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Reflections on Leadership: How Robert K. Greenleaf Greenleaf's Theory of Servant-Leadership Influenced Today's Top Management Thinkers - 2878082629

248,28 zł

Reflections on Leadership: How Robert K. Greenleaf Greenleaf's Theory of Servant-Leadership Influenced Today's Top Management Thinkers John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"I believe that [Bob Greenleaf's] essay, 'The Servant as Leader' is the most singular and useful statement on leadership that I have read in the last 20 years. Despite a virtual tidal wave of books on leadership during the last few years, there is something different about Bob Greenleaf's essay, something both simpler and more profound...For many years, I simply told people not to waste their time reading all the other managerial leadership books. 'If you are really serious about the deeper territory of true leadership', I would say, 'read "Greenleaf"'". (from Chapter 20 by Peter M. Senge, Director of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT's Sloan School of Management and author of "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization"). "There is a building momentum for enlightened leadership in the for-profit world, the social sector, and many areas of government today...Good books that deal with the beliefs and convictions that nurture this movement are not easy to find. This is one. "Reflections on Leadership" is a worthy and worthwhile gift to all those who attach high value both to their responsibilities and to the people with whom they work".(from the Foreword, by Max DePree, Chairman and CEO of Herman Miller Inc. and author of "Leadership Is an Art" and "Leadership Jazz"). "I could give you three examples of major businesses who have used this business of servant-leadership training times of terrible crisis and have worked themselves out of the crisis. Practicing servant-leadership ...had absolutely enormous incredible benefits for them ...and then they threw it away. Because, as soon as the crisis passed, they said 'why exert ourselves?' The great problem is not how to ...teach servant-leadership in the first place, but to get organizations to continue to use it and embed it in part of their culture". (from Chapter 7 by M. Scott Peck, author of "The Road Less Traveled"). ""Reflections on Leadership" is fitting tribute to a man whose own sense of service has given all of us hope that at long last leaders will recognize that power of purpose is far stronger than power of position. After nearly 30 years, Robert K. Greenleaf's work has struck a resonant chord in the minds and hearts of scholars and practitioners alike. His message lives through others, the true legacy of a servant-leader".(Jim Kouzes, Chairman and CEO of TPG/Learning Systems and coauthor of "The Leadership Challenge and Credibility"). "We are each indebted to Greenleaf for bringing spirit and values into the workplace. His ideas will have enduring value for every generation of leaders". (Peter Block, Founding Partner, Designed Learning Inc. and author of "The Empowered Manager, Flawless Consulting, and Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest"). In the twenty-five years since Robert K. Greenleaf first articulated his vision of "servant-leadership", the world has seen a steady expansion in the influence of the man and his ideas. Hailed as the "grandfather" of the modern empowerment movement in business leadership, Greenleaf described true leaders as those who lead by serving others - empowering them to reach their full potential. He saw the ideal leader as one who transforms and integrates an organization; a steward with a commitment to the growth of people and the building of a community. "Reflections on Leadership" demonstrates the scope of Greenleaf's impact on contemporary management theory and offers key essays by Greenleaf and his leading business and intellectual disciples.They include such influential thinkers as M. Scott Peck, author of "The Road Less Traveled", and Peter Senge, author of "The Fifth Discipline". "Despite all the buzz about modern leadership techniques, no one knows better than Greenleaf what really matters". ("Working Woman" magazine). "Reflections on Leadership" opens with two remarkable essays by Greenleaf himself. One of them, "Reflections from Experience", published here for the first time, presents Greenleaf's prophetic observations on the use of executive power in an organization. In "Life's Choices and Markers", Greenleaf recounts five significant influences that led him to develop his revolutionary ideas on the nature of leadership. "Servant-leadership deals with the reality of power in everyday life - its legitimacy, the ethical restraints upon it and the beneficial results that can be attained through the appropriate use of power". ("The New York Times").In "Reflections on Leadership", a host of notable management thinkers explore the implications of the servant-leadership concept in such areas as: Business ethics; Team-building and servant-leadership; Corporate risk-taking; Spirit in the workplace; Becoming a servant-leader; and, The future of leadership. For those who have already benefited from Greenleaf's ideas and wish to deepen their understanding, this is an essential book. It is also the ideal introduction for those eager to draw on a source of wisdom that has inspired so many others.


Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad - 2854922647

11,15 zł

Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Pierwsze na świecie świadectwo ofiary zbrodni honorowej. Miała siedemnaście lat i zakochała się: zhańbiła rodzinę. Więc rodzina wydała na nią wyrok śmierci... Pokochała go pierwszą miłością. Myślała, że się z nią ożeni. Ale ukochany zniknął, a ona odkryła, że jest w ciąży. A w jej świecie to najcięższa zbrodnia... W zapomnianej przez Boga wiosce w Cisjordanii kobiety są warte mniej niż zwierzęta domowe. Tu mężczyzna jest panem życia i śmierci żony, córki, siostry. Brat może bezkarnie zabić siostrę, matka - córkę, kolejną bezużyteczną dziewczynkę, jaka się urodzi. Tu kobiecie odbiera się godność, a nawet życie zgodnie z odwiecznym obyczajem i uświęconą tradycją. A śmierć jest karą dla dziewczyny, która zhańbi rodzinę. Tak jak Souad. Wyrok wydaje jej ojciec. Szwagier dokonuje egzekucji. Oblewa Souad benzyną i podpala... SOUAD przeżyła - cudem, ale rodzina usiłowała zabić ją nawet w szpitalu. Na zawsze jednak pozostanie straszliwie okaleczona - na ciele i duszy. I wciąż musi się ukrywać; dopóki żyje, jej rodzinę okrywa hańba. Spalona żywcem, opublikowana pod pseudonimem szokująca opowieść o piekle, jakim było jej dzieciństwo i młodość, stała się międzynarodowym bestsellerem. Wydana w 37 w krajach książka przerywa tabu milczenia wobec istniejącej nadal w krajach muzułmańskich barbarzyńskiej tradycji. Nieludzkiego obyczaju, prawa mężczyzn, na mocy którego co najmniej pięć tysięcy kobiet pada co roku ofiarą zbrodni honorowej. Nazwa - Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe Autor - Souad Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Amber Kod ISBN - 9788324159406 Kod EAN - 9788324159406 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2016 Tłumacz - 31182,maria rostworowska; Format - 110 x 175 x 14 Ilość stron - 224 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-06-23


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