krainaksiazek inspire maths pupil book 6a 20127645

- znaleziono 3 produkty w 2 sklepach

Inspire Maths Pupil Book 6 Ab Mix - 2840155179

209,99 zł

Inspire Maths Pupil Book 6 Ab Mix

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Children



Busy Ant Maths - Pupil Book 6a - 2839952894

61,99 zł

Busy Ant Maths - Pupil Book 6a

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Children



Power Maths Year 6 Pupil Practice Book 6A - 2875128293

16,62 zł

Power Maths Year 6 Pupil Practice Book 6A PEARSON Education Limited

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Power Maths is a leading primary maths mastery scheme that offers perfect alignment with the popular White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning. Written by a team of experts, led by Series Editor, Tony Staneff of White Rose Maths.For children who are following either the Power Maths or White Rose scheme, the Practice Books provide additional practice for each lesson that children can complete independently.About:All practice questions are carefully developed to move children on in their thinking and reveal misconceptions.Reflect questions help children to reason and show how deep their understanding is before moving on.Lovable characters prompt and question children to promote reasoning skills and help build resilience.Answers can be downloaded from


Sklepy zlokalizowane w miastach: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice

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