
- znaleziono 27 produktów w 4 sklepach

Slowness - 2874449961

69,95 zł

Slowness Harper Collins Publishers

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

From one of the most distinguished writers of modern times comes a libertine fantasy which is also a profound meditation on contemporary life. Ruminating on how the pleasures of slowness have disappeared in today's fast-paced, future-shocked world, Kundera explores the secret bond between slowness and memory and the connection between our era's desire to forget and the ways in which we have given ourselves over to the demon of speed.


Discovery Of Slowness - 2869854954

47,37 zł

Discovery Of Slowness Canongate Books Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna


In Praise of Slowness - 2861919833

69,75 zł

In Praise of Slowness William Morrow and Company

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A challenging take on the cult of speed, as well as a corrective look at how people can approach their lives with new understanding, this book uncovers an international movement of those dedicated to slowing down and enjoying a fuller, richer life.


Slowness - 2878072690

47,37 zł

Slowness Faber & Faber

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

After the gravity of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and "Immortality," "Slowness" comes as a surprise: It is certainly Kundera's lightest novel, a "divertimento," an "opera buffa," with, as the author himself says, "not a single serious word in it"; then, too, it is the first of his novels to have been written in French (in the eyes of the French public, turning him definitively into a "French writer"). Disconcerted and enchanted, the reader follows the narrator of "Slowness" through a midsummer's night in which two tales of seduction, separated by more than 200 years, interweave and oscillate between the sublime and the comic. In the 18th-century narrative, the marvelous Madame de T. summons a young nobleman to her chbteau one evening and gives him an unforgettable lesson in the art of seduction and the pleasures of love. In the same chbteau at the end of the 20th century, a hapless young intellectual experiences a rather less successful night. Distracted by his desire to be the center of public attention at a convention of entomologists, Vincent loses the beautiful Julie -- ready and willing though she is to share an evening of intimacy and sexual pleasure with him -- and suffers the ridicule of his peers. A "morning-after" encounter between the two young men from different centuries brings the novel to a poignant close: Vincent has already obliterated the memory of his humiliation as he prepares to speed back to Paris on his motorcycle, while the young nobleman will lie back on the cushions of his carriage and relive the night before in the lingering pleasure of memory. Underlying this libertine fantasy is a profound meditation on contemporary life: about thesecret bond between slowness and memory, about the connection between our era's desire to forget and the way we have given ourselves over to the demon of speed. And about "dancers" possessed by the passion to be seen, for whom life is merely a perpetual show emptied of every intimacy and every joy."Irresistible. . . . "Slowness" is an ode to sensuous leisure, to the enjoyment of pleasure rather than just the search for it."--Cathleen Schine, "Mirabella" "Audacity, wit, and sheer brilliance." "--New York Times Book Review" "Paradoxically, "Slowness." the fastest paced of Kundera's novels as well as the most accessible." "--Boston Globe"


Slowness - 2852913455

54,99 zł


Książki Obcojęzyczne>Nieprzypisane



Slowness - 2839874709

43,99 zł


Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Fiction & related items>Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)



Slowness - 2840179932

72,49 zł





Slowness - 2843699347

114,99 zł





On Slowness - 2849501018

154,99 zł

On Slowness

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Humanities>Philosophy>AestheticsKsiążki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>The arts>General issues



The Discovery Of Slowness - 2855916320

48,99 zł

The Discovery Of Slowness

Książki Obcojęzyczne>Angielskie>Fiction & related items>Historical fiction



Real Time: The Art of Slowness: Echtzeit: Die Kunst Der Langsamkeit - 2858565910

144,08 zł

Real Time: The Art of Slowness: Echtzeit: Die Kunst Der Langsamkeit



Discovery Of Slowness - 2861898421

47,73 zł

Discovery Of Slowness Canongate Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna


The Wisdom of Donkeys - 2877755819

75,60 zł

The Wisdom of Donkeys Walker & Co

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"The demon of speed is often associated with forgetting, with avoidance ... and slowness with memory and confronting," observes Milan Kundera in his novel "Slowness." With that purpose in mind--a search for slowness and tranquility--Andy Merrifield sets out on a journey of the soul with a friend's donkey, Gribouille, to walk amid the ruins and spectacular vistas of southern France's Haute-Auvergne. As Merrifield contemplates literature, science, truth, and beauty amid the French countryside, Gribouille surprises him with his subtle wisdom, reminding him time and again that enlightenment is all around us if we but seek it.


Slow Cinema - 2867135691

149,08 zł

Slow Cinema Edinburgh University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This collection of essays interrogates and expands the frameworks that have informed slow cinema debates. Repositioning the term in a broader theoretical space, the book combines an array of fine-g rained studies that will provide insight into the notion of slowness in the cinema, while mapping out past and contemporary slow films across the globe.


Women in the Third Reich - 2872120346

210,08 zł

Women in the Third Reich Hodder Arnold

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The importance of gender as a category of analysis is now very widely accepted, but there has been a slowness to bring it to bear in general interpretative surveys of Nazi Germany. This new study aims to remedy the omission, to reintroduce as actors on the historical stage that half of the German population who were female. This volume asks why such a sizeable proportion was ready to rally around a movement both blatantly anti-feminist and determined to exclude women from public life; how ordinary Germans translated Nazi beliefs into action; and what, other than gender, influenced their political choices between 1933 and 1945


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Sklepy zlokalizowane w miastach: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice

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