veoveo white out the mountain 2113

- znaleziono 36 produktów w 12 sklepach

White Out - 2827916523

109,90 zł

White Out The Mountain

KATEGORIE > The Mountain > DOROŚLI- krój uniwersalny > WZORY z katalogu 2015

Koszulka The Mountain T-shirt The Mountain - dla tych, którzy lubią się wyróżniać, dla tych, którzy jakość mają na pierwszym miejscu a oryginalny look i podążanie za trendem to dla nich styl  życia. Nie masz w czym iść na imprezę? Szukasz oryginalnego i praktycznego prezentu? A może jesteś miłośnikiem zwierząt? Dobrze trafiłeś! Koszulki The Mountain są wykonane w świetnej technologi nadruku, często sprawiają efekt 3D. Każdy wzór jest unikalny i niepowtarzalny. Nosząc koszulkę The Mountain bądź pewien, że pozostaniesz oryginalny i w zgodzie z naturą. Pokaż co Cię kręci, czym się interesujesz. W koszulce The Mountain na pewno nie zginiesz w tłumie. Najlepsze na koncert, wypad motocyklowy czy do noszenia na co dzień. Odważysz się ubrać do pracy? Śmiało! Wyraź siebie!   Główne atuty koszulek The Mountain: uszyte bez szwów bocznych, 100% bawełna (200 g) koszulki posiadają certyfikat OEKOTEX100, do produkcji nie użyto szkodliwych chemikaliów, każda koszulka jest niepowtarzalna, nadruk farbami wodnymi, w technologii sitodruku.   Informacje dotyczące prania: pierwsze pranie należy wykonać ręcznie, na lewej stronie, podczas pierwszego płukania zalecamy dodać trochę octu, w celu utrwalenia kolorów, kolejne prania w pralce w zimnej wodzie do 30 st. Celsjusza, nie wolno suszyć w pralkach automatycznych, prasować tylko na lewej stronie.   Tabela rozmiarów The Mountain: Rozmiary dla dorosłychSzerokość mierzona na wysokości pachDługość mierzona od szwa na ramieniu  S 46 ÷ 48 67 ÷ 71 M 50 ÷ 52 70 ÷ 74 L 56 ÷ 58 76 ÷ 80 XL 60 ÷ 62 78 ÷ 82 2XL 62 ÷ 64 82 ÷ 86 3XL 64 ÷ 66 83 ÷ 87 4XL 73 ÷ 75 87 ÷ 91 5XL 75 ÷ 77 88 ÷ 91 Amerykańska rozmiarówka (!) koszulki nawet rozmiar większe od europejskich. Dla pań szczupłych noszących europejskie rozmiary XS/S polecamy rozmiar L dla dzieci. Każda z koszulek jest unikalna, dlatego w tabeli podane są przybliżone wartości w granicach +/- 3 cm.


Watch for Me on the Mountain - 2877170603

69,95 zł

Watch for Me on the Mountain Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The white man had burned their land, raped their women, and slaughtered their children. He had made them a nation of slaves, and those he could not enslave, he promised to destroy. The Apache had one hope: vengeance. Out of the scattered remnants of the Apache tribes rose a man whose cunning, ferocity, and genuis for warfare would make him their leader in a last tragic struggle for survival. The Apache gave him their arms, their strength, and their absolute devotion. The white man gave him his name: Geronimo!


Shadow on the Mountain - 2872122720

43,64 zł

Shadow on the Mountain Abrams books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Shadow on the Mountain is about the adventures of a Norwegian boy during World War Two. After Nazi Germany invades and occupies Norway, Espen and his friends are swept up in the Norwegian resistance movement. Fourteen-year old Espen gets his start by delivering underground (and illegal) newspapers, graduates to the role of courier and finally becomes a spy, dodging the Gestapo along the way. During five years under the Nazi fist, he gains--and loses--friends, falls in love and makes one small mistake that threatens to catch up with him, even as he sets out to escape over the mountains to Sweden on skis. The story is based on the real life adventures of Norwegian Erling Storrusten whom author Preus (of Norwegian ancestry) interviewed in Norway. Most of the experiences that young Espen undertakes are based on those of Mr. Storrusten.


Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin (Book Analysis) - 2877641359

45,35 zł

Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin (Book Analysis)

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Unlock the more straightforward side of Go Tell It on the Mountain with this concise and insightful summary and analysis!This engaging summary presents an analysis of Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin, a lyrical novel about familial and racial tensions in 20th-century America. It centres on 14-year-old John Grimes and the older members of his family, most of whom have moved North to escape the more violent forms of racism they faced in the South. Over the course of the novel, John is confronted by his own burgeoning sexuality, his wavering religious convictions and his tense relationship with the man he believes to be his father. James Baldwin was one of the most influential African-American writers of the 20th century. His best-known works include his novels Go Tell It on the Mountain and Giovanni's Room, and he also penned a wide range of essays on social rights issues.Find out everything you need to know about Go Tell It on the Mountain in a fraction of the time!This in-depth and informative reading guide brings you:


Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad - 2854922647

11,15 zł

Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe - Souad

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Pierwsze na świecie świadectwo ofiary zbrodni honorowej. Miała siedemnaście lat i zakochała się: zhańbiła rodzinę. Więc rodzina wydała na nią wyrok śmierci... Pokochała go pierwszą miłością. Myślała, że się z nią ożeni. Ale ukochany zniknął, a ona odkryła, że jest w ciąży. A w jej świecie to najcięższa zbrodnia... W zapomnianej przez Boga wiosce w Cisjordanii kobiety są warte mniej niż zwierzęta domowe. Tu mężczyzna jest panem życia i śmierci żony, córki, siostry. Brat może bezkarnie zabić siostrę, matka - córkę, kolejną bezużyteczną dziewczynkę, jaka się urodzi. Tu kobiecie odbiera się godność, a nawet życie zgodnie z odwiecznym obyczajem i uświęconą tradycją. A śmierć jest karą dla dziewczyny, która zhańbi rodzinę. Tak jak Souad. Wyrok wydaje jej ojciec. Szwagier dokonuje egzekucji. Oblewa Souad benzyną i podpala... SOUAD przeżyła - cudem, ale rodzina usiłowała zabić ją nawet w szpitalu. Na zawsze jednak pozostanie straszliwie okaleczona - na ciele i duszy. I wciąż musi się ukrywać; dopóki żyje, jej rodzinę okrywa hańba. Spalona żywcem, opublikowana pod pseudonimem szokująca opowieść o piekle, jakim było jej dzieciństwo i młodość, stała się międzynarodowym bestsellerem. Wydana w 37 w krajach książka przerywa tabu milczenia wobec istniejącej nadal w krajach muzułmańskich barbarzyńskiej tradycji. Nieludzkiego obyczaju, prawa mężczyzn, na mocy którego co najmniej pięć tysięcy kobiet pada co roku ofiarą zbrodni honorowej. Nazwa - Spalona Żywcem Wyd. Kieszonkowe Autor - Souad Oprawa - Miękka Wydawca - Amber Kod ISBN - 9788324159406 Kod EAN - 9788324159406 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2016 Tłumacz - 31182,maria rostworowska; Format - 110 x 175 x 14 Ilość stron - 224 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2016-06-23


White Dwarf 481 2022 - 2871343473

35,00 zł

White Dwarf 481 2022 Games Workshop

Modelarstwo i Gry>Książki i Czasopisma

160-stronicowy White Dwarf - magazyn wypełniony informacjami na temat Waszych ulubionych gier!White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month


Kołonotatnik A4/90# Oxford my colours 100101864 - 2855811852

24,34 zł

Kołonotatnik A4/90# Oxford my colours 100101864

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Kołonotatnik w energetycznych kolorach.


Craftsman's Handbook - 2877861778

63,20 zł

Craftsman's Handbook Dover Publications Inc.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

PrefaceII The first chapter of the first section of this bookII "How some enter the profession through loftiness of spirit, and some, for profit"III Fundamental provisions for anyone who enters this professionIIII How the schedule shows you into how many sections and branches the occupations are dividedV How you begin drawing on a little panel; and the system for itVI How to draw on several kinds of panelsVII What kind of bone is good for treating the panelsVIII "How you should start drawing with a style, and by what light"VIIII "How you should give the system of lighting, light or shade, to your figures, endowing them with a system of relief"X "The method and system for drawing on sheep parchment and on paper, and shading with washes"XI How you may draw with a leaden styleXII "How, if you have made a slip in drawing with leaden style, you my erase it, and by what means"XIII How you should practice drawing with a penXIIII How to learn to cut the quill for drawingXV How you should advance to drawing on tinted paperXVI How the green tint is made on paper for drawing; and the way to temper itXVII "How you should tint kid parchment, and by which method you burnish it"XVIII How you should tint paper turnsole colorXVIIII How you should tint paper with an indigo tintXX "How you should tint papers with reddish color, or almost peach color"XXI How you should tint papers with flesh colorXXII "How you should tint papers greenish gray, or drab"XXIII How you may obtain the essence of a good figure or drawing with tracing paperXXIIII The first way to learn how to make a clear tracing paperXXV A second way to make tracing paper: with glueXXVI How to make tracing paper out of paperXXVII How you should endeavor to copy and draw after as few masters as possibleXXVIII How you should regulate your life in the interests of decorum and the condition of your hand; and in what company; and what method you should first adopt for copying a figure from high upXXX "How you should first start drawing on paper with charcoal, and take the measurement of the figure, and fix it with a silver style"XXXI "How you should draw and shade with washes on tinted paper, and then put lights on with white lead"XXXII How you may put on lights with washes of white lead just as you shade with washes of inkXXXIII How to make good and perfect and slender coals for drawingXXXIIII About a stone which has the character of charcoal for drawing. This ends the first section of this bookIIXXXV The second section of this book: bringing you to the working up of the colorsXXXVI "This shows you the natural colors, and how you should grind black"XXXVII How to make various sorts of blackXXXVIII On the character of the red color called sinoperXXXVIIII "How to make the red called cinabrese, for doing flesh on the wall; and about its character"XL On the character of the red called vermilion; and how it should be worked upXLI On the character of a red called red leadXLII On the character of a red called hematiteXLIII On the character of a red called dragonsbloodXLIIII On the character of a red called lacXLV On the character of a yellow color called ocherXLVI On the character of a yellow color called giallorinoXLVII On the character of a yellow called orpimentXLVIII On the character of a yellow called realgarXLVIIII On the character of a yellow called saffronL On the character of a yellow called arzicaLI On the character of a green called terre-verteLII On the character of a green called malachiteLIII How you make a green with orpiment and indigoLIIII How you make a green with blue and giallorinoLV How you make a green with ultramarine blueLVI On the character of a green called verdigrisLVII How you make a green with white lead and terre-verte; or lime whiteLVIII On the character of lime whiteLVIIII On the character of white leadLX On the character of azuriteLXI To make an imitation of azurite with other colorsLXII "On the character of ultramarine blue, and how to make it"LXIII The importance of knowing how to make brushesLXIIII How to make minever brushesLXV "How you should make bristle brushes, and in what manner"LXVI How to keep minever tails from getting moth-eaten. This ends the second section of this book; begins the thirdIIILXVII "The method and system for working on a wall, that is, in fresco; and on painting and doing flesh for a youthful face"LXVIII The method for painting an aged face in frescoLXVIIII The method for painting various kinds of beards and hair in frescoLXX The proportions which a perfectly formed man's body should possessLXXI The way to paint a drapery in frescoLXXII The way to paint on a wall in secco; and the temperas for itLXXIII How to make a violet colorLXXIIII To execute a violet color in frescoLXXV To try to imitate an ultramarine blue for use in frescoLXXVII To paint a shot green drapery in frescoLXXVIII To paint in fresco a drapery shot with ash grayLXXVIIII To paint one in secco shot with lacLXXX To paint one in fresco or in secco shot with each otherLXXXI To paint a greenish-gray costume in fresco or in seccoLXXXII "To paint a costume, in fresco and in secco, of a greenish-gray color like the color of wood"LXXXIII "To make a drapery, or a mantle for Our Lady, with azurite or ultramarine blue"LXXXIIII "To make a black drapery for a monk's or friar's robe, in fresco and in secco"LXXXV "On the way to paint a mountain, in fresco or in secco"LXXXVI "The way to paint trees and plants and foliage, in fresco and in secco"LXXXVII "How buildings are to be painted, in fresco and in secco"LXXXVIII The way to copy a mountain from nature. This ends the third section of this bookIVLXXXVIIII "How to paint in oil on a wall, on panel, on iron, and where you please"LXXXX How you should start for working in oil on a wallLXXXXI "How you are to make oil, good for a tempera, and also for mordants, by boiling with fire"LXXXXII How good and perfect oil is made by cooking in the sunLXXXXIII "How you should work up the colors with oil, and employ them on the wall"LXXXXIIII "How you should work in oil on iron, on panel, on stone"LXXXXV The way to embellish with gold or with tin on a wallLXXXXVI How you should always make a practice of working with fine gold and with good colorsLXXXXVII "How you should cut the golden tin, and embellish"LXXXXVIII How to make green tin for embellishingLXXXXVIIII "How to make the golden tin, and how to lay fine gold with this vermeil"C "How to fashion or cut out the stars, and put them on the wall"CI How you can make the diadems of the saints on the wall with this tin gilded with fine goldCII How you should model up a diadem in lime mortar on a wallCIII How from the wall you enter upon panel-painting. This ends the fourth section of the bookVCIIII The system by which you should prepare to acquire the skill to work on panelCV How you make batter or flour pasteCVI How you should make cement from mending stonesCVII How to make cement for mending dishes of glassCVIII "How fish glue is used, and how it is tempered"CVIIII "How goat glue is made, and how it is tempered; and how many purposes it will serve"CX A perfect size for tempering gessos for anconas or panelsCXI A size which is good for tempering blues and other colorsCXII To make a glue out of lime and cheese. This ends the fifth section of this bookVICXIII How you should start to work on a panel or anconasCXIIII How you should put cloth on a panelCXV How the flat of a panel should be gessoed with the slice with gesso grossoCXVI How to gesso sottile for gessoing panelsCXVII How to gesso an ancona with gesso sottile; and how to temper itCXVIII How you may gesso with gesso sottile without having gessoes with gesso grosso firstCXVIIII How you should temper and grind gesso sottile for modelingCXX How you should start to scrape down an ancona flat gessoed with gesso sottileCXXI "How the gesso sottile on the flats should be scraped down, and what these scrapings are good for"CXXII "How to draw on panel with charcoal, to begin with, and to fix it with ink"CXXIII How you should mark out the outlines of the figures for gilding the groundsCXXIIII "How to model on a panel with gesso sottile, and how to mount precious stones"CXXV How you should cast a relief for embellishing areas of anconasCXXVI How to plaster reliefs on a wallCXXVII How to model with mortar on a wall the say you model with gesso on panelCXXVIII "How to take reliefs from a stone mold, and how they are good on wall and on panel"CXXVIIII How you may model on a wall with varnishCXXX How you may model on a wall with waxCXXXI "How to lay bole on panel, and how to temper it"CXXXII "Another way to temper bole on panel, for gilding"CXXXIII How you may gild on panel with terre-verteCXXXIIII How to gild on panelCXXXV What stones are good for burnishing this gildingCXXXVI How to prepare the stone for burnishing goldCXXXVII "How you should burnish the gold, or mend matters in case it could not get burnished"CXXXVIII "Now I will show you how to burnish, and in what direction, especially a flat"CXXXVIIII "What gold is good for burnish and mordant gilding, and what thickness"CXL "How you should begin swinging the diadems and do stamping on the gold, and mark out the outlines of the figures"CXLI How to design gold brocades in various colorsCXLII How to execute gold or silver brocadesCXLIII Several rules for cloths of gold and silverCXLIV "How to do velvet, wool, and silk"CXLV How to paint on panelCXLVI How to make draperies in blue and purpleCXLVII How to paint facesCXLVIII How to paint a dead manCXLVIX How to paint woundsCL How to paint waterVIICLI "A short section on mordant gilding. How to make a standard mordant, and how to gild with it"CLII How to control the drying of the mordantCLIII How to make a mordant out of garlicVIIICLIV Introduction to a short section on varnishingCLV When to varnishCLVI How to make a painting look as if it were varnishedIXCLVII "A short section on illuminating: first, how to gild on parchment"CLVIII Another kind of size: for grounds onlyCLIX How to make and use mosaic goldCLX How to grind gold and silver for use as colorsCLXI Colors for use on parchmentXCLXII "A section dealing with work on cloth: first, painting and gilding"CLXIII Various ways to do hangingsCLXIV How to draw for embroiderersCLXV "How to work on silk, on both sides"CLXVI How to paint and gild on velvetCLXVII How to lay gold and silver on woolen clothCLXVIII How to make devices out of gilded paperCLXIX How to model crests or helmetsCLXX How to do caskets or chestsXICLXXI "A short section on operations with glass: first, for windows"CLXXII How to gild for reliquary ornamentsCLXXII Arrangements for drawing on this glassCLXXII How to draw on the gilded glassCLXXII How to scrape the gold off the backgroundsCLXXII How to back up the drawing with colorsXIICLXXII "Part of a section dealing with mosaic: first, a fragment from the end of a chapter otherwise lost"CLXXII Mosaic of quill cuttingsCLXXII "Mosaic of crushed eggshells, painted"CLXXII Mosaic of paper or foilCLXXII "Mosaic of eggshells, gilded"XIIICLXXIII "A section dealing with miscellaneous incidental operations: first, block printing on cloth"CLXXIV How to gild a stone figureCLXXV The dangers of a wet wall for frescoCLXXV Preliminary precautions against moistureCLXXV Waterproofing with boiled oilCLXXVI Waterproofing with pitchCLXXVI Waterproofing with liquid varnishCLXXVII How to distemper inside walls with greenCLXXVIII How to varnish terre-verteCLXXIX How to clean off the paint after you have made up a face CLXXX The perils of indulgence in cosmeticsCLXXXI "The final section, devoted to methods of casting, begins here"CLXXXII How to take a life maskCLXXXIII The breathing tubesCLXXXIV The operations of casting the matrixCLXXXIV How to cast this waste moldCLXXXV How to cast whole figuresCLXXXVI How to make a cast of your own personCLXXXVII Castings in gesso for use on panelCLXXXVIII How to cast medalsCLXXXIX How to make a mold from a seal or coinIndex


Rackham's Fairy Tale Illustrations - 2876833865

65,41 zł

Rackham's Fairy Tale Illustrations Dover Publications Inc.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

List of PlatesLITTLE BROTHER AND LITTLE SISTER AND OTHER TALES BY THE BROTHERS GRIMM1 "She took off her golden garter and put it round the roe-buck's neck ("Little Brother and Little Sister")"2 "The end of his beard was caught in a crack in the tree ("Snow-White and Rose-Red)"3 "The third time she wore the star-dress which sparkled at every step ("The True Sweetheart")"4 "Suddenly the branches twined round her and turned into two arms ("The Old Woman in the Wood")"5 "He played until the room was entirely full of gnomes ("The Gnomes")"6 "What did she find there but real ripe strawberries ("The Three Little Men in the Wood")"7 "The waiting maid sprang down first and Maid Maleen followed ("Maid Maleen")"8 "She begged quite prettily to be allowed to spend the night there ("The Hut in the Forest")"SNOWDROP AND OTHER TALES BY THE BROTHERS GRIMM9 "The Dwarfs, when they came in the evening, found Snowdrop lying on the ground ("Snowdrop")"10 "The King could not contain himslef for joy ("Briar Rose")"11 "The young Prince said, "I am not afraid; I am determined to go and look upon the lovely Briar Rose" ("Briar Rose")"12 "Ashenputtel goes to the ball ("Ashenputtel")"13 "The fishes, in their joy, stretched up their head above the water, and promised to reward him ("The White Snake")"14 "So the four brothers took their sticks in their hands, bade their father good-bye, and passed out of the town gate ("The Four Clever Brothers")"15 "The King's only daughter had been carried off by a dragon ("The Four Clever Brothers")"16 "She went away accompanied by the lions ("The Lady and the Lion")"17 "Alas! Dear Falada, there thou hangest ("The Goosegirl")"18 "Bow, blow, little breeze, And Conrad's hat seize ("The Goosegirl")"19 "Good Dwarf, can you not tell me where my brothers are? ("The Water of Life")"20 "The son made a circle, and his father and he took their places within it, and the little black Manniken appeared ("The King of the Golden Mountain")"21 "But they said one after another: "Halloa! Who has been eating off my plate? Who has been drinking out of my cup?" ("The Seven Ravens")"22 "The beggar took her by the hand and led her away ("King Thrushbeard")"HANSEL AND GRETHEL AND OTHER TALES BY THE BROTHERS GRIMM23 "All at once the door opened and an old, old woman, supporting herself on a crutch, came hobbling out ("Hansel and Grethel")"24 "Hansel put out a knuckle-bone, and the old woman, whose eyes were dim, could not see it, and thought it was his finger, and she was much astonished that he did not get fat ("Hansel and Grethel")"25 "Once there was a poor old woman who lived in a village ("The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean") "26 "So she seized him with two fingers, and carried him upstairs ("The Frog Prince")"27 "The cat stole away behind the city walls to the church ("The Cat and Mouse in Partnership")"28 "The witch climbed up ("Rapunzel")"29 "When she got to the wood, she met a wolf ("Red Riding Hood")"30 "O Grandmother, what big ears you have got" she said ("Red Riding Hood")"31 "The old man had to sit by himself, and ate his food from a wooden bowl ("The Old Man and His Grandson")"THE ALLIES' FAIRY BOOK32 "In a twinkling the giant put each garden, and orchard, and castle in the bundle as they were before ("The Battle of the Birds")"33 "If thou wilt give me this pretty little one," says the king's son. "I will take thee at they word" ('"The Battle of the Birds")"34 "Now, Guleesh, what good will she be to you when she'll be dumb? It's time for us to go-but you'll remember us, Guleesh")"35 "The sleeping Princess ("The Sleeping Beauty")"36 "So valiantly did they grapple with him that they bore him to the ground and slew him ("Cesarino and the Dragon")"37 "The birds showed the young man the white dove's nest ("What Came of Picking Flowers")"38 "Art thou warm, maiden? Art thou warm, pretty one? Art thou warm, my darling?" ("Frost")"39 "Nine peahens flew towards the tree, and eight of them settled on its branches, but the ninth alighted near him and turned instantly into a beautiful girl ("The Golden Apple-Tree and the Nine Peahens")"40 "The dragon flew out and caught the queen on the road and carried her away ("The Golden Apple Tree and the Nine Peahens")"ENGLISH FAIRY TALES41 "Mr. And Mrs. Vinegar at home ("Mr. And Mrs. Vinegar")"42 "Somebody has been at my porriedge, and has eaten it all up!" ("The Story of the Three Bears")"43 "The giant Cormoran was the terror of all the country-side ("Jack the Giant-Killer")"44 "Tree of mine! O tree of mine! Have you seen my naughty little maid?" ("The Two Sisters")"45 "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman" ("Jack and the Beanstalk")"46 "She went along, and went along, and went along ("Catskin")"47 "They thanked her and said good-bye, and she went on her journey ("The Three Heads of the Well")"48 "Many's the beating he had from the broomstick or the ladle ("Dick Whittington and his Cat")"49 "When Puss saw the rats and mice she didn't want to be told ("Dick Whittington and his Cat")"50 "She sat down and plaited herself an overall of rushes and a cap to match ("Caporushes")"IRISH FAIRY TALES51 "In a forked glen into which he slipped at night-fall he was surrounded by giant toads ("Becuma of the White Skin")"52 "My life became a ceaseless scurry and wound and escape, a burden and anguish of watchfullness" ("The Story of Tuan Mac Cairill")"53 "She looked angry woe at the straining and snarling horde below ("The Wooing of Becfola")"Headpiece [on title page] By day she made herself into a cat . . .Tailpiece [following Plate 53] . . . or a screech owl


Amortyzator 34 Float 650b 160mm CTD FIT Qr 15mm Tapered - 2002625532

4650,00 zł

Amortyzator 34 Float 650b 160mm CTD FIT Qr 15mm Tapered

CT > Części rowerowe > Amortyzatory rowerowe > Widelce amortyzowane >


Blood Doctor - 2212839586

32,40 zł

Blood Doctor Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

Blood. That


Mayhem in the Morra by Marc Esserman (miękka okładka) - 2880072371

136,85 zł

Mayhem in the Morra by Marc Esserman (miękka okładka)

Zabawki i klocki dla Nastolatków i Dorosłych > Szachy > Debiuty

Wersja językowa książki - angielska. Miękka okładka.   Mayhem in the Morra  offers a complete fighting repertoire for White against the Sicilian with 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3. The Morra Gambit is a popular weapon at club level, but can it be effective at GM level? Marc Esserman believes so and he has 2700-rated scalps to back up his view.Esserman is the world's leading expert on the Morra Gambit and he shares all his secrets and many novelties in a lively witty style. The Morra leads to exciting gambit play, so some players decline the offer with 3...Nf6 - Esserman also shows how White can attack this cautious defence.Don't be afraid of the Sicilian - unleash Mayhem in the Morra!#8226; A complete anti-Sicilian repertoire  #8226; Ideal for attacking players #8226; Hundreds of novelties and improvements Marc Esserman  is an IM from the USA who has played and analysed the Morra Gambit for most of his life.Published 13 July 2012 - 360 pages - ISBN 978-1-907982-20-0 Foreword by GM Larry Christiansen: "In 2011, when preparing for the US Championship, I decided to employ the Morra Gambit as a surprise weapon if given the chance. Marc supplied me with a vast amount of analysis and novelties for that tournament and I became convinced that the gambit was not only dangerous, but perfectly sound. There is no greater authority in the world on this line than Marc Esserman and he lays it all out there in this book."Reviews"A quick glance at the cover and you just know that Mayhem in the Morra is going to be lots of fun. And it proves to be so... The imaginative Marc Esserman actually has a real talent for writing." GM Glenn Flear , New in Chess"Rarely has one person had so much influence on reviving a variation long thought to be dead. Esserman has advocated the Smith-Morra for many years as a player and now he does so as a writer and theoretician...Mayhem in the Morra is useful not only for the many new ideas and theoretical novelties it offers but also for the strategic explanations. Easerman believes the Morra is not just about cheap tricks but has a deep positional underpinning. He does an excellent job of explaining the intricacies of this opening that goes well beyond just presenting the state of theory as he sees it." IM John Donaldson "While the Morra doesn't refute the Sicilian, as the cover of the book cheekily suggests, it will definitely make Black's life difficult; especially if he doesn't enjoy defending complicated and passive positions. I love everything about the present book: the passion, the enthusiasm, the original input, the writing, and the many entertaining games and variations. It is a true labor of love and I heartily recommend it to anyone who wants to sharpen their game against the Sicilian or perhaps just have a truly fascinating alternative to the mountain of theory in the conventional main lines of the Sicilian Defense." Carsten Hansen , ChessCafe (full review)"Mayhem in the Morra! is one of the best and funniest opening books I#8217;ve ever read, and there#8217;s hardly anything to criticize. Even his sometimes revengeful-sounding style is usually compensated by realistic goals, such as when he acknowledges the strength of the 'Improved Siberian' move order for Black (1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 e6 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Bc4 Nf6!), commenting that in this line 'the battle rages fierce' still.Esserman#8217;s book is an outstanding example of out-of-the-box thinking, profound enthusiasm for a subject and a lot of hard, hard work. It#8217;s hilarious as well as ambitious; arrogant as well as amiable. It describes how an opening can make you sad and happy at the same time, depending on the way it is treated and how it treats you.Marc Esserman has written a celebration of chess in all its imaginative richness. You should read it, even


Mayhem in the Morra by Marc Esserman (twarda okładka) - 2880072437

163,30 zł

Mayhem in the Morra by Marc Esserman (twarda okładka)

Zabawki i klocki dla Nastolatków i Dorosłych > Szachy > Debiuty

Wersja językowa książki - angielska. Twarda okładka.   Mayhem in the Morra  offers a complete fighting repertoire for White against the Sicilian with 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3. The Morra Gambit is a popular weapon at club level, but can it be effective at GM level? Marc Esserman believes so and he has 2700-rated scalps to back up his view.Esserman is the world's leading expert on the Morra Gambit and he shares all his secrets and many novelties in a lively witty style. The Morra leads to exciting gambit play, so some players decline the offer with 3...Nf6 - Esserman also shows how White can attack this cautious defence.Don't be afraid of the Sicilian - unleash Mayhem in the Morra!#8226; A complete anti-Sicilian repertoire  #8226; Ideal for attacking players #8226; Hundreds of novelties and improvements Marc Esserman  is an IM from the USA who has played and analysed the Morra Gambit for most of his life.Published 13 July 2012 - 360 pages - ISBN 978-1-907982-21-7 Foreword by GM Larry Christiansen: "In 2011, when preparing for the US Championship, I decided to employ the Morra Gambit as a surprise weapon if given the chance. Marc supplied me with a vast amount of analysis and novelties for that tournament and I became convinced that the gambit was not only dangerous, but perfectly sound. There is no greater authority in the world on this line than Marc Esserman and he lays it all out there in this book."Reviews"A quick glance at the cover and you just know that Mayhem in the Morra is going to be lots of fun. And it proves to be so... The imaginative Marc Esserman actually has a real talent for writing." GM Glenn Flear , New in Chess"Rarely has one person had so much influence on reviving a variation long thought to be dead. Esserman has advocated the Smith-Morra for many years as a player and now he does so as a writer and theoretician...Mayhem in the Morra is useful not only for the many new ideas and theoretical novelties it offers but also for the strategic explanations. Easerman believes the Morra is not just about cheap tricks but has a deep positional underpinning. He does an excellent job of explaining the intricacies of this opening that goes well beyond just presenting the state of theory as he sees it." IM John Donaldson "While the Morra doesn't refute the Sicilian, as the cover of the book cheekily suggests, it will definitely make Black's life difficult; especially if he doesn't enjoy defending complicated and passive positions. I love everything about the present book: the passion, the enthusiasm, the original input, the writing, and the many entertaining games and variations. It is a true labor of love and I heartily recommend it to anyone who wants to sharpen their game against the Sicilian or perhaps just have a truly fascinating alternative to the mountain of theory in the conventional main lines of the Sicilian Defense." Carsten Hansen , ChessCafe (full review)"Mayhem in the Morra! is one of the best and funniest opening books I've ever read, and there's hardly anything to criticize. Even his sometimes revengeful-sounding style is usually compensated by realistic goals, such as when he acknowledges the strength of the 'Improved Siberian' move order for Black (1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Nxc3 e6 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Bc4 Nf6!), commenting that in this line 'the battle rages fierce' still.Esserman's book is an outstanding example of out-of-the-box thinking, profound enthusiasm for a subject and a lot of hard, hard work. It's hilarious as well as ambitious; arrogant as well as amiable. It describes how an opening can make you sad and happy at the same time, depending on the way it is treated and how it treats you.Marc Esserman has written a celebration of chess in all its imaginative richness. You should read it, even - no, especially if you've always hated the Morra Gambit." Arne Moll , Chess Vibes (full review)"The reason why we say 'Mayhem' is an impressive work is that it contains a strategic explanation of the Morra, not just an automaton's repetition of the variations. Esserman explains the opening in terms of domination of squares and pursuit of pieces, especially the king and queen, an approach that the computers strangely are unable to express...Because of his energetic style, we would call him a Balzac of chess writers and we grant him high marks." The Boston Globe  (full review)"IM Marc Esserman's brilliant Mayhem in the Morra arrived in the mail this weekend and has not been out of my hands very much since. Not only is it chock full of interesting ideas and original games in the Smith-Morra Gambit (1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3), but it is also a fun book to read! In fact, I find it hard to remember the last opening book that was as entertaining to read as Mayhem in the Morra, which has an inspired and amusing style -- overflowing with personal anecdotes, quotes from James Bond and Austin Powers films, and incitements to romantic violence at the chessboard." Michael Goeller  (full review)"The reputation of the Morra Gambit is like that of April weather, neither wholly bad nor really good. Esserman has set out to improve the reputation of the gambit, and he does so with diligence, enthusiasm, facts and a certain degree of Sense of Mission." Uwe Bekemann ,


Friday I'm in Love - 2872718844

43,44 zł

Friday I'm in Love Penguin Random House Children's UK

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

It's too late for a Sweet Sixteen, but what if Mahalia had a coming-out party? A love letter to romantic comedies, sweet sixteen blowouts, Black joy, and queer pride.Mahalia Harris wants.She wants a big Sweet Sixteen like her best friend, Naomi.She wants the super-cute new girl Siobhan to like her back.She wants a break from worrying-about money, snide remarks from white classmates, pitying looks from church ladies . . . all of it.Then inspiration strikes: It's too late for a Sweet Sixteen, but what if she had a coming-out party? A singing, dancing, rainbow-cake-eating celebration of queerness on her own terms.The idea lights a fire beneath her, and soon Mahalia is scrimping and saving, taking on extra hours at her afterschool job, trying on dresses, and awkwardly flirting with Siobhan, all in preparation for the coming out of her dreams. But it's not long before she's buried in a mountain of bills, unfinished schoolwork, and enough drama to make her English lit teacher blush. With all the responsibility on her shoulders, will Mahalia's party be over before it's even begun?A novel about finding yourself, falling in love, and celebrating what makes you you.---"Camryn Garrett writes with wholehearted sincerity-sharp edged truth braided with irrepressible joy. Mahalia's story lives, breathes and glows. I'm in love with it every day of the week!" -Becky Albertalli, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homosapiens Agenda "A perfect ode to romantic comedies, wrapped in a dazzling rainbow dress." -Rachael Lippincott, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Five Feet Apart and She Gets the Girl


Feet in the Clouds - 2871691732

47,37 zł

Feet in the Clouds Aurum Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Nearly 10 years after its first publication, Aurum are re-issuing this classic running book which has defined a genre. It includes an introduction from bestselling author Robert Macfarlane and an epilogue from Richard Askwith. The concept of fell-running is simple: it's a sport that involves running over mountains - sometimes one, sometimes many. It's also immensely demanding. While running uphill is a stamina-sapping slog, running pell-mell down the other side requires the agility - and even recklessness - of a mountain goat. And there's the weather to contend with. It may make the sports pages only rarely, but in areas like the Lake District and Snowdonia fell-running is the basis of a whole culture - indeed, race organisers sometimes have to turn competitors away so that fragile mountain uplands are not irrevocably damaged by too many thundering feet. Fixtures like the annual Ben Nevis and Snowdon races attract runners from all over Britain, and beyond.Others, such as the Wasdale and Ennerdale fell runs in the Lakeland valleys - gruelling marathons of more than 20 miles - remain truly local events for which the whole community turns out, with many of the runners back on the same fells the next day tending sheep. Now, Richard Askwith explores the world of fell-running in the only legitimate way: by donning his Ron Hill vest and studded shoes to spend a season running as many of the great fell races as he can, from Borrowdale to Ben Nevis: an arduous schedule that tests the very limits of one's stamina and courage. Over the months he also meets the greats of fell-running - like the remarkable Joss Naylor, who to celebrate his fiftieth birthday ran all 214 major Lakeland fells in a single week; Billy Bland, the combative Borrowdale man whose astounding records still stand for many of the top races; and Bill Teasdale, a hero of the sport's earlier, professional days, whom he tracks down to his tiny cottage in the northern Lakes. And ultimately Askwith's obsession drives him to attempt the ultimate challenge: the Bob Graham Round - a non-stop circuit of 42 of the Lake District's highest peaks to be completed within 24 hours.This is a portrait of one of the few sports to have remained utterly true to its roots - in which the point is not fame or fortune but to run the ancient, wild landscape, and to be a hero, if at all, within one's own valley. Feet in the Clouds is a chronicle of a masochistic but admirable sporting obsession, an insight into one of the oldest extreme sports, and a lyrical tribute to Britain's mountains and the men and women who live among them.


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