedom, from war and from politics as theft. The Beginning: Collision, Ghana 1958 More than anything, one is struck by the light. Light everywhere. Brightness everywhere. Everywhere, the sun. Just yesterday, an autumnal London was drenched in rain. The airplane drenched in rain. A cold, wind, darkness. But here, from the morning
Lion: A Long Way Home Penguin Books
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
As a five-year old in India, I got lost on a train. Twenty-five years later, I crossed the world to find my way back home. Five-year-old Saroo lived in a poor village in India, in a one-room hut with his mother and three siblings... until the day he boarded a train alone and got lost. For twenty-five years.This is the story of what happened to Saroo in those twenty-five years. How he ended up on the streets of Calcutta. And survived. How he then ended up in Tasmania, living the life of an upper-middle-class Aussie. And how, at thirty years old, with some dogged determination, a heap of good luck and the power of Google Earth, he found his way back home.Lion is a triumphant true story of survival against all odds and a shining example of the extraordinary feats we can achieve when hope endures.'Amazing stuff' The New York Post'So incredible that sometimes it reads like a work of fiction' Winnipeg Free Press (Canada)'A remarkable story' Sydney Morning Herald Review'I literally could not put this book down. Saroo's return journey will leave you weeping with joy and the strength of the human spirit' Manly Daily (Australia)'We urge you to step behind the headlines and have a read of this absorbing account...With clear recollections and good old-fashioned storytelling, Saroo...recalls the fear of being lost and the anguish of separation' Weekly Review (Australia)Lion is the heartbreaking and inspiring original true story of the lost little boy who found his way home twenty-five years later and is now a major film starring Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman and Rooney Mara.As a five-year old in India, I got lost on a train. Twenty-five years later, I crossed the world to find my way back home.Five-year-old Saroo lived in a poor village in India, in a one-room hut with his mother and three siblings... until the day he boarded a train alone and got lost. For twenty-five years.This is the story of what happened to Saroo in those twenty-five years. How he ended up on the streets of Calcutta. And survived. How he then ended up in Tasmania, living the life of an upper-middle-class Aussie. And how, at thirty years old, with some dogged determination, a heap of good luck and the power of Google Earth, he found his way back home.Lion is a triumphant true story of survival against all odds and a shining example of the extraordinary feats we can achieve when hope endures.
Memory Wood Transworld Publ. Ltd UK
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
THE MUST-READ RICHARD & JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK. Chilling, moving and unputdownable, The Memory Wood is a thriller like no other. 'Beautifully told, with two superbly drawn young protagonists, Lloyd is a rare new thriller talent' Daily Mail'Superbly creepy, with an unexpected twist' Guardian'Brilliant writing, a terrifying story, and characters so real it feels like you know them. If you enjoy dark, twisty thrillers that stay with you, read this book' Samantha Downing, author of My Lovely Wife*************Elijah has lived in the Memory Wood for as long as he can remember. It's the only home he's ever known.Elissa has only just arrived. And she'll do everything she can to escape.When Elijah stumbles across thirteen-year-old Elissa, in the woods where her abductor is hiding her, he refuses to alert the police. Because in his twelve years, Elijah has never had a proper friend. And he doesn't want Elissa to leave.Not only that, Elijah knows how this can end. After all, Elissa isn't the first girl he's found inside the Memory Wood.As her abductor's behaviour grows more erratic, chess prodigy Elissa realises that outwitting strange, lonely Elijah is her only hope of survival. Their cat-and-mouse game of deception and betrayal will determine both their fates, and whether either of them will ever leave the Memory Wood . . .*************Praise for Sam Lloyd'An intense, atmospheric, and truly original thriller' Shari Lapena, author of The Couple Next Door'Remarkable. Stunning prose and compulsive reading. It's undoubtedly the best thriller I've read in a long, long time' Lesley Kara, author of The Rumour'I haven't read anything quite this exciting since Room. You think all the stories have been told, then something like this comes along' Emma Curtis, author of The Night You LeftReaders love The Memory Wood 'A very clever psychological thriller. Dark, creepy and intense.' *****'Deliciously dark... fresh and imaginative.' *****'The twists and turns in The Memory Wood will astound. This book is undoubtedly the best I've read this year.' *****__________**** THE RISING TIDE, Sam Lloyd's electrifying new thriller, is available to pre-order now****
Omelette Hodder & Stoughton General Division
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
"Are you hungry darling, shall I make you an omelette?" My mother's omelettes are slightly overdone but always generous in cheese and well-seasoned. My omelettes are just the same, though more often slightly underdone and less carefully considered. And like my stories, they come in many forms. You might get one late at night, after a little too much wine and alongside a little too much information. I might spend a long time on one that's just a touch extravagant. And many are for the people I care about most, thrown together and with more cheese than is strictly necessary. Collected here are things I've done, things I've seen, things I've thought, and most importantly, things I've tasted. They're slices of parts of my life. Call them omelettes, if you like. I hope you enjoy them.
Dominicana John Murray Press
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2020'A story for now, an important story . . .told with incredible freshness' Martha Lane Fox, Chair of Judges, Women's Prize 2020'The harsh reality of immigration is balanced with a refreshing dose of humour' The Times'This compassionate and ingenious novel has an endearing vibrancy in the storytelling that, page after page, makes it addictive reading' Irish Times'Engrossing . . .the story itself and Ana, the protagonist are terrifically interesting. Loved this' Roxane Gay'This book is a valentine to my mom and all the unsung Dominicanas like her, for their quiet heroism in making a better life for their families, often at a hefty cost to themselves. Even if Dominicana is a Dominican story, it's also a New York story, and an immigrant story.When I read parts of Dominicana at universities and literary venues both here and abroad, each time, audience members from all cultures and generations came up to me and said, this is my mother's story, my sister's story, my story' Angie CruzFifteen-year-old Ana Cancion never dreamed of moving to America, the way the girls she grew up with in the Dominican countryside did. But when Juan Ruiz proposes and promises to take her to New York City, she must say yes. It doesn't matter that he is twice her age, that there is no love between them.Their marriage is an opportunity for her entire close-knit family to eventually immigrate. So on New Year's Day, 1965, Ana leaves behind everything she knows and becomes Ana Ruiz, a wife confined to a cold six-floor walk-up in Washington Heights. Lonely and miserable, Ana hatches a reckless plan to escape.But at the bus terminal, she is stopped by Cesar, Juan's free-spirited younger brother, who convinces her to stay. As the Dominican Republic slides into political turmoil, Juan returns to protect his family's assets, leaving Cesar to take care of Ana. Suddenly, Ana is free to take English lessons at a local church, lie on the beach at Coney Island, dance with Cesar at the Audubon Ballroom, and imagine the possibility of a different kind of life in America.When Juan returns, Ana must decide once again between her heart and her duty to her family. In bright, musical prose that reflects the energy of New York City, Dominicana is a vital portrait of the immigrant experience and the timeless coming-of-age story of a young woman finding her voice in the world.
Dating Dr. Dil HarperCollins Publishers Inc
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Nisha Sharma's new romantic comedy features enemies to lovers, a cast of best friends, and a gaggle of aunties determined to make a match. Hi! I'm Kareena Mann. As cheesy as it sounds, I'm looking for my soulmate. In four months. And he must gain the approval of my meddling aunties. Kareena dreams of having a perfect love story like her parents did. That's why on the morning of her thirtieth birthday, she's decided to suit up and enter the dating arena. When her widowed father announces he's retiring and selling their home after her sister's engagement party, Kareena makes a deal with him. If she can find her soulmate by the date of the party, he'll gift her the house, and she'll be able to keep her mother's legacy alive.Hi, I'm Dr. Prem Verma, host of the Dr. Dil Show. Prem means love, Dil means heart, and I'm a cardiologist. Don't let my name fool you. I only fix broken hearts in the literal sense. Prem doesn't have time for romance, which is why it's no surprise when his first meeting with Kareena goes awry. Their second encounter is worse when their on-air debate about love goes viral. Now Prem's largest community center donor is backing out because Prem's reputation as a heart-health expert is at risk. To get back in his donor's good graces, he needs to fix his image fast, and dating Kareena is his only option. Even though they have warring interests, the more time Prem spends with Kareena, the more he thinks she's might actually be the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with.In this Taming of the Shrew re-imagination, for Prem and Kareena to find their happily ever after, they must admit that hate has turned into fate.
Fairy Tails Zero Gravity Entertainment
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Mr Wolf is starving! That little hood girl has cupcakes, and he wants them!All Little Red Riding Hood wants is to be grown up and work with her mother. When Mrs Rabbit is called to the castle, Red gets the chance to prove how responsible she can be by taking cupcakes to her Granny. But Mr Wolf has other ideas. He hasn't eaten for days, and will do almost anything to get his hands on one of Mrs Rabbit's famous cupcakes. Can Red deliver the cupcakes safely and show her mother how grown up she is - or will the devious Mr Wolf get those delicious cupcakes all to himself? The Fairy Tails Series are beautifully illustrated chapter books that will excite 6-9 year old readers. Also perfect for teachers and parents to read aloud to younger children, in the classroom or as a bedtime story.Notes From the Author:I wrote the Fairy Tails Series to create updated versions of traditional fairy tales for my children, and children everywhere. Stories that are appropriate for, and relevant to kids today. I hope you have fun exploring more of Mr Wolf's story, and enjoy all the new characters who inhabit the Fairy Tails world.
Blood Lines Bookouture
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
How do you catch a killer who leaves no trace?A victim killed with a single, precise stab to the heart appears at first glance to be a robbery gone wrong. A caring, upstanding social worker lost to a senseless act of violence. But for Detective Kim Stone, something doesn't add up. When a local drug addict is found murdered with an identical wound, Kim knows instinctively that she is dealing with the same killer. But with nothing to link the two victims except the cold, calculated nature of their death, this could be her most difficult case yet.Desperate to catch the twisted individual, Kim's focus on the case is threatened when she receives a chilling letter from Dr Alex Thorne, the sociopath who Kim put behind bars. And this time, Alex is determined to hit where it hurts most, bringing Kim face-to-face with the woman responsible for the death of Kim's little brother - her own mother.As the body count increases, Kim and her team unravel a web of dark secrets, bringing them closer to the killer. But one of their own could be in mortal danger. Only this time, Kim might not be strong enough to save them
All Her Fault Transworld Publ. Ltd UK
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
**Shortlisted for Crime Fiction Book of the Year at the An Post Irish Book Awards 2021**'All Her Fault played on my worst fears and kept upping the stakes . . . I didn't predict any of the twists and turns.' Sarah Pearse, bestselling author of The Sanatorium'Sharp, sophisticated, and full of suspense.' Cara Hunter, bestselling author of Close to HomeONE MISSING BOY.Marissa Irvine arrives at 14 Tudor Grove, expecting to pick up her young son Milo from his first playdate with a boy at his new school. But the woman who answers the door isn't a mother she recognises. She isn't the nanny. She doesn't have Milo. And so begins every parent's worst nightmare.FOUR GUILTY WOMEN.As news of the disappearance filters through the quiet Dublin suburb and an unexpected suspect is named, whispers start to spread about the women most closely connected to the shocking event. Because only one of them may have taken Milo - but they could all be blamed . . .IN A COMMUNITY FULL OF SECRETS, WHO IS REALLY AT FAULT?'Andrea Mara's tight plotting and convincing characterisation make her books both compelling and intriguing.' Liz Nugent, author of Lying in Wait'A wonderfully twisty nightmare of a domestic thriller.' Emma Curtis, author of Keep Her Quiet'A cracking read from a writer at the top of her game - and wow . . . that twist floored me!' Claire Allan, author of Her Name Was Rose'Someone has taken Marissa's child; the fun in this fiendishly twisting narrative is trying to work out who that might be.' Irish IndependentEveryone is gossiping about All Her Fault:***** 'WOW WOW WOW! I have not read a book this thrilling in ages'***** 'So many twists and turns, and what a shock at the end'***** 'This is one of the best thriller books I have read this year . . . I was totally blown away'
Assembly Penguin Books
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
SHORTLISTED FOR THE FOLIO PRIZE 2022SHORTLISTED FOR THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZE 2021SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKS ARE MY BAG FICTION AWARD 2021SHORTLISTED FOR THE BETTY TRASK PRIZE 2022LONGLISTED FOR THE DESMOND ELLIOTT PRIZE 2022'Diamond-sharp, timely and urgent' Observer, Best Debuts of 2021'Subtle, elegant, scorching' Vogue'Virtuosic, exquisite, achingly unique' Guardian'I'm full of the hope, on reading it, that this is the kind of book that doesn't just mark the moment things change, but also makes that change possible' Ali Smith'Exquisite, daring, utterly captivating. A stunning new writer' Bernardine EvaristoCome of age in the credit crunch. Be civil in a hostile environment. Step out into a world of Go Home vans. Go to Oxbridge, get an education, start a career. Do all the right things. Buy a flat. Buy art. Buy a sort of happiness. But above all, keep your head down. Keep quiet. And keep going.The narrator of Assembly is a Black British woman. She is preparing to attend a lavish garden party at her boyfriend's family estate, set deep in the English countryside. At the same time, she is considering the carefully assembled pieces of herself. As the minutes tick down and the future beckons, she can't escape the question: is it time to take it all apart?'One of the most talked-about debuts of the year . . . You'll read it in one sitting' Sunday Times Style'Expertly crafted, remarkable, astonishing... A literary debut with flavours of Jordan Peele's Get Out' Bookseller, Editor's Choice'Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway meets Citizen by Claudia Rankine... As breathtakingly graceful as it is mercilessly true' Olivia Sudjic'Bold and original, with a cool intelligence, and so very truthful about the colonialist structure of British society' Diana Evans'This marvel of a novel manages to say all there is to say about Britain today' Sabrina Mahfouz

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