libristo art museums in new york 11772122

- znaleziono 34 produkty w 7 sklepach

Museums & Galleries of New York IG - 2212827953

62,50 zł

Museums & Galleries of New York IG APA Publications

Inne 1

This guide covers more than 100 of New York's museums and galleries, from its world-class institutions to its highly specialized collections and cutting-edge galleries. It is illustrated throughout with hundreds of pictures and full colour maps to help you find your way around. Each museum review comes with its own list of suggestions of where to stop for refreshments in the area. In addition, introductory features explain how New York became one of the world centres of art and culture, and why it's one of the best museum towns on the planet.


Do Museums Still Need Objects? - 2878082673

144,91 zł

Do Museums Still Need Objects? University of Pennsylvania Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"We live in a museum age," writes Steven Conn in Do Museums Still Need Objects? And indeed, at the turn of the twenty-first century, more people are visiting museums than ever before. There are now over 17,500 accredited museums in the United States, averaging approximately 865 million visits a year, more than two million visits a day. New museums have proliferated across the cultural landscape even as older ones have undergone transformational additions: from the Museum of Modern Art and the Morgan in New York to the High in Atlanta and the Getty in Los Angeles. If the golden age of museum-building came a century ago, when the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Field Museum of Natural History, and others were created, then it is fair to say that in the last generation we have witnessed a second golden age. By closely observing the cultural, intellectual, and political roles that museums play in contemporary society, while also delving deeply into their institutional histories, historian Steven Conn demonstrates that museums are no longer seen simply as houses for collections of objects.Conn ranges across a wide variety of museum types-from art and anthropology to science and commercial museums-asking questions about the relationship between museums and knowledge, about the connection between culture and politics, about the role of museums in representing non-Western societies, and about public institutions and the changing nature of their constituencies. Elegantly written and deeply researched, Do Museums Still Need Objects? is essential reading for historians, museum professionals, and those who love to visit museums.


Fashion and Museums - 2867107495

242,29 zł

Fashion and Museums Bloomsbury Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Why is fashion "in fashion" in museums today? This timely volume brings together expert scholars and curators to examine the reasons behind fashion's popularity in the twenty-first century museum and the impact this has had on wider museum practice. Chapters explore the role of fashion in the museum across a range of international case studies including the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The Fashion Museum at Bath, ModeMuseum in Antwerp and many more. Contributions look at topics such as how fashion has made museums accessible to diverse audiences and how curators present broader themes and issues such as gender, class and technology innovatively through exhibiting fashion. Drawing on approaches from dress history, fashion studies, museum studies and curatorship, this engaging book will be key reading for students and scholars across a range of disciplines.


ART, LIFE and UFOs - 2867123848

122,60 zł

ART, LIFE and UFOs Anomalist Books LLC

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

An intimate account, in three interlocked themes, of one man's remarkably complex life. ART: Budd Hopkins is a nationally known Abstract Expressonist painter, with works in the collections of the Guggenheim, Whitney, and Metropolitan Museums, as well as Boston's Museum of Fine Arts and New York's Museum of Modern Art. In this revealing memoir, Hopkins explains the development of his work and describes with keen insight his friendships with senior artists such as Franz Kline, Mark Rothko, and Robert Motherwell, and the importance he finds in their work. LIFE: Beginning with his childhood and youth in West Virginia, a period that remains a central theme in this memoir, Hopkins goes on to discuss his life as a victim of polio during the pandemic of the 1930s, his complex relationship with his father, his participation in the famous "Cedar Bar years" of Abstract Expressionism, his adventures evading the attentions of several prominent members in New York's once closeted gay scene, and his summer life in Cape Cod. UFOs: Hopkins has also spent more than 30 years investigating UFO reports and is considered the world expert on UFO abductions. He has authored four seminal books on the subject, including "Missing Time" and the New York Times bestseller "Intruders," which was the subject of a CBS miniseries. Among the personal or professional relationships he writes about during his research are those with the astronomers Carl Sagan and J. Allen Hynek, the philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller, and the Harvard psychiatrist John Mack.


Twentieth-Century American Art - 2854225644

133,25 zł

Twentieth-Century American Art Oxford University Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Jackson Pollock, Georgia O'Keeffe, Andy Warhol, Julian Schnabel, and Laurie Anderson are just some of the major American artists of the twentieth century. From the 1893 Chicago World's Fair to the 2000 Whitney Biennial, a rapid succession of art movements and different styles reflected the extreme changes in American culture and society, as well as America's position within the international art world. This exciting new look at twentieth century American art explores the relationships between American art, museums, and audiences in the century that came to be called the 'American century'. Extending beyond New York, it covers the emergence of Feminist art in Los Angeles in the 1970s; the Black art movement; the expansion of galleries and art schools; and the highly political public controversies surrounding arts funding. All the key movements are fully discussed, including early American Modernism, the New Negro movement, Regionalism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Neo-Expressionism.


Art Workshops for Children - 2878872830

134,05 zł

Art Workshops for Children Phaidon Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A guide to eleven children's art workshops by one of the world's most innovative facilitators and best-selling bookmakers. Workshops are designed to spark children's imaginations, champion group bonding, and give visually pleasing results - with no artistic ability required.Illustrated and written by author of Press Here (over 1 million copies sold worldwide and a The New York Times bestseller for 3 years running).Each workshop includes: a list of materials needed, a step-by-step guide to facilitation, practical tips, illustrated examples, and photos of workshops in progress.Tried and tested around the world by children of all ages. Perfect for organizing group events at home, in schools, at parties, at museums - anywhere!


Szata roślinna w krajobrazach malarstwa niderlandzkiego XV wieku - Piotr Kulesza - 2836950410

123,04 zł

Szata roślinna w krajobrazach malarstwa niderlandzkiego XV wieku - Piotr Kulesza

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Książka jest wynikiem kilkuletnich interdyscyplinarnych badań z pogranicza nauk humanistycznych i przyrodniczych. Stanowi próbę rozwikłania przez przyrodnika tajemnicy przyrody ukazanej w scenach malarstwa niderlandzkiego XVwieku. Przedstawia dokładną analizę szaty roślinnej, a w szczególności identyfikację botaniczną namalowanych roślin na wybranych obrazach Roberta Campina, Jana van Eycka, Rogiera van derWeydena, Petrusa Christusa, Diericka Boutsa, Hugo van der Goesa i Hansa Memlinga. Autor porusza temat dokładności odwzorowania poszczególnych gatunków w aspekcie przyrodniczym oraz analizuje namalowane rośliny w odniesieniu do przedstawionego krajobrazu i założeń ogrodowych. Książka jest nowym spojrzeniem na przyrodę wyobrażonąwsztuce, a zwłaszcza rośliny, które były nierozłącznym elementem kompozycji malarskich. SPIS TREŚCI Wstęp Analiza botaniczna wybranych obrazów Robert Campin (1375/1379-1444) - Mistrz z Flémalle Madonna na ławie, 1420, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Ołtarz Mérode, 1425-1430, po 1450 r., New York, Th e Metropolitan Museum of Art Tablica środkowa: Zwiastowanie Tablica lewa: Para fundatorów Madonna z Dzieciątkiem, 1430, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum Św. Weronika, 1430, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum Zaślubiny Najświętszej Marii Panny, 1440, Madrid, Museo del Prado Madonna ze świętymi w ogrodzie zamknionym, 1440-1450, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Samuel H. Kress Collection Jan van Eyck (1395-1441) Ołtarz Gandawski, 1432, Ghent, Saint Bavo Cathedral Tablica środkowa: Adoracja Baranka Mistycznego Tablice prawe: Święci eremici i Pielgrzymi ze św. Krzysztofem Rewers: Zwiastowanie Zwiastowanie, 1434-1436, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Andrew W. Mellon Collection Madonna z kanclerzem Rolinem (Maryja z Autun), 1435, Paris, Musée du Louvre Madonna przy fontannie, 1439, Antwerp, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp Rogier (Roger) van der Weyden (1399/1400-1464) Zdjęcie z krzyża, 1430-1435, Madrid, Museo del Prado Św. Łukasz malujący Maryję, 1435 (1432-1442), Boston, Museum of Fine Arts Tryptyk Miraflores, 1435, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Dyptyk ołtarz dla Henricha von Werl, 1438, Madrid, Museo del Prado Tablica prawa: Św. Barbara Sąd Ostateczny, 1443-1451, Beaune, Hötel-Dieu Tablica środkowa Tablica boczna lewa Nawiedzenie Elżbiety przez Maryję, 1440-1445, Leipzig, Museum der bildenden Künste Tryptyk Bladelina, 1445-1450, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Tablica środkowa: Adoracja Dzieciątka z Bladelinem Tablica prawa: Wizja trzech mędrców Madonna z Dzieciątkiem i świętymi, 1450, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum Ołtarz Kolumbana, 1450-1455, München, Alte Pinakothek Tablica środkowa: Pokłon mędrców z fundatorem Tablica lewa: Zwiastowanie Tryptyk św. Jana Chrzciciela, 1454, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Tablica środkowa: Chrzest Chrystusa Tablica lewa: Ukazanie nowo narodzonego Jana Chrzciciela Zachariaszowi Tablica prawa: Ścięcie głowy Jana Chrzciciela Złożenie Chrystusa do grobu, 1460, Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi Petrus Christus (1410-1475/1476) Zwiastowanie, 1452, Brugge, Musea Brugge Zwiastowanie, 1452, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Dierick (Dirk) Bouts (1415-1475) Opłakiwanie Chrystusa, 1460, Paris, Musée du Louvre Ecce Agnus Die, 1462-1464, München, Alte Pinakothek Ołtarz Ostatniej Wieczerzy, 1464-1467, Leuven, Museums of Leuven Tablica lewa górna: Spotkanie Abrahama z Melchizedekiem Tablica prawa dolna: Sen Eliasza na pustyni Tryptyk Sądu Ostatecznego, 1470, Lille, Musée des Beaux-Arts Tablica lewa: Wejście do raju Sprawiedliwość Ottona III, 1473-1475, Bruxelles, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Tablica lewa: Egzekucja niewinnego Hugo van der Goes (1440-1482) Ołtarz Monforte, 1470-1472, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Tablica środkowa: Pokłon mędrców Dyptyk wiedeński. Upadek i opłakiwanie, 1470-1473, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum Tablica lewa: Upadek. Grzech pierworodny Tryptyk Portinarich, 1475-1477, Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi Tablica środkowa: Adoracja Dzieciątka i pokłon pasterzy Pokłon pasterzy z prorokami Izajaszem i Habakukiem, 1480, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Hans Memling (1430/1440-1494) Sąd Ostateczny, 1473, Gdańsk, Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku Tablica środkowa Tablica lewa Męczeństwo św. Sebastiana, 1475 (1470), Bruxelles, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Madonna z Dzieciątkiem na tronie ze św. Katarzyną i św. Barbarą, 1479, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Tryptyk Odpoczynek podczas ucieczki do Egiptu, 1480, Paris, Musée du Louvre Tablic środkowa Tablica lewa awers: Św. Jan Chrzciciel Tablica prawa awers: Św. Maria Magdalena Tablica lewa rewers: Św. Szczepan, Cincinnati, Art. Museum Tablica prawa rewers: Św. Krzysztof Tryptyk Morela, 1484, Brugge, Musea Brugge Tablica środkowa Tablica lewa Tablica prawa Zakończenie Zestawienia tabelaryczne Tabela 1. Zestawienie rozpoznanych roślin Tabela 2. Zestawienie rozpoznanych roślin w obrębie grupy wybranych malarzy Tabela 3. Przynależność syntaksonomiczna rozpoznanych roślin Bibliografia Summary Spis ilustracji Indeks roślin Nazwa - Szata roślinna w krajobrazach malarstwa niderlandzkiego XV wieku Autor - Piotr Kulesza Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II Kod ISBN - 9788377022719 Kod EAN - 9788377022719 Rok wydania - 2011 Ilość stron - 604 Podatek VAT - 5%


Culture Strike - 2875906176

57,37 zł

Culture Strike Verso Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A leading activist museum director explains why museums are at the center of a political storm and how they can be reimagined.In an age of protest, cultural institutions have come under fire. Protestors have mobilized against sources of museum funding, as happened at the Metropolitan Museum, and against board appointments, forcing tear gas manufacturer Warren Kanders to resign at the Whitney. That is to say nothing of demonstrations against exhibitions and artworks. Protests have roiled institutions across the world, from the Abu Dhabi Guggenheim to the Akron Art Museum. A popular expectation has grown that galleries and museums should work for social change. As Director of the Queens Museum, Laura Raicovich helped turn that New York muni- cipal institution into a public commons for art and activism, organizing high-powered exhibitions that doubled as political protests. Then in January 2018, she resigned, after a dispute with the Queens Museum board and city officials. This public controversy followed the museum's responses to Donald Trump's election, including her objections to the Israeli government using the museum for an event featuring Vice President Mike Pence.In this lucid and accessible book, Raicovich examines some of the key museum flashpoints and provides historical context for the current controversies. She shows how art museums arose as colonial institutions bearing an ideology of neutrality that masks their role in upholding conservative, capitalist values. And she suggests ways museums can be reinvented to serve better, public ends.


Constantin Brancusi - 2861881001

178,57 zł

Constantin Brancusi Crescent Moon Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

CONSTANTIN BRANCUSI Constantin Brancusi is one of the greatest of all sculptors, and a key sculptor of the modern era, along with Auguste Rodin and Pablo Picasso. Brancusi's influence can be seen in a wide range of Western sculptors, including Donald Judd, Carl Andre, Henry Moore, Jean Arp, Barbara Hepworth, Minimalists and land artists. This new book studies the religious and mythical dimensions of Constantin Brancusi's distinctive scultpural forms, the 'eggs', 'fishes', 'heads' and 'columns'. His central quest was for the 'essence of things', which resulted in purifying a form until only the essence was left. It was Constantin Brancusi's project to strip away the detritus that had accumulated around sculpture, Henry Moore said, and to offer the pure, simple shape. What Brancusi did was 'to concentrate on very simple shapes, to keep his sculpture, as it were, one-cylindered, to refine and polish a single shape to a degree almost too precious.' As well as being a sculptor, Constantin Brancusi was also an accomplished photographer. Quite a few artists (not all of them sculptors) have expressed  for Brancusi's photographs, and the way he would set up his sculptures in his studio and photograph them at particular times of the day, when the lighting was just right. They are early examples of installation art (and some of the best, too). Andy Goldsworthy said he admired how Brancusi created the right conditions in his studio so that his work 'comes alive at a particular time of the day as the light momentarily touches it'. For Goldsworthy, Brancusi's works were at their best when they were arranged by the sculptor in his studio and photographed. Somehow, it wasn't quite the same when they were displayed in modern art museums (such as the Pompidou Centre in Paris or the Museum of Modern Art in Gotham, which have important Brancusi pieces). Fully illustrated, including many photos of Constantin Brancusi's studio in Paris, Brancusi's works in museums in New York, Washington and L.A., and the art of his contemporaries. With bibliography and notes. ISBN 9781861713599. 180 pages. This new (5th) edition has been revised. AUTHOR'S NOTE: The art of Constantin Brancusi never ceases to fascinate and inspire, and it always seems fresh, as if it had been created fives minutes ago, no matter how many times you look at it. When you encounter a Brancusi sculpture in a museum, it pops out, clear and direct; there is simply nothing else like Brancusi's art in history. I have tried to explore the key elements of Brancusi's art, and the important events in his development as a sculptor. I have also included comparisons with other artists of the period, and also how Brancusi's art has influenced many subsequent artists.


Constantin Brancusi - 2867110544

90,44 zł

Constantin Brancusi Crescent Moon Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

CONSTANTIN BRANCUSI Constantin Brancusi is one of the greatest of all sculptors, and a key sculptor of the modern era, along with Auguste Rodin and Pablo Picasso. Brancusi's influence can be seen in a wide range of Western sculptors, including Donald Judd, Carl Andre, Henry Moore, Jean Arp, Barbara Hepworth, Minimalists and land artists. This new book studies the religious and mythical dimensions of Constantin Brancusi's distinctive sculptural forms, the 'eggs', 'fishes', 'heads' and 'columns'. His central quest was for the 'essence of things', which resulted in purifying a form until only the essence was left. It was Constantin Brancusi's project to strip away the detritus that had accumulated around sculpture, Henry Moore said, and to offer the pure, simple shape. What Brancusi did was 'to concentrate on very simple shapes, to keep his sculpture, as it were, one-cylindered, to refine and polish a single shape to a degree almost too precious.' As well as being a sculptor, Constantin Brancusi was also an accomplished photographer. Quite a few artists (not all of them sculptors) have expressed  for Brancusi's photographs, and the way he would set up his sculptures in his studio and photograph them at particular times of the day, when the lighting was just right. They are early examples of installation art (and some of the best, too). Andy Goldsworthy said he admired how Brancusi created the right conditions in his studio so that his work 'comes alive at a particular time of the day as the light momentarily touches it'. For Goldsworthy, Brancusi's works were at their best when they were arranged by the sculptor in his studio and photographed. Somehow, it wasn't quite the same when they were displayed in modern art museums (such as the Pompidou Centre in Paris or the Museum of Modern Art in Gotham, which have important Brancusi pieces). Fully illustrated, including many photos of Constantin Brancusi's studio in Paris, Brancusi's works in museums in New York, Washington and L.A., and the art of his contemporaries. With bibliography and notes. ISBN 9781861714343. 180 pages. This new (5th) edition has been revised. AUTHOR'S NOTE: The art of Constantin Brancusi never ceases to fascinate and inspire, and it always seems fresh, as if it had been created five minutes ago, no matter how many times you look at it. When you encounter a Brancusi sculpture in a museum, it pops out, clear and direct; there is simply nothing else like Brancusi's art in history. I have tried to explore the key elements of Brancusi's art, and the important events in his development as a sculptor. I have also included comparisons with other artists of the period, and also how Brancusi's art has influenced many subsequent artists.


Andras Szanto. The Future of the Museum - 2862013248

87,12 zł

Andras Szanto. The Future of the Museum Hatje Cantz

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

As museums worldwide shuttered in 2020 because of the novel coronavirus, New York-based cultural strategist Andras Szanto conducted a series of interviews with an international group of museum leaders. In a moment when economic, political, and cultural shifts are signaling the start of a new era, the directors speak candidly about the historical limitations and untapped potential of art museums. Each of the twenty-eight dialogues in this book explores a particular topic of relevance to art institutions today, and tomorrow.What emerges from the series of in-depth conversations is a composite portrait of a generation of museum leaders working to make institutions more open, democratic, inclusive, experimental and experiential, technologically savvy, culturally polyphonic, attuned to the needs of their visitors and communities, and concerned with addressing the defining issues of the societies around them. The dialogues offer glimpses of how museums around the globe are undergoing an accelerated phase of reappraisal and reinvention. CONVERSATION PARTNERS: Marion Ackermann, Cecilia Alemani, Anton Belov, Meriem Berrada, Daniel Birnbaium, Tom Campbell, Tania Cohen, Rhana Devenport, Maria Mercedes Gonzales, Max Hollein, Sandra Jackson-Dumont, Mami Kataoka, Brian Kennedy, Koyo Kouoh, Sonia Lawson, Adam Levine, Victoria Noorthoorn, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Anne Pasternak, Adriano Pedrosa, Suhanya Raffel, Axel Ruger, Katrina Sedwick, Franklin Sirmans, Eugene Tan, Phil Tinari, Marc-Olivier Wahler, Marie-Cecile Zinsou


Berlin The Monocle Travel Guide Series - 2853079811

49,19 zł

Berlin The Monocle Travel Guide Series

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - From the historic to the hip, Berlin is a city of palpable creative energy with a healthy dose of cultural relevance. This is a city in perpetual flux and its ability to reinvent itself can be attributed to its complex history. Today there"s a seductive allure to the German capital"s dynamism and willingness to create anew. Be it a luxury hotel in an old bathhouse, experimental artwork in a former margarine factory or an ever-evolving roster of musicians and designers, the city thrums with diversity and ingenuity. The Monocle Travel Guide to Berlin will take you to our favourite pockets of independent retail and the best places to eat and drink, whether you"re after a venerated dining room or a hidden cocktail bar. We"ll lead you through the mix of envelope-pushing art hubs and didactic museums. And then there"s our round-up of the architectural landmarks that reveals the narrative of this once-divided city. Berlin is about more than nightclubs and hammering hangovers " although a night on the tiles here still rarely disappoints. We guarantee that this guide will show that there"s plenty more to discover. The magazine Monocle covers the world with its network of bureaus in New York, Toronto, Zurich, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Tokyo, and Singapore. It also employs more than 30 dedicated correspondents"in cities from Bangkok to Bogotá, Sao Paolo to Stockholm"as well as a team of on-the-road reporters based out of its headquarters in London. This team"s deep understanding of cities and all they have to offer has now been compiled in The Monocle Travel Guide Series. Nazwa - Berlin The Monocle Travel Guide Series Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Gestalten Kod ISBN - 9783899556797 Kod EAN - 9783899556797 Rok wydania - 2016 Język - angielski Format - 14.8x21.6cm Ilość stron - 148 Podatek VAT - 5%


Szata roślinna w krajobrazach malarstwa niderlandzkiego XV wieku. Identyfikacja botaniczna roślin na wybranych obrazach z CD. - 2829416820

119,00 zł

Szata roślinna w krajobrazach malarstwa niderlandzkiego XV wieku. Identyfikacja botaniczna roślin na wybranych obrazach z CD. KUL Wydawnictwo


Książka jest wynikiem kilkuletnich interdyscyplinarnych badań z pogranicza nauk humanistycznych i przyrodniczych. Stanowi próbę rozwikłania przez przyrodnika tajemnicy przyrody ukazanej w scenach malarstwa niderlandzkiego XVwieku. Przedstawia dokładną analizę szaty roślinnej, a w szczególności identyfikację botaniczną namalowanych roślin na wybranych obrazach Roberta Campina, Jana van Eycka, Rogiera van derWeydena, Petrusa Christusa, Diericka Boutsa, Hugo van der Goesa i Hansa Memlinga. Autor porusza temat dokładności odwzorowania poszczególnych gatunków w aspekcie przyrodniczym oraz analizuje namalowane rośliny w odniesieniu do przedstawionego krajobrazu i założeń ogrodowych. Książka jest nowym spojrzeniem na przyrodę wyobrażonąwsztuce, a zwłaszcza rośliny, które były nierozłącznym elementem kompozycji malarskich. SPIS TREŚCI Wstęp Analiza botaniczna wybranych obrazów Robert Campin (1375/1379-1444) - Mistrz z Flémalle Madonna na ławie, 1420, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Ołtarz Mérode, 1425-1430, po 1450 r., New York, Th e Metropolitan Museum of Art Tablica środkowa: Zwiastowanie Tablica lewa: Para fundatorów Madonna z Dzieciątkiem, 1430, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum Św. Weronika, 1430, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum Zaślubiny Najświętszej Marii Panny, 1440, Madrid, Museo del Prado Madonna ze świętymi w ogrodzie zamknionym, 1440-1450, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Samuel H. Kress Collection Jan van Eyck (1395-1441) Ołtarz Gandawski, 1432, Ghent, Saint Bavo Cathedral Tablica środkowa: Adoracja Baranka Mistycznego Tablice prawe: Święci eremici i Pielgrzymi ze św. Krzysztofem Rewers: Zwiastowanie Zwiastowanie, 1434-1436, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Andrew W. Mellon Collection Madonna z kanclerzem Rolinem (Maryja z Autun), 1435, Paris, Musée du Louvre Madonna przy fontannie, 1439, Antwerp, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp Rogier (Roger) van der Weyden (1399/1400-1464) Zdjęcie z krzyża, 1430-1435, Madrid, Museo del Prado Św. Łukasz malujący Maryję, 1435 (1432-1442), Boston, Museum of Fine Arts Tryptyk Miraflores, 1435, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Dyptyk ołtarz dla Henricha von Werl, 1438, Madrid, Museo del Prado Tablica prawa: Św. Barbara Sąd Ostateczny, 1443-1451, Beaune, Hötel-Dieu Tablica środkowa Tablica boczna lewa Nawiedzenie Elżbiety przez Maryję, 1440-1445, Leipzig, Museum der bildenden Künste Tryptyk Bladelina, 1445-1450, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Tablica środkowa: Adoracja Dzieciątka z Bladelinem Tablica prawa: Wizja trzech mędrców Madonna z Dzieciątkiem i świętymi, 1450, Frankfurt am Main, Städel Museum Ołtarz Kolumbana, 1450-1455, München, Alte Pinakothek Tablica środkowa: Pokłon mędrców z fundatorem Tablica lewa: Zwiastowanie Tryptyk św. Jana Chrzciciela, 1454, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Tablica środkowa: Chrzest Chrystusa Tablica lewa: Ukazanie nowo narodzonego Jana Chrzciciela Zachariaszowi Tablica prawa: Ścięcie głowy Jana Chrzciciela Złożenie Chrystusa do grobu, 1460, Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi Petrus Christus (1410-1475/1476) Zwiastowanie, 1452, Brugge, Musea Brugge Zwiastowanie, 1452, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Dierick (Dirk) Bouts (1415-1475) Opłakiwanie Chrystusa, 1460, Paris, Musée du Louvre Ecce Agnus Die, 1462-1464, München, Alte Pinakothek Ołtarz Ostatniej Wieczerzy, 1464-1467, Leuven, Museums of Leuven Tablica lewa górna: Spotkanie Abrahama z Melchizedekiem Tablica prawa dolna: Sen Eliasza na pustyni Tryptyk Sądu Ostatecznego, 1470, Lille, Musée des Beaux-Arts Tablica lewa: Wejście do raju Sprawiedliwość Ottona III, 1473-1475, Bruxelles, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Tablica lewa: Egzekucja niewinnego Hugo van der Goes (1440-1482) Ołtarz Monforte, 1470-1472, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Tablica środkowa: Pokłon mędrców Dyptyk wiedeński. Upadek i opłakiwanie, 1470-1473, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum Tablica lewa: Upadek. Grzech pierworodny Tryptyk Portinarich, 1475-1477, Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi Tablica środkowa: Adoracja Dzieciątka i pokłon pasterzy Pokłon pasterzy z prorokami Izajaszem i Habakukiem, 1480, Berlin, Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie (sind eine Einrichtung der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) Hans Memling (1430/1440-1494) Sąd Ostateczny, 1473, Gdańsk, Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku Tablica środkowa Tablica lewa Męczeństwo św. Sebastiana, 1475 (1470), Bruxelles, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Madonna z Dzieciątkiem na tronie ze św. Katarzyną i św. Barbarą, 1479, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Tryptyk Odpoczynek podczas ucieczki do Egiptu, 1480, Paris, Musée du Louvre Tablic środkowa Tablica lewa awers: Św. Jan Chrzciciel Tablica prawa awers: Św. Maria Magdalena Tablica lewa rewers: Św. Szczepan, Cincinnati, Art. Museum Tablica prawa rewers: Św. Krzysztof Tryptyk Morela, 1484, Brugge, Musea Brugge Tablica środkowa Tablica lewa Tablica prawa Zakończenie Zestawienia tabelaryczne Tabela 1. Zestawienie rozpoznanych roślin Tabela 2. Zestawienie rozpoznanych roślin w obrębie grupy wybranych malarzy Tabela 3. Przynależność syntaksonomiczna rozpoznanych roślin Bibliografia Summary Spis ilustracji Indeks roślin


Metropolitan Museum Guide - 2867593205

112,55 zł

Metropolitan Museum Guide Metropolitan Museum of Art

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This completely reconceived and rewritten guide to the Metropolitan's encyclopedic holdings - the first new edition of the guidebook in nearly thirty years - provides the ideal introduction to almost 600 essential masterpieces from one of the world's most popular and beloved museums. It features a compelling and accessible design, beautiful color reproductions, and up-to-date descriptions written by the Museum's own experts. More than a simple souvenir book, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide provides a comprehensive view of art history spanning more than five millennia and the entire globe, beginning with the Ancient World and ending in contemporary times. It includes media as varied as painting, photography, costume, sculpture, decorative arts, musical instruments, arms and armor, works on paper, and many more. Presenting works ranging from the ancient Egyptian Temple of Dendur to Canova's Perseus with the Head of Medusa to Sargent's Madame X, this is an indispensable volume for lovers of art and art history, and for anyone who has ever dreamed of lingering over the most iconic works in the Metropolitan Museum's unparalleled collection.


On The Table: Ai Weiwei - 2868551022

191,13 zł

On The Table: Ai Weiwei La Fabrica

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"Ai Weiwei: On the Table" surveys the full scope of Weiwei's career, from his early days in 1980s New York to his present-day status as the best-known and most influential Chinese artist in the world. Work by this media-savvy activist calling for greater freedom in China can now be found in leading contemporary art museums and collections worldwide; the image of his taunting, irreverent middle finger imposed atop touristy monuments and landscape photos has become ubiquitous, his sunflower seed installations iconic. This volume includes previously unseen new work, as well as a range of key pieces from the past 35 years, presented in a beautiful clothbound format. Ai Weiwei (born 1957) spent his youth in exile, returning to Beijing at the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976. He lived in the US, mostly in New York, from 1981 to 1993, and in the wake of his exposure to the work of Warhol, Duchamp and Johns, began altering readymade objects and creating conceptually driven art. In 2008 he was commissioned as the artistic design consultant for the Beijing National Stadium built for the Summer Olympics. The artist has openly criticized the Chinese government and was famously incarcerated for 81 days in 2011 on no official charges.


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