veoveo insight bear the mountain 2680

- znaleziono 2 produkty w 2 sklepach

Other Side of the Mountain - 2866660782

133,46 zł

Other Side of the Mountain Books Express Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Originally printed in very limited numbers in 1995, this book is a companion piece to "The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan". This unabridged quality reprint will provide tremendous insight for historians, journalists and anyone deployed in Afghanistan. Contains accounts of numerous actions fought by the Afghan resistance. Each account is told by the Afghan commander who participated in the action described. These commanders in the vast majority, were civilians who took up arms against the Soviets and developed the skills necessary to command guerrilla units. Most of these accounts are supported by a full page map, that show the topography, the locations of the attackers and defenders, movements, fields of fire etc. In addition is an invaluable guide to anyone wishing to understand modern guerrilla warfare, whether conducting one or fighting against guerrillas in the field. In addition this study provides invaluable insights in how to train and support guerrillas in the field. Each operation is commented on to highlight the elements that caused the operation/action to succeed or fail. In the event of failure what should have been done to have prevented such failure, or in the case of success what could have been done to have improved on that success.


MTG : Entangling Webs Intro Pack - 1650517137

37,00 zł

MTG : Entangling Webs Intro Pack Wizards of the Coast

Gry Karciane

Eight legs are better than two, at least for wrapping up your enemies into bite-sized treats! Pump up your green and red behemoths while holding off your foes with a skittering horde of hairy spiders and their web-weaving leader. Intro Pack Entangling Webs zawiera talię czerwono-zieloną . Talia zawiera: Creatures : 2 Acidic Slime, 1 Arachnus Spinner (Foil Rare) , 2 Crimson Mage, 1 Garruk's Companion, 1 Garruk's Horde, 3 Giant Spider, 1 Lightning Elemental, 3 Llanowar Elves, 1 Runeclaw Bear, 2 Stampeding Rhino, 2 Stingerfling Spider, 1 Vastwood Gorger, Other Spells : 3 Arachnus Web, 1 Fireball, 1 Fling, 2 Greatsword, 2 Hunter's Insight, 1 Overrun, 3 Rampant Growth, 1 Slaughter Cry, 1 Titanic Growth, Land : 18 Forest, 7 Mountain Zawartośc pudełka: gotowa do gry 60 kartowa talia zawierającą kartę foil 15 kartowy booster (zestaw dodatkowych kart) przewodnik do nauki gry ulotkę na temat strategii gry  


Sklepy zlokalizowane w miastach: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Katowice

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