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Alilo Interaktywny Króliczek Honey Bunny MP3 Uczy Niebieski - 2874153374

339,00 zł

Alilo Interaktywny Króliczek Honey Bunny MP3 Uczy Niebieski Alilo

Zabawki > Zabawki Interaktywne i Edukacyjne > Zabawki Interaktywne

ALILO KRÓLICZEK HONEY BUNNY Alilo  to innowacyjne interaktywne zabawki edukacyjne dla dzieci. Króliczki mogą śpiewać piosenki, opowiadać bajki, nagrywać Twój głos i odtwarzać go, a także wspaniale sprawdzają się jako lampka nocna, odtwarzacz MP3, dyktafon lub pomoc dydaktyczna. Honey Bunny gwarantuje świetną zabawę z jego świecącymi uszkami, które dziecko może szczypać i bezpiecznie gryźć od czasu do czasu. Podobnie jak reszta jego rodziny, może nagrywać głos, przeczytać bajki na dobranoc i śpiewać piosenki.Jego uszy świecą i można je wykorzystać jako doskonałą lampkę nocną. Jest bardzo prosty w obsłudze. Ponadto jest bardzo silny, ponieważ jest zrobiony z tworzywa ABS, które jest 30 razy mocniejsze niż zwykły plastik. Kolor: Niebieski CECHY : może opowiadać bajki, odtwarzać muzykę, nagrywać i pomóc Twoim dzieciom uczyć się języków ma gniazdo karty pamięci Micro SD z możliwością odtwarzania uprzednio zapisanych plików MP3 może przechować setki utworów lub opowiadań jest całkowicie bezpieczny, nie ma żadnych ostrych krawędzi i jest odporny na wstrząsy ma ogon w kształcie kuli, specjalnie zaprojektowany dla małych rączek jest odpowiedni dla dzieci i bardzo prosty w obsłudze ma specjalnie zaprojektowany 52 milimetrowy podwójny głośnik o wysokiej jakości odtwarzanego dźwięku ma funkcję nagrywania, która pozwala nagrywać każdy dźwięk lub głos ma funkcję wznawiania, która pozwala na odtwarzanie w miejscu zatrzymania będzie się automatycznie wyłączać po 30-tu minutach odtwarzania ma funkcję blokady, aby dziecko nie mogło bawić się przyciskami ma miękkie silikonowe uszy wykonane ze specjalnego materiału zgodnego ze standardami RoHS, bezpiecznego dla niemowląt i dzieci do gryzienia jest przyjazny dla środowiska i wydajny dzięki litowo-polimerowemu akumulatorowi o dużej pojemności, który działa do 5 godzin; nie potrzebuje baterii obsługuje format MP3 i ma zapisane popularne piosenki, kołysanki i bajki oraz "biały szum" do uspakajania niemowląt; całą jego zawartość można aktualizować dzięki wbudowanej karcie 8GB Micro SD i dołączonemu kablowi USB KORZYŚCI ROZWOJOWE : stymulacja dotykowa stymulacja słuchowa koordynacja wzroku i dłoni rozwój sensoryczny samodzielna zabawa rozwój językowy twórczość muzyczna odkrywanie PIOSENKI, KOŁYSANKI , BAJKI NAUKA PRZEDSZKOLNA I WCZESNOSZKOLNA Fabrycznie wgrane popularne polskie utwory dla dzieci oraz możliwość aktualizacji danych za pomocą kabla USB. Idealna pomoc dydaktyczna dla nauczycieli. FUNKCJA NAGRYWANIA Nagraj piosenki i bajki wykonane przez siebie i odtwarzaj je swojemu dziecku. DELIKATNE ŚWIATŁO NOCNE Miękkie uszy króliczka świecą delikatnym światłem zmieniającym kolory. PRZYJAZNY ŚRODOWISKU I OSZCZĘDNY Ładowanie baterii za pomocą kabla USB. GŁOŚNIK Wbudowany głośnik o wysokiej jakości odtwarzanego dźwięku. WYTRZYMAŁY Odporny na wstrząsy i upadki. Zrobiony ze specjalnego wytrzymałego tworzywa ABS, które jest 30 razy mocniejsze niż zwykły plastik. KOJĄCE DŹWIĘKI Fabrycznie wgrany "biały szum", który ukoi Twoje dziecko do snu. SZCZEGÓŁY TECHNICZNE : format plików: MP3 nagrywanie głosu w formacie: WAV port USB: Standardowy Port Micro USB jednostka pamięci: Wbudowana karta 8GB Micro SD światło nocne: Barwne powoli migające światło ledowe (7 kolorów) głośnik : Wysokiej jakości głośnik z regulacją głośności regulacja głośności: Ogon królika kontroluje głośność baterie: 1 litowo-jonowa bateria (w zestawie) czas pracy baterii: 5 godzin rozmiar: wysokość 21,59 cm, szerokość 11,47 cm, głębokość 8,13 cm waga: 374 g materiał: zgodny ze standardami RoHS, silikonowe przyciski i uszy; wysoka wytrzymałość tworzywa ABS; wszystkie materiały są przetestowane i zgodne z europejskimi i amerykańskich normami bezpieczeństwa zabawek Zobacz, jakie piosenki , kołysanki i bajki otrzymasz wraz z Króliczkiem! Boogie Jadą misie Jagódki Koła autobusu Krasnoludki Kaczuszki A, A, Apple A Sailor Went to Sea ABC Song After My Bath Alphabet Song (slower) Apples and Bananas Are You Sleeping Baa Baa Black Sheep B-I-N-G-O Brush Your Teeth Circle Song Clap Your Hands Colors Freeze Dance Game Days of the Week Five Little Monkeys Friends Friends 123 Goosey Goosey Gander Happy Birthday to You Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes Head Shoulders Knees and Toes


1 $, Monety na szczęście - Biedronka, 2011 - 1373092040

280,00 zł

1 $, Monety na szczęście - Biedronka, 2011 Mennica Polska: Numizmatyka

Kategorie > Srebrne i złote monety świata

Seria: "Monety na szczęście" "Lucky coins" series Emitent: Niue Island Producent: Mennica Polska S. A. Stan zachowania monety: I (menniczy) Nominał: 1 dolar (1 $, ang. 1 dollar) Prawny środek płatniczy: w Nowej Zelandii Srebro: Ag 925 Stempel: lustrzany (proof) Zdobienie:  tampondruk, wybłyszczenie i element filigranow y - kapsułka ze srebrną biedronką Wymiary: 41 mm Waga: 28,28 g Wielkość emisji: 10.000 szt. Data emisji: 21.11.2011 r. Projektant: Dobrochna Surajewska W zestawie: srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska w kapsule ochronnej, dwujęzyczny certyfikat autentyczności Mennicy Polskiej Biedronka - niepowtarzalny prezent dla każdej bliskiej osoby, której chcemy podarować odrobinę szczęścia. Doskonała moneta dla każdego kolekcjonera zainteresowanego innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami i technologiami menniczymi. LUCKY COIN GOOD LUCK! Srebrna moneta na szczęście! Symbole szczęścia - czterolistna koniczyna i biedronka siedmiokropka Srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska - Biedronka: Po raz pierwszy w historii Mennicy Polskiej - moneta z zastosowaną wewnątrz krążka przezroczystą kapsułą z umieszczonym wewnątrz oryginalnym, srebrnym elementem - biedronką, będącą atrybutem szczęścia i pomyślności. Na awersie, jak i rewersie wizerunki biedronek. Niepowtarzalny prezent dla bliskiej osoby, której chcemy podarować odrobinę szczęścia. Doskonała moneta dla każdego kolekcjonera, zainteresowanego innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami i technologiami menniczymi. Do każdej monety dołączony jest certyfikat autentyczności, będący gwarancją najwyższej jakości i kunsztu Mennicy Polskiej. Gdyby spytać przeciętnego człowieka, czy jest przesądny, zapewne odruchowo zaprzeczy. Mimo tego większość z nas od czasu do czasu rozgląda się za czterolistną koniczynką, a w portfelu nosi szczęśliwą monetę lub łuskę karpia. Nie ma się czego wstydzić! Rozmaite amulety i talizmany towarzyszą ludzkości od zarania dziejów. W wykopaliskach z czasów neolitycznych przedmioty, które miały przynieść posiadaczowi pomyślność, znajduje się niemal równie często, co narzędzia codziennego użytku. Symbol szczęścia - królik Przez tysiąclecia zmieniły się tradycje, obyczaje, czy wierzenia, ale wiara w magiczną moc przedmiotów trwa niemal niezmieniona. Podkowa, szczęśliwa moneta, łuska karpia, figurka słonia, pierścienie, piramidki, kamienie szlachetne, muszle, magiczne kule - takimi przedmiotami ludzie otaczają się i dzisiaj. Może i nie jesteśmy przesądni, ale


This Year's For Me and You - 2871706051

32,65 zł

This Year's For Me and You Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

PRE-ORDER THIS YEAR'S FOR ME AND YOU NOWFall in love this winter with the heatwarming and uplifting new novel about romance and friendship from bestselling author, Emily Bell . . .CAN YOU LOSE YOUR SOULMATE AND STILL FIND LOVE?________ Hannah and Celeste have been best friends since they were eighteen, when they made a pact to spend every New Year's Eve together. From Dublin to London, the two are inseparable: that is, until tragedy strikes.When Celeste discovers a list of Hannah's New Year's Resolutions, she is determined to complete them. Little does she know that doing so will reunite her with someone from her past . . .Through Hannah's last wishes Celeste begins to fall in love with life again, one adventure at a time.But could the biggest adventure of all be falling in love again? ________ READERS LOVE EMILY BELL'The perfect festive treat! A charming love story' KATE EBERLEN, bestselling author of Miss You'The perfect uplifting Christmas read, Emily is this year's Queen of Christmas!' VERONICA HENRY'Baby It's cold Outside captures the magic of Christmas in Dublin perfectly! A heartfelt and irresistibly romantic read to cosy up with over the festive season' CARMEL HARRINGTON'I did not have the opportunity to devour this book - it devoured me. I loved the descriptions of Dublin, I felt like I could have been there myself' 5***** READER REVIEW 'I read this in a day and loved every single page. A wonderful, heartwarming, festive tale of love, loss and finding what really matters' 5***** READER REVIEW 'A flipping fantastic five-star read. Norah Jones you are my hero' 5***** READER REVIEW 'A beautiful, atmospheric read that has stolen my heart' 5***** READER REVIEW 'It will leave you smiling from ear to ear!' 5***** READER REVIEW


Blood Doctor - 2212839586

32,40 zł

Blood Doctor Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

Blood. That


Letter from America - 2212824618

40,80 zł

Letter from America Penguin

Powieści i opowiadania

When Alistair Cooke retired in March 2004 and then died a few weeks later, he was acclaimed by many as one of the greatest broadcasters of all time. His Letters from America, which began in 1946 and continued uninterrupted every week until early 2004, kept the world in touch with what was happening in Cooke's wry, liberal and humane style. This selection, made largely by Cooke himself and supplemented by his literary executor, gives us the very best of these legendary broadcasts. Over half have never appeared in print before. It is a remarkable portrait of a continent - and a man. Fred Astaire 26 June 1987 Movie stars don't make it. Nor statesmen. Not Prime Ministers, or dictators unless they die in office. Not even a world-famous rock star, unless he's assassinated. But last Monday, none of the three national television networks hesitated about the story that would lead the evening news. On millions of little screens in this country and I don't doubt in many other countries around the world, the first shots were of an imp, a graceful wraith, a firefly in impeccable white tie and tails. And for much longer than the lead story usually runs, for a full five minutes on NBC, we were given a loving retrospective of the dead man, ending with the firm declaration by Nureyev that 'He was not just the best ballroom dancer, or tap dancer, he was simply the greatest, most imaginative, dancer of our time.' And the newsmen were right to remind us of the immortal comment of the Hollywood mogul, who, with the no-nonsense directness of an expert, reported on Fred Astaire's first film test: 'Has enormous ears, can't act, can't sing, dances a little.' That Hollywood mogul, long gone, spent his life ducking round corners, to avoid being identified as the oaf who looked in the sky and never saw the brightest star. However, that expert opinion was, as the lawyers say, controlling at the time and in Astaire's first movies, there was no thought of allowing him to act or sing. But not for long. And thanks to the invention of television, and the need to fill vast stretches of the afternoon and night with old movies, it has been possible for my daughter, for instance, to claim Fred Astaire as her favourite film star from the evidence of all the movies he made fifteen, ten, five, three years before she was born. When I got the news on Monday evening here, and realized with immediate professional satisfaction that the BBC had smartly on hand a musical obituary tribute to him I put together eight years ago, I couldn't help recalling the casual, comic way this and similar radio obituaries came about. I was in London at the end of 1979, and Richard Rodgers - one of the two or three greatest of American songwriters - had just died, I believe on New Year's Eve or the night before. Britons, by then, were getting accustomed, without pain, to making what used to be a two-day Christmas holiday into a ten-day much-needed rest. For all laborious research purposes, the BBC was shut up. And there was no retrospective programme on the life and music of Richard Rodgers in the BBC's archives. Of course, in a gramophone library that looks like an annex to the Pentagon, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of recordings of his songs. The SOS went out to a writer, a producer, and - I presume - a man who had the key to the gramophone library. The silent place was unlocked, and the three of them laboured through the day to put together an hour's tribute to Richard Rodgers. It was done. It was competent enough, but rushed to an impossible deadline. This hasty improvisation happened just when my own music producer and I, who had enjoyed working together for six years or so on American popular music, were wondering what we could offer next. We'd done a sketch history of jazz, through individuals. We'd gone through all the popular music of the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, and were stumped for a new series, at which point I asked if we mightn't go and talk to the head of the channel, network or whatever. We went in, and the genial boss asked me what we had in mind. 'A morgue,' I said. A what? 'Where', I asked, 'is your morgue?' He was not familiar with the word, a newspaper term. 'Well,' I said, 'all newspapers have them.' 'How d'you mean?' 'If, I explained, 'Mrs Thatcher died tonight and you woke up and read a two-sentence obituary, you'd be rightly outraged. But if you saw a two-page obituary, you'd take it for granted. When d'you suppose it was written?' 'That's right,' he said thoughtfully. What I was proposing was a morgue of the Americans eminent in popular music and jazz, so they'd not get caught short again. A splendid idea, the man said; pick your stars. We made a list and were commissioned to return to America and finish all of them. Naturally, we looked at a calendar, and birthdates of Hoagy Carmichael, Earl Hines, Harold Arlen, Ethel Merman, Stephane Grappelli, Ella Fitzgerald. But then, in a spasm of panic, we thought of two giants - if the word can be used about two comparative midgets: Irving Berlin and Fred Astaire. Berlin was then 91. And Fred Astaire was just crowding 80. The boss man, to whom the idea of a morgue had been, only a few minutes before, quaint if not morbid, wondered what we were waiting for. Better get busy, at once, on Berlin and then on Astaire. I remember doing the Astaire obit, then and there, while I was still in London. Meanwhile, we'd simply pray every night that the Lord would keep Irving Berlin breathing till I could get home and get busy. I remember being picked up in a car by a charming young girl to get to the BBC and record my Astaire narration - there wasn't a moment to lose. She asked me, in the car, what the script was that I was clutching. 'It's an obituary', I said, 'of Fred Astaire.' 'Fred Astaire,' she shrieked, 'dead?' and almost swerved into a bus. 'Of course, he's not dead,' I said, 'but he's going to be one day.' She, too, was new to the institution of a morgue. I recalled that when I was a correspondent for a British paper in the United States, and when for example. Dean Acheson was appointed Secretary of State, the first cable I had from my editor said, 'Welcome Acheson obituary soonest.' How ghoulish, she said. I imagine that to two generations at least, it's assumed that Fred Astaire, this slim, pop-eyed newcomer to Hollywood who couldn't act, couldn't sing, danced a little, only made a fool of the mogul through the movies he made, with Ginger Rogers, in the mid- and late 1930s. But long before then, from the mid-1920s on, he was already an incomparable star - as a dancer - to theatre audiences both in New York and in London. Perhaps more in London than anywhere, certainly in the 1920s, with the early Gershwin hits, Funny Face and Lady Be Good, and lastly, in 1933, in Cole Porter's Gay Divorce (which was the title of the theatre show; Hollywood would not then allow so shocking a title and called the movie version, The Gay Divorcee). Of all the thousands of words that have been written this week, and will be written, there is a passage I went back to on Tuesday night which, I think, as well as anything I know, sums up Astaire's overall appeal - the appeal that takes in but transcends one's admiration for his dancing and for his inimitably intimate singing style. This was written in November 1933, by a theatre critic who had so little feel for dancing that he marvelled why London should go on about 'Mr Astaire's doing well enough what the Tiller Girls at Blackpool do superbly'. The critic, the writer, was James Agate, the irascible, dogmatic, opinionated but brilliant journalist, and I believe the best critic of acting we have had this century. He is writing his review of Gay Divorce, after declaring yet again his contempt for musical comedy as an entertainment for idiots, deploring the play's plot and the acting and hoping 'Micawberishly, for something to turn up'. 'Presently,' he wrote, 'Mr Fred Astaire obliged, and there is really no more to be said.' Except


Won-pyung Sohn - Almond - 2869548907

51,75 zł

Won-pyung Sohn - Almond HarperCollins Publishers Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A BTS fan favorite! A WALL STREET JOURNAL STORIES THAT CAN TAKE YOU ANYWHERE PICK * ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY'S STAY HOME AND READ PICK * SALON'S BEST AND BOLDEST * BUSTLE'S MOST ANTICIPATED The Emissary meets The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime in this poignant and triumphant story about how love, friendship, and persistence can change a life forever.This story is, in short, about a monster meeting another monster. One of the monsters is me.Yunjae was born with a brain condition called Alexithymia that makes it hard for him to feel emotions like fear or anger. He does not have friends-the two almond-shaped neurons located deep in his brain have seen to that-but his devoted mother and grandmother provide him with a safe and content life. Their little home above his mother's used bookstore is decorated with colorful Post-it notes that remind him when to smile, when to say "thank you," and when to laugh.Then on Christmas Eve-Yunjae's sixteenth birthday-everything changes. A shocking act of random violence shatters his world, leaving him alone and on his own. Struggling to cope with his loss, Yunjae retreats into silent isolation, until troubled teenager Gon arrives at his school, and they develop a surprising bond.As Yunjae begins to open his life to new people-including a girl at school-something slowly changes inside him. And when Gon suddenly finds his life at risk, Yunjae will have the chance to step outside of every comfort zone he has created to perhaps become the hero he never thought he would be.Readers of Wonder by R.J. Palaccio and Ginny Moon by Benjamin Ludwig will appreciate this "resonant" story that "gives Yunjae the courage to claim an entirely different story." (Booklist, starred review)Translated from the Korean by Sandy Joosun Lee.


1 $, Monety na szczęście - Podkówka, 2010 - 1373091699

249,00 zł

1 $, Monety na szczęście - Podkówka, 2010 Mennica Polska: Numizmatyka

Kategorie > Srebrne i złote monety świata

Seria: "Monety na szczęście" "Lucky coins" series   Emitent: Niue Island Producent: Mennica Polska S. A. Stan zachowania monety: I (menniczy) Nominał: 1 dolar (1 $, ang. 1 dollar) Srebro: Ag 925 Stempel: lustrzany Zdobienie: wstawka (kapsułka ze srebrną podkówką) Wymiary: 41 mm Waga: 28,28 g Wielkość emisji: 10.000 szt. Data emisji: 5.11.2010 r. Projektant: Dobrochna Surajewska W zestawie: srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska w kapsule ochronnej, dwujęzyczny certyfikat autentyczności Mennicy Polskiej Podkówka - niskonakładowa, srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska - pierwsza z urzekającej tematyką serii "Monety na szczęście". Ponadczasowy i niebanalny upominek na szczęście dla bliskiej Ci osoby. GOOD LUCK! Srebrna moneta na szczęście! Symbole szczęścia - czterolistna koniczyna i biedronka siedmiokropka Srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska - Podkowa:  Po raz pierwszy w historii Mennicy Polskiej - moneta z zastosowaną wewnątrz krążka przezroczystą kapsułą z umieszczonym wewnątrz oryginalnym, srebrnym elementem - podkówką, będącą atrybutem szczęścia i pomyślności. Na rewersie w tle wizerunki koniczynek, w centralnej części monety trzy podkówki. Niepowtarzalny prezent dla bliskiej osoby, której chcemy podarować odrobinę szczęścia. Doskonała moneta dla każdego kolekcjonera, zainteresowanego innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami i technologiami menniczymi. Do każdej monety dołączony jest certyfikat autentyczności, będący gwarancją najwyższej jakości i kunsztu Mennicy Polskiej. Gdyby spytać przeciętnego człowieka, czy jest przesądny, zapewne odruchowo zaprzeczy. Mimo tego większość z nas od czasu do czasu rozgląda się za czterolistną koniczynką, a w portfelu nosi szczęśliwą monetę lub łuskę karpia. Nie ma się czego wstydzić! Rozmaite amulety i talizmany towarzyszą ludzkości od zarania dziejów. W wykopaliskach z czasów neolitycznych przedmioty, które miały przynieść posiadaczowi pomyślność, znajduje się niemal równie często, co narzędzia codziennego użytku. Symbol szczęścia - królik Przez tysiąclecia zmieniły się tradycje, obyczaje, czy wierzenia, ale wiara w magiczną moc przedmiotów trwa niemal niezmieniona. Podkowa, szczęśliwa moneta, łuska karpia, figurka słonia, pierścienie, piramidki, kamienie szlachetne, muszle, magiczne kule - takimi przedmiotami ludzie otaczają się i dzisiaj. Może i nie jesteśmy przesądni, ale


Hiddensee - 2878437137

77,57 zł

Hiddensee Harper Collins Publishers

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

From the author of the beloved #1 New York Times bestseller Wicked, the magical story of a toymaker, a nutcracker, and a legend remade . . .Gregory Maguire returns with an inventive novel inspired by a timeless holiday legend, intertwining the story of the famous Nutcracker with the life of the mysterious toy maker named Drosselmeier who carves him.Hiddensee: An island of white sandy beaches, salt marshes, steep cliffs, and pine forests north of Berlin in the Baltic Sea, an island that is an enchanting bohemian retreat and home to a large artists' colony-- a wellspring of inspiration for the Romantic imagination . . .Having brought his legions of devoted readers to Oz in Wicked and to Wonderland in After Alice, Maguire now takes us to the realms of the Brothers Grimm and E. T. A. Hoffmann-- the enchanted Black Forest of Bavaria and the salons of Munich. Hiddensee imagines the backstory of the Nutcracker, revealing how this entrancing creature came to be carved and how he guided an ailing girl named Klara through a dreamy paradise on a Christmas Eve. At the heart of Hoffmann's mysterious tale hovers Godfather Drosselmeier-- the ominous, canny, one-eyed toy maker made immortal by Petipa and Tchaikovsky's fairy tale ballet-- who presents the once and future Nutcracker to Klara, his goddaughter.But Hiddensee is not just a retelling of a classic story. Maguire discovers in the flowering of German Romanticism ties to Hellenic mystery-cults-- a fascination with death and the afterlife-- and ponders a profound question: How can a person who is abused by life, shortchanged and challenged, nevertheless access secrets that benefit the disadvantaged and powerless? Ultimately, Hiddensee offers a message of hope. If the compromised Godfather Drosselmeier can bring an enchanted Nutcracker to a young girl in distress on a dark winter evening, perhaps everyone, however lonely or marginalized, has something precious to share.


Touchy-feely The Nativity - 2871998456

51,75 zł

Touchy-feely The Nativity Usborne Publishing Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

A gorgeous Christmas addition to the perennially popular and creative }Touchy Feely{ series. With charming illustrations by Rachel Wells, this features a delightful, tactile retelling of the Christmas story, complete with fluffy donkeys, woolly sheep, a glittering angel and the baby Jesus sleeping in his soft blanket. The large format makes it the perfect present for young children experiencing their first Christmas. Ages: 1+.


Yinka, Where is Your Huzband? - 2868358325

59,08 zł

Yinka, Where is Your Huzband? Penguin Books

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

THE MOST HOTLY ANTICIPATED DEBUT OF 2022 WITH A HEROINE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH 'Warm and fun and sweet' Marian Keyes, author of Grown Ups 'Hilarious, insightful and so uplifting' Beth O'Leary, author of The Road Trip 'Such a warm, funny and relatable book' Jendella Benson, author of Hope and Glory *PRE-ORDER NOW!* ----- The Nigerian accent Dictionary Huzband (pronounced auz-band) noun 1. A male partner in a marriage E.g. Yinka's younger sister, Kemi, is married to Uche 2. A non-existent man in a non-existent marriage whose whereabouts is often questioned, usually by Nigerian mums and aunties to single British Nigerian women E.g. So, Yinka. Tell me. Where is your huzband? Ah, ah. You're thirty-one now! Yinka wants to find love. Her mum wants to find it for her. She also has too many aunties who frequently pray for her delivery from singledom, a preference for chicken and chips over traditional Nigerian food, and a bum she's sure is far too small as a result. Oh, and the fact that she's a thirty-one-year-old South-Londoner who doesn't believe in sex before marriage is a bit of an obstacle too... When her cousin gets engaged, Yinka commences 'Operation Find A Date for Rachel's Wedding'. Armed with a totally flawless, incredibly specific plan, will Yinka find herself a huzband? What if the thing she really needs to find is herself? -----'Yinka, Where Is Your Huzband? is the spiritual heir to Bridget Jones's Diary, while bringing something entirely fresh and modern to the table' Emily Henry, author of You and Me on Vacation'Hilarious and heartfelt. Yinka is an unforgettable heroine' Sarah Morgan, author of The Christmas Escape 'Beautifully observed, warm and deeply human, Yinka is a meditation on family and friendship, on love and self-love' Josie Silver, author of One Day in December'A joyful, pacy romp. Yinka's world is both hilarious and poignant' Irenosen Okojie MBE, author of Butterfly Fish 'A warm, witty and joyful novel bursting with charm and unforgettable characters, YINKA is a story about friendship, family, romance, and the most important quest of all--loving and accepting yourself' Lauren Ho, author of Last Tang Standing 'A beautiful, big hearted story about friendship, family, and love' Emiko Jean, author of Tokyo Ever After 'Glorious debut! Read it over two nights and loved it!' Nikki May, author of Wahala 'Lizzie Blackburn writes with a witty tenderness and absorbing fluidity that brings Yinka, the most loveable character you'll meet, to rich life!' Lolá Ákínmádé


Peppa Pig: Peppa's Jingle Bells - 2865811129

38,18 zł

Peppa Pig: Peppa's Jingle Bells Penguin Random House Children's UK

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

It's the most MAGICAL time of the year. Join Peppa and her friends for a special Christmas concert at playgroup. This year, it's extra special because SANTA is calling in to sing a song.And, he's left his jingle bells - just for you! Press the button on the book to hear the magical Christmas bells. Readers of all ages will love this tactile and heartwarming story. Featuring Peppa and all of her friends, this jingly, joyful Christmas book is perfect for fans of Peppa Pig.


The Darkness of Wallis Simpson - 2857795142

44,40 zł

The Darkness of Wallis Simpson Vintage

Społeczno-obyczajowaPolitycznaBiograficznaPowieść zagraniczna

Wallis Simpson, the twice-divorced American woman for whom Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, ended her life (as the Duchess of Windsor) as the prisoner of her lawyer who would not allow anyone ? friend, foe or journalist ? to visit her in her Paris flat. Rose Tremain takes this true story and transforms it into an imaginative and ironic fiction. Her thesis is that Wallis, gaga and bed-ridden, had forgotten the king who gave up an empire for love of her.This superb story plays with the selectiveness of memory: why does Wallis recall the seemingly unimportant, while forgetting the glory days of her notoriety? She can remember her first two husbands ? one a bit of a brute, the other very boring ? but not the world-famous third one. The other stories in this magnificent collection range over a variety of themes, equally original and unexpected: an East German border guard, redundant after the Berlin Wall comes down in 1989, imagines that he might still have a purpose in life. He tries to reach Russia by bicycling across the hostile wastes of Poland. A jilted man gets his revenge. A baby grows wings. A character in an Impressionist painting escapes from his ?frame? ? or does he? And there?s a Christmas story set in a seedy hotel.


The Empty Stocking - 2877170156

28,93 zł

The Empty Stocking Penguin Random House Children's UK

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

The Empty Stocking - a brilliantly funny Christmas story by Richard Curtis and Rebecca Cobb. In this fantastically funny and heartwarming story by Richard Curtis, scriptwriter of Four Weddings and a Funeral and Love Actually, it's Christmas Eve and there's one very important question on everyone's mind - have you been good this year? For twins Sam and Charlie this is a big worry. Charlie has been especially naughty and everyone is sure that she won't get any presents at all. But when Santa makes a mistake, it's up to Charlie to put things right...Rebecca Cobb graduated from Falmouth College of Arts in 2004. She has collaborated with the Gruffalo author Julia Donaldson and Orange-Prize-winner Helen Dunmore. Rebecca has been shortlisted for the 2013 Waterstones Prize and the prestigious Kate Greenaway Award.


Always, in December - 2871997599

52,25 zł

Always, in December Headline Publishing Group

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Heartbreaking. Life-affirming. Truly unforgettable. Always, in December is the timeless, stay-up-all-night love story we all need right now. If you loved One Day in December, Me Before You and the hit movie Last Christmas, this is the perfect book for you. Every December, Josie posts a letter to the parents she lost one Christmas night, many years ago. She always writes the same three words: Missing you, always. When Josie accidentally collides with a stranger at the postbox, she is unaware that Max has his own reasons for trying to avoid the season...or that their chance encounter is set to alter both their lives - and their hearts - in the most unexpected and beautiful of ways... Set in London, New York and the gorgeous English countryside, Always, in December is the love story everyone will be talking about this year.


Peep Inside The Nativity - 2872337590

47,22 zł

Peep Inside The Nativity Usborne Publishing Ltd

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This is a book to treasure every Christmas, with stunning cut out peep-holes leading from one entrancing scene to the next - the angel talking to Mary, the journey on the donkey to Bethlehem, to the stable with baby Jesus in the manger, under a magnificent cut-out starry sky. The artwork is is enchanting and atmospheric, from the warm, cosy stable to the golden-winged angels appearing to the shepherds at night. With lots to talk about, this lovely edition will engage small children in the original Bible story and the true meaning of Christmas.


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