
- znaleziono 359 produktów w 74 sklepach

Gospel of Thomas - 2877399216

64,04 zł

Gospel of Thomas Inner Traditions Bear and Company

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

One of the cache of codices and manuscripts discovered in Nag Hammadi, the Gospel of Thomas, unlike the canonical gospels, does not contain a narrative recording Christ's life and prophecies. Instead it is a collection of his teachings--what he actually said. These 114 logia, or sayings, were collected by Judas Didymus Thomas, whom some claim to be Jesus's closest disciple. No sooner was this gospel uncovered from the sands of Upper Egypt than scholars and theologians began to bury it anew in a host of conflicting interpretations and polemics. While some say it is a hodgepodge from the canonical gospels, for others it is the source text from which all the gospel writers drew their material and inspiration. In this new translation of the Gospel of Thomas, Jean-Yves Leloup shows that the Jesus recorded by the "infinitely skeptical and infinitely believing" Thomas has much in common with gnostics of non-dualistic schools. Like them, Jesus preaches the coming of a new man, the genesis of the man of knowledge. In this gospel, Jesus describes a journey from limited to unlimited consciousness.The Jesus of Thomas invites us to drink deeply from the well of knowledge that lies within, not so that we may become good Christians but so we may attain the self-knowledge that will make each of us, too, a Christ.


Adapter Tin 200 - 2877546554

96,00 zł

Adapter Tin 200 Genesis

IT > Gaming

GENESIS TIN 200 ADAPTER MYSZY/KLAWIATURY KONSOLA? JUŻ NIE TYLKO GAMEPAD! Świat konsol i PCtów dla graczy przenika się coraz bardziej. Coraz większa liczba tytułów oraz samo oprogramowanie konsol umożliwia granie na nich przy pomocy osprzętu dla graczy. Podłączenie myszy lub klawiatury zamiast gamepada, może znacznie poprawić wrażenia z rozgrywki. Dlatego odpowiadając na potrzeby graczy, Genesis stworzył adapter TIN 200. NIEWIELKI ADAPTER, DUŻE MOŻLIWOŚCI Genesis TIN 200 to niewielki adapter umożliwiający granie na konsolach, na klawiaturze i myszce zamiast klasycznego gamepada. Urządzenie jest kompatybilne z konsolami: PS4, Xbox One oraz Nintendo Switch. Obsługa jest bardzo prosta i wymaga jedynie podłączenia urządzeń zgodnie ze schematem (instrukcja), bez konieczności instalowania adaptera, konfiguracji lub jakiegokolwiek oprogramowania. KOMFORTOWA ROZGRYWKA Adapter Genesis charakteryzuje się bardzo krótkim czasem reakcji, co bezpośrednio przekłada się na komfort i jakość grania. Myszki PC to w tej chwili najprecyzyjniejszy typ urządzeń wejściowych dostępnych dla gier. Klawiatura natomiast posiada niepodważalny atut intuicyjnego dostępu do większości klawiszy używanych w grach. W połączeniu z błyskawicznym czasem reakcji adaptera, konsolowi gracze szczególnie Ci nie mający dość czasu by opanować arkana precyzyjnego ruszania gałką za pomocą kciuka mogą zagrać bez frustracji w przyciągające ich uwagę tytuły. Adapter Genesis pozwala na wykorzystanie klawiatury i myszki w niemal każdej grze, oraz jest kompatybilna z większością urządzeń dostępnych na rynku*. ROZWOJOWE OPROGRAMOWANIE SPRZĘTOWE Rynek gier i akcesoriów związanych z grami ciągle ewoluuje. Genesis TIN 200 został zaprojektowany z myślą o przyszłości. Adapter umożliwia aktualizacje oprogramowania sprzętowego przez USB (wymagany komputer PC). Obecnie klawisze przypisane są domyślnie, w przyszłości wraz z aktualizacją oprogramowania sprzętowego będzie można konfigurować je ręcznie wg upodobań użytkownika. Mimo dołożenia wszelkich starań, nie jest możliwe zagwarantowanie kompatybilność z KAŻDYM urządzeniem dostępnym na rynku.

Sklep: VirtualEye

El libro de la selva - 2872526475

53,28 zł

El libro de la selva Grupo Anaya, S.A.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Kipling narra aquí la historia de Mowgli, un ni?o que es recogido poruna manada de lobos. Con ellos crecerá y vivirá sus aventuras en lascolinas de Seeonee, en compa?ía de Baloo, el oso, Bagheera, la pantera negra, Kaa, la serpiente, Shere Khan, el tigre, y los Bandar-log, los monos. Pero la obra recoge otros escenarios y otros personajes, comoKotick, una foca blanca del mar de Bering, que busca un lugar segurodonde proteger a sus congéneres de la caza del hombre.Rikki-tikki-tavi, una mangosta que aparece en una casa de la India yse queda a vivir con toda la familia que habita en ella. Toomai, elhijo del hombre que guía la elefante kala Nag, cuyo sue?o es llegar aser uno de los que capturan y doman elefantes... Pero también ",El libro de la selva ", muestra el aprendizaje del hombre parasobrevivir sea cual sea el medio en el que tenga que desenvolverse.


Thunder: Perfect Mind - 2876466632

717,45 zł

Thunder: Perfect Mind Palgrave Macmillan

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This is the first book-length treatment in English of the Nag Hammadi text, The Thunder: Perfect Mind - a poem of 'I am' statements that has garnered a strong following in mainstream culture. This book offers a fresh, current translation (with detailed Coptic annotations) and ten chapters of introductory analysis of the text.


Integrated Mind - 2875801762

850,98 zł

Integrated Mind Springer Science+Business Media

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

In this book we are trying to illuminate the persistent and nag ging questions of how mind, life, and the essence of being relate to brain mechanisms. We do that not because we have a commit ment to bear witness to the boring issue of reductionism but be cause we want to know more about what it's all about. How, in deed, does the brain work? How does it allow us to love, hate, see, cry, suffer, and ultimately understand Kepler's laws? We try to uncover clues to these staggering questions by con sidering the results of our studies on the bisected brain. Several years back, one of us wrote a book with that title, and the ap proach was to describe how brain and behavior are affected when one takes the brain apart. In the present book, we are ready to put it back together, and go beyond, for we feel that split-brain studies are now at the point of contributing to an understanding of the workings of the integrated mind. We are grateful to Dr. Donald Wilson of the Dartmouth Medi cal School for allowing us to test his patients. We would also like to thank our past and present colleagues, including Richard Naka mura, Gail Risse, Pamela Greenwood, Andy Francis, Andrea El berger, Nick Brecha, Lynn Bengston, and Sally Springer, who have been involved in various facets of the experimental studies on the bisected brain described in this book.


Le cote de Guermantes I: A la recherche du temps perdu - 2877636698

87,27 zł

Le cote de Guermantes I: A la recherche du temps perdu Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Extrait: Chapitre Le p piement matinal des oiseaux semblait insipide Fran oise. Chaque parole des bonnes la faisait sursauter; incommod e par tous leurs pas, elle s'interrogeait sur eux; c'est que nous avions d m nag . Certes les domestiques ne remuaient


Anunnaki of Nibiru - 2861974327

91,77 zł

Anunnaki of Nibiru Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Many historical and scriptural findings not included in the Canonical Bible, have now come to light. Access to texts such as the Lost Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi Gospels, and the Book of Jubilees, among others is now widely available and, when


Hollywood Ending - 2869757066

123,94 zł

Hollywood Ending Penguin LCC US

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A vivid biography of Harvey Weinstein how he rose to become a dominant figure in the film world, how he used that position to feed his monstrous sexual appetites, and how it all came crashing down, from the author who has covered the Hollywood and media power game for The New Yorker for three decadesTwenty years ago, Ken Auletta wrote an iconic New Yorker profile of the Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, who was then at the height of his powers. The profile made waves for exposing how volatile, even violent, Weinstein was to his employees and collaborators. But there was a much darker story that was just out of reach: rumors had long swirled that Weinstein was a sexual predator. Auletta confronted Weinstein, who denied the claims. Since no one was willing to go on the record, Auletta and the magazine concluded they couldn t close the case. Years later, he was able to share his reporting notes and knowledge with Ronan Farrow; he cheered as Farrow, and Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, finally revealed the truth. Still, the story continued to nag him. The trail of assaults and cover-ups had been exposed, but the larger questions remained: What was at the root of Weinstein s monstrousness? How, and why, was it never checked? Why the silence? How does a man run the day-to-day operations of a company with hundreds of employees and revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and at the same time live a shadow life of sexual predation without ever being caught? How much is this a story about Harvey Weinstein, and how much is this a story about Hollywood and power? In pursuit of the answers, Auletta digs into Weinstein s life, searching for the mysteries beneath a film career unparalleled for its extraordinary talent and creative success, which combined with a personal brutality and viciousness to leave a trail of ruined lives in its wake. Hollywood Ending is more than a prosecutor s litany; it is an unflinching examination of Weinstein's life and career, embedding his crimes in the context of the movie business, in his failures and the successes that led to enormous power. Film stars, Miramax employees and board members, old friends and family, and even the person who knew him best Harvey s brother, Bob all talked to Auletta at length. Weinstein himself also responded to Auletta s questions from prison. The result is not simply the portrait of a predator but of the power that allowed Weinstein to operate with such impunity for so many years, the spiderweb in which his victims found themselves trapped.


Anchor Bible Dictionary 6-Volume Prepack - 2867761291

2665,16 zł

Anchor Bible Dictionary 6-Volume Prepack Yale University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This is the most extensive Bible dictionary ever created. It is the first major Bible dictionary to be published in America in 30 years. It includes: 6 volumes of approximately 1,200 pages each; more than 6,000 entries; and, more than 7,000,000 words. It features nearly 1,000 contributors - all the biggest names from around the world. It is multicultural and interdisciplinary in scope. It provides an unprecedented interfaith exploration of the Bible. It is illustrated throughout with easy-to-find references. It includes endpaper maps of the Near Eastern world keyed to text for quick location of archaeological and biblical sites. It is extensively cross-referenced for comprehensive coverage of topics. It offers easy-to-read article and chapter headings for speedy location of material. It provides full bibliographic references following all major entries.Inside you'll find: exciting articles on pseudepigraphic and apocryphal texts, Nag Hammadi tractates, and individual dead Sea Scrolls - including the very latest on the most recently published sectarian Dead Sea Scrolls; "Minor entries" on personal and place-names that go well beyond the one- or two-sentence descriptions found in other Bible dictionaries; outstanding summaries of the latest research on the historical Jesus; fascinating new articles discussing the growing reappraisal of early Christianity's relationship with Judaism (was Christianity an "offspring" or "sibling" of rabbinic Judaism?); many articles illustrating the literary artistry of the biblical text; intriguing discussions of everyday life in Bible lands - including articles that help us to understand health and disease, the role of animals and plants in the ancient ecosystem, and the demographics of human settlement in ancient Palestine; and, a richness of information unequaled in the history of biblical studies.


Ewangelia Marii Magdaleny - 2875538177

36,51 zł

Ewangelia Marii Magdaleny Purana

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Od odkrycia manuskryptów z Nag-Hammadi corpus ewangelii wzbogacił się o fascynujące teksty przypisywane Tomaszowi, Filipowi a nawet Piotrowi. Wśród nich ewangelia Marii jest jedynym tekstem, za którego autora uznaje się kobietę.


Canon of the New Testament - 2876463844

332,87 zł

Canon of the New Testament Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book provides information from Church history concerning the recognition of the canonical status of the several books of the New Testament. Canonization was a long and gradual process of sifting among scores of gospels, epistles, and other books that enjoyed local and temporary authority - some of which have only recently come to light among the discoveries of Nag Hammadi. After discussing the external pressures that led to the fixing of the limits of the canon, the author gives sustained attention to Patristic evidence that bears on the development of the canon not only in the West but also among the Eastern Churches, including the Syrian, Armenian, Georgian, Coptic, and Ethiopian. Besides considering differences as to the sequence of the books in the New Testament, Dr Metzger takes up such questions as which form of text is to be regarded as canonical; whether the canon is open or closed; to what extent a canon should be sought within the canon; and whether the canon is a collection of authoritative books or an authoritative collection of books.


Sophia, Mary Magdalena & the divine human being - 2874796715

130,85 zł

Sophia, Mary Magdalena & the divine human being Books on Demand

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

To listen to your heart and live your true self is a venture presenting sometimes a challenge in our fast paced and performance oriented everyday lives. This book offers a sound discussion based on religious-philosophical wisdom, gnostic scriptures, the gospels, the Nag Hammdi scrolls and the antique Greek archetypes bringing forth the eternal tension between the human ego and his soul. For that, Mary Magdalenes gospel shows the seven inner forces and how to overcome those. The Anthropos-Method was consequentially developed presenting a path of spiritual integration towards a divine human being, the child of mankind. Based on many examples, personal experiences and antique wisdom, a practical methodological guide shows how to discover your divinity and realize your self for a joyful and healthy life. This book is a present for all readers.Regina Auer, EditorIt is a wonderful collection of valuable content. For me, a must have.Karin Labner, Awareness-Coach


Pistis Sophia - 2867103836

74,50 zł

Pistis Sophia Aziloth Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The 'Pistis Sophia' is arguably the most important Gnostic document we possess. Dated as early as the second century AD, this Coptic manuscript was found in Egypt and, until the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library, constituted the major source of unbiased knowledge on the Gnostic faith. This ancient text relates that Jesus remained in the world for a further eleven years after his resurrection, and taught his disciples the secret doctrine of initiation, in obedience to the Divine Will, which instructed Him to reveal the highest mysteries of salvation to humanity. The book is remarkable for its deeply mystical teaching, its description of the spiritual hierarchies, its belief in reincarnation, and the comprehensive account it gives of the ascent and descent of the human soul. It is an extraordinarily comprehensive body of doctrine and, among a host of other insights, grants us a new perspective on Baptism, the Psalms, the role of women in the church, and the basic teachings of the New Testament.


Pistis Sophia - 2878081656

103,91 zł

Pistis Sophia Adelphi

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Pur non appartenendo alla cosiddetta "Biblioteca di Nag-Hammadi", vastissimo e celebre corpus di manoscritti trovati nel 1946, la "Pistis Sophia" č uno dei testi fondamentali del pensiero gnostico. Anch'essa di area egizia, scritta nel III secolo, l'opera dispiega infatti un Sistema cosmogonico e cosmologico che ha pochi eguali per forza visionaria e complessitŕ teologica. All'apice di questo universo vi č il dio "ineffabile, infinito, inaccessibile" dal quale emana ogni cosa. Sotto di lui si aprono le tre regioni intermedie: quella del "tesoro della luce", quella "di destra" e quella "di mezzo". Ancor piů in basso "il mondo degli eoni", il nostro mondo dove si consuma lo scontro tra la materia e la luce.


After the New Testament: 100-300 C.E. - 2876465563

517,02 zł

After the New Testament: 100-300 C.E. Oxford University Press Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The remarkable diversity of Christianity during the formative years before the Council of Nicea has become a plain, even natural, "fact" for most ancient historians. Until After the New Testament, however, there had never been a sourcebook of primary texts that revealed the many varieties of Christian beliefs, practices, ethics, experiences, confrontations, and self-understandings. To help readers recognize and experience the rich diversity of the early Christian movement, After the New Testament, Second Edition, provides a wide range of texts from the second and third centuries, both "orthodox" and "heterodox," including such works as the Apostolic Fathers, the writings of Nag Hammadi, early pseudepigrapha, martyrologies, anti-Jewish tractates, heresiologies, canon lists, church orders, liturgical texts, and theological treatises. Rather than providing only fragments of texts, this collection prints large excerpts-entire documents wherever possible-organized under social and historical rubrics.This unique reader's concise and informative introductions and clear and up-to-date English translations make it ideal for courses on Early Christianity, Christian Origins, or Early Church History. It will also appeal to anyone-student, scholar, and general reader alike-interested in the entire range of early Christian literature from the period after the New Testament up to the writings of the so-called father of church history, Eusebius. The Second Edition includes new and updated translations as well as considerable additions to the roster of sources, including excerpts from the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Judas, and the correspondence between Jesus and Abgar. The book also includes two brand-new rubrics of texts, one focusing on the method and practice of interpreting scripture, and the other focusing on women and gender in early Christianity.


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