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- znaleziono 29 produktów w 4 sklepach

Dark Psychology Secrets: The Art of Reading and Manipulate People, Discover Methods for Mind Control and Dark Nlp, learn How Hypnosis and Psych - 2864735705

70,47 zł

Dark Psychology Secrets: The Art of Reading and Manipulate People, Discover Methods for Mind Control and Dark Nlp, learn How Hypnosis and Psych Independently Published

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

If you've always wanted to to learn how to use Dark Psychology to get what you really want from people without them even knowing it, or if you want to defend yourself against mental manipulation then keep reading...


Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad - 2854922647

11,15 zł

Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Pierwsze na świecie świadectwo ofiary zbrodni honorowej. Miała siedemnaście lat i zakochała się: zhańbiła rodzinę. Więc rodzina wydała na nią wyrok śmierci... Pokochała go pierwszą miłością. Myślała, że się z nią ożeni. Ale ukochany zniknął, a ona odkryła, że jest w ciąży. A w jej świecie to najcięższa zbrodnia... W zapomnianej przez Boga wiosce w Cisjordanii kobiety są warte mniej niż zwierzęta domowe. Tu mężczyzna jest panem życia i śmierci żony, córki, siostry. Brat może bezkarnie zabić siostrę, matka - córkę, kolejną bezużyteczną dziewczynkę, jaka się urodzi. Tu kobiecie odbiera się godność, a nawet życie zgodnie z odwiecznym obyczajem i uświęconą tradycją. A śmierć jest karą dla dziewczyny, która zhańbi rodzinę. Tak jak Souad. Wyrok wydaje jej ojciec. Szwagier dokonuje egzekucji. Oblewa Souad benzyną i podpala... SOUAD przeżyła - cudem, ale rodzina usiłowała zabić ją nawet w szpitalu. Na zawsze jednak pozostanie straszliwie okaleczona - na ciele i duszy. I wciąż musi się ukrywać; dopóki żyje, jej rodzinę okrywa hańba. Spalona żywcem, opublikowana pod pseudonimem szokująca opowieść o piekle, jakim było jej dzieciństwo i młodość, stała się międzynarodowym bestsellerem. Wydana w 37 w krajach książka przerywa tabu milczenia wobec istniejącej nadal w krajach muzułmańskich barbarzyńskiej tradycji. Nieludzkiego obyczaju, prawa mężczyzn, na mocy którego co najmniej pięć tysięcy kobiet pada co roku ofiarą zbrodni honorowej. Nazwa - Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe Autor - Souad Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Amber Kod ISBN - 9788324159406 Kod EAN - 9788324159406 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2016 Tłumacz - 31182,maria rostworowska; Format - 110 x 175 x 14 Ilość stron - 224 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-06-23


Dark Psychology and Manipulation: This book helps to discover the secrets and techniques in Dark Psychology and daily used techniques to control mind. - 2873615863

43,24 zł

Dark Psychology and Manipulation: This book helps to discover the secrets and techniques in Dark Psychology and daily used techniques to control mind. Independently Published

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

What Is Dark Psychology? How Can People Be Manipulated?Do you want to get rid of Dark Psychology? Are you facing trouble to overcome manipulation?Do you want to know how you can manipulate your boss, teachers and parents in a positive manner?Do you want to


Healing Cancer with Your Mind - 2867132151

70,96 zł

Healing Cancer with Your Mind Micah Publications

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Foreword by Dr. Martin Rossman, MD.Healing Cancer with Your Mind: 7 Strategies to Help YOU Survive reveals the personal power that you possess for self-healing. Learning and applying the 7 strategies discussed in this book will guide you on a journey to spiritual and physical healing. Whether you are a cancer patient yourself or supporting someone who is, this book should be an essential element in your treatment and healing arsenal. Even if you are well and want to see strategies to prevent cancer, this book is for you.Healing Cancer with Your Mind guides you and your family through the difficult times of a cancer diagnosis. The Seven Strategies to Help YOU Survive will help you and your loved ones to Get inspired to take charge of your medical treatment, be involved with and be truthfully informed by your doctors, oncologists, and surgeons. Investigate which alternative and complementary medical practices can benefit you and your situation. Discover the lifestyle changes you may want to make to better you healing chances. Learn how meditation practices can help you make responsible decisions for your care and feel confident that you made the right decision and much more. Rely on your family and friends to get things done for you that you can't do for yourself. Build a medical team of physicians and other practitioners that you can trust. Give back to your community when you are ready and able.From the Foreword:"As a physician who has practiced holistic medicine, now called Integrative Medicine, for over 4 decades, I can attest to the value of the strategies that Dr. Freedman recommends including in your treatment program." -Martin Rossman, MD, author of The Worry Solution and Guided Imagery for Self-HealingHere is what Dr. Kelly Turner, PhD has to say about Healing Cancer with YOUR Mind:"Dr. Freedman speaks from experience, both as a cancer survivor himself, and the father of a Radical Remission cancer survivor. His book, "Healing Cancer with Your Mind" gives readers a nurturing, helping hand throughout the entire cancer journey, especially with regard to developing a meditation practice. -Kelly Turner, PhD, Author of the NYTimes Bestseller "Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds"One of his main healers was the Isadora Duncan Award winner and innovative dance performer and teacher, Anna Halprin:"I am a cancer survivor, so what I have to share comes from personal experience. Cancer is like enlightenment at gunpoint. One must face it and do something. The 7 Strategies ... provides us with realistic and practical modalities that give us strength to face the challenges of cancer and hope to survive. This is a must read book for anyone facing cancer or their caretaker." -Anna Halprin, PhD, dance pioneer, author, choreographer, and winner of the Isadora Duncan award and many others.A seminar participant had this to say:"As a nutritionist and naturopath, I was drawn to the event because I found it fascinating that mindfulness could heal cancer. Originally thinking I would only stay a few minutes for the event, I not only stayed the whole time, but learned so much from Jerome and the 7 strategies.Jerome is such an amazing person who has contributed so much and the mindfulness meditation sessions during the event and discussion amongst the attendees was


Consolations of Philosophy - 2212839584

45,80 zł

Consolations of Philosophy Penguin

Nauki humanistyczne

Alain de Botton, best-selling author of How Proust can Change Your Life, has set six of the finest minds in the history of philosophy to work on the problems of everyday life. Here then are Socrates, Epicurus, Seneca, Montaigne, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on some of the things that bother us all; lack of money, the pain of love, inadequacy, anxiety, the fear of failure and the pressure to conform.


Soulmate Secret - 2835640155

61,28 zł

Soulmate Secret Harper Collins Publishers

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find the love of your life? Is it your dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you? "The Soulmate Secret" will show you how to take control of your romantic destiny by using the Law of Attraction. Finding true love is possible for anyone at any age if you're willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love. Arielle Ford knows this from experience. She used the techniques in this book to bring her soulmate into her life at age 44. They were engaged six weeks later. This ancient formula reveals that our Universe is set up to deliver the people and things that are consistent with our personal belief system. If you don't believe you will ever find the one, then guess what? You probably won't. If, however, you learn to believe that the one is not only out there but is also looking for you, then true love can be yours. Using a series of processes called feelingizations - feeling in every cell of your being the outcome you want to create - Ford reveals how to manifest the man or woman of your dreams.The techniques, rituals, and projects found within these pages will allow you to prepare your home, body, mind, and spirit for the lover your heart truly desires.


Got Your Attention? How to Create Intrigue and Connect with - 2877647679

81,04 zł

Got Your Attention? How to Create Intrigue and Connect with BERR

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In an impatient world of infobesity, people don't want more information - they want to be intrigued and they want to be intrigued fast. After all, goldfish have longer attention spans than humans - nine seconds to our eight. So, right now, people want to know, "How is this relevant and useful to me? Why are you worth my valuable time, mind, and dime?Bestselling author and ace communication strategist Sam Horn reveals her "secret sauce" for truly connecting with people - whether it's one or one million. Her disruptive eight-stage INTRIGUE process teaches readers how to replace boring, overlong, one-way communications with concise, compelling, mutually rewarding two-way interactions that add value for all involved. This is a must-read for executives, entrepreneurs, sales and marketing professionals, nonprofit leaders-anyone who wants to build meaningful relationships with others.The bottom line? If you can't get people's favorable attention, you'll never get their business. The insights and instantly useful ideas here will get smartphones down and eyebrows up - this book has been called How to Win Friends and Influence People for our digital device-driven era. Readers will appreciate these innovative but proven ways to win respect and motivate people to take action now, whether that's to hire you, refer you, fund you, or say yes to you.


Under the Duvet - 2212824601

36,60 zł

Under the Duvet Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

'When people ask me what I do for a crust and I tell them that I'm a novelist, they immediately assume that my life is a non-stop carousel of limos, television appearances, hair-dos, devoted fans, stalkers and all the glitzy paraphernalia of being a public figure. It's time to set the record straight. I write alone, in a darkened bedroom, wearing my PJs, eating bananas, my laptop on a pillow in front of me ...' Her novels are adored by millions around the world


XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference 4e - 2872013588

341,12 zł

XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference 4e John Wiley & Sons Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book is primarily a practical reference book for professional XSLT developers. It assumes no previous knowledge of the language, and many developers have used it as their first introduction to XSLT; however, it is not structured as a tutorial, and there are other books on XSLT that provide a gentler approach for beginners. The book does assume a basic knowledge of XML, HTML, and the architecture of the Web, and it is written for experienced programmers. There's no assumption that you know any particular language such as Java or Visual Basic, just that you recognize the concepts that all programming languages have in common. The book is suitable both for XSLT 1.0 users upgrading to XSLT 2.0, and for newcomers to XSLT. The book is also equally suitable whether you work in the Java or .NET world. As befits a reference book, a key aim is that the coverage should be comprehensive and authoritative. It is designed to give you all the details, not just an overview of the 20 percent of the language that most people use 80 percent of the time.It's designed so that you will keep coming back to the book whenever you encounter new and challenging programming tasks, not as a book that you skim quickly and then leave on the shelf. If you like detail, you will enjoy this book; if not, you probably won't. But as well as giving the detail, this book aims to explain the concepts, in some depth. It's therefore a book for people who not only want to use the language but who also want to understand it at a deep level. The book aims to tell you everything you need to know about the XSLT 2.0 language. It gives equal weight to the things that are new in XSLT 2.0 and the things that were already present in version 1.0. The book is about the language, not about specific products. However, there are appendices about Saxon (the author's own implementation of XSLT 2.0), about the Altova XSLT 2.0 implementation, and about the Java and Microsoft APIs for controlling XSLT transformations, which will no doubt be upgraded to handle XSLT 2.0 as well as 1.0. A third XSLT 2.0 processor, Gestalt, was released shortly before the book went to press, too late to describe it in any detail. But the experience of XSLT 1.0 is that there has been a very high level of interoperability between different XSLT processors, and if you can use one of them, then you can use them all.In the previous edition we split XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 into separate volumes. The idea was that some readers might be interested in XPath alone. However, many bought the XSLT 2.0 book without its XPath companion and were left confused as a result; so this time, the material is back together. The XPath reference information is in self-contained chapters, so it should still be accessible when you use XPath in contexts other than XSLT. The book does not cover XSL Formatting Objects, a big subject in its own right. Nor does it cover XML Schemas in any detail. If you want to use these important technologies in conjunction with XSLT, there are other books that do them justice. This book contains twenty chapters and eight appendixes (the last of which is a glossary) organized into four parts. The following section outlines what you can find in each part, chapter, and appendix. Part I: Foundations: The first part of the book covers essential concepts. You should read these before you start coding.If you ignore this advice, as most people do, then you read them when you get to that trough of despair when you find it impossible to make the language do anything but the most trivial tasks. XSLT is different from other languages, and to make it work for you, you need to understand how it was designed to be used. Chapter 1: XSLT in Context: This chapter explains how XSLT fits into the big picture: how the language came into being and how it sits alongside other technologies. It also has a few simple coding examples to keep you alert. Chapter 2: The XSLT Processing Model: This is about the architecture of an XSLT processor: the inputs, the outputs, and the data model. Understanding the data model is perhaps the most important thing that distinguishes an XSLT expert from an amateur; it may seem like information that you can't use immediately, but it's knowledge that will stop you making a lot of stupid mistakes. Chapter 3: Stylesheet Structure: XSLT development is about writing stylesheets, and this chapter takes a bird's eye view of what stylesheets look like.It explains the key concepts of rule-based programming using templates, and explains how to undertake programming-in-the-large by structuring your application using modules and pipelines. Chapter 4: Stylesheets and Schemas: A key innovation in XSLT 2.0 is that stylesheets can take advantage of knowledge about the structure of your input and output documents, provided in the form of an XML Schema. This chapter provides a quick overview of XML Schema to describe its impact on XSLT development. Not everyone uses schemas, and you can skip this chapter if you fall into that category. Chapter 5: The Type System: XPath 2.0 and XSLT 2.0 offer strong typing as an alternative to the weak typing approach of the 1.0 languages. This means that you can declare the types of your variables, functions, and parameters, and use this information to get early warning of programming errors. This chapter explains the data types available and the mechanisms for creating user-defined types. Part II: XSLT and XPath Reference: This section of the book contains reference material, organized in the hope that you can easily find what you need when you need it.It's not designed for sequential reading, though you might well want to leaf through the pages to discover what's there. Chapter 6: XSLT Elements: This monster chapter lists all the XSLT elements you can use in a stylesheet, in alphabetical order, giving detailed rules for the syntax and semantics of each element, advice on usage, and examples. This is probably the part of the book you will use most frequently as you become an expert XSLT user. It's a "no stone unturned" approach, based on the belief that as a professional developer you need to know what happens when the going gets tough, not just when the wind is in your direction. Chapter 7: XPath Fundamentals: This chapter explains the basics of XPath: the low-level constructs such as literals, variables, and function calls. It also explains the context rules, which describe how the evaluation of XPath expressions depends on the XSLT processing context in which they appear. Chapter 8: XPath: Operators on Items: XPath offers the usual range of operators for performing arithmetic, boolean comparison, and the like.However, these don't always behave exactly as you would expect, so it's worth reading this chapter to see what's available and how it differs from the last language that you used. Chapter 9: XPath: Path Expressions: Path expressions are what make XPath special; they enable you to navigate around the structure of an XML document. This chapter explains the syntax of path expressions, the 13 axes that you can use to locate the nodes that you need, and associated operators such as union, intersection, and difference. Chapter 10: XPath: Sequence Expressions: Unlike XPath 1.0, in version 2.0 all values are sequences (singletons are just a special case). Some of the most important operators in XPath 2.0 are those that manipulate sequences, notably the "for" expression, which translates one sequence into another by applying a mapping. Chapter 11: XPath: Type Expressions: The type system was explained in Chapter 5; this chapter explains the operations that you can use to take advantage of types. This includes the "cast" operation which is used to convert values from one type to another.A big part of this chapter is devoted to the detailed rules for how these conversions are done.Chapter 12: XSLT Patterns: This chapter returns from XPath to a subject that's specific to XSLT. Patterns are used to define template rules, the essence of XSLT's rule-based programming approach. The reason for explaining them now is that the syntax and semantics of patterns depends strongly on the corresponding rules for XPath expressions. Chapter 13: The Function Library: XPath 2.0 includes a library of functions that can be called from any XPath expression; XSLT 2.0 extends this with some additional functions that are available only when XPath is used within XSLT. The library has grown immensely since XPath 1.0. This chapter provides a single alphabetical reference for all these functions. Chapter 14: Regular Expressions: Processing of text is an area where XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 are much more powerful than version 1.0, and this is largely through the use of constructs that exploit regular expressions. If you're familiar with regexes from languages such as Perl, this chapter tells you how XPath regular expressions differ. If you're new to the subject, it explains it from first principles.Chapter 15: Serialization: Serialization in XSLT means the ability to generate a textual XML document from the tree structure that's manipulated by a stylesheet. This isn't part of XSLT processing proper, so (following W3C's lead) it's separated it into its own chapter. You can control serialization from the stylesheet using an declaration, but many products also allow you to control it directly via an API. Part III: Exploitation: The final section of the book is advice and guidance on how to take advantage of XSLT to write real applications. It's intended to make you not just a competent XSLT coder, but a competent designer too. The best way of learning is by studying the work of others, so the emphasis here is on practical case studies. Chapter 16: Extensibility: This chapter describes the "hooks" provided in the XSLT specification to allow vendors and users to plug in extra functionality. The way this works will vary from one implementation to another, so we can't cover all possibilities, but one important aspect that the chapter does cover is how to use such extensions and still keep your code portable.Chapter 17: Stylesheet Design Patterns: This chapter explores a number of design and coding patterns for XSLT programming, starting with the simplest "fill-in-the-blanks" stylesheet, and extending to the full use of recursive programming in the functional programming style, which is needed to tackle problems of any computational complexity. This provides an opportunity to explain the thinking behind functional programming and the change in mindset needed to take full advantage of this style of development. Chapter 18: Case Study: XMLSpec: XSLT is often used for rendering documents, so where better to look for a case study than the stylesheets used by the W3C to render the XML and XSLT specifications, and others in the same family, for display on the web? The resulting stylesheets are typical of those you will find in any publishing organization that uses XML to develop a series of documents with a compatible look-and-feel. Chapter 19: Case Study: A Family Tree: Displaying a family tree is another typical XSLT application.This example with semi-structured data-a mixture of fairly complex data and narrative text-that can be presented in many different ways for different audiences. It also shows how to tackle another typical XSLT problem, conversion of the data into XML from a legacy text-based format. As it happens, this uses nearly all the important new XSLT 2.0 features in one short stylesheet. But another aim of this chapter is to show a collection of stylesheets doing different jobs as part of a complete application. Chapter 20: Case Study: Knight's Tour: Finding a route around a chessboard where a knight visits every square without ever retracing its steps might sound a fairly esoteric application for XSLT, but it's a good way of showing how even the most complex of algorithms are within the capabilities of the language. You may not need to tackle this particular problem, but if you want to construct an SVG diagram showing progress against your project plan, then the problems won't be that dissimilar. Part IV: Appendices: A ppendix A: XPath 2.0 Syntax Summary: Collects the XPath grammar rules and operator precedences into one place for ease of reference.Appendix B: Error Codes: A list of all the error codes defined in the XSLT and XPath language specifications, with brief explanations to help you understand what's gone wrong. Appendix C: Backward Compatibility: The list of things you need to look out for when converting applications from XSLT 1.0. Appendix D: Microsoft XSLT Processors: Although the two Microsoft XSLT processors don't yet support XSLT 2.0, we thought many readers would find it useful to have a quick summary here of the main objects and methods used in their APIs. Appendix E: JAXP: the Java API for XML Processing: JAXP is an interface rather than a product. Again, it doesn't have explicit support yet for XSLT 2.0, but Java programmers will often be using it in XSLT 2.0 projects, so the book includes an overview of the classes and methods available. Appendix F: Saxon: At the time of writing Saxon (developed by the author of this book) provides the most comprehensive implementation of XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0, so its interfaces and extensions are covered in some detail. Appendix G: Altova: Altova, the developers of XML Spy, have an XSLT 2.0 processor that can be used either as part of the development environment or as a freestanding component.This appendix gives details of its interfaces. Appendix H: Glossary Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.


Mindworks - 2854210158

79,73 zł

Mindworks Crown House Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

How do you motivate yourself? What is it that you habitually do but are unaware of that controls the outcomes of your life? Becoming aware means gaining the power to choose between what you do (or think) 'automatically' and what you would like to do. By becoming conscious of how your hidden (unconscious) mind actually works and applying the very simple techniques demonstrated in "Mindworks" you can make changes that lead to new thinking and new behaviour. Instead of telling yourself 'I'm not good enough' you can switch in an instant to telling yourself 'I can do it!' Instead of seeing on out-of-focus picture of your goal, you can have a clear, sharp image that leads you directly to it. "Mindworks" shows you how to 'change' your mind, reprogram your thoughts, gain control of your fears and fulfil your desires and potential.Anything is possible - when you know your own mind!"Mindworks" will show you how to: say what you mean to get others to respond the way you want; use principles of the new linguistics to communicate more precisely with yourself and others; identify and access your resources to make full use of your talents, skills and abilities; create a 'blueprint' for the road ahead by asking yourself a few simple questions; recycle mistakes, setbacks and failures into resourceful experiences; replace your destructive behaviours with constructive ones that will fulfil your original purpose; see things from new perspectives; and go from 'stuck' to choice in an instant."Mindworks" shows you all of the astonishing and wonderful ways to take full advantage of everything you have and are, to accomplish whatever you set out to do!Using the amazing effective tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). "Mindworks" shows you how to unlock the resources, abilities and creativity that you already have in order to accomplish whatever you want to do and take control of your life.


Shadow of the Sun - 2212824581

40,80 zł

Shadow of the Sun Penguin

Literatura faktu

'Only with the greatest of simplifications, for the sake of convenience, can we say Africa. In reality, except as a geographical term, Africa doesn't exist'. Ryszard Kapuscinski has been writing about the people of Africa throughout his career. In a study that avoids the official routes, palaces and big politics, he sets out to create an account of post-colonial Africa seen at once as a whole and as a location that wholly defies generalised explanations. It is both a sustained meditation on the mosaic of peoples and practises we call 'Africa', and an impassioned attempt to come to terms with humanity itself as it struggles to escape from foreign domination, from the intoxications of freedom, from war and from politics as theft. The Beginning: Collision, Ghana 1958 More than anything, one is struck by the light. Light everywhere. Brightness everywhere. Everywhere, the sun. Just yesterday, an autumnal London was drenched in rain. The airplane drenched in rain. A cold, wind, darkness. But here, from the morning


On Air: Live At The BBC Vol. 2 - The Beatles (Płyta CD) - 2841355079

87,70 zł

On Air: Live At The BBC Vol. 2 - The Beatles (Płyta CD)

Książki & Multimedia > Muzyka

Opis - Podwójny album będący kontynuacją "Live at the BBC"! Zawiera jedne z najważniejszych nagrań live w historii muzyki rozrywkowej, w nigdy wcześniej niepublikowanych wersjach oraz wywiady z muzykami the Beatles. Wydane w 1994r. sesje radiowe The Beatles "Live at the BBC, rozeszły się na całym świecie w ilości ponad 8 milionów egzemplarzy. Wtedy na płycie znalazły się nagrania, które George Martin uznał, że są odpowiednio dobrej jakości, żeby udostępnić je fanom. Teraz, dzięki zaawansowanej technologii świat może usłyszeć te odzyskane z oryginalnych taśm nagrania, których dźwięk udało się odpowiednio ulepszyć. Ponadto, w archiwach BBC odnaleziono wiele niepublikowanych wcześniej, dobrze zachowanych wersji. Pomiędzy marcem 1962r. a czerwcem 1965r. legendarni The Beatles dali w studiach słynnego radia BBC aż 275 wystąpień. Grupa zagrała aż 88 utworów - niektóre były nagrane kilkakrotnie, inne tylko raz. , W rezultacie na "On Air - Live AT The BBC Volume 2" znalazło się 40 utworów, z czego aż 37 we wcześniej niepublikowanych wersjach. Ponadto, na płytę trafiły  ,dwa absolutnie wyjątkowe dla fanów grupy nagrania - standard "Beautiful Dreamer"oraz "I'm Talking To You", które w swoim repertuarze miał Chuck Berry. Album zawiera też 24 przerywniki mówione, które doskonale pokazują kontrast między poważnymi, wręcz sztywnymi ówczesnymi prezenterami radiowymi, a młodymi, niepokornymi muzykami The Beatles, którzy na zawsze zmienili nie tylko oblicze muzyki, ale także poważnie wpłynęli na skostniały brytyjski porządek społeczny. "On Air - Live at the BBC Volume 2" zostały uzupełnione również wywiadami z Wielką Czwórką z Liverpoolu, jakie zostały zarejestrowane pomiędzy listopadem 1965r. a majem 1966r. Jednocześnie  ,specjalistom z radia BBC udało się zremasterować materiał jaki trafił przed laty na "Live at the BBC"niejednokrotnie zastępując niektóre z nich nowo odnalezionymi, lepiej brzmiącymi wersjami. Lista utworów - Płyta 1 1. And Here We Are Again 2. Words Of Love 3. How About It, Gorgeous? 4. Do You Want To Know A Secret 5. Lucille 6. Hey, Paul... 7. Anna (Go To Him) 8. Hello! 9. Please Please Me 10. Misery 11. I'm Talking About You 12. A Real Treat 13. Boys 14. Absolutely Fab 15. Chains 16. Ask Me Why 17. Till There Was You 18. Lend Me Your Comb 19. Lower 5E 20. The Hippy Hippy Shake 21. Roll Over Beethoven 22. There's A Place 23. Bumper Bundle 24. P. S. I Love You 25. Please Mister Postman 26. Beautiful Dreamer 27. Devil In Her Heart 28. The 49 Weeks 29. Sure To Fall (In Love With You) 30. Never Mind, Eh? 31. Twist And Shout 32. Bye, Bye 33. John - Pop Profile (Bonus Interview Tracks) 34. George - Pop Profile (Bonus Interview Tracks) Płyta 2 1. I Saw Her Standing There 2. Glad All Over 3. Lift Lid Again 4. I'll Get You 5. She Loves You 6. Memphis, Tennessee 7. Happy Birthday Dear Saturday Club 8. Now Hush, Hush 9. From Me To You 10. Money (That's What I Want) 11. I Want To Hold Your Hand 12. Brian Bathtubes 13. This Boy 14. If I Wasn't In America 15. I Got A Woman 16. Long Tall Sally 17. If I Fell 18. A Hard Job Writing Them 19. And I Love Her 20. Oh, Can't We? Yes We Can 21. You Can't Do That 22. Honey Don't 23. I'll Follow The Sun 24. Green With Black Shutters 25. Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! 26. That's What We're Here For 27. We'll Try And Get It Good Too 28. I Feel Fine (studio out-take) 29. Paul - Pop Profile (Bonus Interview Tracks) 30. Ringo - Pop Profile (Bonus Interview Tracks) Nazwa - On Air: Live At The BBC Vol. 2 Autor - The Beatles Wydawca - Universal Music Kod EAN - 0602537491698 Rok wydania - 2013 Nośnik - Płyta CD Ilość elementów - 2 Podatek VAT - 23% Premiera - 2013-11-08


The Market Is Always Right - 2829728379

157,40 zł

The Market Is Always Right McGraw-Hill

Literatura anglojęzyczna

Podana cena książki jest orientacyjna, zależy od kilku czynników. Po zakupie obsługa sklepu skontaktuje się, jeśli konieczna będzie dopłata. Book Description Rules for successful trading, direct from the traders who practice them every day Even with today's high-speed computers, online accounts, and information access, traders still live or die based on their abilities to control fear, greed, and emotion. The Market Is Always Right gives traders battle-proven advice for avoiding common trading setbacks by understanding human natureboth their own and others'and directing it toward profitable outcomes. Distilling the wisdom of hundreds of traders, this proactive book starts with 10 overriding rulesfor example, "Evaluate your performance"and then lists the subrules within each, such as "Qualify and quantify your trading pattern." Other examples include: Never chase trades Watch the opendon't trade it When in doubt, get out Download Description Even with today's high-speed computers, online accounts, and information access, traders still live or die based on their abilities to control fear, greed, and emotion. The Market Is Always Right gives traders battle-proven advice for avoiding common trading setbacks by understanding human natureboth their own and others'and directing it toward profitable outcomes. Book Info Provides rules for successful trading, direct from the traders who practice them every day. Gives traders battle-proven advice for avoiding common trading setbacks by understanding human nature, both their own and others' and directing it toward profitable outcomes. From the Back Cover Market-Proven Tactics for Fighting the Trader's Toughest Enemy--His Own Volatile Emotions Few professions are as stress-filled as trading. In the time it takes to refill your coffee, you can lose tens of thousands of dollars. Then you must determine in a split second whether to cut your losses and sell, average down and buy more, or sit tight and hope the market turns back in your favor... Without any guarantees. The Market Is Always Right answers the question, "How do experienced traders control their emotions in the heat of the trading battle?" Whether you are trading stocks, options, or futures, this straight-talking book shows you how to maintain a strong and steady course by detailing: - Ways to spot--and overcome--the seven deadly sins of trading - Two key questions traders should ask themselves before each market open - Trading events that scream "SELL!" no matter what Long-time traders know: Whether markets are plummeting, skyrocketing, or simply holding steady, emotion is a trader's worst enemy. Whether you are a new trader looking to reach the next level of market mastery or an experienced trader seeking to pick up a new trick or two, The Market Is Always Right will show you how to maintain control in every market--by keeping your cool while all about you are losing theirs. "Traders must deal with human nature as they trade, both their own and their counterparts', as they collectively react to the markets they trade. The purpose of this book is to give you an insight into what hundreds of other traders have found that works when it comes to harnessing and directing human nature most productively..."--from the Introduction The world of trading is undergoing an unprecedented metamorphosis. Powerful personal computers, direct access to live trading markets, unlimited access to information, and more have placed individual traders on the same playing field as the pros. Yet one essential aspect of trading--the trader's basic human nature--remains unchanged and can wreak more havoc than all other trading perils combined. The Market Is Always Right takes you beyond the techniques of trading to explore your mind, day in and day out the most important and difficult-to-control market tool. Showing you how to recognize and overcome fear, greed, envy, and other deeplyengrained emotions that consistently work against your trading success, this insightful and market-proven guidebook covers: - Ways to develop--and stick to--a personalized trading plan - Strategies for knowing when to pull the trigger and avoid "paralysis by analysis" - Nine personality types, with the common trading faults of each - How to know when--and when not--to hold a position overnight - Valuable appendices listing Level 2 market makers, trading terms, resources for further information, and more "If you attempt to fight or to impose your will on the market, you court disaster."--from Chapter 1 While you can't control the global economy, the markets, or even the actions and reactions of other traders, you can control your own stress levels--and even learn to use them to your advantage! Let The Market Is Always Right show you how to go beyond mechanical trading principles to develop the successful trader's most essential and difficult-to-acquire tool--self-knowledge--and thereby replace costly self-doubt and worry with the confidence you need to remain focused on the business at hand and make sound decisions every second of the trading day. About the Autor Thomas McCafferty is COO of Market Wise Securities and has been involved in the securities industry for nearly three decades. A registered stockbroker and options principal, McCafferty has written a number of books on trading, including All About Commodities.


Art of Reading Minds - 2872335482

52,01 zł

Art of Reading Minds Hodder & Stoughton

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Learning to mind read isn't as out there as it may sound. In every interaction we have, we give away a range of non-verbal signals, often more powerful than the words we say. The Art of Reading Minds teaches you how to influence others, bringing them round to your way of thinking. Rooted in cognitive psychology, Henrik Fexeus explains how readers can find out what another person feels - and consequently control that individual's thoughts and beliefs. Short, snappy chapters cover subjects like: Contradictory signs and what they mean How you flirt with people without even knowing it Methods of suggestion and undetectable influence How to plant and trigger emotional states Fexeus offers practical tips to master the art of persuasion, which will boost your confidence both in personal and professional settings. Simple exercises throughout the book will heighten your self-awareness, revealing how you are perceived by others. Whether you want to get a promotion, negotiate a pay rise, network like a pro, find romance or spot when someone is lying, The Art of Reading Minds shows you how to uncover what people are really saying.


Stretching - 2866663496

67,03 zł

Stretching Pro Mastery Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Are you stiff and sore at the end of the day? Do you wish there was something you could do to eliminate the pain?Whether you want to (1) know how to do the best stretches of all time, (2) prevent injury and increase your flexibility, or (3) feel better and be stronger, then this is the book for you!Don't settle for a mediocre existence where you feel old before your time.Most people know that exercise is a valuable activity to boosting your health, making you feel great, and helping you grow strong. However, many people tend to overlook just how incredibly effective a stretching routine is for overall effectiveness in daily life. Many view stretching as merely a trifling part of an exercise routine, something to be hurried through in order to get to the main event. They miss the main point of stretching, that it offers you added flexibility, strength, resilience, stress resistance, and so much more! All the best athletes in the world have detailed stretching routines that they practice regularly.Stretch to prevent injury.Stretching can help your body feel great while serving to prevent injuries you might otherwise have incurred from everyday chores or a random accidents. While most tend to stretch before exercising or playing a sports game, many don't consider taking ten to fifteen minutes to warm up and stretch to get ready for a great day! A regular stretching schedule can keep your body limber and your muscles ready to be called on for exertions large or small whenever they may arise.Get the most out of your mind and body for years to come.Stretching is also a beneficial technique for enhancing mental and emotional health. It helps release toxins, so they can be eliminated from the body easily by drinking water after a good stretch. Stretching is also a prime opportunity to set aside the cares of the day and calm your spirit as you focus on what you're doing in the present moment. Many people use stretching time to meditate, pray, or go over positive affirmations. Some use it as a mental problem solving ground, while others devote the time to letting their imaginations run free. The time is never wasted when you are stretching.Stretch the right way and feel great doing it.In this book you will discover how to safely and efficiently stretch every part of your body, from head to toe, utilizing the most effective stretches known to mankind. Once you've learned them all, you'll be able to form your very own stretching routine that will leave have you feeling great, flexible, and healthy in no time! If you would like to live a long and happy life with a healthy body, then keep on reading!What Will You Learn About Stretching? The top 100 best stretches of all time. The dangers of not stretching! How to warm up properly before stretching. How to stretch your entire body, one part at a time. How to design your own stretching routine, built around your lifestyle.You Will Also Discover: The four major types of stretches and how to best use them. How stretching can refresh your mind and boost your mood. Stretches for releasing tension in the upper and lower back. The best ways to incorporate a regular stretching routine into your life.Don't wait until you've hurt yourself! Start stretching now and get the most out of your body for many years to come!Feel great again: Buy It Now!


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