krainaksiazek some old times some old friends 20110465

- znaleziono 318 produktów w 20 sklepach


240,88 zł



Nagash był najpotężniejszym i budzacym największą grozę nekromantą dawnych czasów. Teraz powrócił, a świat Warhammera zmieni się na zawsze. Tom ten przybliża złowrogie wydarzenia po powrocie Nagasha do nie-życia, oraz jego plany zjednoczenia wszystkich nieumarłych świata Warhammera pod swą absolutną kontrolą. Ten przerażający, nowy rozdział w historii Starego Świata został wydany w formie dwóch tomów w twardej oprawie. Warhammer: Nagash Book 1 to 296-stronicowy tom zawierający wprowadzenie do wydarzeń związanych z powrotem Nagasha. Od Bretonni i Imperium, po miejsce urodzin Nagasha na ziemiach umarłych, toczą się wielkie bitwy, zmarli powstają i nic nie bedzie takie samo. Warhammer: Nagash Book 2 to 96-stronicowy tom zawierający nowe scenariusze i zasady bazujące na wydarzeniach z Warhammer: Nagash Book 1. Zawiera pełne zasady które pozwolą wystawić ci Nagasha i jego wierne sługi - wraz z zupełnie nowymi zasadami dla kilku największych bohaterów Starego Świata, takich jak Valten i Vlad von Carstein. Armie końca czasów mogą również wystawiać większą ilość Lordów, do 50% wartości punktowej i zupełnie nową domenę magii - Domenę Nieumarłych - pozwalającą dowolnemu modelowi maga władać niebezpieczną magią uwolnioną przez Nagasha. Dostępna jest też nowa lista armii, pozwalająca na wystawienie połączonych sił Khemri i Wampirów, znanych jako nieumarły legion. Nagash was the most powerful and feared of the necromancers of old. Now he has returned, and the Warhammer world will be forever changed. This volume details the fateful events following Nagash

Sklep: AlleDinge


39,00 zł


Książki/Książki angielskojęzyczneKsiążki/Historia i archeologia

The question as to how money circulated in Europe from Antiquity to the seventeenth century still remains unsolved. The studies in this volume, based on new finds and new scientific methods, contribute more results. The studies concern different aspects of the question, including the role of Celtic coins in Moravia in the light of the sensational finds from Nemcice, the inflow of dirhams and their imitations into Baltic, and the comparison of silver circulation in Scandinavia, old Prussia and Germany in the Viking-Age. The beginnings of coinage in Bohemia and Lithuania are also studied. These and other topics were discussed by eminent scholars from thirteen countries in 2006 at the Warsaw Symposium 'Money circulation in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Time, range, intensity'. The symposium was organized to mark the 50th Anniversary of the leading Polish numismatic Journal, also devoted to money and currency history - Wiadomości Numizmatyczne. The present volume includes eleven of the lectures presented at the Symposium, fully revised and illustrated for publication. An obituary of Professor Ryszard Kiersnowski - the real creator of the Journal and its editor for almost a quarter of a century, and some reflections on the half century history of the Wiadomości Numizmatyczne open the volume. Ciągle brak jest jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak obiegał pieniądz w Europie od starożytności aż do XVII w. Nowe, rewelacyjne odkrycia i pogłębione badania przy użyciu nowych metod przynoszą wciąż nowe rezultaty. Dotyczą one bardzo różnych zagadnień, np. roli monet celtyckich na Morawach w świetle sensacyjnych znalezisk w Niemczycach, napływu monet arabskich i ich imitacji na wybrzeża Bałtyku, porównania obiegu pieniężnego w epoce Wikingów w Skandynawii, u dawnych Prusów i w Niemczech, a także początków mennictwa w Czechach i na Litwie. Tymi problemami i jeszcze kilkoma innymi zajmowali się wybitni uczeni z 13 krajów, którzy w 2006 roku spotkali się w Warszawie na sympozjum


Money circulation in antiquity the middle ages and modern times - 2857604487

34,70 zł

Money circulation in antiquity the middle ages and modern times AVALON

Historia ekonomii i gospodarki. Ekonomiści. PrzedsiębiorcyFinanseWydawnictwa naukowe i popularno-naukowe

The guestion as to how money circulated in Europę from Antiquity to the seventeenth century still remains unsolved. The studies in this volume, based on new finds and new scientific methods, contribute more results. The studies concern different aspects of the guestion, including the role of Celtic coins in Moravia in the light of the sensational finds from Nemcice, the inflow of dirhams and their imitations into Baltic, and the comparison of silver circulation in Scandinavia, old Prussia and Germany in the Viking-Age. The beginnings of coinage in Bohemia and Lithuania arę also studied. These and other topics were discussed by eminent scholars from thirteen countries in 2006 at the Warsaw Symposium 'Money circulation in Antiguity, the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Time, rangę, intensity'. The symposium was organized to mark the 50th Anniversary of the leading Polish numismatic Journal, also devoted to money and currency history - Wiadomości Numizmatyczne. The present volume includes eleven of the lectures presented at the Symposium, fully revised and illustrated for publication. An obituary of Professor Ryszard Kiersnowski - the real creator of the Journal and its editor for almost a guarter of a century, and some reflections on the half century history of the Wiadomości Numizmatyczne open the volume. Ciągle brak jest jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak obiegał pieniądz w Europie od starożytności aż do XVII w. Nowe, rewelacyjne odkrycia i pogłębione badania przy użyciu nowych metod przynoszą wciąż nowe rezultaty. Dotyczą one bardzo różnych zagadnień, np. roli monet celtyckich na Morawach w świetle sensacyjnych znalezisk w Niemczy-cach, napływu monet arabskich i ich imitacji na wybrzeża Bałtyku, porównania obiegu pieniężnego w epoce Wikingów w Skandynawii, u dawnych Prusów i w Niemczech, a także początków mennictwa w Czechach i na Litwie. Tymi problemami i jeszcze kilkoma innymi zajmowali się wybitni uczeni z 13 krajów, którzy w 2006 roku spotkali się w Warszawie na sympozjum ?Moneta i obrót pieniężny w starożytności, w średniowieczu i w czasach nowożytnych". Zostało ono zorganizowane z okazji półwiecza istnienia czołowego w Polsce pisma poświęconego historii monet i historii pieniądza - ?Wiadomości Numizmatycznych". W tomie zebrano nieco poszerzone, bogato ilustrowane teksty 11 referatów. Poprzedza je nekrolog profesora Ryszarda Kiersnowskiego - twórcy i długoletniego redaktora "Wiadomości Numizmatycznych", oraz refleksje na temat historii tego pisma. Teksty referatów podano po angielsku i po niemiecku, ale wszystkim towarzyszą streszczenia w języku polskim.



41,00 zł


Literatura popularnonaukowa>Historia i archeologia

The question as to how money circulated in Europe from Antiquity to the seventeenth century still remains unsolved. The studies in this volume, based on new finds and new scientific methods, contribute more results. The studies concern different aspects of the question, including the role of Celtic coins in Moravia in the light of the sensational finds from Nemcice, the inflow of dirhams and their imitations into Baltic, and the comparison of silver circulation in Scandinavia, old Prussia and Germany in the Viking-Age. The beginnings of coinage in Bohemia and Lithuania are also studied. These and other topics were discussed by eminent scholars from thirteen countries in 2006 at the Warsaw Symposium 'Money circulation in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Time, range, intensity'. The symposium was organized to mark the 50th Anniversary of the leading Polish numismatic Journal, also devoted to money and currency history - Wiadomości Numizmatyczne. The present volume includes eleven of the lectures presented at the Symposium, fully revised and illustrated for publication. An obituary of Professor Ryszard Kiersnowski - the real creator of the Journal and its editor for almost a quarter of a century, and some reflections on the half century history of the Wiadomości Numizmatyczne open the volume. Ciągle brak jest jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak obiegał pieniądz w Europie od starożytności aż do XVII w. Nowe, rewelacyjne odkrycia i pogłębione badania przy użyciu nowych metod przynoszą wciąż nowe rezultaty. Dotyczą one bardzo różnych zagadnień, np. roli monet celtyckich na Morawach w świetle sensacyjnych znalezisk w Niemczycach, napływu monet arabskich i ich imitacji na wybrzeża Bałtyku, porównania obiegu pieniężnego w epoce Wikingów w Skandynawii, u dawnych Prusów i w Niemczech, a także początków mennictwa w Czechach i na Litwie. Tymi problemami i jeszcze kilkoma innymi zajmowali się wybitni uczeni z 13 krajów, którzy w 2006 roku spotkali się w Warszawie na sympozjum


Money circulation in antiquity the middle ages and modern times - 2212833674

33,90 zł

Money circulation in antiquity the middle ages and modern times AVALON


The guestion as to how money circulated in Europę from Antiquity to the seventeenth century still remains unsolved. The studies in this volume, based on new finds and new scientific methods, contribute more results. The studies concern different aspects of the guestion, including the role of Celtic coins in Moravia in the light of the sensational finds from Nemcice, the inflow of dirhams and their imitations into Baltic, and the comparison of silver circulation in Scandinavia, old Prussia and Germany in the Viking-Age. The beginnings of coinage in Bohemia and Lithuania arę also studied. These and other topics were discussed by eminent scholars from thirteen countries in 2006 at the Warsaw Symposium 'Money circulation in Antiguity, the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Time, rangę, intensity'. The symposium was organized to mark the 50th Anniversary of the leading Polish numismatic Journal, also devoted to money and currency history - Wiadomości Numizmatyczne. The present volume includes eleven of the lectures presented at the Symposium, fully revised and illustrated for publication. An obituary of Professor Ryszard Kiersnowski - the real creator of the Journal and its editor for almost a guarter of a century, and some reflections on the half century history of the Wiadomości Numizmatyczne open the volume. Ciągle brak jest jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak obiegał pieniądz w Europie od starożytności aż do XVII w. Nowe, rewelacyjne odkrycia i pogłębione badania przy użyciu nowych metod przynoszą wciąż nowe rezultaty. Dotyczą one bardzo różnych zagadnień, np. roli monet celtyckich na Morawach w świetle sensacyjnych znalezisk w Niemczy-cach, napływu monet arabskich i ich imitacji na wybrzeża Bałtyku, porównania obiegu pieniężnego w epoce Wikingów w Skandynawii, u dawnych Prusów i w Niemczech, a także początków mennictwa w Czechach i na Litwie. Tymi problemami i jeszcze kilkoma innymi zajmowali się wybitni uczeni z 13 krajów, którzy w 2006 roku spotkali się w Warszawie na sympozjum ?Moneta i obrót pieniężny w starożytności, w średniowieczu i w czasach nowożytnych\". Zostało ono zorganizowane z okazji półwiecza istnienia czołowego w Polsce pisma poświęconego historii monet i historii pieniądza - ?Wiadomości Numizmatycznych\". W tomie zebrano nieco poszerzone, bogato ilustrowane teksty 11 referatów. Poprzedza je nekrolog profesora Ryszarda Kiersnowskiego - twórcy i długoletniego redaktora \"Wiadomości Numizmatycznych\", oraz refleksje na temat historii tego pisma. Teksty referatów podano po angielsku i po niemiecku, ale wszystkim towarzyszą streszczenia w języku polskim.


Na szczęście to Żyd - Erica Lehrer - 2836975578

36,81 zł

Na szczęście to Żyd - Erica Lehrer

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Dziś figurek ,,Żydów na szczęście" jest w Polsce więcej niż polskich Żydów. Wraz z wejściem kraju na drogę kapitalizmu, figurki i obrazki ukazujące Żydów trzymających pieniądze rozpowszechniły się nad Wisłą. Talizmany te zawisły w domach i stanęły przy kasach sklepowych i restauracyjnych w całym kraju. Czy mają pozytywny czy negatywny wydźwięk? Dzielą Żydów i Polaków czy ich łączą? Czy są to suweniry, czy może talizmany, czy wreszcie zabawki? Duchy Holokaustu czy też patroni polskiego kapitalizmu? Analizując, co figurki oznaczają dla ich twórców oraz odbiorców, Na szczęście to Żyd oferuje prowokacyjne spojrzenie na miejsce Żydów w świadomości współczesnych Polaków. Nazwa - Na szczęście to Żyd Autor - Erica Lehrer Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - ha!art Kod ISBN - 9788364057427 Kod EAN - 9788364057427 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - polski, angielski Format - 17.0x24.5cm Ilość stron - 248 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2014-08-22


Shadow of the Sun - 2212824581

40,80 zł

Shadow of the Sun Penguin

Literatura faktu

'Only with the greatest of simplifications, for the sake of convenience, can we say Africa. In reality, except as a geographical term, Africa doesn't exist'. Ryszard Kapuscinski has been writing about the people of Africa throughout his career. In a study that avoids the official routes, palaces and big politics, he sets out to create an account of post-colonial Africa seen at once as a whole and as a location that wholly defies generalised explanations. It is both a sustained meditation on the mosaic of peoples and practises we call 'Africa', and an impassioned attempt to come to terms with humanity itself as it struggles to escape from foreign domination, from the intoxications of freedom, from war and from politics as theft. The Beginning: Collision, Ghana 1958 More than anything, one is struck by the light. Light everywhere. Brightness everywhere. Everywhere, the sun. Just yesterday, an autumnal London was drenched in rain. The airplane drenched in rain. A cold, wind, darkness. But here, from the morning


Biblioteczka przedszkolaka. Wiersze dla chłopców - Praca zbiorowa - 2836955726

10,11 zł

Biblioteczka przedszkolaka. Wiersze dla chłopców - Praca zbiorowa

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Wspólne głośne czytanie buduje szczególną więź emocjonalną między rodzicami a dziećmi oraz rozbudza w najmłodszych ciekawość świata. Nazwa - Biblioteczka przedszkolaka. Wiersze dla chłopców Autor - Praca zbiorowa Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Olesiejuk Kod ISBN - 9788327429148 Kod EAN - 9788327429148 Rok wydania - 2015 Język - polski Seria wydawnicza - Biblioteczka przedszkolaka Format - 19.0x23.0cm Ilość stron - 24 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2015-04-24


Under the Duvet - 2212824601

36,60 zł

Under the Duvet Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

'When people ask me what I do for a crust and I tell them that I'm a novelist, they immediately assume that my life is a non-stop carousel of limos, television appearances, hair-dos, devoted fans, stalkers and all the glitzy paraphernalia of being a public figure. It's time to set the record straight. I write alone, in a darkened bedroom, wearing my PJs, eating bananas, my laptop on a pillow in front of me ...' Her novels are adored by millions around the world


Encyklopedia dla najmłodszych Polska i świat - Praca zbiorowa - 2836971778

22,64 zł

Encyklopedia dla najmłodszych Polska i świat - Praca zbiorowa

Książki & Multimedia > Książki

Opis - Tę książkę polubisz od pierwszego wejrzenia. Znajdziesz w niej mnóstwo wiadomości, ciekawostek, zdjęć, map i ilustracji, które poszerzą twą wiedzę o wszystkim, co nas otacza. Nazwa - Encyklopedia dla najmłodszych Polska i świat Autor - Praca zbiorowa Oprawa - Twarda Wydawca - Damidos Kod ISBN - 9788378552574 Kod EAN - 9788378552574 Wydanie - 1 Rok wydania - 2014 Język - polski Format - 21.0x29.0cm Ilość stron - 192 Podatek VAT - 5% Premiera - 2014-10-02


Sorry Not Sorry - 2838461814

91,14 zł

Sorry Not Sorry Penguin Putnam Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Funny and deeply personal, "Sorry Not Sorry" recounts Glee star Naya Rivera's successes and missteps, urging young women to pursue their dreams and to refuse to let past mistakes define them.Navigating through youth and young adulthood isn't easy, and in "Sorry Not Sorry", Naya Rivera shows us that we're not alone in the highs, lows, and in-betweens. Whether it's with love and dating, career and ambition, friends, or gossip, Naya inspires us to follow our own destiny and step over - or plod through - all the crap along the way. After her rise and fall from early childhood stardom, barely eking her way through high school, a brief stint as a Hooters waitress, going through thick and thin with her mom/manager, and resurrecting her acting career as Santana Lopez on Glee , Naya emerged from these experiences with some key life lessons:Sorry:- All those times I scrawled "I HATE MY MOM" in my journal. So many moms and teenage daughters don't get along--we just have to realize it's nothing personal on either side.- At-home highlights and DIY hair extensions. Some things are best left to the experts, and hair dye is one of them.- Falling in love with the idea of a person, instead of the actual person.Not Sorry:- That I don't always get along with everyone. Having people not like you is a risk you have to take to be real, and I'll take that over being fake any day.- Laughing at the gossip instead of getting upset by it.- Getting my financial disasters out of the way early - before I was married or had a Family - so that the only credit score that I wrecked was my own.Even with a successful career and a family that she loves more than anything else, Naya says, "There's still a thirteen-year-old girl inside of me making detailed lists of how I can improve, who's never sure of my own self-worth." Sorry Not Sorry is for that thirteen-year-old in all of us.


factor-L Handbook of the New Medicine - The Truth about Dr. Hamer's Discoveries - 2866527954

156,66 zł

factor-L Handbook of the New Medicine - The Truth about Dr. Hamer's Discoveries Books on Demand

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Prologue Notification Belief Knowledge Dr. Hamer's New Medicine The formula: DHS - HH - SBS More than 30 years ago, I entitled an article about Frank Stelzer and his free piston engine "An inventor is a goofball". Someone or other who, at that time, read this 30-point headline probably may have thought that it wasn't the best way to begin a friendship. Frank Stelzer read the rest of the article, called me and said, "That's right, but...." "But what?" I asked. "Unless the invention speaks," he responded. Then he invited me, demonstrated the Stelzer engine, and made the invention speak. Tip: If you never liked prologues, or you would like to go straight to the topic Conflicts and the New Medicine, turn directly to Introduction to the New Medicine by Andreas Kroitzsch on page XX! The editor Since that time we have been friends. Very good friends! And Stelzer turned "his" introductory sentence into a trademark: "An inventor is a goofball - unless the invention speaks!" I am telling you about this, for, regarding Dr. Hamer's New Medicine we are dealing with a similar phenomenon. Like Stelzer, who turned everything that was imaginable in engine manufacturing upside down, and only received buying offers intended to keep his invention in the drawer, because his engine practically runs without wear, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, with the new Medicine, has also turned everything upside down in his area. And: "The invention speaks!" If you know our throwaway society, which turned sales into a god and consumption into his apostles, you won't be surprised that Hamer hasn't found a lobby either among those who have the power and the money. On the contrary. Someone like Geerd Hamer jeopardizes the income and the position of power of the ruling people, which was the main reason why he was arrested in France in the fall of 2004. Seventy-year-old Dr. Hamer is supposed to serve three years in prison. But that is another story, which would go beyond the scope of this book. If you would like to know more about the personal history of Dr. Hamer, you are be best served by reading his autobiography Einer gegen alle. Even if you don't agree with all of his conclusions and assumptions regarding his persecution, they are worth knowing about. Everyone can then form his or her own opinion accordingly. It is easier when it comes to the discovery of the New Medicine, where Hamer didn't leave any room for speculation. There is no room for belief or personality cult; there is only this one way of comprehension that, ultimately, gives us the certainty to be among the knowing. As is the case with any other education based on assured knowledge, the application of the New Medicine always leaves a result that can be checked. The scientific basis we often miss painfully - in the truest sense of the meaning - in the traditional medicine constitutes the foundation of Dr. Hamer's discovery. Hamer himself never left any room for exceptions. His statement is clear and precise without any room for speculation: "If there is only one single case the New Medicine can't be applied to, it is wrong!" The New Medicine proves itself again and again with every single case. The formula: DHS - HH - SBS, which will be explained at length in this book, doesn't allow for exceptions. The New Medicine knows no "maybe", no "possibly", and no "potentially." Hamer's discovery puts the key to the so-called diseases in our hands. The knowledge of the principles of the New Medicine helps us lose the fear of the diseases, because we understand the biological processes and can predict them in their entirety. But it is the small checkable truths we speak every day and have internalized since childhood in such a way that often prevents us from taking one more step towards understanding. Every one of us has been in a situation that was "hard to stomach" or "got under his or her skin?" These are all discreet clues showing that we carry the mechanisms and principles of the New Medicine in our sub-conscience. They are wasted - as long as we are not familiar with Hamer's New Medicine. It's like learning the times tables. Not until we know that two is the sum (result) of one plus one can we find our way to mathematics via digits and work with them sensibly. Knowledge always provides us with added value. This book helps you generate added value from your latent knowledge of the connection between situations and conditions. You should be willing to leave well-trodden paths. The ability to change the point of view in order to get to know new perspectives will also be helpful. You get the chance to replace old fears with new knowledge. Needless to say, that comes with a price tag. You will have to take personal responsibility if you want to benefit from your new knowledge. The opinion of your environment, especially that of traditional physicians, politicians, and the pharmaceutical industry is contradictory to your newly acquired knowledge. That is inconvenient, because you are inconvenient for the prevailing opinion. Particularly, if you realize for yourself that knowledge and belief are complete opposites. In the past, you have given away your trust concerning medicine and health and you believed in the traditional physicians. You believed that they'd know. This belief is the price you pay for your new knowledge of Hamer's New Medicine. There are no gods in white coats. And - and that is important - the New Medicine won't provide any substitute gods for you, not even one. The discoverer of the New Medicine, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, can't take the orphaned throne either. He is a discoverer, not an inventor or even a savior. Even if some of his supporters would like to press him in that position in order to push the responsibility towards him. If you want to give the responsibility for yourself to Dr. Hamer or somebody else, you have not understood the New Medicine, which requires knowledge and makes belief (ignorance!) redundant. You can't believe in science, you can just practice and understand it. All you need to do so is common sense. An excellent education based on "memorizing" isn't necessary, especially not with Dr. Hamer's New Medicine. Natural laws are so plausible that everybody can check them by watching his or her own body; even if he or she was an illiterate person who would be introduced to the New Medicine by a reader or taleteller, because we all know our body and many of the so-called diseases. We are all experienced and competent specialists in this area. With the assistance of a handbook that explains the New Medicine, we can find the causes of our so-called diseases ourselves and lead the ongoing processes to what the traditional medicine calls healing. The processes that really take place are Meaningful Special Biological Programs (SBS). And these are the processes Hamer discovered, catalogued, and described in simple words in order to give the control over our body back to us again. All rights reserved (c) by FAKTuell


You'll Be the Death of Me - 2865793524

43,30 zł

You'll Be the Death of Me Random House Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the author of One of Us Is Lying comes a brand-new pulse-pounding thriller. It's Ferris Bueller's Day Off with murder when three old friends relive an epic ditch day, and it goes horribly and fatally wrong.Ivy, Mateo, and Cal used to be close. Now all they have in common is Carlton High and the beginning of a very bad day. Type A Ivy lost a student council election to the class clown, and now she has to face the school, humiliated. Heartthrob Mateo is burned out from working two jobs since his family s business failed. And outsider Cal just got stood up . . . again.  So when the three unexpectedly run into each other, they decide to avoid their problems by ditching. Just the three of them, like old times. Except they ve barely left the parking lot before they run out of things to say. . .  . . . until they spot another Carlton High student skipping school and follow him to the scene of his own murder. In one chance move, their day turns from dull to deadly. And it s about to get worse. It turns out Ivy, Mateo, and Cal still have some things in a connection to the dead kid. And they re all hiding something.  Could it be that their chance reconnection wasn t by chance after all?  Fans of the hit thriller that started it all can watch the secrets of the Bayview Four be revealed in the One of Us is Lying TV series now streaming on NBC's Peacock!


On the Bright Side - 2861916512

52,95 zł

On the Bright Side Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

85-year-old Hendrik Groen is fed up to his false teeth with coffee mornings and bingo.He dreams of escaping the confines of his care home and practicing hairpin turns on his mobility scooter. Inspired by his fellow members of the recently formed Old-But-Not-Dead Club, he vows to put down his Custard Cream and commit to a spot of octogenarian anarchy.But the care home's Director will not stand for drunken bar crawls, illicit fireworks and geriatric romance on her watch. The Old-But-Not-Dead Club must stick together if they're not to go gently into that good night. Things turn more serious, however, when rumours surface that the home is set for demolition. It's up to Hendrik and the gang to stop it - or drop dead trying . . .He may be the wrong side of 85, but Hendrik Groen has no intention of slowing up - or going down without a fight.Praise for Hendrik Groen'A story with a great deal of heart, it pulled me in with its self-deprecating humour, finely drawn characters and important themes. Anyone who hopes to grow old with dignity will have much to reflect on' Graeme Simsion'There are many laughs in this book but it's so much more than just a comedy. It's a story about how friendship, selflessness and dignity lie at the heart of the human experience. When I'm an old man, I want to be Hendrik Groen' John Boyne'A funny but also touching diary praised for its wit and realism' BBC Radio 4 Front Row'I laughed until I cried and then laughed and cried some more' David Suchet'Thoughtful, anxious and gruff... Laced with humour' The Best New Fiction Mail on Sunday'Amusing [and] wickedly accurate ... I was constantly put in mind of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, another comi-tragedy concerning the tyranny of institutions of the unwanted. Enjoy Groen's light touch but do not be fooled by it. We live in an ageing society. The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen is a handbook of resistance for our time' FIVE STARS Sunday Express'Highly entertaining ... a delightful and touching saga of one man's way of coping with old age ... we may assume that Hendrik Groen is a character of fiction. But it is a fiction so closely based on the observation of real life that it is utterly convincing' Daily Express'A joy to read, as much concerned with friendship and dignity as it is with the debilitating effects of aging ... An entertaining and uplifting story of a man in the winter of his days, stoic in the face of bureaucratic nonsense and an unabashed need to wear a nappy. Imagined or not, this is the diary of someone who wants nothing more than to be allowed see out his days with dignity and respect. It's not too much to ask, really, is it?' John Boyne Irish Times'Full of off-beat charm and quirky characters' Cathy Rentzenbrink, Stylist'Hendrik pens an exposé of his care home, sets up the Old-But-Not-Dead club and relishes the arrival of a new female resident. This geriatric Adrian Mole made me laugh and think. Terrific' Fanny Blake, Woman and Home


Pioneer Woman Cooks-Come and Get It! - 2862008188

135,26 zł

Pioneer Woman Cooks-Come and Get It! Harper Collins Publishers

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

#1 New York Times BestsellerGoodReads Choice Award Semi FinalistFor home cooks, nothing beats preparing a long, leisurely dinner for your family, stirring slowly, seasoning gradually, and savoring every flavorful step.Screeeeeech! Reality check! Okay, let's face it: With school, sports, work, obligations, and activities pulling us in a million directions, not many of us can spend that amount of time in the kitchen anymore! What we really need are simple, scrumptious, doable recipes that solve the challenge of serving up hearty, satisfying food (that tastes amazing!) day after day, week after week without falling into a rut and relying on the same old rotation of meals. Cooking should be fun, rewarding, and it definitely should feed your soul (and feed the people in your household in the process)!Here are some of my favorite make-it-happen dishes, pulled from my nonstop life as a busy wife, mother of four, and lifelong lover of food! The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! includes more than 120 of my best solutions for tasty, wholesome meals (with minimal fuss!) for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. (And let's not forget the glue that holds it all together: desserts! There are some dandies in here, friends.)With a mix of categories and flavors that will please everyone, this book has everything you need to whip up delicious, downhome recipes that you can get on the table without a lot of stress. Now that's something to get excited about!


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