krainaksiazek where my heart used to beat 20051962

- znaleziono 56 produktów w 11 sklepach

Jost Nickel's Fill Book, m. 1 MP3-CD - 2878774040

96,37 zł

Jost Nickel's Fill Book, m. 1 MP3-CD Alfred Music Publishing

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This book is for anybody who wants to discover the big, wide world of drum fills. You'll find plenty of fill concepts to inspire you and enable you to understand the essential theory behind them so you can create your own drum fills.Step by step, Jost introduces rhythmic concepts that can be used universally on different levels and in every musicalsituation. He presents orchestration ideas, phrasings, and exercises focusing on dynamics and accents. He shows the different subdivisions that are essential for drum-fill playing and fills for binary and ternary grooves such as shuffles.Ideas on switch & path orchestration, diddle kicks, and clockwise & counterclockwise playing will enrich your drumming, as will step-hit-hi-hat, hand & foot rolls, cymbal chokes, stick shots,and many more.The JOST NICKEL'S FILL BOOK comes with an MP3 CD so you can hear many of the recorded fills in different tempos. Additionally, for those fills where you need to see how to move, there are twenty videos online. A 12-page insert containing reading texts completes the concept of this book. Jost and Alfred Music wish you a lot of fun and success with theJOST NICKEL'S FILL BOOK.ANIKA NILLES, famous female drummer, says about Jost's fill book: "A great book for all of us ... I find Jost's fill book very inspiring for my own playing and I highly recommend it!"MATT HALPERN, voted as "The Best Metal Drummer" by Modern Drummer magazine: "One of the things I love most about Jost's playing is his approach to drum fills. His use of flams, cymbal accents, and melodic placements are just a few components that make his musical style so exciting to see and hear."MIKE JOHNSTON, Clinician/Educator of the Year 2016: "Jost is teaching you the deeper concepts that allow the fills to exist in the first place. Amazing book by a world class player!"CHRIS COLEMAN, drummer with Prince, Chaka Khan, and many more: "Not only is Jost one of my favorite humans, he's a methodical and practical BEAST of a Musician & Drummer. This book will show you ALL of that."


Broken Earth Trilogy: Box set edition - 2878288743

138,68 zł

Broken Earth Trilogy: Box set edition Little, Brown Book Group

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

N. K. Jemisin's outstanding BROKEN EARTH trilogy has broken records and boundaries, making her the only novelist to have won three Hugo awards in three consecutive years. This beautifully presented box set collects all three books for the the first time. Set in a world of volcanoes and earthquakes, where the power of the earth can be wielded and won, these remarkable novels of warring factions, twisted morals, an Earth shattered and a family torn apart, weave into a narrative both 'intricate and extraordinary' (New York Times). This box set is the perfect gift for fans of game-changing fantasy fiction. Book 1: THE FIFTH SEASON This is the way the world ends . . . for the last time. It starts with the great red rift across the heart of the world's only continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun. It starts with death, with a murdered son and a missing daughter. It starts with betrayal and long festering wounds rising up to fester. This is the Stillness, a land long familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth can be used as a weapon . . . and where there is no mercy.Book 2: THE OBELISK GATE The Season of endings grows darker, as civilization fades into the long cold night. Essun has found shelter but not her missing daughter. Instead there is Alabaster Tenring, destroyer of the world, with a request only Essun can grant.Book 3: THE STONE SKY The Moon will soon return. Whether this heralds the destruction of humankind or something worse will depend on two women. Essun has inherited the phenomenal power of Alabaster Tenring. With it, she hopes to find her daughter, Nassun, and forge a world in which every outcast child can grow up in safety. For Nassun, her mother's mastery of the Obelisk Gate comes too late. She has seen the evil of the world and accepted what her mother will not admit: that sometimes the corrupt cannot be cleansed, only destroyed. The fate of the world is balanced between a mother and her daughter.


20 zł, Banknot kolekcjonerski - 200. rocznica urodzin Fryderyka Chopina (1810-1849), 2010 - 1373091497

65,00 zł

20 zł, Banknot kolekcjonerski - 200. rocznica urodzin Fryderyka Chopina (1810-1849), 2010 PWPW - Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych

Kategorie > Banknoty kolekcjonerskie

Kolekcja: Sławni Polacy Stan zachowania banknotu: UNC Nominał: 20 zł Nakład: 120.000 szt. (liczba przeznaczona przez NBP do sprzedaży: 100.000 szt.) Wymiary: 138 x 69 mm Producent: PWPW S.A. - Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych S.A. Projekt graficzny banknotu: Grzegorz Pfeifer i Katarzyna Jarnuszkiewicz Ryt portretu: Przemysław Krajewski - artysta rytownik Polskiej Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych S.A. Cena emisyjna NBP: 50 zł Data emisji banknotu: 22.02.2010 r. W zestawie: banknot kolekcjonerski umieszczony w oryginalnym etui NBP z opisem banknotu, oddzielony przezroczystą, zabezpieczającą folią   Nowość - czwarty w historii polskiej numizmatyki banknot kolekcjonerski - drugi o nominale 20 zł: 20 zł, 200. rocznica urodzin Fryderyka Chopina (1810-1849) Nowość - czwarty w historii polskiej numizmatyki banknot kolekcjonerski, wyemitowany z okazji 200. rocznicy urodzin polskiego kompozytora - "poety fortepianu" - Fryderyka Chopina (1810-1849). Portret Chopina, autor: Eug


2 $, Fryderyk Chopin - 200. rocznica urodzin (1810-1849), 2009 - 1373091388

329,00 zł

2 $, Fryderyk Chopin - 200. rocznica urodzin (1810-1849), 2009 Mennica Polska: Numizmatyka

Kategorie > Promocje

Kolekcja: "Najmniejsze złote monety świata" Kolekcja: Sławni Polacy Kraj: Niue Island Producent: Mennica Polska Stan zachowania monety: I (menniczy) Nominał: 2 dolary (ang. 2 Dollars) Złoto: Au 900  Stempel: lustrzany (proof) Średnica: 12,00 mm Waga: 1 g Nakład: 10.000 szt. ! Data emisji: 30.12.2009 r. Projektant rewersu: Robert Kotowicz W zestawie: złota moneta kolekcjonerska w kapsule ochronnej i etui koloru zielonego, certyfikat autentyczności Mennicy Polskiej Złota moneta kolekcjonerska to wyjątkowy wyraz hołdu i uznania dla wybitnego kompozytora, jakim był Fryderyk Chopin - "poeta fortepianu" i "talentem świata obywatel". Pomysł na prezent doskonały!   Szlachetne złoto dla kolekcjonerów - prawdziwych koneserów numizmatyki, jak też pasjonatów muzyki! "Obraz to był niezapomniany widzieć go siedzącego przy fortepianie niczym jakiś wizjoner zagubiony w swym marzeniu." Robert Schumann Pomnik Fryderyka Chopina w Parku Łazienkowskim w Warszawie Rewers złotej monety kolekcjonerskiej uwiecznia wizerunek genialnego kompozytora znajdujący się w  na powstałym w 1926 roku pomniku Fryderyka Chopina w Parku Łazienkowskim w Warszawie. Obok pomnika Syrenki, Kolumny Zygmunta, Pałacu na Wodzie czy Pałacu Kultury i Nauki, jest jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych widoków związanych z Warszawą. Pomnik autorstwa Wacława Szymanowskiego utrzymany jest w stylu secesji, odznacza się malarską ekspresją przez fakt umieszczenia postaci Chopina pod odlaną w brązie mazowiecką wierzbą. Nowość! Pierwsza 1 gramowa moneta złota w programie Royalty Mennicy Polskiej S.A. Złota moneta kolekcjonerska została wybita z okazji inauguracji Roku Chopinowskiego. Kolejna złota moneta z serii uwieczniać będzie wielkiego polskiego naukowca o sławie światowej - Mikołaja Kopernika. Urok klasycznego złota z kolekcji "Najmniejsze złote monety świata" potęguje blask stempla lustrzanego. Cenny upominek dla miłośników twórczości kompozytora. Złota moneta znajduje się w etui wraz z certyfikatem autentyczności. Jest to pierwsza emisja złotej monety kolekcjonerskiej o wadze 1 grama w prowadzonym w Mennicy Polskiej programie monet Royality. Waga monety - 1 gram - jest coraz bardziej popularna wśród kolekcjonerów na całym świecie. Złota moneta zainaugurowała rok 2010, czyli Rok Chopinowski. W roku 2010 przypada bowiem 200. rocznica urodzin polskiego kompozytora - "poety fortepianu" - Fryderyka Chopina (1810-1849).   Portret Chopina, autor: Eug


1 $, Fryderyk Chopin - 200. rocznica urodzin (1810-1849), 2010 - 1373091725

120,00 zł

1 $, Fryderyk Chopin - 200. rocznica urodzin (1810-1849), 2010 Mennica Polska: Numizmatyka

Kategorie > Srebrne i złote monety świata

Kolekcja: "Wielcy Polacy" Kraj: Niue Island Producent: Mennica Polska Stan zachowania monety: I (menniczy) Nominał: 1 dolar Srebro: Ag 925 Stempel: lustrzany (proof) Średnica: 28,2 mm x 28,2 mm Waga: 14,14 g Nakład: do 6.000 szt. ! Data emisji: 1.03.2010 r. W zestawie: srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska w kapsule ochronnej, certyfikat autentyczności Mennicy Polskiej Pomysł na prezent doskonały! Szlachetne srebro dla kolekcjonerów - prawdziwych koneserów numizmatyki, jak też pasjonatów muzyki! Nowość! Srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska o oryginalnym kształcie. Moneta została wybita z okazji inauguracji Roku Chopinowskiego. Wizerunek słynnego na całym świecie kompozytora wg portretu Eugene Delacroix z 1838 r. Urok klasycznego srebra potęguje blask stempla lustrzanego. Cenny upominek dla miłośników twórczości kompozytora. Niski nakład, limitowana ilość dostępna na polskim rynku. Certyfikat autentyczności dołączony do każdej monety. Srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska to wyjątkowy wyraz hołdu i uznania dla wybitnego kompozytora, jakim był Fryderyk Chopin - "poeta fortepianu" i "talentem świata obywatel". Portret Chopina, autor: Eug


Aron Nimzowitsch 1928-1935 - 2877023882

182,60 zł

Aron Nimzowitsch 1928-1935

Szachy > Książki New In Chess

ChessCafe Book of the Year Finalist! English Chess Federation Book of the Year Finalist! Every chess player who is serious about improving his game, should study the lessons of  Aron Nimzowitsch  (1886-1935). 'My System' (published in 1925) and 'Chess Praxis' (1928) had tremendous impact and made Nimzowitsch one of the most influential chess thinkers of the 20thcentury. His books continue to be printed, sold and read to this day.  During several decades of research, German chess historian  Rudolf Reinhardt  compiled, from an immense variety of sources, all the games Nimzowitsch played after 1928. They are presented with notes by Nimzowitsch himself and, in some cases, by his contemporaries.  In addition to the games, Reinhardt also collected the articles and essays that Nimzowitsch wrote during that period. Reinhardt#8217;s collection starts where Nimzowitsch#8217;s second volume Chess Praxis ends. It offers a unique view of the chess world of the late 1920s and 1930s, its top tournaments and the state of theory.  More importantly, it portrays Nimzowitsch the chess player and author in the last seven years of his short life. It#8217;s all there: the fights, the competitors and the polemics, the theories and teachings, in the incomparable style of the master: pointed, elegant, precise and highly original. Peter Anderberg, Schach Magazine: #8220;If Nimzowitsch had published an additional third part of his two-volume #8216;System#8217; series, he would definitely have used a large part of the material that is collected in this book.#8221; KARL Magazine: #8220;A must for every fan of the great teacher of the Hypermodern.#8221; Michael McGuerty, ChessCafe: "A great collection. It is well worth your time, and you will likely find this more entertaining and instructive than many modern-day publications." Sean Marsh, CHESS Magazine: "A wonderful book. It's a real labor of love containing a veritable bonanza of fresh Nimzowitsch material." The Judges of the ECF Book of the Year Award: "The blurb describes it well: 'The unauthorised sequel to 'My System' and 'Chess Praxis'. A historically valuable book, which also contains much stimulating and opinionated writing that is worth reading today." John D. Warth, Chess Club of Southern Indiana: "Conveys the weight and authrority of a modern classic: an insightful collection of brilliant games that satisfy with every page. This authoritative work deserves a place of prominence on the shelf of every serious student of the game." Matthew Sadler, former British Champion : "A wonderful collection and a joy to read." Rochade Europa Magazine: #8220;The book convinces throughout. Reinhardt#8217;s work will be of vital importance for all future study of Nimzowitsch#8217;s life and career." G ary Lane, British Chess Magazine: "A wonderful collection of Nimzowitsch#8217;s games and thoughts, which is destined to be a chess classic." Max Euwe Centre, Amsterdam: "This book is incredibly complete, a book by a chess lover for other chess lovers. It is full of uniquely annotated games of a technically very gifted player with a absolutely original style." Paul Kane, Manchester Chess Federation: "Chockfull of wonderful chess and is a significant contribution to our understanding of Nimzowitsch#8217;s thought. His personality shines through in both the articles and the annotations, and his profundity is everywhere apparent." Richard Vedder, "I like this book a lot. It is a hefty tome full o f material that we can learn from, also in 2014."


Coaching Transition Play - Full Sessions from the Tactics of Simeone, Guardiola, Klopp, Mourinho & Ranieri - 2867109357

175,66 zł

Coaching Transition Play - Full Sessions from the Tactics of Simeone, Guardiola, Klopp, Mourinho & Ranieri Ltd.

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

This incredible book helps coaches improve their training sessions in the most important phases of the modern game - the transition phases. The best teams in recent years (Simeone's Atlético Madrid, Guardiola's Barcelona & Bayern, Klopp's Dortmund, Mourinho's Real Madrid & Ranieri's Leicester) have been successful largely due to their performance in the transition phases.This book provides analysis of Simeone, Guardiola, Klopp, Mourinho and Ranieri's tactics. Michail Tsokaktsidis is a UEFA 'A' licence coach and has used this analysis to produce 23 full sessions (98 practices) including transition games, game situations and small sided games. You can use these ready-made sessions to practice these top coaches' tactics and find solutions for every tactical situation in the transition from defence to attack and the transition from attack to defence.Analysis and Session Topic Examples: Exploiting Space in the Opposition Half with a Fast Counter Attack Regaining Possession High Up the Pitch Team Shape and Collective Pressing When Possession is LostPractice Examples: Defending in a 4 v 4 Situation and Quick Transition to 4 v 2 Counter Attack High Press and Fast Transition to Attack in an 8 v 8 Tactical Game Defensive Reactions After Finishing an Attack in a Dynamic Transition Game Regaining Possession High Up the Pitch in a 6 Goal GameCoach Quotes on Transition PlayDiego Simeone"I am always enthusiastic and when I came, I said I wanted to rediscover the essence of the club: An Atlético team that was always aggressive,intense, competitive, counter-attacking and fast


Dear Genius - 2876942464

89,93 zł

Dear Genius Harper Collins Publishers

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Ursula Nordstrom, director of Harper's Department of Books for Boys and Girls from 1940 to 1973, is regarded as the single most creative force for innovation in children's book publishing in the United States during the twentieth century. Considered an editor of maverick temperament and taste, she dared to publish groundbreaking, sometimes controversial books for an audience that was used to the often condescending material deemed "appropriate" for children. Her unorthodox vision of what she called "good books for bad children" helped create such classics as Goodnight Moon, Charlotte's Web, Where the Wild Things are, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and the Giving Tree. But it took a lot more than editorial genius to juggle such a diverse roster of talent as Margaret Wise Brown, Shel Silverstein, E. B. White, Maurice Sendak, and John Steptoe; it took immense intuition and a generous heart. Recognizing that artists need emotional as well as financial support, Nordstrom gave to each what she or he needed to thrive and flourish. She could be a best friend, a teacher, a mother, and sometimes even a taskmaster. Most of all, she was always available - ready to talk, to listen, to encourage, and to guide. Leonard S. Marcus has culled an exceptional collection of letters from the HarperCollins archives.


Incredible Doom - 2862231790

73,25 zł

Incredible Doom HarperCollins Publishers Inc

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

"Incredibly strong and not a little disturbing." -Cory Doctorow, author of In Real LifeWelcome to a new age...the age of the internet. Allison is drowning under the weight of her manipulative stage magician father. When he brings home the family's first computer, she escapes into a thrilling new world where she meetings Samir, a like-minded new online friend who has just agreed to run away from home with her. After moving to a new town and leaving all of his friends behind, Richard receives a mysterious note in his locker with instructions on how to connect to "Evol BBS," a dial-in bulletin board system, and meets a fierce punk named Tina who comes into his life and shakes his entire worldview loose. Unlikely alliances, first love, and minor crime sprees abound in this teen graphic novel debut about making connections while your world is falling apart."Perfectly captures the mystery and wonder of the early days of the internet." -Andy Baio, author of and co-founder of XOXO "A rush of love for brave beginnings-of both the early internet and the teens who used it to find themselves and each other." -Eleanor Davis, author of The Hard Tomorrow and How to Be Happy "A compelling story complimented by pleasingly minimal art that skillfully evokes a sense of loneliness and isolation. " -Savanna Ganucheau, co-creator of Bloom "A sharp and authentic wild ride that brought me back to my teenage years as a punk with a dial-up connection." -Kevin Panetta, co-creator of Bloom "A poignant and often hilarious reminder that technology is at its best when it's easing the ache of loneliness and bringing people together." -Jeff Zentner, Morris Award-winning author of The Serpent King


Galactic Federations, Councils & Secret Space Programs - 2870661223

121,79 zł

Galactic Federations, Councils & Secret Space Programs LIGHTNING SOURCE INC

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

Although the development of nuclear weapons by different countries was one of the reasons why extraterrestrial civilizations began visiting Earth in the World War II era, a more significant and far-reaching explanation exists. However, the truth was not shared for decades due to its disturbing nature. Only today do we know the whole truth. The Earth had become the epicenter of a temporal war involving a future galactic tyranny, whose origins lay in a secret agreement reached by Nazi Germany with a group of extraterrestrials called Draco Reptilians. This agreement resulted in establishing a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that soon gave birth to the nefarious Dark Fleet (Nachtwaffen), which aligned itself with the Draco


Rhymes and Doodles from a Wind-Up Toy - 2875798886

80,79 zł

Rhymes and Doodles from a Wind-Up Toy Park Place Press

Książki / Literatura obcojęzyczna

RHYMES and DOODLES from A WIND-UP TOY 978-0-9886784-0-8 by Martha Sears West (Cloth with Jacket) Also available in paperback 978-0-9886784-4-6 for $13.95. Debut author West is called by ForeWord Review a "sister in rhymes" with Shel Silverstein, A.A. Milne, and Ogden Nash. Here she offers some 80 whimsical poems that delight children and grown-ups alike. Why a Wind-up Toy? Because long after bedtime for a sleepless year, the wide-ranging subjects danced in her head, refusing to leave and winding West into nightly, sprightly spree. 6.14 x 9.21. Fully illustrated. 90 pp. (Available now) Reviews: ForeWord Reviews ' Karen McCarthy writes that West "focuses on the joy and magic of childhood, and how adults can retain a childlike sense of wonder. All [West's poems] are composed with flawless rhythms and inspired rhymes...This book is an absolute delight." The book is for children as well as adults, agrees West's grandson, age 12: "Wow, it's great! And it's not even stupid or anything." Connie Bennion of Half Moon Bay, California, writes that "West has the gifts that I choose for our private library: Wisdom, Wit, Truth, Tenderness, Clever turns, Laugh-out-loud surprise lines, Gentle touches...and delicious art work. The world is going to wonder where Martha Sears West has been." Biographical Note: As a child in Bethesda, Maryland, West used to lie in a pile of leaves with pencil and paper, trying to compose poems of profound incomprehensibleness. She was so successful that she couldn't understand them herself. She now prefers crafting rhymes that she can understand, and that make others smile. She hopes the occasional reader will chortle, "Aha!"-possibly out loud, and in a library. West is married to a man named Steve who has cheered her on in many endeavors, including being a full-time mother. When she was in her fifties, he made many a peanut butter sandwich while she was earning a B.A. in linguistics from the University of Maryland. Love and admiration for friends and family inspire many of the thoughts Martha Sears West shares. She writes under the motto "Clean, Kind World." Genesis of book: Rhymes and Doodles began primarily as a book of rhymes for grownups. But as the author-a mother of three and grandmother of 10-began playing with the words, she couldn't keep a lid on her childish glee, nor could she refrain from doodling in what once were empty margins. Packed with surprises for people of all ages, these fanciful rhymes entertain without being edgy. They will make you laugh and cry. Warning: Expect to break out in rhyme yourself upon exposure! A properly placed bookmark can personalize Rhymes and Doodles for many interests, making it an ideal gift. Publisher Marketing: Targeted nationa


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