krainaksiazek scissors paper rock 20130246
- znaleziono 32 produkty w 7 sklepach
Big Bang Theory and Philosophy - Rock, Paper, Scissors, Aristotle, Locke John Wiley & Sons Inc
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
What would Aristotle make of Sheldon Cooper's life?§Why would Thomas Hobbes applaud the roommate agreement?§Why would Immanuel Kant heap haughty derision upon weaving un-unravelable webs?§Is Sheldon's "scientistic" approach to everyday life healthy or doomed to failure?§Is Wil Wheaton truly evil?§The answers to your most pressing questions about The Big Bang Theory and its goofy geniuses can be found inside The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy. Packed with irresistibly geek-worthy insights on your favorite characters, storylines, and ideas, this book examines important themes involving ethics and virtue, science, semiotics, religion, and the human condition. It brings the thinking of some of the world's greatest philosophers to bear on key aspects of the show, from Aristotle and Plato to Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Simone de Beauvoir, and others. You might find other philosophy books on science and cosmology, but only this one refers to Darth Vader Force-chokes, cloning Leonard Nimoy, and oompa-loompa-like engineers. Essential reading for every fan of The Big Bang Theory, this book explores whether comic book-wielding geeks can lead the good life, and whether they can know enough science to "tear the mask off nature and stare at the face of God." Bazinga!
Rock Paper Scissors HarperCollins Publishers
Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna
Ten years of marriage. Ten years of secrets. An anniversary they'll never forget. Adam and Amelia are spending the weekend in the Scottish Highlands. The remote location is perfect for what they have planned. But when their romantic trip takes a dark turn, they both start to wonder - can they trust the one they're with? Because every couple tells little white lies. Only for Adam and Amelia, the truth is far more dangerous.
The Official Rock Paper Scissors Strategy Guide
Książki Obcojęzyczne>Nieprzypisane
Johnson:rock, Paper, Scissors Universal Music / Philips
The Legend Of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Children
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Fiction & related items>Fiction: special features>Fiction in translationKsiążki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie...
Let's Play Rock, Paper, Scissors: A Playfully Connecting, Social, Communication Book Game

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